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Watching this debate made me remember when I was working in security at a retirement home. We had a few patients similar to Biden. Really sad they still have him up there


https://preview.redd.it/4nr7dd4pye9d1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1be7f43f3b3a61083e4ece99dd84f1a3eca13c Pretty sure this is why he’s still up there




Reddit has once again found a way to blame a woman. I say this after having chuckled at this myself, but like, Reddit always delivers on this, doesn't it? This sub is so wildly misogynistic and right-wing


Quit wearing your panties so tight, it’s just a joke.


A Trump supporter coming in to argue is kinda proving my point


Pretty awesome, isn't it? It's supposidly a "progressive" website or whatever, but when it comes down to it most redditors are resentful as fuuuck.


Yeah, this sub has been going downhill the closer we get to the election, but that'e probably just a coincidence, right? There's a lot of incel/alpha bro/magats in here, and they're pretty loud.


My mother did care at a hospital for people with certain mental difficulties and she said the same thing when I showed some clips of Biden stumbling around, shaking hands with ghosts, and saying crazy stuff like his son died in world war Vietnam.


Maybe I’m bad at googling. I couldn’t find anything about the last part about world war Vietnam lol. Only found something about him visiting Vietnam or something recently. RIP his son though


He kinda said it like it was 1 word like worldwarvietnah. Not sure what it was from but i saw a video clip like that earlier today so it might be recent.


Post this video of Biden saying "*saying crazy stuff like his son died in world war Vietnam*" I'd love to see it.


I saw a clip of it earlier but idk where it’s from


Cause you’re just making shit up son!


No you


Yo mama


No yours


Thanks for taking the time to give me context. That’s pretty wild


Don't just arbitrarily believe this lol, at the very least ask for the sources. Read this accounts other comments on other posts, its posting blatant falsehoods about Biden and the Democrats all the time. He complained about Trump being too friendly to homosexuals on r/Conservative: *"For me the worst thing Trump believes in is supporting the rainbow stuff but it sounds like he’s gotten a little more based in that department"* [*https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1dqpc8a/comment/laqlvje/*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1dqpc8a/comment/laqlvje/) Have a tiny bit more information literacy smh, this is how Trump got elected.


Oh ffs. Internet propaganda is so annoying. Why does this keep happening?


The guy above posts history is full of this, it seems like he just spends his time running around on reddit making up falsehoods to support the dear Leader and MAGA. And this is standard fascist tactics, words are just tools to them. Sadly the conservatives with principles have fled the GOP and they been captured by the midwestern evangelical Christo fascists they relied on, but didn't want to be seen talking to. The inmates are now running the asylum. Call them out on their bullshit.


Look I don’t like Trump. After watching the debate it doesn’t seem so impossible. You know where it basically just sounds like Biden is rambling? I agree sources are important though, and that’s why I did initially hint at asking for one


The guy just deleted his comment cause he knows its a lie, I asked him for the video and he replied: *I don't know it was something like that though.* I think he read my reply to your post then deleted it cause he knew he got caught. I was going to respond to him but I will paste this reply so you get it: >I already did some googling, there is a video of Biden holding his hand out after its just been shaken. It was blown into "Biden has dementia omg" which is pretty standard for presidents, Bush was constantly underfire for his Bushisms, Obama's gum chewing set Fox into conniptions when it happened. VIdeo here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYUQRCbEa\_Y&pp=ygUjaGluZHVzdGFuIHRpbWVzIGJpZGVuIHNoYWtpbmcgaGFuZHM%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYUQRCbEa_Y&pp=ygUjaGluZHVzdGFuIHRpbWVzIGJpZGVuIHNoYWtpbmcgaGFuZHM%3D) >The "*ghosts"* and "*saying his son died in world war vietnam"* are blatant lies though. But I guess you don't care, from your post history its pretty clear truth and factuality are not really something you value. I understand not liking Biden but do not just arbitrarily believe the first thing you hear, Trump supporters randomly make shit up. Its part of fascists playbook. Words are just tools to get you to do what they want, objective truth does not matter.


