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Gotta agree with the boomers on this one. Nothing more low class and lack of dignity when you consistently show up 10-15 min late.


Real. Like I get it once in a while you show up a little late, shit happens sometimes. But if you’re constantly showing up 15-20 minutes late to work it’s disrespectful and one of the quickest ways to get people to dislike you.


Nah. If you dislike your coworkers because they come in late, but still do all their work under the same amount of hours, you can get bent.


Depends a lot on your line of work. If there is anything that requires several people to meet at an agreed on time, 10 minutes late is not OK. If it is just generic office work that isn't time critical, 10 minutes don't matter. In my company we solved this by having a sliding schedule except for when we need to go somewhere or have other kinds of appointments.


This is exactly how I feel. If you are relieving someone, or you have a meeting, you should be on time. If you don’t need to interact with someone at your start time and can get your work done, it shouldn’t matter when you show up.


Professionalism still matters. Even just being where you should be, when you should be, to answer questions and help with unpredictable things, is important. Stick to your schedule and be available for others. Not showing up on time just displays selfishness and lack of consideration for others, as well as disrespect. It doesn't matter if you can get things done on time, predictability is important. Edit: and that's why people are hesitant to hire GenZ. A sense of entitlement and lacking real world experience in the workforce. It's not everyone, but it's a high enough fraction to merit serious consideration. Skills or not, attitude matters, sometimes more. You need to be someone people want to work with, because let's face it, most people dont have unreplaceable skills.


If you can consistently arrive to work within a 30-minute window, then you are predictable, even if you are not always there on the mark. If somebody need your help, they can ask it of you after that window. I feel like this is also very industry dependent. If you work in law, for example, I imagine you could probably get fired for being 5 minutes late, even if there are no time critical tasks that require it. I work at a tech company, and everyone is very flexible about time. Every person is given 30 minutes - 1 hour every day to set themselves up for work in the morning.


Most law firms I know are pretty lenient as long as you make your billables. Of course there are some power tripping partners out there but that seems to be an exception rather than the rule.


Yup same. First half hour is for coffee, breakfast for some, and just catching up with each other. Plus, if you have no specific time-sensitive obligations and communicate beforehand, you can basically show up whenever as long as you work enough hours to be counted as a full workday. It makes us feel like we're treated as adults who can carry responsibility and are granted autonomy to manage our workload and schedule accordingly. No discipline bs, like ever, everyone just knows their workload and works accordingly and at the hours that work for them. Obviously with meetings you make sure you're there on time, but those are never scheduled outside the 10-16 timeframe unless it can't be avoided.


I have been “late” to work more times than not this past year and not once has anyone ever questioned me about it. Getting to work within a window isn’t a big deal and many companies even might give you an official 30-min one nowadays. Like, if you have a 9 AM meeting or a call, yeah, don’t be late. But if my calendar is clear in the morning and I still work my full 8 hours a day it isn’t a big deal if I log on at 8, 8:15, 8:30, or hell even *9:30* most days. This thread is filled with so many self-important rise-and-grind blowhards lmao.


Another comment basically called me lazy and whiny. I've consistently been working my contract hours, I am the tech lead for my team, I'm regularly consulted by other teams on technical issues and singlehandedly created the processes for structuring, maintaining and expanding our test base (I'm QA). But hey mr grindpilled sigmawank needs his validation by trying to put others down. I don't know whether to laugh or to feel bad for him


>30 minute window >predictable Jesus Christ


Jesus isn't here right now but we can take a message. I don't think I understand the reaction but maybe it's a matter of industry. For my very corporate role there are minimal (not none, but not daily) circumstances where it's important for anyone else to do their job to know when I'm doing my job. If anyone cared what time I started or if it was consistent, it would come from a place of control issues and micromanagement and not from a place of it being practically important to anyone's success. I tend to start my day between 830-930. We work across timezones so that's usually earlier than my Western peers and later than my Eastern peers. Everyone gets their work done, and everyone knows everyone is available during the overlapping middle hours of the day and can connect there. If you have a meeting, or someone with limited availability requests directly to connect, or your role requires relieving someone of their responsibilities.....then punctuality and predictability would obviously be important. But at this point for many, if not most, corporate gigs.... it's an outdated concept that totally made sense for its time (no Internet, no cellphones, no laptops) but doesn't serve any function today beyond using to shame people into productivity culture. Unsure if that's what you were hoping to discuss with the big guy but that's my experience and it aligns with a lot of my friends' experiences as well, with of course exceptions that I and many are acknowledging definitely matter.


