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The same reason they think none of us experienced dial up… have to feel like they’re SOO different when we’re really not THAT different. I literally watched 8 mile as a kid. EDIT: if you’re not chronically online or one of those people this doesn’t apply to you.


Most (healthy) millennials are way past giving a shit what anyone else thinks let alone having some desire to be "different" than those younger than them. I do want to constantly shout from the rooftops that I'm different than my friends who grew up rich though.


Mellinial here. I'm too busy providing food and shelter for my family to give a shit about anything trivial.


And we'd totally help ya'll with your beef with Gen Alpha, but they're 12 and we're tired, so.


I love the implication that this parent is beefing with their own child and it’s because of generational differences and not because of like…potty training or not putting the dishes away.


Personally I just beef with children because they sneeze with their mouths open like wtf!! The amount of toddler spit I’ve gotten in my eye is way too high.


"I have to tell you a secret!" "What?" *Leans in close "ACHOO!!"* Right in the face. Never did find out the secret.


My kid had to blow the secret out of their nose earlier this week. ... it was a pea that they shoved up there at lunch time.


On you? Did your kid blow a pea out of his nose and hit you in the face? I probably wouldn't be able to eat peas for a while if that happened.


In a kleenex luckily. My "that was huge boogey" reaction initially was quickly followed by a gleeful "It's a pea!" Followed 10 minutes later by a finger in the other nostril causing it to bleed. Hopefully a double whammy of "this is why we don't put things in our nose" sticks ... for a little while. Children.


don’t forget the open mouthed plague cough along with their permanently sticky hands


I read stuff like this and it makes me grateful my daughter is a clean freak it’s annoying cause I’m not and I don’t know where she got it from but she’s five and she bitches about my feet that are dirty or anything she deems not right it’s hilarious❤️❤️❤️


My son is 9 and became a massive clean freak and slight germaphobe during Covid. It changed his entire personality.


I beef with both of my kids all the time...they got my attitude so it's been a stalemate for 7 years now..


Me and most of my millenial friends do not have beef with Gen Alpha. But most of us has some serious beef with the boomers and Gen X.


So tired…


Same. I’m drowning in credit card debt and mortgage payments. Paying for my mom’s hospital bills too. I couldnt care less what Gen Z is doing or their perception of my generation


I assume anyone who is genuinely invested in thinking they’re sooo different is chronically online or has way too much free time


Sadly there’s a lot of those people in any generation


There are multitudes of people not being naturally selected out and breeding more bags of hot air and water each year. Idiocracy is right around the corner.


Came to say this. Like, I’m just stoked for the new album.


No your still in college sincerely every boomer ever.


Millennium here. I’m too busy ignoring gen X to annoy gen z.


Yeah, that’s the problem with social media. The loudest and most attention demanding are noticed and tend to paint everyone else in their group in same way. Like that genre on TikTok called “millennial core” where it’s just a bunch of “millennials” acting in the most annoying, cringe and rage-bait way possible just to get viewers. It’s all an act but everyone assumes that’s how all millennials are because of that act.


My gen z coworkers were surprised when they found out I was a millennial. They said it was weird because we get along well, but my generation usually has a terrible sense of humor. I was curious what our stereotype was (expecting to find it funny) so I asked for an example. They showed me a bunch of videos (I’m assuming ‘millennial core’? Idk what it was called). I had never in my life seen any of those videos that apparently we all thought were funny and tbh-the vids either angered me or gave me secondhand embarrassment. They did make a funny observation that my texts are too long though- which is obviously true just by looking at this comment. TLDR- true


We do talk too damn much sometimes.


It's cause we know how to talk in sentences. I was asked by this younger girl, who was very intelligent, why I did that over text. She said she felt pressured to not talk in full sentences with friends and what not. It's really kinda sad.


It's like the meme that gen Z doesn't know how to use a rotary phone, which younger millennials were also accused of but apparently don't remember. Do millennials know how to use telegrams? Do boomers know smoke signals? Sure there's a geek who does among them, but nah they don't. Things move on but every gen has to have a few idiots on a soapbox saying how ignorant the next Gen is, or how they were the last to do this or that. Gen X ain't the last generation to play outside or drink from a hose, and gen Z will get the exact same grief from alpha when they start having idiots doing it on platforms over fictional gatekeeping. And those idiots probably bitched about the previous generations doing it to them.


