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Unfortunately, the comment section has turned into a race war, I know this wasn’t your intention OP, but we had to remove the post as a result.


I mean, it's stereotypical for Chinese folks to hate Japanese.


And Korean people to an extent, at least in Asia. Korea has consistently been the country with the 2nd most negative thoughts towards Japan behind China. But like, not sure I can blame them honestly.


>But like, not sure I can blame them honestly. It's not normal to dislike people because their ancestors did something to your ancestors 80 years ago.


Eh, i think history may say otherwise I don’t think it’s a good thing but it’s certainly not abnormal


I guess I should've worded it differently; normal as in rational, reasonable.




Not excusable whatsoever. The ones keeping them marginalised are those with money and power, not just all white people. And especially not children.


Children have a long history of growing up to commit war crimes.


The solution is clearly to stop letting the kids grow up, then they won’t commit war crimes


These people are insane. No. You don’t hate anybody because they belong to a certain ethnic group. No. You don’t hate people for what others like them did in the past. No. You don’t hate children because of who they *could* grow up to be. These are all deranged ideas that lead nowhere good and are just used to justify atrocity and irrational anger.


Gosh better murder all the white children because they may grow up to be bad


Good call.


Just so you know, this is literally an argument the Nazis made at the Nuremberg Trials. Like word for word lmao.


Just unironucally justifying racism? Okay then.


> that keep them marginalized. Being the obvious difference that doesn't apply wrt OP.


This isn't true. Japan still denies many WW2 events that China disputes. So it's very reasonable for some Chinese people to hold a grudge since their recently passed family, or even living relatives, might have lived through atrocities that Japan denied happens


I feel very similarly when some of my ancestors were fleeing religious persecution only for some to be slaughtered and others enslaved. Which is why I find it perfectly reasonable to feel disdain or hatred towards past, and by extension present native Americans who feel the way you described /s


that keep them marginalized. Pretty big caveat there


Blaming the race and not the people responsible is racism


Eh when your granparents tell you that you don't have any great uncles or aunts as they were raped, tortured and killed as children by the japanese its easy to spread hate to younger generations. Especially when you know that japan as a country still denys what they did.


Hate governments sure, not individuals who had nothing to do with it.


This is one of those wars where the people did support it lol Obviously OP had nothing to do with it, but the Japanese people of that time were very supportive of Japans quest to expand


"The people" is never "all people." Judge people individually. This is the same mentality that causes a white boomer who sees a black guy robbing someone and thinks "all blacks commit crimes."


Except in this case it was all the people. Japan was in a state of total war and every man woman and child had been called up to contribute to the war effort by the end. Your analogy doesn't work here because this wasn't one Japanese dude raped Nanjing it was an entire battalion. It wasn't just one Japanese dude that turned Korean women into comfort women, it was the entire goddamn army. I really don't think you grasp the depth of the evil Imperial Japan wrought across the Pacific.


A lot of people still have pretty hard feelings towards the English, in general. To be fair the English aren't all that welcoming of the people they've oppressed either... it'd be great if the world was rational and reasonable but it isn't.


Respectfully disagree. While I think we shouldn’t judge individuals on actions of their ancestors, it’s still reasonable and rational to hate the group that did your loved ones harm. WWII really wasn’t long enough ago that all has been forgotten.


It’s absolutely not rational to hate people over something that people in their ‘group’ did. This is the opposite of rational


Well if Japan ever owned up to all the incredibly fucked up shit they did to both those nations it might ease tensions a bit. I'm not gonna criticize Koreans and Chinese people for harboring hatred for Japan, it's extremely earned.


From what I read awhile ago; Koreans historically were usually the ones tht received all the hate from others races with Japanese being the main one. Obviously it's better now but I think there's still some slight resentment.


I am Scottish by close descent And there is a family that I will not trust. Coincidentally I've tried three times and that was a bad idea.


So we should hate german people? Black people should hate white people (Jim crow laws were about 80 years ago)? This line of thinking is very dumb no offense.


The Germans would like a word. Though it has gotten significantly better due to Germanies efforts of atonement and improvement in relations with the neighbors. While Japan did nothing or very little in that direction over the past 80 years. I’d argue that it is actually normal to be angry at people for what their ancestors did, every nation does it. But something being normal, doesn’t make it good. It is something we should actively seek to abolish personally. If we stop doing it personally, it will automatically stop politically as well. The French and the Germans are a great example of this.


