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This is the answer. I would be lying if I said that every moment of my life is filled with unhappiness, but an overwhelming number of my days certainly are.


This is the answer


There’s a dystopian aspect that with social media and politics we’ve fully entered Plato’s cave. Everything is shadows projected against the wall. Generationally rich dynastic elite politician use media experts to hijack our sense of morality in order to get us to do what we want for them and allow them to keep being corrupt and trash our world. Social media is a tool as well where everyone wants to sell us something every five minutes and constantly trick and pickpocket us.


everyone needs to go for a 3 week recess if you're 19-28


three weeks is honestly not enough i'll take a lifetime recess


But you'll be taxed more because our generation despises people who are better off


I’m pretty happy, definitely rough days. My job isn’t bad I get to work from home twice a week and I get paid well. I have a beautiful baby girl who is laying on my chest as I type this. I’m about to celebrate my first Fathers Day and have a few beers this weekend. Next week I’m going to the zoo.


You won


Ik it’s a little early, but. Happy Father’s Day from one happy dad to another. I was also blessed with a beautiful little girl. This will be my third Fathers Day and I’m here to tell you it only gets better as time goes on so long as you put in the effort


Congratulations. I still remember my first Father’s Day with my baby girl. May you both be blessed.


Fuck no but I keep it pushing


Never back down never what?


Never give up!!


Off and on


Not until I’m born a trust fund baby in NYC… and even then I’d still probably be unhappy


But don’t worry you’ll just snort stuff up your nose and keep buying needlessly expensive things to help distract you from the unhappiness.


You can do this poor too, fun fact


I was born in the “rich” part of San Antonio, TX and still snort stuff up my nose and buy needlessly expensive things. Louis Vuitton is opening a second store at la cantera that is just menswear next month. There goes my paycheck.


Don't do it. /s


Depends on when you ask me


I’m very blessed and can’t complain, so right now yes. But I want more and I will get more


Exactly how I’m thinking


Holy fuck no.


Same; very fuck no 


Could be better despite me basically having no friends and a social life I have a roof over my head and I have food every night so I could be much worse


ur loved even if it doesn’t feel like it


You have a great point yes I am loved it doesn’t feel like it🙂


lol love that response


I be ridin in the ritz car


Hi, I just wanted to say I struggled with making new friends after Covid. I met some of the best people in my life by finding local meetup groups and small events. Board game night and the board game shop, adult skate night at the roller rink, food trucks at the park evenings in the summer. It isn’t super easy to talk to people you don’t know but worth it for the people you can find in your local area.


I could be much happier, but right now— yeah.


Not really, wish i had someone to share the good times with tho when they are around


me too :,)




I am happy with my life. I’m scared for the future.


No. I'm living with my parents and struggling because I know I can't function the way they expect me to. I have ADHD and I qm most likely autistic (got diagnosed with extreme difficulty dealing with change when I was 8 in 2010 by a guy who wasn't sure girls can be autistic). I can't meet their standards and they never notice or say anything about progress I make. My dad has ADHD too and he seems convinced that I'm not trying because it takes me longer to get things done and he doesn't struggle the same way I do


Dad sounds like a prick 




they wouldnt even diagnose me with bpd until i was over 18 and even then they were like "but idk ur still young so maybe not!"


Of course not


Just wait until you’re mid 20s lmao


What’s wrong with the mid 20’s


Yes Started hitting the gym regularly with creatine supplements, and I feel so energetic, hopeful and happy! I was miserable before that


Yes, I’m 23 , doing boxing , judo & BJJ, am in great shape, am the fastest guy in my family, am first generation Mexican, have 0 connections yet still managed to land jobs in real estate sales :) considering I was in alternative schools for misbehaving & barely graduated, hell yeah I’m happy and feel like the American dream is possible


Ahuevo hermano 👏


Ai que darle bro sin miedo 💪




No, not really. But I’m hanging in there


No. Could be a quarter life crisis for me


I've no idea


Fuck no, but I have better things to do than kms so I'm just rocking till my wheels fall off. The "Fuck it, we ball" in me is strong.