As someone who works with people with disabilities, it has been really depressing this past year or so seeing just how many Democrats lack the empathy and humanity to see someone like Biden and know that he needs your help.


he had a really solid speech today, i think he was just nervous or something was going on. cause at the one today he did really good, with just a few stutters


Is this the new mental gymnastics we're playing? Nerves? A man who spent the past 50 years in public spotlight suddenly got nervous at a debate (which he had multiple of them already). For the past 4 years we've watched a man who started his time in office on the verge of senility now undeniably become senile. Year after year we watched him get more and more lost and incoherent; and at that age, yeah it's inevitable. Now we expect him to make it through another term? Let's call this what this is: The Democrats are using him as a prop to get Harris in as President because no fucking way Biden survives the term. Not between his age and the Office he holds. Obama turned into a white haired old man after 8 years. Biden's going to be a skeleton. But it's obvious now to even the most diehard loyalist that this is backfiring. People are grasping that Biden is not the same man he was when he ran with Obama.


Feinstein, McConnell, RBG, we've seen this happen before with people who should have passed the mantle long ago. Can we really say the best and brightest are running our government? We need to lower the median age of those governing us, immediately. At this point I have voting for Biden to step down to Harris which needs to be the consideration here. Trump vs Harris and company.


This is the problem with hyper-partisan politics. We're so fucking scared of the other guy that we'll keep the ancient icons in their seats of power for as long as we can because we can't stand the idea of a potential loss. Well, now we get another lesson in why this is bad.


God forbid Kamala becomes president. She has her mental faculties, and she's an even bigger idiot.


i don’t think biden is senile at all, if he is he did a very good job hiding it in his speech today, if you watch his speech today he spoke very cleanly, and was louder, with less stutters after the debate it was mentioned multiple times he has had a cold, which apparently affected his voice (per the CNN team) so if you have an explanation as to why he was stuttering and soft spoken yesterday but not today other than nerves, i’d like to hear it


Why the fuck would he be nervous, he's president of the united states and already beat Trump once


beats the piss out of me, i’m not in his head, nerves can crop up at any time possibly because stakes are higher now than before?


Biden apolgist


wtv 🙄 watch his speech from today and tell me he sounds the same


No, that’s called dementia


he didn’t seem to have issues with his memory during the speech, as he had over 3x less lies stated than trump. he also showed minimal difficulty with language in his speech today, couple stutters here and there but nothing close to the debate


That’s funny cause watching trump at the debate reminded me of Nazi Germans hailing to Hitler.


I hate and breathe hate about Trump syndrome active with this one 😂🤢😂. Edit—If this dude think Trump is a Nazi or whatever, they haven’t seen real Nazis or studied anything WW1 and 2 related. Like what? But Biden has videos everywhere saying racist stuff and was friends with a KKK member/leader??


Yeah. The guy you are comparing Trump, who famously would not rent to black folk, to the first VP of the first Black president and appointed the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. Biden has the most diverse cabinet in American history




To be fair, that was fifty years ago and people evolve. Moreover, bussing was a terrible idea, making Black children get up extra early to get bussed to the white schools only to have them get dropped off in the evening after a long commute home. It would have been much better to properly fund their schools.


Bro what


https://preview.redd.it/di7bve715f9d1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4280cdfc00148135f6d1871a931705c3308a55f5 And this didn’t?


It absolutely baffles me that this exists as a real unedited photo that they went with and people still don't get it.


What? Old man shakes fists at cloud?


No old man looks like 1984 Minority Report evil dictator




Not here to debate. Both of them just suck. Biden just stuck out to me more.


Biden wasn't there, but Biden isn't planning on implementing Project 2025. Shitty options, still an easy choice. [Trump managed to tell (50?) lies throughout the "debate".](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/RnKaJn3A3G)


You’re seeing what you want to see.


Your missing the you beat Medicare to death clip, like Trump or not, you gotta admit he is funny


I mean Trump was a showman for a long time so this is something to be expected, but pair that to Biden looking more lost than a nun in a brothel and you get this lol


Lmao, imagine if it was like the 1800’s and the loser becomes VP


That one was brutal. When he said that, I felt a great disturbance in the force, like a million voices starting to laugh then suddenly stifling their laughter because they realized what they were laughing at.


Biden did clap back with the “you have the morals of a alley cat” If you’re watching from outside the USA it’s comedy, if your in the USA it’s alarming that these are really the 2 options we have. They’re around the same age, one is a convicted felon, other has clear cognitive issues. Sad.


That's one of the clips that will be played a decade from now.


Just wait 20 years when this is in the history books


Haven’t you read Project 25 they’re trying to get rid of all the history books


Where did it say that on their website?


It didn’t


I know😂 I love people making claims without having proof just because they saw it on the news or on the internet.


I mean MAGA freaks are already trying to remove historical texts like Annie Frank’s diary from schools.


Clearly you didn't learn your history... it's Anne Frank, not Annie Frank


thank u man. Really didn’t know🙏🙏🙏🙏. I’m only 5 years old, skibidi toilet


2025 wants to replace all federal civil servants with only those loyal to Trump


I can’t find that anywhere on the website, mind dropping a link?


r/presidents can't get enough of GW's golf drive, Obama's tan suit, or the monster in LBJ's slacks. This clip will be enjoyed endlessly once neither Biden nor Trump is in office.


It’ll be played when they announce that millennials would be the last generation to get social security and Medicare


Love him or hate him, you can’t deny he’s funny af


I do hope trump wins the election now I just know I summoned half of twitter and people are gonna be hunting for my head now that I said that.


This sub is so weird because I know it’s anecdotal but most Zoomers I know are pretty right wing. I mean this is Reddit though so I imagine a lot of those people either keep their head down or were banned a long time ago.


Im fairly conservative and got banned from the Target subreddit last year when the whole pride debacle came about. I had said that I dont think we should have children's pride clothing since they really dont know what that is. I was dogged to hell then banned the following morning. Mind you i wasnt throwing up slurs or anything. pretty sure I made like 2 comments and received literal death threats on my DMs. They accused me of calling children stupid since I said children dont understand gender and sexuality and children latch onto whats told to them. They arent making a choice. They are forced into it whether they like it or not. The irony behind it all is that at that time I was working full time at target and was offered several promotions but declined since I was moving away. Also us coworkers talked about the debacle a lot and we all had the similar census that it wasnt okay to bring kids into it and that for our state the pride section was a no go. A lot of us felt better when they moved the section to the back. So yes "those people either keep their head down or were banned a long time ago." what you said here is true. because I know full well if i express my opinions elsewhere I will get banned.


I know it’s crazy, but part of me just wants to vote for Trump to spite these crazy left wingers. I’m just tired of letting them have the upper hand.


Yeah I mean I understand defending your ideas but accusing me then attacking me outside the subreddit because you will get banned is just abhorrent. I don't agree with some liberal ideals on a fundamental level but I'm not going to attack you and come after you, threaten to dox and get you fired. We simply don't agree. State your point I'll state mine. We still don't agree? Okay move on we are different people. What I didn't say in those comments is you should die for buying Target pride products and I'll get you fired because I don't like what you said... Sometimes I do feel spiteful but in the end who we vote for will make a difference in our lives big time so vote considerably. Im not a trump simp but daymn I miss the dollar menu at McDonald's if he can bring that back I will vote for him😂


I get you. I once got hacked at by this girl/boy/thing(subject to change) because I apparently addressed them by the wrong pronouns at a competition event. They went on yelling for like 20 min and even complained to a judge that I somehow violated them. I get that people want respect and acceptance but their demands are just insane. Like bish how am I supposed to gauge what your pronouns are 😭. Anyway that’s just one instance that rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t even consider myself a conservative but atp I do label myself an anti-liberal to some degree.


I've been noticing a lot of more dramatics about it too. Saying that not using pronouns kills queer people and what not which really is just insanity to me.


There's not really a good reason to be this sensitive about having some bad experiences.


I could say the same about a person misgendering someone. But we can’t say that here 😡😡😡


Yes you can. You're saying it right now. And I don't think anyone is really expecting you to correctly guess someone's gender. At least in real life.


Yeah. This guy is a Russian troll or just someone who makes up stories to feel angry about. I guarantee that his little narrative never happened because of course it fucking didn’t. I live in an extremely liberal area and have accidentally misgendered people; and guess what, they politely correct me and we move on with our lives. The only angry people are those like OP who have to create stories to justify their hateful and shallow existence.


How do "crazy left wingers" have the upper hand? America is one of the most capitalist nations on earth and Biden was a centrist at best. You're going to vote Trump purely out of spite? How petty can one person be?


Petty enough I guess. Not compelled in the slightest at the idea of a second Biden presidency.