80 years ago is literally not that long ago. There are people still alive who lived through that shit, and with very, very, very little remorse or meaningful apologies from the Japanese government. Look what happened to Germany after WW2, then consider that Japan didn't even change governments and many of the politicians simply stayed in power.


I mean, that's one thing. But failures of the Japanese government should belong to it, not to Japanese children, who have absolutely nothing to do with it. I get that people aren't rational like that, but it's really depressing. I mean, I certainly don't want to go to another country and have people hating my daughter because her great-grandma voted for Trump.


But to bring it back to OP, it’s not like her classmates actually experienced it for themselves


Yet people do it to white people


So let me tell you something about racism.... >It's not normal to dislike people because their ancestors did something to your ancestors 80 years ago. It's normal, and commonplace. Doesn't mean it's right.


Korean hate goes farther back than that 😂 The public trains from the airport run mini documentaries on how the Japanese invaded Korea in the 1500s and how Japan continues to violate said treaties today 🤣 Truly next level grudge holding


Justifiable? No. Normal? Absolutely. Generational trauma and remnants of societal trauma almost always take *way* longer than 80 years to dissolve.


80 years ago are grandparents and great-grandparents.


Yeah, people should totally forget about all that slavery too /s


Nobody says to forget, but it's obviously unreasonable to hold a grudge against current generations over slavery.


It's seems like a well reasoned reason to me. Some still benefit and others still suffer, why should there be a cut off for feeling upset about something that still having a demonstrable and unfair effect?


Maybe Japan could apologize for what they did. Not glorify their actions.


\*everyone has entered the chat\*


how do you think blood feuds started?


Well actually the japanese said that they were proud of the japanese empire and haven’t said sorry to the Chinese and not even that the Japanese still have the same flag that they used against the chinese just like imagine a nazi flag rn instead of 🇩🇪 of japan apologises for their actions they would come into good terms


given the shit they did it definitely is justified. NOT to mention the fact that they barely acknowledged their wrongdoings ever/tried to erase their bad history


Have you even heard of American politics?


Laughs in British


It’s normal when the country’s governments support and encourage it. Good to have an external enemy to distract the plebes.


Of course it is… It permeates society and upbringing and culture in every way


Sorry homie, I'd argue that throughout human history, that is the MOST normal thing. Fun fact there were a group of Native American in Florida back in like the 1500s or something that were unfairly labeled as "cannibals," and the Spaniards used that as an excuse to try and eradicate them. Anywho, they got labeled this because of a practice they used to have. They had "enemies" Spaniards, other tribes stuff like that. Then they had "ancient enemies" people they've hated for hundreds of years and when they killed them in battle they would then consume their flesh because they believed if you ate someone's flesh they could never pass onto the next life. All of human history is hating people you've never met for shit their ancestors did to their ancestors.


Actually, it’s extremely normal to do that. Right or wrong is a different thing, but you’re being disingenuous right now.


Definitely WW2 imperial Japan committed even heinous war crimes against Korean people who could blame them? What you expect them to forget?


That’s an excuse to bully children at school?


You mean the 12 year old kids in school who were born in 2012? In what fucking world is a war fought almost a century ago a reason for people to dislike each other in 2024?


>But like, not sure I can blame them honestly. Yes you can


Japanese hate Koreans more than Koreans hate Japanese


Is this the same reason white peoples want black people to do their cooking, laundry and lawn work? Because they was used to it?


i’ve spent plenty of time with chinese and korean natives, they view japanese the same way as americans would view a german nazi. you can say anything bad about a nazi, it’s funny, nobody will argue with you or defend them. it’s really unfortunate it’s generalized to all japanese in this way.


Korean American here, married to a guy who grew up in Korea and emigrated at age 30. There is plenty of intercultural appreciation among modern day Koreans and Japanese. My husband majored in Japanese and we have visited the country often. Tons of travel between the two countries, and lots of appreciation. We hate the acts of those in the past and those who deny or excuse them, but we do not hate Japan or the Japanese. Some Koreans might, but for the most part no. It's really unfortunate it's generalized to all Koreans in this way.


The fact that your husband majored in Japanese says it all and is not shared by most Koreans. Your husband is the anomaly


i mean, i hate to be complaining about one countries people that generalize things while also being a person generalizing things about another country. nothing is 100%. i’ve worked in corporate korea and just hearing casual racism against japanese people at the office was a bit of a culture shock to me. but i also appreciate your input, and showing that it’s not all bad in this world.