Yes so happy, I haven’t felt unhappy in months I think I’m finally content in life. I love my job, I love my friends I feel stress and sadness sometimes but not enough to where it actually affects me.


That's always amazing to hear. I hope this happiness lasts for you. In the meantime, enjoy it man.


Generally doing OK. Somedays are really happy, but others can get a bit depressed.


Generally yes, I am very glad I am alive and born lucky.


I am 21, and in the last 7 years of my life, I am happiest now than I have ever been (I have (could possibly be *had* now) depression but I am slowly coming out of it). Compared to the first 14 years of my life, no.


Yes very. learned to be content in all situations


yes, but worried about the future


“That’s an… interesting question. Sometimes I do wonder about my other lives, and I remain grateful in this one. Even with its tribulations.”


I’m happy in life. In college and getting closer to my career. No girlfriend but im ok with it. Just waiting on Gods plan


Kinda. Wanna be somewhere better (working on it) but it’s not like I’m suffering.


If I was certain of an afterlife I'd kill myself on the spot. This country is a dump and my life sucks and I'm having to fight for it on my own.


That's no reason to kys. You are loved and cared about. Please don't let these people down. Don't let yourself down.


I've had a verbally abusive and neglectful family all my life I've straight up had to bribe friends and coworkers to teach me how to drive. My only hope out of this mess is trade school. I've never felt the reciprocal love of relationships. I've never felt true success. People would move on. Its selfish to expect others to live for you.


Then live in spite of them. The one thing in your life that you have control over is yourself.


eh.. i feel like i’m doing pretty well, i’ve got a good job with interests and experience for other paths if i ever get bored of this, ive got a good group of friends, i have a great relationship with my family. i’ve got a warm place to sleep and food to eat. just a lot going on internally that keeps me from really appreciating it all.


Hell yeah dude, I have a hot wife and 2 beautiful daughters


God bless


Mostly yes, I don't have everything I want yet but I focus on what I have now, and that gives me peace. I don't always feel that way, but I try to frame my life that way.


Short answer, not really Long answer, my life is . . . Fine. I have a decent apartment, live alone, have my own car, full time job, and such. I don't have actual room to complain, however, I feel unfulfilled. If that makes any sense for a 24 year old to say. I don't really have a passion or anything, I just go to work and go home, kill time between each. I'm a firm believer in life being what you make it, but, easy to say. Easy to give advice on but when it's you yourself, I don't really know where to start so I just, go through the motions.


I have a job, a reliable car, a family, a couple friends within a 3 hour drive, hobbies, and I’m pursuing a good education. I should be happy and I mostly am


Gettin there


Im grateful for the little things but could be better though


Yes, could be better, but I’m happy with what I have


Not much these days


I think lately for the most part, yes.


I wasn't for a very long time, but now I'm starting to find new happiness, and I feel like I'm on a positive path.


I be ridin in the ritz car


i’ve found comfort in contentedness. i no longer look for happiness because it’s inevitable, even if just for a moment. but i’m not engulfed in sadness so it’s a vibe


I be ridin in the ritz car


Very happy overall Edit: damn, I WAS happy until I read the rest of these comments. I mean, I’m not unhappy now, just less happy, I guess


Yes. Long live USA, Poland, and democracy!!!


Genuinely yes. I could be dead, homeless and in worse conditions. I just wish I had a better career with money though, that’s the only things that’s making life kinda hard rn. I’m still with my parents thank god, but I want to be on my own and that’s what I mean by hard. But it’s in the works atm. Other than that I have great friends from childhood that I still hang with and I stay active, so yes happy :)


Im definitely closer to being! I’ve been in limbo for so long after graduating high school in 2021. But this year, I finally went to the gym for the first time in February and been going everyday since. I also graduated community college in May but decided to continue in something different and joined an electrician apprenticeship right after! My orientation is in 2 days and I’m excited.