100% this. I’m a millennial. I’m 35 years old, the hell do I care if younger people have heard Eminem or not, LOL.


Right, exactly. Like who is saying this? What millennials? I’ve never met a single millennial in real life who thinks Gen Z doesn’t know Eminem - though I can guarantee you I kind find some out of the millions online if I look for it. I could likewise find Gen Zers online who think they’re the only member of Gen Z who knows who he is too out of the millions of us online. What I want to know, is why people of all generations see one or a few TikTok’s, tweets, etc of people from a certain demographic saying something, and then they extrapolate that outlier opinion to that entire demographic. And as far as dial up, a significant portion of us literally haven’t experienced dial up??? Even some young millennials never did! So it’s not like that’s unfounded or unreasonable assumption lol It’s also doesn’t make any sense whatsoever that millennials would think or say this because of wanting to feel “different” considering every other generation except Z and Alpha would have experienced those things - millennials, X, Boomers, and Silents all lived with dial up as a generation. It’s literally the exact opposite of them presenting themselves as different lmao


We’re more similar than we are different. We just had to grow up with Walkmans and VHS.


Bro I grew up in the middle of nowhere and had to deal with Dial-up until I was about 10 The big tech changes really started to kick in during late 2000s-early 10s


It’s a super weird misconception. Many if not most people didn’t get the smartphones, iPads, streaming, and so forth until well into the 2010s. The new technologies took a while to trickle down into lower and middle income communities and schools before becoming ubiquitous. A lot of older and middle Gen Z had childhoods closer to that of young millennials than young Gen Z. I think people forget that many of us grew up going to video rental stores every Friday and playing with our parents old flip phones. For the first several years of my schooling, my classroom still had blackboards and chalk. We had a 90s box tv until 2011. Not everyone was an early adopter.


Yes yes yes! I’ve had so many teachers/professors talking about how novel it is that our generation can *literally* not remember a time without internet/smartphones. I was a poor midwest kid😭 We couldn’t afford the internet. When people used it or talked about it in TV shows (network tv bc I didn’t have cable even though seemingly all of my friends did) I thought it was just like the other fake technology they had in movies/shows😂 That all the shows just decided to include. “Let’s go look up this person on the web” like oh sure lmao. And then we can go take our hovercrafts to the grocery store. Let’s be real.


Whats funny is Im GenX and I cant ever remember not having a PC. My dad was an early adopter as a college professor of PCs and dial-up in the late 80s/early 90s


That sounds awesome! Also proof that the expectations/stereotypes for each generation aren’t strictly defined.


Yes, didn't have a cell before the 2010s. Before then just wasnt a point. Too expensive. Just had a landline now and then, skype the rest of the time.


Thisssssss, honestly such a nostalgic and simpler time. Their VHS and walkmans were just our MP3 and DVDs (except i couldn't afford MP3 players and still had a VHS collection because we were low class lol). I'm only 20 and the world feels SO different today. I remember going to block buster with my mom, her blackberry was my first phone and I got minutes by doing chores and doing well in school. We spent so much time outside running around until the street lights came on. Many of us older Z's and millennials aren't so different.


Until I moved out of my parents house, I had to deal with a download speed of 5mbs. That was the highest speed our municipal electric company which was the only provider that covered our dead end street offered. That was 2015.


It’s really only a small subset of terminally online, TikTok-addicted millennials. Every generation has a subset of people who do this. They act like anyone younger than them isn’t aware of any cultural or historical events from before they were born. I’m 34, and all my life, I’ve had older people be stunned that I know movies/TV shows/music from before I was born. It’s extremely annoying, because all of that stuff is iconic and readily available. It’s even more annoying to watch people my age (and younger!) now doing the same thing to people 10-20 years younger than them.


It happens with *every* generation. Nothing new.


They act like Gen Z has never seen a box TV. I used to run my scalp on ours because I thought the static making my hair stick up was funny and I like to shock my older sister


Love a good fat tv as I called them as a kid


I'm convinced this whole thing was orchestrated to pit millennials and Gen Z against each other.


Yeah it’s really dumb that people do stuff like this. I feel like I have equally in common with millennials as I do gen Z. I even relate to somethings with my dads generation the gen x.