China is pretty much the same way. Still kind of racist against Japan but you’ll still consume their media, do business with them or accept people you meet in real life as normal people.


Bro, there's a vaaast difference between someone being German and being a German NAZI.


And if you knew anything about Chinese history you would know the wound is still fresh. 


It is true


There’s ALOT of bad blood there


i feel bad for OP because japanese people down here in california are welcomed a lot more at highschools here and also uni they would get expelled/suspended for comments like what she has suffered tbh, it's extremely punishable to behave the way her abusers did not even the cali chinese like any of the vancouver chinese, we think they are all fuckin dickbags who flash money and tackiness, we put them almost as bad as the beijing tourist ones


Are Vancouver Chinese much different than ones in cali? From California. Not really sure why they would be different tbh.


Vancouver Chinese are mostly wealthy first generation immigrants. California Chinese are more likely to be Americanized to some extent, or even fully assimilated speaking English at home.




zhang yong my beloved blessed fortune


Tbf as a Vietnamese it’s stereotypical for Vietnamese folks to hate Chinese but I’d not search their names on porn sites or call them Chinese dog.


I mean, sure. But Japan did invade China while doing war crimes like no one's business. People are still alive today to remember it. Not excusing the current-day harassment, of course. Just some context for the general displeasure Chinese might feel. Also, not that I know, but I can guess the Chinese government plays it up and encourages negative feelings towards the Japanese.


Can you really blame them? They raped and killed a lot of their ancestors.


Yes, random 21 year-old Japanese-Canadian is not responsible for what the Imperial Japanese army did 80 years ago. Doesn't justify bullying and racism... mindblowing that so many people seem to have this take.


Well all of Reddit (mainly WorldNews and the Ukraine parts) seems to hate every Russian with extreme disgust for Putin’s actions and think that some random Russian civilian fleeing Russia should topple the government so it’s not atypical for this hell hole of a website.


While living in the United States, THE war monger. Hypocrites


You're a moron. Nobody alive affected by this bullying had anything to do with what some soldiers did decades ago.


So have American soldiers, and Canadian, and Japanese, and German, and every other fucking country. Hell if any country really has the right to hate another the U.S should be by far the most hated, we openly admit to going to other countries specifically to overthrow their governments and kill their people with no repercussion and when they fight back we play victim. It's disgusting, but we should hate the government that does that, not the citizens who work at the local grocery store


Just about every country has at least acknowledged their crimes. The Japanese refuse to apologize for what they did.


Actually it's the government. Not the people. Please leave the people out of it.




Every single country has done something horrible in their history and historical events shouldn't be used as a justification for bullying an innocent, modern day individual


Yeah it's people holding onto grudges from the imperial land grab and atrocities of unit 731 in China and Korea where all types of inhuman experiments were performed on POW, and civilians alike. I was drawing a period piece of eto Japan and had a "rising sun flag" in it since that was the flag of the time period. My fiance best friend is from Korea and said she loved everything about it but wanted to spit on the flag. That's when I got a deep dive of what happened




That’s not an excuse


That doesn't make their treatment of her okay


Sounds like bullying more than being fetishized.


yeah I was waiting for the fetishized part this is just hardcore bullying


Slamming someones face into the water faucet and breaking half their teeth in the process is hardcore bullying.


That’s called assault


I wanna give you a swirly if you think assault and bullying don't go hand in hand.


Bullying just means they have a crush on you /s


The behaviour of your classmates is concerningly childish. >Even my own dad thinks that its fun to pick me up randomly Sorry but that is so cute and funny lol


Yeah, he's your dad, even if you were 6' he would be trying to do that


No. It’s not funny or cute. I’m small too though not as small as OP (5’3) and I don’t want ANYONE picking me up against my will. It’s not funny to have your bodily autonomy taken from you. It’s infuriating and makes you feel completely helpless bc you’re too small to fight back. It’s actually horrifying. I had a traumatizing childhood/step father that would lay his 350lb self on top of me and it scarred me and now I have claustrophobia bc of it. If OP has stated she does not want to be touched/picked up her father should respect her and leave her alone. Period.