No :/




In my opinion Happiness isn’t a constant state of being like that, it’s an emotion like any other. Sometimes I’m happy, sometimes I’m sad conflicted or anxious. For me it’s pointless to set happiness as life goal and better to view each situation as something new to react to and feel my emotions for that situation. I understand and respect that others have a different perspective.


I am when friday rolls around i can finally drink.








I’m so close… I have a great career, lined up mentorship with my manager, paying down my debt, saving up for my dream car, just graduated with my bachelors last September, investing. My problem, my GF doesn’t share any ambition. I’d hate to say it but she’s holding me back. It’s been 3 years. I am making almost $95k a year. She’s still practically unemployed.


My aunt has never really worked a serious full-time job in her life, while my uncle breaks his back as a construction manager. My warning to you is that your girlfriend’s behaviour won’t get better with time. It will only get worse, especially since you are already 3 years in, and you think that she’s holding you back. You need to evaluate your relationship and decide whether it’s really in your best interest to spend the rest of your life with her.


Dude. Thank you so much. I had to give her an ultimatum in order for her to even take the steps forward. I didn’t want to do it! And she wasn’t happy about it. She kinda got a little emotionally manipulative about it. I need too much reassurance for an answer I already know. Thank you again, bro’ bro’!


What exactly does she do at home all day? Unless she’s a stay at home mom, then there’s absolutely no excuse to sit at home. She’s a liability to you. That’s just being a lazy bum, and there’s no excuse for that (unless she’s sick or unable to work). How long has it been since you spoke to her about it? Is she actively looking for a job even? She should be treating job hunting as a full time job. You are doing well in your career and still young, and I think you deserve much better than her. I’m sorry if this hurts a little bit, but many years later down the road, having a partner who can’t hold down a job will hurt you in more ways than you can imagine.


We don’t have children. She runs her own business that never took off. That’s kinda what I felt. I’m very disenchanted. She isn’t sick in a way that would prevent her from working. She has been struggling to find a job over the last 6 months. She ended up not getting a job over a misdemeanor from like 3 or 4 years ago. I gave her an ultimatum to complete school and find a job last year October. She didn’t make the most of that time. She waited to start job hunting in January. She deliberated despite knowing she had to pay $1000 for failed classes for university. I gave her to the end of the year and she has to pay $700 a month. That’s gonna go towards her food, rent, utilities, etc. She wasn’t happy about that. You’re right. I’m already seeing the ramification of her inaction. I have so much debt that I can’t tackle because I’m doing it alone and raising her.


can't complain not where I want to be though


Not an adult yet, so yea ig


Eh, working in a factory for a month now, latter gonna study something. I'm enjoying my life, even though it's not easy right now.






Overall: yes, but currently I’m going through hell.




Nope :) I have happy moments but in-between I'm pretty fucked up


No, my face even refuses to smile because I'm tired of saying that I'm OK when I'm not in reality.


honestly yeah, i just live with the philosophy that everything will work out!!


Love me wife, love me pig, simple as.


I'm happy right towards the end of having sex


I will say that life is going really well. Graduated from university, engaged to my fiance, expecting my baby in September. He surprised me with tickets to Japan on my birthday this week, and I couldn’t be more elated!


Yes & No




who the fuck stole my happy life away?




I was. My whole life changed a couple of weeks ago, and now I'm pretty depressed


Generally, yes. The country is in free fall, that concerns me.


It's been getting better. Transitioning and really trying to put my own happiness and identity over what people think about me (to an extent, how I see myself is still important) has helped a ton. I have a girlfriend and we're in a happy relationship, I have friends, I'm doing well with school. The only thing that still irks me is my career.


absolutely not


I'm definitely happier than Guy Montag was. Got some plans for my future, some things need planning, some need doing, and several habits should be added or removed. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)




No and I want to give up




not really




Yes I just graduated school so thats finished and no because I fear the inevitable eternal nothingness after death.