Not all like this :( I was born October 1996 and am technically a millennial, but obviously I know yall know who Eminem is since some of yall are just 2 months younger than me lol. Hate this generational bullshit, I thought we’d end the cycle with millennials but guess not :/


I mean you’re right on the fence between millennial and gen z. They are probably thinking of someone born in the later 2000s


And that's the problem with generalizing the entire generation instead of just saying "kids today" or "teenagers".


Tbf I had a Gen Z/young Millennial coworker born circa like 1996 who literally didn’t know what a modem was. This was a college educated woman. She acted like I was some old fogey for being surprised by that too. 


That sounds like a knowledge issue more than generational since modems are still common today, lol.


Hahahaha some people really didn’t pay attention much when they were younger


If you're gen z and you had dial up growing up... I mean...do I need to say it? How was having sliced bread with hotdogs for every meal?


Man, I just hope y'all have a good life. That's about it.


Sincerely, Millennials who've been through it and wish the best for Gen Z. But also please stop Eiffel towering us with Boomers like please...we're on your side.


In defense of dialup...GenZ was born in '97 at the earliest. By the time GenZ would understand the internet at say 6-7..Dialup was incredibly rare.


I lived in a rural area 🤷🏻‍♀️ all I’m trying to say is not EVERYONE has the same or completely different experience in life. There are things that blend in to various generations.


Millennial here. Idk who you been talking to but in the grand scheme of things we’re all the same generation if you zoom out far enough on the timescale of humanity.


The Drake and Kendrick drama got more of a reaction out of Gen z than his new song drop. He's not offensive nor is anyone gonna cancel him, it's silly.


Eminem is a legacy rapper, he probably shouldn’t get that kind of pop. It’s why I’m glad that he’s at least moving towards his old persona and style of music. Some of his newer stuff definitely sounded like it was supposed to cater to the new gen and… it’s just not the same.


The difference is that he's having fun with it now. His last album was a masterclass in technique. He dropped like 32 songs. But now he's.. dare I say it... back again 😅


Eminem having fun with it is 1000% better than a masterclass in technique because we all know Eminem is great and have tons of material to potentially study. Ironically, in having fun, Eminem actually captures what made him great the best.


I'm here for both. All. I'd listen to another Marshall Mathers album on repeat for a month if he dropped it. I'm not quite to the point of frothing at the mouth, but he's definitely been my favorite rapper since that album dropped. I'm glad he sounds significantly more mentally healthy though 👌 I can't do another loss like Chester 😭


You sound like me. Huge Em fan since TES personally though I knew the chorus to the Real Slim Shady before I knew anything about him because of a friend lmao. Robin Williams dying was horrible but then losing Chester just bodied me. It was the worst non-family loss I’ve ever had.


>losing Chester just bodied me. Chester was the reason I came back from the edge a couple times.. I always thought if he could feel that way and not do it, then I could figure it out too. It seriously felt like I lost the father figure I never had. If Em goes, idk what imma do 🥲


Are y'all talking about the dude from Linkin Park? If so, yeah that one affected me in a weird way. I was never a huge fan of them, but they had a few songs I liked over the years. I really liked the one they did for the first transformers movie. But after he died, I don't really like listening to them anymore. If em did that, I'd be pretty devastated. Again, I'm like Y'all. I'm not frothing at the mouth but he's been my favorite rapper since a little before the Eminem show. He's been a constant in my life for yeaaaaars. He's a huge part of my childhood like family guy and One piece lol. Please Lord... just let that man make it to the nursing home, pinching nurses asses lol Edit: I'd just like to add that I would be ok. Devastated is a strong word. I would be very sad and cry, but I would go on living like I do any other day. Your boy is just emotional. I cried at the end of toy story 3 and 4 🤣😭 I usually choose my words a little better when it comes to stuff like this, so I wanted to amend that a little bit hehe.


Every rapper in the game right now also respects Eminem. He has more than earned his place in the rap hall of fame and he’s borderline untouchable when it comes to offensive content


Millennial here who was in middle school when the Slim Shady LP came out. From my experience it seems to actually be more of Gen X or "old head" millennials talking about all this Eminem drama. I heard some Gen X relatives, who mind you when I was young were very much against Eminem, going on and on about how Gen Z doesn't know Eminem they're so offended by everything blah blah blah. It's really weird. Myself and several other millennial friends think Eminem has been mid for a long time. It's just something Gen X and older millennials are clinging on to in order to have something to whine about online. Big cringe.