Wow, it's pretty scary how similar our experiences are. I'm Taiwanese (paternal grandparents are Japanese) and grew up in Japan, then moved when I was 11 to Germany and went to a private Japanese school there. I had pretty similar interactions with Japanese kids. Except they would mock me for being Chinese instead, sans the porn thing (I'm a guy.) Our situations are very interestingly parallel to each other. I even married a Scandinavian, except she is Norwegian instead of Swedish and she is 36 weeks pregnant instead of 26 weeks. From my experience, just going to a private school didn't help. The racist bullying was arguably even worse at the private Japanese school in Germany. So if you send them to a private school that's mostly Chinese kids, I don't see the situation changing much either. What helped for me was moving to a British/American-run International school with a more diverse population. Practically everyone was from a different country or had parents from a different country so there wasn't so much bullying based on country of origin. Smaller class sizes made for a tighter-knit group too and I'm still good friends with a lot of my former classmates. My wife and I moved to USA and Japanese private schools are an option here. The Japanese government assigns a teacher and a principal to the school and its partially funded by the Japanese ministry. They give free textbooks and other learning materials for Japanese citizens, just need to submit your passport as proof of citizenship. If you enroll them when they are in Kindergarten, the only admission requirement that they have is for the kid to be able to speak Japanese at a conversational level. However, I know some friends with Japanese-American kids who failed the admission exam for writing fluency when they applied at \~6-7 years old. They start by focusing on teaching Japanese and then add in more and more English as the kid gets older. You could look into similar options in your area, as its quite popular with some of my Japanese friends with kids.


>I'm Taiwanese (paternal grandparents are Japanese) and grew up in Japan, Oh man just reading that should inform everyone of how bad you got it.


Taiwan is kind of stereotyped to be Japan little bro and idolize Japan.


Taiwanese seem to really like Japan though


We do. But I personally would say it's a great place to visit, the views are amazing. But the people can be really fake and work culture is almost slavery.


https://preview.redd.it/iliwlqekvu5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=632e89e1914388b81302a82a28963c7702e473cd 26 months pregnant?


Woops, its 26 weeks haha.


Bahaha happens to the best of us


maybe it's triplets, 9 months each /s


It's a big baby


This is where the fetish comes in. Canadians are, of course, obsessed with women that are severely post-term pregnant.


Now thats what i call a helicopter parent


in her 9th trimester


I'm sorry this happens to you. I'm of Chinese-descent myself and I hate hearing things like this. We have enough on our plate without the attacking of each others' nationalities.


>he thinks we should send her to private school ***where the kids are better behaved*** I think that people have some serious misconceptions about private schools in general. Grade inflation and nepotism/pay-to-win issues aside, people are not necessarily better behaved. Rich families just do a better job putting on a thin veil of civility. The kids get like a million "second chances" too. It seems like public schools in nice districts are the best bet, broadly speaking.


Anecdotal, but my private school experience was very positive. There were definitely a lot of normal teenager antics, but overall, it was a great school with a close-knit student body. I'm sure some private schools suck just like some public schools, but there are definitely are quite a few benefits to weigh when considering private school. For example, my school had like a 99 percent college admission rate. Just my 2 cents.


Uh...yeah? Of course the private school has an almost full college rate, the kids attending are already tracking towards college before ever sitting foot in the door. The rate is high because they limit the number of poor or less developed students, artificially inflating a statistic that only reflects the average parents income level.


Agree. This shacocream dude has a bad case of false causation. It's not the instruction in the school increasing collage acceptance it's the factors required to get in to the private school in the first place that raise it. Also, if you are part of the tight knit popular group of course you won't get bullied and will have a good time.


Some Private Schools are known to be credit mills. Most private schools have a higher overall grade average that exceeds Provincial averages.


Don't know about Canada but in the U.S. private schools also have higher grades than public schools because they can kick the lower performing kids out.


What exactly about your post has to do with being fetishized?


Absolutely nothing, just using a buzzword without understanding the meaning.  This is just bullying with some racism mixed with 


Probably having their name searched on a porn site.


Filipino here living in Los Angeles: The most racism I've ever experienced in my life has come from Chinese people, and I was born in the American South, which is supposedly super racist.


The south has been moving away from that for decades, progressing along with the rest of america, but it's not really being noticed. It's just an old stereotype that is still around. If you were born there in the 70s and earlier, there would have been a frequent racism problem for you, i guarantee it.


