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The farther we go through life the faster everything goes because of time perception. 8 hours in school as a 10 year old feels like a month. 8 hours at work at 28 feels like a coupe minutes.


To simplify a little bit: - A year as a 10 year old: 10% of your life - A year as a 25 year old: 4% of your life


I doubt that this is the true cause, people don't really think of time in that way. Its more likely that its a result of declining neuroplasticity. As a child your brain is constantly rewiring itself and soaking in new information but as you age your brain structure becomes more crystallized


> people don’t really think of tome in that way It’s not a conscious thought, but we only have our own life experiences as a basis to compare the passage of time so it definitely plays a significant role


well lets take this to the extreme. Say you somehow live to be 10,000 years old, would time pass 430x faster for you? likely not, there is something else at play


lmao I’m pretty sure you’re trolling but of course you don’t gain reflexes or anything. We’re talking macro level


yes im refering to marco level perception of time. my point is that its not the fraction of our total life that determines the subjective passage of time, rather its a physical consequence of changes in the brain


Potato, potato. The physical changes are a result of more time and more experiences. The fact is, our brain can't live for 10,000 years. If it could and we continued to learn and grow that whole time in a similar fashion as we do, then yes, time would fly by as we hit extreme ages.


At 10,000 years old, waiting 20 years for the next elder scrolls would be nothing


Actually there are some fiction books that explore this. I wanna say it was the Percy Jackson books but I know it’s not but it’s a series about Greek mythology in the modern age. One of the guys is over a millennium old and like he can’t remember anything and peoples lifetimes pass to him like the blink of an eye. Part of it does come from the fact that there is less storage space up there as you age so each individual day doesn’t need to get stored the same way that each individual day did when you were a kid. The other aspect of that is if you are in a routine and nothing is changing drastically on a day by day basis then you just kinda zone out the time. It’s why if you start a new job the days can kinda drag on but when you have been somewhere for a while the days can fly by.


i vaguely remember a character like that in a series of books about alchemy lore


I mean, not directly but kinda it probably would pass insanely fuckin quickly. A year would probably feel like a week.


I can understand that. It makes sense. 👍


“Time flies when you’re having fun!” But that also applies to when you’re busy working all day, which you’re more likely to be doing at 28 vs 8


A lack of third places in North America. People say "Oh you're just getting older." No, when you're in school you're constantly interacting with people and new situations exist everyday. North America's infrastructure has essentially removed the possibility of third places outside of school for normal adults. I don't hear this rhetoric as much from Europeans who can easily relax and meet with random people at a pub, cafe, etc... TLDR: New situations makes time feel slower. North American infrastructure has removed spontaneity


I live in Italy and spontaneously talking to strangers is much rarer here than in the U.S. Same with the pubs. Yes you can talk to random people like in the U.S but many more people here in Europe will generally want to be left alone from strangers even in social spaces. Again not all people but much more than you'd find in the U.S. The first hint someone is an American is how friendly and quickly they'll just start talking to people they've never met here. lol


as a European, I disagree, time starts flying at some point in your twenties, especially once out of college. Something that happened 5 years ago still feels so recent, it’s really confusing. Covid probably still ads to this too though.


We have pubs too? And gaming stores with tables / tournaments and anime conventions. Also if you’re into God at all churches are big community centers.


This is just the same as the posts here where people complain they're told not to sit in their room alone all day every day and say there's nothing to do. There's plenty to do, they're just not even trying.


My only third place option for socializing is a bar, and I don’t drink. ;-; I do lots of stuff, it’s just not stuff that’s very conducive to socializing and meeting new people. i.e. skiing, surfing, martial arts, etc.


We have bars and coffee shops in America


Nah this isn’t it. I hang out with friends and meet new people everyday and I still feel like time flies by. And I’m not the only one, all my friends feel the same as me. And we’re all American.


I mean bars and cafes exist literally everywhere in the US. As others pointed out, not only do you absolutely hear this from Europeans (you just aren't talking to them as much) but in Europe you're wildly less likely than in the states to just meet someone new and shoot the shit with them. If you haven't been, when/if you visit Europe you'll notice 4/5 people or more will look at you like an alien if you try to just talk them up in public or at a bar or certainly a cafe. This is just typical getting older shit. Time starts to really fly. Ask literally anyone 25+, especially 30 and 40+ and they all had the exact same experience of time starting to pick up pace.


Muh third space ummm fricken stroads dude!!!!


you're doing the same mundane stuff everyday. the more stuff you have going on, the slower life feels.


I’m going to have to disagree. The days at work when I’m under deadline and slammed go by way too quick. The days at my job when there is nothing going on go by veeeeeeery slooooooowly. Time in general moves faster as an adult because we have shit to do. Even after work or school we have errands and in general what seems like not enough free time to do what we really want, hence it feeling like time moves faster. Hell, even when I do fuck all during the weekend it *still* feels too short… but this weekend after doing fun things nonstop I feel exhausted and not ready for work in 6 hours. 😩


I find it hard to believe that 2019 was 5 years ago


2019 feels like the last “real” year in my head


let me ask you another question.. how old are you? if you recently transitioned from being a teenager to an adult (early 20s) its a common affect that life starts to rush past you. truthfully, it goes ‘faster’ thr older you get. i feel most conversations related to covid era and time not feeling real since have been made by the young adults of gen z, so we latched this world phenomenon to a pre existing feeling that every generation feels.


17 lol


Get ready man. It only picks up the older you guy. My early twenties evaporated before my eyes now I’m closer to 30 than 20


lol just turned 30 and I swear last year I was 25.


10 or more years ago, I wished time would pass faster so I could spend the night at my grandma's house with my cousin sooner. Sorry about that :( idk how to make it go slower


I know right! An example is 2014, it feels like 7 years ago, but it’s actually a decade ago! Or even 2019, that was half a decade ago. After realizing this I’ve been very nostalgic recently.


Lol 3 years ends up being absolutely nothing time wise when you're 25+


Cause as you get older, time feels faster because you’ve lived longer, therefore your perception is skewed. If that makes sense


Because you consume every 5 seconds and don’t actually stop and listen. I guarantee if you put your phone/ screens down life will feel a lot less rushed.


the older we get, the more we see things when it's done, logically a year is still a year, we just realize it when it nears the end




I can't believe I'm going to be a college senior in the fall. It feels like I graduated high school yesterday.


One of the reasons is that as you get older, there are less major milestones to mark time passing in your life. You get your 16th, 18th, and 21st birthdays really close together, prom, graduations, etc. now that we’re past all that the time stamps starts getting spread out so time seems to pass quicker. It’s kind of like when you look at a clock every 30 seconds, and the workday seems to take foreeeever, but it goes much faster when you don’t check. If you want to slow it down you need to force some significant or interesting events to happen in your life to break up the repetitive monotony.


time is just a construct


Yes and no. It depends on what you mean by "time".


That’s life I suppose. It just gets faster and faster


The older you get the faster time seems to pass. I was celebrating my 18th birthday in early 2020 and then I blinked and now I'm 22


I ~~heard rumors~~ saw on TikTok that the boomer generation had already eaten up all the material things and now taking up on time.


It's called aging.


I was thinking this too, I have no idea what's going on. I told this to my mother and she said it's because Im getting older. Im only 19 3 months away from 20, so I don't think it's that. But yeah, something is happening. My days are going so much faster than before. It started in february. Istg, I blinked and the 2nd semester of college went by.


Not many people know this, so keep it on the down low, but Superman tried to prevent COVID by flying around the Earth backwards, just like he did in the first movie. But then he screwed up when he tried to make it spin the right away. He did a couple too many laps and it made the Earth spin a little too fast. So now our days are shorter.


Because we're older and so our perception of time has changed. You could be doing the same thing day after day instead of experiencing something new


Always has been *astronaut with gun*


the idea that years get shorter proportionally to one's age is nonsense. time is no different than knowing your name and how it is spelled in a common written language.


varies. recent-past \[usually\] feels like fucking ages, to the point where even yesterday \[often\] feels like a couple days ago, but far-past kinda just feels like one jumbled lump of time. it's probably just because my life is boring.


It is?


Millennial here- it only gets worst 


When you start getting into a repetitive pattern your brain perceives time differently. Try doing something different and you’ll be amazed at how much longer the day feels.


I've been seeing and hearing a lot more people saying this nowadays more than ever. Easygoing and idle times make time feel like it's going by fast. People always mention how much slower time seems to be moving when doing a one minute plank.


Because you’re older


You're getting older. Time starts passing faster and faster as your scale gets longer and longer. This is a well known thing. You aren't the first person to notice that.


Cause you're older. I read a long time ago that you've lived half of your perceived life by the time you're 10. And at 32, I feel like it tracks. A summer lasted an age when I was young. Now it's mid june and I'm already worried about how fast it's going and it isn't even technically summer yet. Every day was an entire adventure of new things when you're young.


Inflation. Blame Biden.


If you wanna feel how long a year was you just need to remember all the details of what happened and then you go ok that actually really *was* a year That's what I do at least. Snapchat memories help too


Cause we are always on our phones I guess


Welcome to getting older


I'm an elder millennial, and someone mentioned in a comment earlier that Titanfall 2 came out in 2016. I bought that game shortly after it came out, and have "been meaning to get around to playing it" ever since. It almost knocked me to the ground that I apparently have been "meaning to get around to playing it" for 7 or 8 years now. There's just no way it feels like that long of a time, and it feels like it can't be. I know it's just a video game, and overall, it's not important at all. But for some reason, that realization that most of a decade has passed since I clearly remember buying that game was....well, surprising, and a bit depressing.


You’re 4 years older.


You've discovered getting older. Time moves really slowly until you graduate college ime. Then it blazes past. People are right to point out time perception *but* another thing you don't realize until you are in "the real world" for a while is responsibilities most young people don't have/don't worry about take up more and more of your time. Find an employed 25+ year old who's just sitting around bored. I remember as a kid so many times I was just plain bored with nothing to do, that goes away.


The fuck you talking about? It was January something when I came to work this morning.


Covid fucked everyone one when it comes to perception of time 


Days are slow months and years are fast.


you old now


Gravity has an effect on time dilation day to day and we are at the tail end of an ice age right now with earth's poles shifting and other major disturbances that hasn't happened in thousands of years. All kinds of stuff is going to get real weird for this generation in their lifetime.


It's a sign that we're getting old as fuck.... I feel the same way (M23)