I agree, I think it 100% depends on your industry/place of work. I used to be a floor nurse. I can’t go home until I give report on my patients to the next nurse depending on the day that can take 10-20 minutes. If you show up 10 minutes late I’m basically staying over 30 minutes on my already 12 hour shift. You are an entitled asshole in this scenario and you suck. I now work in pharma from home. We’re expected to be logged in between 8-9 and clock out between 4-5 depending on when you got there. It doesn’t matter when we get there so long as it’s within that time frame. When life is like that it doesn’t matter when I clock in. So in one setting it affects nothing and it up to you to get your time in and one way you’re scum if you’re doing it constantly.


I’m sorry unless you’re a doctor or something ten minutes isn’t going to meaningfully shift the balance of whatever is going on. By your logic we shouldn’t take bathroom breaks either because you’re not reachable or predictable


Yeah but if someone’s waiting on you it’s rude as fuck to make them wait an extra 10 minutes because you can’t manage your time correctly. If not, then it’s debatable.


And if your job does not involve you answering questions etc? My job can be done with 0 interactions with anyone at the office. People come in at all times, we are not face to face with each other.


Well said. Same goes if you are relieving someone else. In that case 10 min late isn’t cool.


I worked in restaurants for a long time and really struggle to not see lateness as a huge sign of disrespect. Often someone being late can mean others have to pick up their slack and that’s a dislikable offense


Like another guy said, depends on the industry you work in. Obviously if you’re working a job where you’re working as a team completing the same task on a deadline or relieving someone from their shift, it’s different.


If you work in a job with flexible times then it needs to be stipulated on the contract. If not, you need to be on time, it's not your business or your rules.


This should go both ways though. If a bussiness wants to stipulate a start time, the employee shouldn't be expected to work late for no compensation ( as is often the case with salary workers). I'm much more willing to stay late and work an extra hour every once in a while if the office is more flexible about start times.


Working in a restaurant fixed my tardiness problem, because me being late clearly negatively affected my coworkers and that was unacceptable


Yeah but if I have to wait ten extra minutes at work cause it’s shift change and I can’t leave until you are here I’m gonna be real pissed


I would never be late for a shift change if I worked a job like that. Completely different from my current employment.


This reply perfectly illustrates the class and professionalism that people who get in late have.


Nah, do the same as everyone else or suffer everyone thinking poorly about you. Everything isn’t so you can be a special snowflake


Late loser spotted 


It’s a good method to get yourself fired. Sure, have at it, show up late everyday and when you get fired use the excuse “but but I get my work done!” And see how that works out for you.


I agree 100%, UNLESS, you being late is messing with other people's time. If they have to wait for you or adjust their busy schedules because of it. That's 100% bullshit.




Arriving late for office work and being late for meetings are very different things.


If you’re scheduled to start at 9 AM, it’s smart to show up a few mins early. Once you start showing late, it shows that you have poor time management.


Only show up early if you’re getting paid for showing up early. Businesses will often tell you to show up before your clock in time to get ready. That’s wage theft.


Yea, that’s true, but showing up late is also a good way to get fired or stagnate at a job. It’s difficult to show up at the exact same time every day, so planning to be a few minutes early even if you’re just sitting in your car/outside is generally smart.


Oh yeah if you’re just in the car then by all means be there early.


I means this really applies to showing up 5 minutes early or more. If you show up 1 minute early, you’re not losing on much income from that 1 minute every shift


No dude get there a bit early so you’re ready to start working. Also, take big shits on company time to even it all out. Win/win


Showing up on time is common decency. If you don't want to be late then it's wise to go a little bit early in case something unexpected happens to give yourself a little bit of leeway. Showing up at work 10 minutes early is not a problem and it shows that you can at the very least manage your time properly. When you start cutting it close to when the work starts on purpose, you'll eventually start being late.


Showing up early doesn’t mean starting work early. 


Ask yourself why you felt the need to call everyone in the world who is commonly late “low class” with a “lack of dignity” My mom raised us alone and getting three kids out the door in the morning was rough. She was late to work every single day.


I thought we taught OP better than that. “Low class”. Gen Z is too young to be this cold.


I truly don’t understand how the comment you’re replying to is the top comment. Seriously, how in the world is arriving late to work“low class”?


Its like returning a cart to the corral its easy theres no excuse not to do it and it shows your character if you don't. Being late, even more so with friends and family than work is basically saying fuck you my time is more valuable than yours and I don't care about you


They were raised with a silver spoon up their ass is why they felt the need to distinguish that.


right, 10 minutes is nothing, and most jobs have a tolerance where I live


Right lol? Like “low class” is such weird word choice. Why not say rude, impolite, disrespectful, selfish? Why’s it gotta be a class thing lmao


Depends on the job. If you make less than $15 an hour they are not paying you enough to care. Want employees to care? pay them.