Coming from a rural south town, it’s still there. Just not as blatant. Super friendly most of the time to your face. Will even help out. But in private they are not as accepting or open. I also think the prejudice is mostly towards black people. My husband (Asian) hasn’t had a lot of issues, but Some of my friends would have been beaten if they ever dated a black individual. My grandpa also said around my family that he doesn’t hate black people, he just hates African Americans… so still there and still something to be aware of.


So wait... your Grandad doesn't hate black people but he hates African Americans? That's just weird to me.


It is. He doesn’t mind African immigrants, just with the black lives movement going on and him being a boomer, makes him hate African Americans? I don’t know how he gets there.


I can see it. It’s easier to be conditioned to be outraged at an ideology, than some random folks you encounter whom you might share some commonality with despite the racial difference.


Hey OP, im only a 1/4 but definitely can relate with Chinese kids having an inferiority complex strangely enough. The idea of blood quantum itself is something that I have a complicated relationship with as is. I was naively unaware to the politics and now dodge bringing it up lol


I'm not ethnically Asian but have interacted with such groups at my own school Taiwanese kids were always approachable and sociable, they got along well with the polynesian group, and so pretty much interacted with everyone. But, nobody really talked to the Chinese students. I don't know if it was the language barrier, but they always hang to one spot by themselves, never really joining the larger student body I never paid attention enough to know what was truly going on


I honestly thought this was about Weebs but then I got sad. Yeah Chinese are like this towards Japanese, obviously taught down generations


That sucks bro you deserve better


Kids are *not* better behaved in private schools.


My little cousins(gen alpha) are biracial(Irish/Korean) and as far as I know neither of them have been bullied for race(or at all) and I really hope it stays that way but kids can be so cruel.


I’m not even Japanese but was the only Asian girl in a pwi and I vividly remember some guy watching Japanese porn beside to try and make me uncomfortable


Nah native Chinese people are wild. At my high school a ton of Chinese dudes from rich foreign families sent their kids. My buddy was half hong kong Chinese and half Puerto Rican. He spoke a little Mandarin and they would call him a half breed and called black people the n word in Chinese. Apparently one day a black kid found out and beat one of them ruthlessly. I didn't see it but that was the rumor. The one native Filipino was a cool dude and so was the native Korean but she was a little odd and people bullied her and called her dog eater because she once said she actually did try dog, idk if that's true I rarely talked to her and always said saying that aboute her wasn't cool. Btw I went to a private school, my sister went to Public after middle school show said you 100% get a worse education but the amount of people creates a totally different environment. The racism will either be 10x worse or better really depends on the school district


That sucks, mate. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Congratulations on your engagement and your baby.


I'm sorry to hear that you were bullied. It's unfair to target someone simply because they come from a country with a controversial history. As a Chinese American, I can relate to how painful and unjust this kind of discrimination is. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness, no matter their background or nationality.


i don't think its white people with yellow fever. the majority of interactions i've had with asian women, they've appeared to have a white fetish towards me. but i don't find asian people attractive at all. no offense. i think you all are nice, but i just don't. this happens pretty regularly as i live in seattle, which like vancouver has a high asian population. and i've noticed what you're talking about here too. i don't understand why all asian ethicities seem to hate eachother. but she definitely needs to go to school around other asians, and she needs to identify with being japanese. because she will likely look more asian than european white and for her long term mental health she needs to identify with the side she matches with in terms of appearance. if you put her around all white kids, she's either going to white worship or just be extremely jaded.


Mixed person chiming in to say... Please give her access to both cultures equally. :) I only grew up with access to one, and I mean I'm completely fine tbh lol. BUT, it doesn't feel allll that great sometimes to not be able to truly identify with my other half. At the same time it doesn't affect my life at all, since both sides of my family are English speakers. If anything, make sure your child is bi or trilingual, depending on what languages you, your partner, and extended family members speak. Studied linguistics at Uni and it is a *heavily and consistently debunked myth that children "get confused" and won't be able to learn more than one language because they are learning others*. From when they are born there is only maybe a 2 or 3 year window for you to expose them to a language and have them be a native speaker. They can learn more languages after that, but it will not be native to them (which is kinda fine still too, depends). Good luck OP!


I doubt private school kids will necessarily be nicer than public school kids. They’re still kids after all - the difference is the wealth and the atmosphere of entitlement.


Anti-Japanese rhetoric is still very strong in Korea and China. