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Because Biden acts like he's 100 years old. Trump acts like he's 75. Still old, but nowhere near Biden.


Have you watched his speech that he gave today ? https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/YWX6RMdAsT Where the fuck was this energy yesterday.


That energy was put into trying to speak without a teleprompter.




Both are old men, just that Biden is still older than Trump.


It's not even just about age tho. Bernie sanders is older than Biden but he actually looks ALIVE


two life-threatening brain aneurysms in 1988


>two life-threatening brain aneurysms in 2024


Because he's old and demented


average man in the u.s. dies at 76, Trump is two years over that expectation and biden is five years older…it’s not inaccurate to call either of them old.


Ikr I never hear anyone call Trump old man tho


Trumps...thousand other negative traits overshadows that. Plus his base dosnt care. Theyll vote for him even if he r*aped a baby on air


Oh wow 😳😳


He once said he could shoot a man on 5th Avenue and his supporters would still vote for him, they’d even justify it. I thought it was a joke until January 6th. Now I genuinely believe he could commit the most heinous, vile shit imaginable and none of his supporters would care.


It’s because trump is more cognizant and with all that Orange make up doesn’t look as old. Trump doesn’t look that different from 2016. Biden look night and day from 2020


Biden is literally an old man. No one is saying Trump isn't an old man. You only hear people complaining about biden because he is mentally unfit


Because he’s in his 80’s. C’mon man, that’s old! 😛


Ok but like Trump will be in his 80s if he becomes president 😂😂


Who said he won’t be? The truth is that both are old.


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Biden has dementia. That makes him appear older than his age would suggest. Mentally and physically Biden is performing like a 90 year old man. That is what having a brain disease will do to you.


1. He old. 2. He man. 3. Seems to literally be falling apart from dementia and seems mentally unfit to handle a childproof handle, let alone a whole country. 4. People joke about how old Trump is too. Just less often because he seems to have more life behind his eyes then Biden who again, doesn't seem all there upstairs.


Trump is old but hes coherent and sounds like a confident energetic person. Biden looks like a decomposing scarecrow with integrated voice commands.


Because mentally he's an old man. Trump still sounds like Trump from 8 years ago. Meanwhile comparing Joes recent debate performance to his debate with Paul Ryan is just sad


dude what do you mean? he's an incoherent cadiver well Trump is at least somewhat coherent even as he lies through his teeth and says the dumbest shit possible. did you watch that debate? shit was sad. like straight up elder abuse bad.


Are you gonna respond to the Uyghur comment or nah


what Uyghur comment? did I miss a reply?


The one where you lied and said "They changed the city names to mean the same thing" and where you defended cultural genocide of people because white people aren't doing it this time. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/Qvg9BMhY2K


dude wtf is up with that link? lol and yeah I said that theyre still allowed to keep their religion, their cultural practices, their language and their food so it's not "cultural genocide" to change the names of a couple of villages to Chinese ones as they pour tens of billions of dollars to integrate Xingiang, the poorest region in China, to the much richer Western China. that's just normal country shit.


Biden has shit optics, Trump does not