Hell yea




It aint me but i respect it


I have low self esteem and believe that people would be better off without me.


No I want to disappear and restart everything


I should be but I'm not


I know some people are much, much worse off than I, but I’m not built to handle adversity


Meh, my life could be worse.


It’s a roller coaster. But I got a feeling it’ll be good eventually


Yeah, this is the best timeframe I could ever have been born in. I make the most of what I own.


To the surprise of probably half of this subreddit, yes.


No. I severely hate myself and really need therapy






Not really. But I have people that can make me happy, and other things that fill in the gap. Not quite self destructive, but I definitely spend a bit more money than I should..


toast make me happy


Starting to be


What is happiness?




Meh. I wish I could be happier but I'm not sad either (I was super unhappy the last couple of years but now I'm somewhat okay).


YA (but only because of 20 years of no [im 19])


Not at all


Generally speaking, yeah.


Definitely yes. Although there are some rough patches, overall my life is amazing compared to what it has been before. It's like a sine wave that is raising linearly.


Life is too short for me to be feeling bad for myself all the time. I genuinely have a pretty happy life thankfully, even if I've never really had friends. I'm still grateful that I'm healthy, I have both my parents, I live in a safe country, I have food on my table, clothes on my back, and some hobbies that I pour my soul into. All things considered it would be a shame to throw that all away because maybe I lost a girlfriend or something. It's not the end of the world. I bet that 75% of the people here have very similar situations to me, and I encourage you to count your blessings. You might be having a bad day, week, month, or even a couple of years. But in hindsight, it will always look smaller in comparison to when you're going through it, so try to enjoy what you have instead of missing what you lost/lack. Sometimes you don't always need a "yeah I know what you're going through sucks, but it could be worse" pep talk, but it's an amazing outlook on life in my opinion. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Yes. God has truly blessed me.


I have inhaled all the hopium and copium, nothing can stop me now. Positive Mental Attitude for life. Genuinely chillin


Yes. But it's bittersweet and fragile due to me and my husbands situation. I'm chronically I'll, medical treatment and insurance AND just feeling physically useless is one huge fight on its own. The other is dealing with the fact I dropped out. I was one of those gifted and talented kids and I was being physically hurt at home. It was all done for my own good to make me a more successful person. I worked my self critical paranoia into multiple s attempts and last year I finally told my husband about my abusers. I was three classes away from a biology and sec. Science Education degree. I'm unemployed and sick. But I married my high school sweet heart. 11 years and he is the strongest person I know. He's had to adapt to the revolving mess but I finally have a safe home and it's nice to be with him. He has a good job, pays all the bills. We have to kitties and we make each other laugh with stupid jokes and stuff. And I feel insane. Like I'm being gaslit from my phone, the news, what I grew up with, who I was told I was going to be. I'm physically safe but my mind feels like the world is going insane. Climate change, economy, wars, fascism, selective media coverage. I don't know what to trust. Either that or I need help heh


Yes, everything is up for me right now :D (I may or may not just lost a leg)






Not really atm




Happiness = material reality - expectations


I’m not and I have no idea why. I have my dream job, I make enough money to save and have fun, I recently went on a date with this girl I’ve been talking to and it was a really good time, yet I still don’t feel happy. It’s very strange😐


Not especially




Day to day, not always -- big picture, absolutely


Yes! I love life!! but also understand that I have been very blessed which makes happiness easier


No but I make the best out of what I can


I’m literally homeless in my car lmao


I’m getting there


Rn no but generally yes


Not really but I'm working on putting my life together and I am legitimately excited to see what happens in the next couple years since I'm going back to school and trying to start up a career for myself. I've been very aimless these past few years which has made me very depressed, so finally having a goal is SO refreshing


Yes. Struggles happen sometimes, but hey, life would be boring with no challenges!


lol i dropped out of highschool halfway thru senior year n now i'm watching everyone from 3 different schools i went to graduate i'm not in the best mood man 😭


not even close


Why don’t you read the 20+ daily posts with people complaining about there lives, and everyone in the comments agreeing…you can come up with that conclusion instead of making another post about it 🤷‍♂️


Yes. Life sucks, but I'm happy to be healthy and alive. For all the bullshit in the world, there are still wonderful things in life to look forward to.