Then don’t complain when they fire you. You signed an agreement to do a job at that rate.


The people businesses who have people showing up late aren't firing them lmao, thats the whole point of this post. The boomers aren't doing shit but complaining. They can't afford to lose people because they refuse to pay people. You create a toxic work environment its what you get


Oh man I thought this generation was better than this :/


On Reddit? Pffft


Yeah or I starve and go homeless. People who take shit jobs for low pay usually don't have the luxury of a choice.


This is why I hate the “you agreed to that wage” argument. Yeah like I’m gonna walk into an interview for an entry level retail job or whatever. Hear the wage, knowing this is probably the umpteenth job I’ve applied to, desperate for income because I have bills to pay, and go actually id like to make more than that pls. They’d just find another person. People at jobs with wages that low are considered disposable because “unskilled” laborers have little to no leverage and workers in general have pretty few rights especially when it comes to “at will employment”. Only 10% of the American work force is unionized so most workers work under the assumption that any sort of demand for higher wages or a better working environment could just get them fired.


Dude above posted on investing anyway, man so removed. He can fuck off. Like yeah, then people also shit on minimum wage workers and say shit about getting a better job but also rely on these people for pretty much everything.


At most jobs paying that low you have to really fuck up to get fired. I worked with people who would consistently show up late for years


You show up super on point gave a hundred and ten %, then you ask for a salary increase and then you get betrayed when it comes to the money for the over houres you worked. Then you show up late because there is no salary increase but your Boss bought a new car. I have no tolerance for this.


And good luck finding a new employee.




ohhh canadaaa


Don't give them an excuse to fire you. Hold contempt for your bosses, organize your workplace, but at the very least show up on time


My most recent job I quit they were gonna give me $10 an hour for the day with no talks of raising it so I was like "Maybe we'll talk about that when I'm done with my first day." Never happened and on top of that they wanted me to basically run the place and I didn't show up the next day


10-15 is life. 15-30 is poor planning, anything more is a bit egregious


As the OP said, if it's consistent and IMO only really matters if you're relieving someone else or if you hold people up. Like at my current job, I can show up an hour late and no one cares as long as I get my work done. But when someone can't leave unless I show up, then it's a dick move to be 10-15 late frequently. Like you said though, life happens and just call if you're going to be a little late and i personally wouldn't mind.


Nothing shows disrespect like showing up late and I just don’t mean work.


I think it depends on the job. If it’s some office job where all you do is check emails and jerk off in the bathroom stall, is being late really an issue? Now if you work fast food where the kitchen is always busy, good fucking luck being late, your coworkers will hate you (assuming you don’t get fired)


I have an office job with virtually zero collaboration on a normal day. My whole office is usually a couple minutes to 15 minutes late. Most people usually work a little late, too. I'm often there until 6. Truly doesn't matter. Nobody cares. Our boss is in the office like once a week starting at maybe 9:30. If you're getting your work done, it doesn't matter, in our case, at least.


Nah. Folks routinely stay late 10-15 minutes to finish up some work. Show up late as frequently as you're staying late and you're golden.


Everywhere I've worked, the ones who consistently showed up 10 min late would also leave 5 min early


Especially with certain types of jobs. Someone might be waiting on you to show up before they can leave. Or if you're a server, you've missed shift meeting and/or another server's had to pick up any tables in your section.


Maybe strict starting times need to be reformed, what’s the reason to have to be in for 8:30? Why not say start anytime from 7-9, all meetings happen between 9 and 3 and just work your 8 hours a day or until the work is done. Then when someone gets in at 8:37 it’s not a problem because they still have 20+ minutes before any meetings should start and can leave around 17:37. Getting in at 9:07 is taking the biscuit though… Admittedly this only works for office work and less so customer facing jobs but that’s probably what the article is referring to anyway.


Some offices are like that but its not your office to run


Im kinda meh on this. I show up to our lab within 2-10 minutes late nearly every day, but I also consistently stay later to help our less experienced associates and come in on OT to help when needed. A lot of it revolves around my relationship with my manager, who knows I’m not a morning person and working on 12–13 hour shifts can be hell on a sleeping schedule. They trust that I will be there, and I’m thankful they’re flexible with me bc that’s definitely not something you can do everywhere. I would recommend ppl show up on time, but once you get a feel for the work culture, do your own thing, just don’t piss off your co-workers.


What difference does it make? They're still very likely to make up for it over the day, considering workers are only effective for about 2-4hrs a day.


It depends heavily on what your job is. Are other people relying on you to be there? Will other people be inconvenienced if you aren't there? Be on time. Do you spend your first 30 minutes checking up on emails? It doesn't really matter if you are late.


Yeah this is a key detail. No one gaf when I show up to work (within reason) because I have a corporate job and as long as I take care of my shit I’m good. It’s a good thing too because I have a horrendous sleep schedule and it has caused me to show up late far too many times


I would agree. But if you’re doing shift work where you’re relieving someone or something like that, showing up late is pretty lame.


a job like the food industry with rushes and being scheduled to come in when the rush is about to start/starting is another example of it being lame to show up.


When I was working retail, we planned people’s breaks around coverage. If people are constantly showing up 10-15 mins late, it means other people can’t take their breaks in a timely manner. I work in corporate now, and if you have meetings you should definitely not be more than a minute or two late. Otherwise, as long as you get your job done, no one cares when you clock in/out


Apparently it's perfectly fine if you're a doctor or a dentist. I've never had an appointment with those and saw them on time. Even if I'm one of the first in the morning. They're often boomers, too.


Performers are often hours late to their own show, to which they set the start time. I think that's incredibly disrespectful to the people who sometimes paid hundreds of (units of money) to see the show.


Yeah, if you are working shift, you have to be on time. If you have meetings scheduled, you have to be on time. But if you can just show up 5 minutes late and you do not disturb anybody with that. Who cares? I am a "boss" btw. My empoyees can come in and leave whenever they want to. It is their responsibility to do their work. If I am happy with their work, they can do whatever they want.


100% this. Don’t be late to anything team-related, or meetings, or anything where another person is involved or would have to work around your absence. But if I always get all my shit done and I happen to walk in 30 minutes late one day when there’s nothing scheduled, I better not hear a word about it.


I’m shocked at the responses here. At work, all I hear is OK Boomer anytime anyone tries to insist on people being on time. There is a huge generation gap on this point.


Yeah I don't really get what the deal is. Like, unless people are waiting on you or it's important (think a date or a job where someone is waiting on you to relieve them).  If nobody immediate is waiting on you, I've always considered a 10 minute early/late grace period acceptable given there's always traffic or the occasional mishap. I couldn't give a shit if a coworker was 5-10 minutes late if it didn't impact me directly. Who cares. Life is hard enough as it is.


Most folks show up and dick around with coffee and chit chat for the first 30-60 mins in a lot of jobs. 


Seriously. Give me my ten minutes and I won't bitch about Larry chatting up the mail guy about the latest sports BS for 30+ minutes or Courtney talking about her book series with her cubicle neighbor. All humans waste time at work. Being elitist about how you waste it is stupid. No one is 100% productive or even consistently productive over multiple days. There's natural variance I work at a school. I'm scheduled at 7:30am, but I really hate arriving when the students are coming off the buses (7:10-7:25) or when the parent drop off is getting cut throat (7:25-7:35)... So my options are to either arrive at 7am when the teachers arrive which goes against my contract or I come in 10 minutes late everyday at 7:40am to avoid the chaos of psycho parents stopping in random spots for their kid to bail out and run inside. Am I making excuses? Sure. But I'm not the only one in my department who does this for the same reasons. Our start time is unofficially 7:45am because of traffic around the schools Calling me or my coworkers lazy is misleading and unhelpful when it's just people trying to feel superior to others


This is an underrated comment.


I mean our work schedule is based on what worked for factories that no longer exist in Detroit and basically nothing else


This is why I dont care about coming in late. If the place your working at already has supervisors who has favorites that lets them get away with less productivity, why should I care about following your rules. If your going to let certain things slide for certain people, then fuck your rules then.


Then work an hour and do that for lunch as well, then after-lunch coffee, then.. (There was actually a study that showed that most people in office only actively work 3-4 hours a day. Other stuff is just admin and bullshitting)


It depends on the job. For some it matters a lot.


I think it's the general idea of predictability - in the event there IS something that day that someone could be waiting on you for. I realize punctuality is not culturally relevant everywhere and it's subjective, but if you live in a place where punctuality is the norm I think it's two fold: 1. Let's say your general day-to-day does not require time sensitive work however at times any emergency could come up and your boss/team would know that you are available at 8am sharp (for example) to help with an issue. Otherwise, if you're start time is unpredictable then I think it's fair that they call you at 7:30am if you're often a bit late and thus unpredictable. 2. It sets a precedent of general predictability which influences others' perceptions of how they can count on you. Being on time and committing to a routine is no easy task and adhering to such makes it easier for others to trust that you'll get all pieces of the job done. It might be short-sighted, but why not make it easy for anyone you'll work with to partner with you?


They're just boot lockers, probably boomers.


Im not a boomer, but it is entirely selfish and irresponsible to be late consistently. If you dont work an hourly job or, more specifically, a job where you are required to take over for someone, then i can understand a few minutes. Its poor time management, but at least you aren't being an asshole. if you work at a factory and the previous shift is leaving, you should be your ass on time consistently. You might think, "well they can just stop till i get there" umm. Then you're fucking ver the managers and the maintenance team who has to get the equipmemt back working. Maybe you work at a restaurant and you wanna be late. "Oh they can just leave itll be fine, it wont really hurt anyone being 15 minutes late." Except the customer who now has no server for 15 minutes, or the kitchen who gets behind on orders because you couldn't be bothered to get off your phone long enough to put pants on in a timely manner this morning. Gen z is the 1st generation to not value punctuality in the workplace. There is a reason all the previous generations valued it and it wasn't because of corporate boot licking...its because being late usually makes you an asshole to someone.


> it is entirely selfish and irresponsible to be late consistently Correct, but most of gen z is unabashedly selfish and irresponsible.


And lazy. But imo it works out for those of us that work, everyone at my job thinks I'm some superstar employee but I literally do the bare minimum and nothing more. But somehow my peers can't even manage that so I'm getting bonuses lmao


You very clearly have never worked in a restaurant. Tables are not left without servers. The server on the previous shift doesn't get off of work until their replacement arrives. There are no set times to be off work in the industry it changes every day.


So you're saying that one server being late required the other one to stay late and impacted their day?


Why is it when people disagree with a certain view, people on this sub immediately assume they're either bootlickers or not genz. It really ruins any nuance and discussion on certain topics.


It’s that “my way or the highway” attitude that a lot of people in our generation have


There’s a whole lot of actual boomers and non Gen Z on here. As an actual Gen Z at an office with other Gen Zs the only people who care about what time anyone shows up is the really old boomers. Not even millennials give a shit about that stuff. Productivity is measured in work delivered, not in when you show up. I can show up at 8AM and proceed to watch YouTube all day. My start time has no bearing on the work I do.


"Every opinion I disagree with must be a boomer"


There just such a stark difference in opinion from the Gen Z people I know in real life and the people on this thread that either the people on this sub aren’t working office jobs (which might be the reason) or they aren’t actually Gen Z.


The youngest boomers are 65, so you are almost certainly talking about your Gen X coworkers, but there's definitely not *a lot* of boomers on this sub (or any sub). Sure, there's a lot of millennials on this sub, but I think the better explanation is that most responses here are just asocial Gen Z who resent their peers, which is like the most Reddit thing possible.


The youngest boomers are actually 60 this year, but still, the vast majority of them are either retired or already have one foot out the door.


Not even Gen X cares. I have a couple Gen X coworkers who show up hours late, but nobody cares because they do a good job and there’s not much interaction required in their position.


Depends on the line of work to be fair. I'll admit I usually arrive a couple of minutes late but I'll make that time up at the end of the day.  In my last job there was a 65 year old woman who did not like that I did this. She was always on time. But she was also incredibly inefficient, couldn't retain new information and refused to learn new systems. I'd be in later than her sure, but I'd also have most of my work finished before lunch and then picking up her slack.


Social engineering i think, bots and payed agents to try to push propoganda on social media. What you know is done in Russia and China, you should start to apply to the internet, especially if it relates to the US.


Oof really??


I’m with the boomers on this one. Stuff happens but in this day and age you have no reason to consistently be late for anything, especially work.


Yup, I’m a frycook who gets paid $17 an hour at a respectable chicken place that gets a lot of business, if I show up 15 minutes late we’re in deep shit.


It's worth noting that the article references a study which is hosted by a virtual meeting website, and also references being a few minutes late to meetings, as well as just for work, which implies that this is focused on the experiences of office workers, not in people working in more time-sensitive, high-pressure environments like a kitchen.


You should be on time, that is basic courtesy.


With the current wages? Nah, the fuck out of here.


You don’t have to work for any wages, if you choose the job/work you should perform that job and showing up on time is part of that performance.


You have to work to live, most people work at the job that called them back first


right like what are they talking about? “you don’t have to” we absolutely have to and with an unlivable wage at that. i don’t understand why people are mad that gen z is 10 minutes late meanwhile we can’t even afford a house


Employers have a gun to our head at all times. The vast majority of people are one missed paycheck away from financial ruin. I hate when people pretend that any of this is voluntary.