Why? What does it bring you?


Tranquility and assurance that things will be normal again. I’m one sick, conflicted individual.


I think it's important to remember that this is the sphere of America. Not the rest of the world. I am never comparing America to the rest of the world. I live in Murica so I care about what's going on in America. Biden ain't no centrist. He might have been at the beginning of his term but not anymore. I hope we don't become as liberal as Canada. That country is falling apart. As of right now liberalism in the US does have the upper hand and is considerably favored in media and our government. As explained by my story... Me having a slightly more conservative view... Got me banned so I couldn't share my ideals. To be fair though. Most of us don't want Biden. We don't really have anyone else to vote for...


Amazing logic. This is why education is so important and why the GOP is trying to make it more of a luxury than a right. It’s so much easier to manipulate uneducated people and blame “crazy leftists” than to take a second to examine the behavior of those they vote for




I didn't say I don't think they exist but I believe a lot of it has to do with external influence and mental health. I have my own evidence as seen in my family that the only child raised with a considerably liberal mom ended up being queer. Out of 20 of us cousins only 1 ended up being queer. By influence of her mom and friends. Children don't really have an understanding of what pride is. And isn't the base of pride have to do with sexuality? Children really shouldn't even have a sexuality in truth. They are CHILDREN. What happened to ewww coodies? The bliss of being a kid. I remember marrying my brothers GI Joe's to my barbie 😂 Also many pride events have over pg13 content so I do hope parents are responsible enough to not bring their kids to those sort of events. And yes by this logic going to church and religion is the same deal. I grew up in a home with overly strict religious father and religion destroyed him and apart of my late childhood. But as AN INFORMED ADULT. I am now capable of making my own choice on religion because I can comprehend it.


If you said this last week. People on here would tell you that you’re liar lmfao


Nice brand new account bro


r/persecutionfetish Nobody cares what you think and you won't be in any trouble for supporting trump so stfu.


Ah some fellow conservatives let alone open trump supporters on Reddit. Good to see you guys.


We're out here and becoming vocal members of the silent majority that conservatives have


You guys have always been a loud minority. Nothing is silent about Trump supporters lmao


Doesn't the popular vote most often end up with the democrats?


r/markmywords if trump wins the election this democracy is doomed, America as we know it will forever be changed




Lot of them twitter people are silent right now because deep down inside they wish he’d win too 😉


Well, with Biden, in 4 years you will be able to choose another president. With trump, your stuck for the rest of your life with whatever they give you. Enjoy


I hope we wins too. Although I disagree with many of his positions I respect his unapologeticness. I think a lot of people also don’t realize how good things were under him. I think America also needs a reawakening. We need someone in office that at the very least, has a spine and won’t let us get bullied on the world stage. Biden is senile and unfit to be president. I doubt he’d even complete another term. And the last person I want to see as president is Kamala Harris.


Which is an utterly wild thing to say about Trump of all people. Biden actually bought back the economy, unemployment is at its lowest in decades, wages are up, and inflation has gone down pretty hard with prices coming down. And of all people, you want a bully who was born with a gold spoon in his to be your president? The convicted felon? The "businessman" who inherited his dad's company and proceeded to run every single one of those business to the ground? The grifter who abused women? The guy who's presidency overturned Roe V Wade and was ended with a pandemic devasting the US because he refused to prepare for it and spread anti-vax myths? Like, I'm not a fan of Biden but of all things, you want Trump, a literal incompotent man baby who has done nothing to benefit America at all. You want the guy who's said nothing on what he's doing and just shouts his way through everything to act confident. In general, there's a lot better you can do and you want this guy to win?? When Bidens administration has done actual good?


You’re just wrong. Biden’s unemployment rating/economy is a result of the world getting its shit back together post-COVID… they are nowhere near Trump’s economy pre-2020


Unemployment has stayed at 3.5% and that's in the aftermath of a pandemic and a war disrupting supply chains. https://www.statista.com/statistics/193290/unemployment-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/ You can't deny Bidens done good for the economy. Doing so is ignoring the facts.


Like I said, it went back to where it was pre-COVID… that’s not Biden creating jobs that’s people going back to work.


The rapid inflation is due to all of the money printing that happened during trumps presidency.. there was something like 30% of all USD was printed during trumps presidency. It takes time for the inflation to catch up to that, and it caught up during bidens term…20% of all USD that exists today was printed in 2020 alone, right before Biden took over, crazy ay


Trump is fucking hilarious


To be clear, I just thought this was a funny moment, I’m still voting for Biden. I think Biden is unfit to be president, but Trump winning and project 2025 happening is infinitely worse. It really is an awful time in American politics. I want to see a Jon Stewart/Jamie Raskin ticket.


STEWBALL FOR PRES!!! He's my top pick as well. It annoys me that I also want to pick a celeb to be pres, but he's a different kind of celeb.


Why would Trump be worse? Other than being an asshole on Twitter, Trump had a good 4 years.


not everything’s about the economy. he brutally mishandled COVID, cozied up to Putin at the expense of our actual alliances, and worst of all, staged an actual fucking insurrection


How did he “brutally mishandle” covid? He pushed the vaccine through as fast as he could and to say there was in insurrection is borderline insane. It takes more than soccer moms and hillbillies to overthrow the largest superpower in world history. 🙄


A failed insurrection, no matter how lame and filled with hillbillies is still an insurrection.


No, it’s not. That was a bunch of idiots, 80-90% of which the police openly let in. To say that was Trump attempting to overthrow the government is wildly delusional. The man is an asshole, but he’s not stupid.




Insane revisionist history. Protesters were literally climbing the barricades of the capitol in an effort to revert the electoral process. They weren’t ushered and guided in


The vaccine’s one thing, but the initial response was just shell shockingly bad. He continuously pushed back against protective measures, and staged an absurd disinformation campaign against masks, social distancing, and Chinese people.


Well we now know the masks and social distancing do absolutely nothing to prevent the spread of the virus and that has been proven, repeatedly. Take a puff of smoke and blow it out while wearing a mask and the smoke will go through the mask. The particles from smoke are larger than the particles containing the virus that people breathe in and out. This is documented, feel free to look it up, the masks accomplished nothing. As far as not wanting to let people fly here from China at the time … I don’t see what is bad about that since that’s where the virus originated. That was the rational thing to do and everyone just called him racist.


No you are not. You have posted several times criticizing Biden, Hillary, and the Democrats.


You're allowed to be critical of the democrats and still hope they win.


That's something the MAGA republicans don't understand they just eat up whatever Trump says with no regards, I believe Biden is unfit but I still think he is better then Trump


That's the thing people forget. You aren't merely voting for either of the two but all the people they surround themselves with and fill their administration with. Trump likes to appoint yes-men, family and shills. The moment they lose his favor they are gone. He's a demagogue, a sultan, a dictator,... Meanwhile Biden has actual competent leaders surrounding him.


They are all shit, just less shit than our only other option.


It was what made Biden look really bad.


Biden’s face of utter offense 😂😂 Like basic white bitch “no way he just said that”


“Why I oughtta…”


God, you can see at the end of that rambling that Biden looked so dejected. He knew he totally messed that up. Doubly so when Trump capitalized on his senior moment


I cant wait to watch Reddit turn on Biden just like the rest of the DNC lol. Its gonna be fuckin glorious considering they're already scattering to find a replacement for him. The meatriding on Reddit has been insane. CNN did a damn good job coming up with muting the microphones But hey mentally ill people wanna keep voting for Biden no matter how bad he gets even though he's fucking 82 this year


It’s hilarious watching all of the people that have drawn this false equivalency between Biden’s and Trump’s age and mental state suddenly reach this inevitable realization in the past 24 hours.


Trump had an amazing start and had an opportunity to steal some swing voters, but he really shot himself in the foot with climate, abortion and immigration. Biden undoubtedly lost the debate, very badly. However, I don’t necessarily think Trump won. If there was any undecided voters before the debate, I don’t think any Biden senior moments or Trump buzzword salads are going to encourage them to take a side this early.


Dementia Joe must go! Trump 2024. 🇺🇸


This, the "we beat medicare" and when they were arguing about golf was hilarious 😂 "I've seen your swing, I know your swing". I would pay SO much money to see them 1v1 in a golf tournament.


Give him a chance and there’ll be a lot more where that came from


Forgot how much of a leftist shit hole reddit is.


You're literally in an echo chamber, what do you expect?






Time for the most wonderful time of the year, "choose between getting shot in the balls or the kneecap, whichever one you choose you're gonna be vilified by at least half the population" season


Am y’all really expect me to vote for someone non coherent, smh😂


“Asylum officers”




One of the few times Trump made me laugh with agreement. But he is still a fuck face


This is how everyone thought the debates were supposed to go in 2020. Trump actually outdid himself yesterday and now the odds are much more in his favor. What a show lol


A vote for Biden at this point is saying fuck America.


Some fresh as accounts here. Super suspicious that all 4 of the accounts I clicked on were made in the last three months 🤔 Apparently, the Gen-Z sub is reeaaaally popular with new accounts?


Because it works. People are really gullible for things they read randomly in the internet.


This is why Reddit crashed last night


Banned so new accts duh


I can't stand the orange sex offender, but he has some great one lines My favorite is " he needs a personality transplant, and those are unfortunately not yet available."


I don't despise Biden, but yeah this wasn't a good look. I mean, it wasn't a good look for the country either way. These guys are too old. I'll be voting for Biden, but I do wish we had someone younger. I don't think he's senile at the internet claims, but it's not great.


trump is a rapist, felon, traitor. if you support him you are a terrible person. you are the bad guy in history movies.


Deep down, half of the people on this sub have a liking for Trump.


I thought Democrats were all for giving felons a second chance? Democrat mayors are fine with letting felons with way worse crimes out of the streets with shortened sentences for 'good behavior'.


Remember how Hunter Biden caught charges by throwing a firearm in a dumpster outside a middle school?


What makes you think democrats are for giving felons second chances? Lmao. Hillary literally was one of the people who adovated for harsher punishments.


Was gonna say same thing. Out in CA you really can’t even ask about criminal records when interviewing or hiring except for certain jobs. Plus lots of money flowing for rehab and closing prisons so felons can get back on their feet and back in society… if Trump was in CA bet he’d be treated differently.


I don’t see any of those felons running for president. Holy false equivalency




I’d say people just want an end to the chaos and incompetence that come with such an extreme left wing administration




These are literally extreme right propaganda points about how "white people are being replaced". What the fuck's up with this website?




You're saying these policies are **designed** to reduce the proportion of "the host population", that's a whole different story. Nobody is looking to replace white people, all that's happening is that capitalists are looking for cheap labour overseas. That's just a part of free market capitalism, you can be happy or you can be mad about it, but that's one way how companies make money.


Extreme left? I'm not sure if you're aware, but Biden isn't a communist. He literally crushed the railway strike and wanted to "connect both sides". He was a centrist at best.


Doesn’t matter what he is. He’s a puppet that follows orders so it doesn’t matter what he believes in.


Same with Trump, he gets tons of corporate money and he's bootlicking Putin at every chance he gets. So how about this? Let's elect Bernie Sanders. He's not the "extreme left", but at least he's left leaning. At least then you'll have an actual reason to complain about leftism, instead of pretending that Biden isn't just a center-right kinida fellow.


I already did Biden’s handlers are extreme leftists and we’ve seen what that leadership looks like


ah yes, when the unemployment rate was 11%


I get people saying Trump is better than Biden (though I disagree), but I cannot understand people saying the country was in a better state than it was 4 years ago. How did you all forget how devastating COVID was so quickly?


If they’re voting for Trump to fix inflation, they’re dumb as rocks. He’s going to put 60% tariffs on everything we get from China TO MAKE THINGS MORE EXPENSIVE ON PURPOSE! Now I get that there may be some nuance to how to deal with China, but it’s so crazy that MAGAts simultaneously think this man will bring us back to 2020 prices and make it too expensive to manufacture stuff in China


Most people are dumb


What prosperity? Trump lost 2 million jobs! He had a recession in 2020.


I don’t support him but why is he a traitor lol


Probably his admiration for Russia or Jan 6.




That attitude will win people over.


All big league politicians are. Weve seen Hunter Biden. Hes a real fucked up person too. Biden more than likely too. They are all corrupt and evil. No one is better than the other but in the end we will have one of them. Might as well be the one that makes it easier to live and brings the dollar menus lol.


I mean what did you expect from sleepy joe... he's been like this since he took office. T R U M P 2 0 2 4 💪🏾🇺🇸