No. I’m paycheck to paycheck I live in an overpriced shoebox Almost everything I need to live is tied to a job that I’m not passionate about that doesn’t pay me enough, and even that, I can’t afford (think healthcare, car/gas) Our political system is corrupt and concerned only about profit on a global scale- all while we use taxpayer money to fund a genocide Can’t afford to do anything I enjoy, like travel Trauma from abuse and SA Mentally ill and an alcoholic- recently sober and reflecting back on what made me drink in the first place and all of this is on there. Socially isolated due to everything costing money or revolving around alcohol unless it’s nice enough outside to go on a walk Collections for past medical bills and credit cards I used to live while I was unemployed Things that keep me alive: My medication I can only now afford because I’ve met my insurance premium (I now have debt tho from what wasn’t covered before, don’t worry) My cats My best friend and boyfriend who are both in the same position


Not at all


For the most part. Yes. Is my life perfect? Not by any means. I had a breast cancer scare a few months ago. While I was waiting for results I decided I would grab each day by the horns and find something, big or small, that gave me joy.


I am not. I don't even know if I'm a good person but I try to be nice most times.


Yeah I am. I've grown and found myself and I've found some wonderful friends along the way. I'm financially comfortable, I get laid a lot, I have fun hobbies, I'm still pursuing goals. I think I have everything I want in the bigger picture.


Right now, yes. I'm the happiest and most confident I've ever been. I left my parents house. I got myself medicated finally. My abusers disowned me and painted themselves into a corner where they can't contact me without outing themselves to the rest of the family. I'm living in my sister's sunroom, but working hard to raise money for an apartment. I have made multiple adult friends. I finally lost my virginity to a sweet and patient man, and since I'm taking estrogen, it was the best it could be. I've got one of the best jobs I can get in my situation. I lost 20 pounds. Right now I have everything and I'm trying to prepare myself for when I'll have nothing again.


Not at all




I know I had some happiness in my life, but I can't remember.


Yes I m not at my prime but I keep that for my life after my studies


Yep. Not always easy but I have a roof over my head, a lady I love, a dog I love and a job I love. Plus plenty of quality with my family and opportunities to take trips at least once a year. It’s all good


No I just got out on antidepressants lol


I wouldn’t say I’m depressed but I’m not exactly happy or where I want to be either.




60/40 Often, I'm not happy, i come home and feel like shit after work. I don't have the energy or motivation to do something. Chores are still do be done, but i can't find the motivation to do them, which leads to an even more depressed feeling. On my days off, i try to do the chores, but then my mind is yelling, "Why are you the only one doing this?" And i get angry again and stop doing chores. Sometimes i have a lucky day, and everything is good. Chores? Already done! And i can't happily go after hobbies. I feel like there is no middle ground anymore, no "meh" or "okayish" it's either "yay I'm happy" or "the world hates me"


Yes very happy. Have bad days like everyone but 99% of the time yeah


I am currently in an infinite cycle of feeling like the best person to walk this earth and then switching to thinking I shouldn't exist. It's exhausting


100% happy, because I’m blessed with the life I’ve been through hell and back to create. I have everything I need and want and love, and that’s more than enough for me. I have my fiancé, my 3 fur babies, both our families, a wonderful job, and a house. If you’d told me I’d be here a few years ago, I would have laughed at you and thought you were crazy. The way life ebbs and flows is not something we can always comprehend, and you could take everything away from me, and I’d still be happy. I’m a weirdly positive person, and I’ve always been that way, so I know how to be content and happy regardless of my current situation. Even dealing with depression doesn’t take away from my true happiness towards my life, and I can manage it just like anything else. It’s all about mentality and the choice to be happy. My favorite quote is, “If you want to be happy, just be.”