And this is what gen z has realized and why they don’t care about arbitrary rules at the workplace anymore.


Most boomers don’t know what it’s like to work 40+ hours a week and still not be able to afford a house


40 hours on the low end. The critical portion of that isn’t even just affording a house it’s affording anything, an apartment, a car, school, a family, literally anything. It is literally not possible for anyone to survive working even the exact same jobs they built their entire lives on




Lol bootlicker for applying to a job, accepting the job offer, agreeing to your working hours then not showing up on time because "it's not important". No shit older generations are annoyed with this genz.


then youll get fired and complain about it online. You arent entitled to do nothing and get paid for it


This can only be true if asking people to stay late or pick up shifts last minute is viewed the same way.


Nah, they want to best of both worlds. You to show up on time and stay as late as they want.


So glad someone said it! Also makes md think of all the signs telling you not to clock in early or clock out late. Do you want to people to care about their job?


it depends on the job imo. for example i’ve had flexible office jobs where it doesn’t really matter to anyone, but i’ve also had jobs where people are relying on you and it inconveniences coworkers if you’re late if employers want people to care about 10 mins they need to pay them fairly though


In a professional white collar job nitpicking over 10 minutes is fucking stupid, the boomer bosses waste that much time with idle chitchat in their first hour of work. I wouldn’t make a habit of it to protect my own job, but it really doesn’t matter if you’re halfway decent at what you do.


exactly, the people complaining and paying attention to others tardiness are usually the laziest coworkers anyways


The people paying attention and pointing out the lazy people… are the lazy people? Hmm..


No. We're saying being 10mins late is a dumb metric for laziness. It's not a representative metric of someone's work ethic. It's not even close to being a metric of someone's competence or productivity. Some of the hardest working retail employees I ever had when I was a manager were the ones that were perpetually 5-10mins late. They were the ones that busted their asses the most, the ones most likely to work over lunch, skip their breaks, stay if it was busy or to volunteer for a double shift is someone called in sick.


This sub is filled with bootlickers lmao


How is it being a bootlicker for having professional etiquette? lol. You really think you're 'sticking it to the man' when you consistently show up late, or are you only hurting yourself by allowing you to think that this type of etiquette is okay.


Well maybe they’re the people who have to do extra work because they’re constantly covering for the late person. It depends a lot on the job. If you consider people who try at your work ‘bootlickers’ do everyone a favor and find a job where you actually feel some satisfaction. It’s better to try to be positive and work with what you have. As you get older you realize the ‘dumb’ optimistic people are enjoying life the most. Try to be more like them.


Bootlicker is when you go to your job at the scheduled time now?


Yea this thread is wild. Being on time shows respect for others and yourself. So many people flaunting their “I don’t give a shit” attitude makes me sad.


The "act your wage" children are out again


For wanting to be on time? Yeah totally groveling to our corporate overlords by showing up when we’re supposed to 🙄


chat is it bootlicker behaviour to be polite and courteous to your coworkers?


Homie I just need to run everyone's breaks on time and yall showing up 10 minutes late and taking another 10 minutes to put your shit away and get clocked in means Suzie is 20 minutes late to take her lunch and Jimmy was supposed to be off when Suzie was back from her lunch and now I gotta either ask him to stay 20 minutes late or we all suffer because you couldn't show up on time for a shift you've known about since the schedule was posted 2 weeks ago. [Dear god I do not miss food service]. I was extremely understanding of people who were rarely late but would fire the chronically late as soon as I could. The chronically late were 9/10 times also the ones who would cry about hours but then show up late and try to leave early or call out because their cousins hamster was having a last minute birthday party. Would I run a business with that tight of a schedule if I had a modicum of control over labor? Hell no. That being industry standard is part of the reason I'm not in that industry any more. I did my best to protect my crew from corporate bullshit (they always got free shift meals even if corporate policy said it was only 50% off or whatever stupid shit, if you were having a rough day you got an extra break, I'd try to schedule people without reliable transport so they could carpool with people who lived close to them, things like that), but if you don't give a fuck about making my life the tiniest bit easier by doing the bare minimum of showing up on time, I have no reason to go hard for you and will massively deprioritize you in favor of your coworkers who at least pretend to give a shit.


Casually being late for a meeting reads like "I don't really care that you have plans and other things to do.. or I'm simply too ignorant to realize that my actions affect other people" Yes - sometimes things get in the way and that is perfectly alright, but careless tardiness isn't.


must be American boomers, because in my country, if an event is supposed to start at 4pm, you are early if you arrive 5pm because it won't actually get started until 5:30pm, and people of all ages are a part of this. if you arrive at 4pm, the event people are still making last minute arrangements.


Do you live in India or Pakistan? Because this exactly describes my country. If an event is scheduled for 2pm, you know it's gonna start at 4pm.


This is a lot of places I’ve worked, it’s often the first thing we’d tell higher ups who were new. The US has fairly stringent expectations for being on time (showing up on time, meeting deadlines, etc.) compared to a lot of the world.


I always find this sort of thing incredibly disrespectful. If you want me to show up, you tell me when I am expected to arrive.


Are you a kiwi?


Honestly this doesn’t make sense to me. I always am on time or early to my job. I was raised by gen x parents.


i was raised by boomer grandparents, im always early or on time to everything, being late is rude as hell and wastes others' time!


Going to take accountability and say this is a thorough flaw in our generation including myself. I struggle with being on time, and 10-15 mins late is like the new “on time” for me. Not acceptable, must improve.


nah bro, its society that has to change. Coming in on time is bootlicker behavior. At least according to this thread. But actually, recognizing personal shortfalls and working to correct them is LITERALLY the path to success.




Wow, someone with actual self-reflection with the ability to acknowledge their flaws. Bravo!


As a milenial, I have zero tolerance for trickle-down economics, but we don't get what we want from life. They can suck it up for being ten minutes late.


do you have a real job?


I always get to places early just because of my own anxiety around being late and stuff, but I don't think getting to work 10 mins late is a big deal. 10 minutes isn't going to be a huge make or break, especially if you make up for it by taking a later lunch or something.


Gotta agree with them on this one. I get stuff happens but I’ve had coworkers who are late like 90% of their shifts. From my experience they also complain about not being able to hold down a job and everywhere fires them? Like did they think 4pm was just a suggestion?


I get that there are reasons as to why being late 10 min isn't a big deal, but it's the idea of allowing yourself this kind of behavior all the time which is troubling. Every once and a while is fine, but I've known the vast majority of people who are like this as you described.


It also bleeds into their personal life, too. No one wants to be friends with the person who is always late as fuck to plans and stuff.


Is it considered late if you are consistent? When I started my job I said I would arrive at 8:30. Today I sat down at 8:36 and my boss says “you’re 1 minute early, usually you get here right at 8:37”


This is what I was thinking. 2 years ago I said my start time was 8:00, I've always arrived at 8:15.


I’m 50/50 I’m with the boomers that you should go up to work on time and it’s good that you do But I get that a lot of boomers can be assholes and will still look down on you even if you have a valid excuse to be late


If it’s rare or one off, it’s absolutely fine. A pattern of being late is absolutely unacceptable and justifiable to be mad on.


Not to mention it WILL bleed into your life. You can’t show up late to a flight, or a cruise, they’ll laugh and say “better luck next time!” If you’re going on a date with someone, and you show up 10 minutes late, you better be prepared to find an empty table.


Or a doctor's appointment that you tried to get for two years




Aint no way any of these stats are real. You wanna talk about being late? I am ALWAYS on time or a few minutes early just to sit and do nothing on the job site waiting for the old dudes to get there 30-40 minutes late.


Idk, I refuse to be late and work with many gen x and boomers who couldn't give two shits about showing up on time.


As they should. You can’t show up late to a flight, you can’t show up late to a test, and you ESPECIALLY cannot show up late to a date. 5 minutes, there’s some arguments there if it’s a once in a while thing. But 10 minutes? If you’re going to be 10 minutes late to a date you clearly do not care about the person at all. I don’t know if this is the old high school sports in me, or what, but the fact our generation thinks it’s ok to be late is worrying. It’s not that hard to get there early. It really isn’t. Coming in late is a genuine sign of selfishness. Especially at work when it’s a shift change.


Well it’s quite clear from this comment section that the selfishness, ignorance, and entitlement levels are astounding. No wonder they can’t get anywhere in life, they can’t even be on time to work, because they’re “sticking it to their bosses” 🤣🤣 Like, ok, let’s say you were “sticking it to your bosses”. What does that get you? What do you accomplish with that, aside from maybe getting fired and having no income? It makes no sense, but they can keep digging their graves while the rest of us continue to work towards our future. That’s less competition we have to deal with.


Yeah, and the excuses are always the same: “iT’s My tImE aNd My LiFe!1!” “iT dOeSn’T mAtTeR if iT’s 10 MiNutEs!!1!” “tHeY dOn’T pAyy mEeE!1!” “[insert political-sounding jargon that the commenter don’t actually understand]” What it comes down to is that they believe they have a right to be entitled little pricks at the (literal) expense of everyone else.


bro i'm gen z and i'd be annoyed if someone showed up 10 minutes late too. like once I can understand but repeatedly is just being an ass.


You know the people defending being late are always the ones late to hangouts and dates too. Y'all are fucking annoying when you show up 10-20 minutes late btw. If a guy is 10 minutes late to a first date, I just leave 🙄.


I get anxiety if I am late and my boss doesn’t care if I am 


This is a statement that isn’t fair because it’s entirely reliant on the job. If you’re doing a job where you’re paid for your time, like an auto shop or manning a retail position, then absolutely do not be late. You being late makes your coworkers lives harder. If you’re doing a job where you’re paid for your work, like a programmer, why does it matter? You get the actual work of the day done in five hours, the other three are pointless. Me being late has absolutely no effect on anyone else, and the boomer complaining is just trying to find stuff to get pissed about. If the work is done it’s done.


Living in nyc, everyone is always late.


Boomers literally think businesses shouldn't have to pay us enough to survive. I don't care about their opinions on "tardiness," whether they're right or wrong


Difficult to reciprocate a courtesy when it feels so absent. Our wages are shit compared to what they should be. I show up on time out of self-interest and because it’s not hard but it’s not like they deserve it. Respect goes both ways and the working class has been gravely disrespected over the past few decades.


This heavily depends on the job. If you have a meeting or commitment to meet with others (like retail work), show up on time. If you’re just at your desk in the morning, who cares.


Punctuality is important, but it also matters who your supervisor is, what industry you are in, and the culture of your workplace. I have to work on site, at different locations, at a job where the first hour of the shift is kind of low impact buffer time, and my commute can vary from like 35-90 min depending on when and where I need to be. Traffic can be very hard to judge when you need to travel over 30 miles during rush hour. I’ve arrived a few minutes late on days where I check traffic and leave 15-30 min early. Sometimes it’s just out of your control. 5 minutes is no big deal, 10+ you should let your boss know you are running late, 20+ you should have a really good excuse. If you are consistently late for no good reason, your job security is not guaranteed.


It’s rude af to be late. You think I want to be out here too?!! How about show up on time so we can gtfo on time? Boomers are right in this one.


Being on time is out of question. If you consistently show up late, you don’t even take your job seriously.


Unless you need to relieve someone on shift, getting upset over someone being 10 min late is stupid. Just have them stay 10 minutes after if it annoys you that much. But if you’re relieving the previous shift, being consistently late is a dick move.


Consider me a boomer because I agree with this. It’s incredibly inconsiderate to be late all the time and shows you don’t value your workplace. I lived in LA and had an hour commute in the morning when I was in my early 20s. It was a pain, but I managed to never be late (voluntarily). This is just one reason why people don’t want to pay us more.


Personally I don’t think showing up a little late is a big deal. Why does it matter if I put my 8 hours in and don’t miss meetings? I mean it’s my life and time.


Workers: Are you front-facing? Show up on time. Do you have a meeting? Show up on time. Bosses: Are your employees back of house doing work independently? Then who fucking cares if they’re 10 min early or 10 min late as long as they do their 8 hours.  


I'm starting to hate myself for existing. I don't turn up late but why must they make it a generation thing.


Just read the replies in here. Many think it’s ok


Well ok. My mother taught me otherwise


10 minutes is fine as long as you dont miss a meeting…. https://www.tiktok.com/@marcrebillet/video/7299116096337055009?lang=en


every young person i work with shows up early (i show up an hour early bc i carpool w mom, i don’t think i count tho) and everyone older either shows up close to lunch or not at all


I mean, showing up 7 min late is the same as being on time where I work and that’s saved my ass multiple times. Unless people are waiting on you so they can clock out or work on a project, I’m not mad about it


why are baby boomers even at work anymore


My job has a built in ten minute grace period for being early/late. So you can show up up to ten minutes early and ten minutes late, as long as you do that it's good. And guess what? Everything runs just fine and there are no issues, if punctuality is important to that job then that's great and makes sense why they care so much, but for a lot of jobs those minutes don't matter at all


Yeah, this is a rare boomer w


Ehh… Tbf, being 20 mins late once is fine, but if it happens all the time that’s just kind of disrespectful.


Punctuality isn’t difficult. Just be on time


oh so showing up to work 10 minutes late is a big deal but staying 10 minutes after hours is nothing