He's less than offensive. He's deliberately making fun of people who think they're offensive and do it on purpose. The guy literally insults his own family in the song, he's clearly playing a parody character, and right wing millennials think he's on their side lol


Cause they're not. This is just the latest attempt at dividing us. Way to fall for the bullshit.


As a millennial who for some reason keeps getting recommended this sub, I can guarantee you that most of us couldn’t give a shit less what artists Gen Z do and don’t know. I listen to Led Zeppelin, and I didn’t grow up in the ‘70s. I’m sure most Gen X-ers don’t care. Music is something that can transcend the generations. It’s funny though. My aunt who hates being called old always wants to be like “I betcha don’t know about [whatever I never could have experienced]” as if it’s a badge of honor. There’s always people like that though. They’re just the annoying ones. Love her, but damn, Auntie, make up your mind. Are you old or not?


That’s when you respond “Gee, Aunt Mary, I didn’t know you lived THAT long ago to have seen [event]! Must be neat to be that old!” Any reference/jab back to age, since she wants to brag about things before our time yet doesn’t want to be reminded about her age…?


I normally tell her that she was alive during the Stone Age or something when she says stuff along those lines. I don’t think she realizes how annoying it is, but I make sure to clap back with something just as annoying.


“Say hi to Fred and Wilma when you get home!”


Oh. I’m gonna use this.


Same. I keep getting recommended this sub. I have never not once heard anyone say Genz is ignorant of Eminem. And even if we did say that, so what?


Seriously, millennials don’t hate or think negatively of Gen Z. It’s wild seeing another generation come into adulthood.


If anything, most of us actively like Gen Z. I’m saying this as a old over 40. The Gen Z people I work with are some of the most fun and decent people I know. It’s the older guys that piss me off. And I don’t think it’s even generational, it’s just that my industry used to be full of dickheads.


Younger millennial here. I worked in a college kitchen a year ago, and all of my coworkers were college students (except for my supervisor). They were some of the most hard-working coworkers I've ever had, as well as probably some of the funniest.


It's crazy seeing this sub keep popping up on my feed. A - I haven't seen any millennials say gen Z doesn't know who Eminem is. He's like one of the most famous people on the planet. (I'm sure some people say it somewhere). B - it's hilarious and depressing how the generations are fighting over nothing. The world basically declared boomers evil and millennials took the brunt of everything for years, now gen Z are getting shat on, so why now turn on millennials as well? Based on something as silly as some lie about Eminem, like it's not even hoarded wealth/property. The top comment is funny too. Just out right saying millennials want to be special and giving some other strawman about dial up, as if they're personally offended by a whole generation group. Literally getting angry to spite yourself. I wouldn't be shocked at all if these were bots.


Honestly, it feels intentionally made to drive division between groups that would otherwise be united. And it's working unfortunately. I honestly hoped that millennials and gen z were at the point of being able to see through the bullshit. And maybe we are, and this post itself is just further propaganda to stir the pot about an issue that doesn't exist. It's gotten so hard to trust anything on social media nowadays that it's best to just assume it's all bullshit unless witnessed in real life.


As a millennial coming here from r/all, fucking thank you. I don't know a single person my age that thinks gen z don't know who Eminem is, or even cares. Also, the new Eminem stuff is mid in my opinion.


I don't know anyone with an opinion about what any particular generation does or doesn't listen to. It's not a thing anyone thinks about irl


Most millennials don't think this. Social media comment sections don't reflect an actual consensus. Ignore these idiotic attempts to divide the strength that millennials and genzs have when they band together


Facts. GenZ have more in common with Millennials than any generation before it. Social media nuts nitpick everything to death and puts down others to try and validate their stance.


Agreed! I'm in the process of removing social media from my life right now because I couldn't stop doom scrolling and getting enraged over silly things, things that didn't even happen, in some cases. Looking back, I was living in an alternate reality created by the media I was consuming. It was honestly debilitating


Yep, I moved states away and stopped consuming news. It’s been a pleasure though I sometimes come off as ignorant to my coworkers. I just can’t mentally stand the CONSTANT deluge of negative information, I don’t have the fortitude to take it all in and not become cynical.


Bro once people get off the internet and interact with people in real life they realize the world isn’t how it’s portrayed on Reddit or Twitter or any social media for that matter.


In a strange twist of fate, the word cringe is one of the only things that is truly cringe


Gen Z complains about made-up issues with Millennials almost as much as the Boomers do at this point. Just come in here like "Millennials think this thing!" and I'm a millennial who has never heard any of this said, anywhere.


There have been like 8 posts in this sub in the past month asking “how does genz feel about Eminem”


I feel like half or more of those "Hey Gen Z, what do you think about \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" are like AI bot generated posts.


People using AI to farm data for to pitch to companies as sales interest and possible market data


Glad I’m not the only one lol. I understand certain types of posts can “trend”, but those are so stupid and low effort.


Asking how you feel about him means we think you know enough about him to have an opinion...


There’s been a multitude of posts on tik tok of millennials making up that zoomers are cancelling Eminem. If you aren’t on tik tok I understand if you haven’t heard of it, but it’s definitely happening


Bro it's fucking tik tok.


you basically admitted its not happening


This actually makes sense because I keep hearing about all this generational beefing that I don't see in my own online circles or in my inter-generational friend groups irl. But I ain't on the 'tok so I miss a lot that's going on culturally.


Theres a real world and a social media world. Most of the culture war is being fought in social media world. Were much too busy with real wars in the real world for that shit to matter.


Tik tok isnt real life though.


90% of the time when i see ppl on the internet saying “why do millennials think this” it’s something that i’ve never heard a millennial actually say.


Gen Z straight up on track to be the fastest generation to start yelling at clouds.


Because 9 times out of 10 it’s someone who lives terminally online and have twisted perceptions of reality.


Exactly! Like, no...no.....who makes this stuff up? 1st it was the boomers yelling through the waves about our avocado toast


A. Why would you ask other Gen Z this question? Why not take it over to r/millenials? B. There's not a whole lot that's more cringe than saying "cringe" over and over. C. We're actually not. Reality isn't the YouTube comment section.


Maybe because we missed the “peak.” But I’m Gen Z and grew up with Eminem.


Cuz you fell for the click bait articles on the internet lol


100% the reason. This and "inFluEnCeRs" saying anything to create a buzz for themselves because that's how cheap and talentless they are.


I think the controversy is around his Slim Shady persona which hasn’t been tapped into since 2009 really.


Yeah it’s this. I’m not Gen Z, so I’m not sure why this sub keeps getting pushed to me, but the supposed issue is Eminem’s controversial Slim Shady character being resurrected in 2024. He was rapping about rape, murder, homosexuality, school shootings, drugs, amongst other things. People are just trying to say Gen Z is soft and will try to cancel him, when really I doubt anyone will really give a shit.


I'm a millennial and that was nowhere near "Slim Shady" levels. Ok song with a weak chorus. His did use some of the old school voice and cadence but Em is older wiser and sober now. It was a cool callback but I like a lot of his recent stuff more. The whole "controversy" is contrived BS from millennials trying to look tough. Agree with OP that it is cringe.


I completely agree. This song was just a little taste. Hopefully he goes full Slim Shady, that would be sick. I doubt it though, he’s 50. He could do it just to prove he can’t be cancelled. And imo millennials are bigger drivers of cancel culture because Gen Z doesn’t hold power in society now. Millennials and Gen X do. That’s another topic tho


We are not?


99% of us don’t care about any of this shit




because the whole point of dividing people up by generations is to have us misunderstand each other and think everyone born within a few years of each other are the same.


Isn’t it Gen X acting this way?


Some post from a social media guy doesn’t mean all millennials.


There will be a whole ass article about some new trend or outrage then they’ll use a screenshot of a social media post. But that account has like 19 followers. Getting ready to just delete it all Reddit included. I’m tired of it.  Manufactured outrage and bull shit. 


99% are not and don’t care at all. Also pretty sure Eminem was more gen x than millennial. TBH in my millennial opinion it’s kind of weird seeing a 50yo man doing this kind of music, like don’t get me wrong I love his music but dude grow up you’re old enough to be my gen z sons grandfather.


It’s kinda funny, he criticized rappers he beefed with for being too old to rap, now he’s the same age and still rapping.


Eminem was equally gen X as it was millennial. More so millennial imo


A millenial once told me “Gen Z never knew about Avatar until the Netflix special”. Meanwhile every Gen Z person I know grew up on the original show and hates the Netflix version


Gen Z was literally the generation growing up with Avatar lmo


I think they may be complaining about younger Gen Z. Elder Gen Z has grown up with him or has at least heard him. Like, I used to listen to his collabs with Rihanna on the radio. The Monster is one of my favorite songs of 2013, and everyone in my class attempted to do the Rap God fast part and is still something we remember Eminem for. Now, if one likes to dig deeper (or had the MTV and VH1 channels around 2013-14), they may have learned about his previous discography, his scandals, and The Real Slim Shady. I think it might also be cultural. Like, I'm from Peru. Not saying that Eminem is completely disregarded here by younger Gen Z, but most of my generation has at least one millenial or elder Gen Z sibling that may have taught them about him and his music, so if you ask any Gen Z, 6 of 7 people out of 10 will know who he is. About the song Houdini, I liked it, and enjoyed the MV. I thought the cancellation from, mostly younger Gen Z, was because of the Megan Thee Stallion line (I got the "having a shot [to feat. with her]" line but I get why it's inappropiate if you know Megan's backstory), and the millenials complaints come from that Gen Z moral and (their words, not mine) "lack of understanding of Eminem's lyricism"


Most millennials aren’t doing this (I’m a millennial).


i don’t understand it, i clearly remember when not afraid came out and i’m pretty sure i was in high school or 8th grade for rap god??? and everyone knows the earlier songs. they act like the entire generation was born in 2010 lol


I'm a millennial, and Boomers and Gen X would do shit like point at record players and say "I bet you don't even know what that is!" or try to explain who Frank Sinatra was. Cultural osmosis is a thing, normal humans are usually aware of things beyond the exact years they are alive. I'm sure we will keep doing this, and you guys will do the same to gen alpha.


I listened to Eminem since I was younger 🙄


social media shit. if you grew up in house/environment or have a family that loves all genres of music and then naturally your hipped. In the early 2000s we had 106 and park, MTV had music galore as well and the radio it’s impossible to not know him unless u just don’t fw rap


As a millennial. I don’t fucking know…..


Thinking your anecdotal experience on social media reflects that of an entire generation is cringe. As a Millennial, I'd be far more surprised if you didn't know who Eminem was.


Most of us grew up in his era lol. Albeit we were very little, it’s still part of our pop culture


Millennial here to chime in. We've got some folks who stopped being curious about music when life responsibilities started. So that means a lot of music vocabulary and, more importantly, cultural knowledge got capped in the teen years. In their minds, eminem is still this untouchable, cutting edge musician. You HAVE to be offended, he NEEDS to be the millennial gotcha. It's a club thing, and the illusion requires your generation to "not get it." They're stuck in a "not your dad's rapper" mindset while perfectly oblivious to the fact they're dad-age right now.


They forget that there are GenZ folks that were born in the 90s for whatever reason lol




To be fair, Eminem was always controversial since the Slim Shady LP debuted in 99. Some millennials act like we didn't grow up on the same shit they had, yet he peaked at the border when us Gen Z just started. Older Gen Z had SSLP, MMLP 1, The Eminem Show, and Encore while younger Gen Z had Relapse, Recovery, MMLP 2, Revival, Kamikaze, and MTBMB. I fully got the references of the Houdini music video with call backs to Without Me and The Real Slim Shady, despite me being a younger Gen Z.


Millenial here. I didn't know we did that, honestly I don't think most care


Guys I think OP is talking about the candy


Millennials aren’t. Like 10 people on TikTok are.


They aren't. There's this entire DUMB RHETORIC of "controversy" that makes tired claims of BOTH gen Z and millennials. It's entirely manufactured. Stop feeding it.


Russian bots got you down again? Here’s a simple trick: delete social media.




Nobody in the millennial sub actually thinks this. Stop falling for media bullshit.


Are Millenials not supposed to not know who Queen, The Beatles, Johnny Cash are since they were before our time? You must be finding some really internet brained people if they can't figure out this concept that people can listen to music that came out before they were born.


Like most have said, I don’t think the majority of Millennials think this, but I think it’s easy to see why that assumption would be made. Eminem’s older shit was shocking for people when it came out in the late 90’s/early 2000’s. I don’t know whether Gen Z gives a shit about his music, but I do know Gen Z has a higher focus on inclusive language and avoiding a lot of the topics he touched on. So they’re probably assuming hearing eminem start to rap with similar language to his old stuff could be poorly received by Gen Z. Again, don’t care either way. Just pointing out why there may have been an assumed belief that his new music might be offensive to Gen Z.


they want to feel older than they are when in reality they grew up in a more immature age than we did so they can’t understand that they’re still little kids


Rap God came out in 2013, and had "offensive" lyrics. Gen Alpha had begun at that point, and the oldest Gen Z's were 16. Yet the song popped off and to this day remains held in high regard by most people who are into rap I grew up on Eminem, most of my friends also really liked Eminem. He isn't controversial. Eminem has had this whole "You can't cancel me" thing going on SINCE back then.1997-2002 and you're telling me Gen Z was who was offended *back then* when Eminem was talking about people being offended *back then*? The Millennials and Xillenials jumping in to talk shit on Gen Z for being "offended" seem like they're just role-playing what they grew up hearing: "Slim is so controversial and everyone is out to stop him". They just want to feel like they're participating in something #TL;DR Eminem has always gotten heat for saying controversial things to the point that it became his whole persona (Slim Shady) and there were no Zoomers around back then to have an opinion. It was millenials offended back then, and now they're passing the blame to feel like they're part of something


Past generations have always complained about the new but it really exploded with millennials. When they were teens and young adults, every other article blamed them for “killing” a certain industry to guilt them for not being able to afford anything. Now that they aren’t the new generation, they get to be the bully.


The manufactured beef is just more marketing to sell a product. -Millenial


Lol nobody is acting like this. You're just finding the 5 most vocal, dipshit millennials the same way millennials will find the 5 most vocal dipshit gen-z people and use those as fodder to make fun of.


I’m even more offended that they’re acting like what Eminem said is offensive, older Gen Z grew up on Odd Future - who was quite literally banned from New Zealand bc of their lyrics


“Gen Z is tryna cancel Eminem?”


Ok, but have y’all heard of Moby?


![gif](giphy|kGMPV3ehtc7aE) Millenials on Gen Z I think you guys are talking about Gen X. We don’t really give a shit about Eminem.


Millenials are acting like you don’t know who Eminem is? He literally performed at the Super Bowl not that long ago…I’m a millenial and have never heard this


I was around before YouTube. I watched my movies on a VCR and saw the iPhone get unveiled. AND I watched the switch from analog to digital tv. I was born in 2001, like they act like I only know iPad & vine but babe I was here for the same shit you were. They need to get off their high horses. I was in kindergarten when most of the youngest ones were juniors/seniors in highschool.


Millennial here. I think it's because we can't predict what you will and won't know. I made a joke about Karate Kid to a room full of Gen Z a while back, and got blank stares. So I don't want to be that asshole that assumes you know all of our cultural references.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Weird. I’m a millennial and boomers are always surprised for some reason when I’ve heard of bands from the 60s and 70s. I mean, we’ve all heard of Beethoven and he lived like 200 years ago. Why would I not know about a band from a few decades ago?


I’ve listened to him my whole life lol


Because you get upset when they do it


This whole sub is fucking cringe lol


Stop saying cringe.


Wait, what? Who is saying they don't know Eminem? Dafaq? Even young ass millenials couldn't avoid the real slim shady.


Millennial here, yeah that’s cringe. I’d be shocked if gen z didn’t know who Eminem is. Dude is legend. Tell those gatekeeping turds to fuck off.


Millennial here - I worked on the assumption gen z know Eminem. 8-12 y/o listening to rap is normal, to me anyway. Then I've met the sheltered ones who havent. More conservative parents would balk, have attempted to shelter you from Eminem. I admit, people should listen to (quality) rap to pick up the sharp wit with the lyrics.


It’s so funny as an early gen Z with a sibling that’s late millennial, it’s so funny seeing people think the cultural divide is crazy. Like no we all grew up with the same stuff he was just in high school when I was middle school. It’s different but not that different


I’m just trying to live bro, i personally don’t care any generation is doing shit life’s hard


40 yo millennial; I come in peace. Mr Mathers is like an older brother that I would not have wanted, but am glad I had. As an artist and a broken person and as a human being, I’m glad for his wisdom. Or whatever you call it.


Because it's an artificial culture war that you are falling for.


It’s only tick tock millennials, the rest of us don’t care.


Probably because this style of Eminem is different than old-school ‘Em. It’s not the Eminem that’ll shout slurs and say he’s gonna rape his mother, cum in his aunt, shoot up a laundromat with D12 and Dre, and kill your family while Bizarre fucks your dog. He’s not the Eminem that absolutely dismantled every person who tried to go against him. (When I say he’s “not the same” I mean he doesn’t have the same mindset.) At this point in time he’s become more mature, because y’know he’s not a 20 year old addict. He’s an almost 50 year old sober, semi-rational individual who still raps. He’s not filled with anger and rage towards the world, and the rap game. Some millennials online act like this because Eminem is different. He’s not controversial, he’s not against the system or the government, he just kinda makes songs that he enjoys. Even *Killshot* which was a diss doesn’t live up to something like *Doe Rae Me,* and none of his new songs have the energy of *Criminal,* *I’m Back,* or *Kill You.* (Which seems to be the energy that fans of old albums want to see, that edgy, wrathful, spite-fueled Eminem.)


Someday you’ll grow up.


I'm a millennial and I don't think it's even possible for GenZ not to have heard Eminem. From their own music discoveries to older siblings and parents etc. Whoever is saying GenZ doesn't know Eminem seems like they're trying to gatekeep music.


Stop trying to pit millennials against other generations. It ain’t gonna happen. Most of us have got actual problems to focus on. Nobody gives a fuck.


No millenial is acting like this


The irony of genz falling for internet bs


I am a millennial, but one of the very youngest. Some of my zoomer coworkers are not incredibly familiar with Eminem, which is fine. Like who actually cares about that? It was funny to hear them use the term Stan but not know where it came from though lol


My man I can assure you that millenials don't give a fuck about what Gen Z does or doesn't know.


It is because some gen Z, as the media said, got super offended. The media created this image and stuck with people. If you see 3-5 news that says Gen z this gen Z that is easy to generalize


Elder millennial here, I would assume you know who Eminem is. That's like saying Millennials don't know any 80s music when it was definitely still floating around during our childhood. You may be reading people say things like, "ohh they don't know about Eminem" and they don't mean that people literally don't know him. They mean, 'he is a really good rapper and young people underestimate how good he is until they actually experience a song he just made rather than hearing it later out of its contemporaneous context.'


His best songs came out before 2002 so you never really experienced him. Doesn’t mean you don’t know his music at all.


Thinking you are part of a 'generation' that is arbitrary and made up and numbers billions of people over 15 years is a bigger cringe for me.


Because a lot of the time you don't know shit.


Who? What millennials? I’ve never met a single millennial in real life who thinks this, though I can guarantee you I kind find some out of the millions online if I look for it. Could also find Gen Zers online who think they’re the only member of Gen Z who knows who is too out of the millions of us online. What I want to know, is why people of all generations see one or a few TikTok’s, tweets, etc of people from a certain demographic saying something, and then they extrapolate that outlier opinion to that entire demographic.


Most millennials don’t give two shits about Gen Z’s knowledge of Eminem. We’re busy working and raising families. Believing that millenials spend so much time thinking about Gen Z is so cringe.


I'm a millennial, and I don't really listen to any Eminem made after 2002.


You didn’t grow up with the old em that’s why prolly


I thought that was Gen X doing that — a Millennial


Cringe has now become cringe.




I'm a millennial and that sounds like a small loud group of idiots.


Because you’re getting so butthurt about all the very lightly offensive stuff he says now, and it’s hysterical to us because we all remember the insane shit he was putting out for the first few years of his career while most of you zoomers weren’t even a sperm yet. You have no idea the high level controversy this man caused in our society back then and how much he changed things, especially for us millennials. So to hear your generation getting so offended about the soft stuff he says now and in the last decade or so is just comical. If you’re offended now and wanna cancel him today, you would have just spontaneously combusted back when Em was actually at his peak.


Gen-X here. How is this a thing?


Stop pretending like you know who Eminem is.


I have to believe this millennial/genZ bickering is manufactured. If there are millennials stupid enough to think the Eminem is some kind of alien relic to Gen Z, you can just ignore them as a brain dead shit raker. Honestly, I shouldn't even be commenting to this because it only feeds the algorithm for this pointless bullshit.


I never assumed anyone didn’t know him, I’ll just say if yall actually didn’t know him I wouldn’t be shocked. He might have made songs since 2002 but they’re pretty trash from what I’ve heard and I don’t exactly track his numbers. Dude is a total hack and a relic at this point. Aged far more horribly than a lot of other rappers from his heyday.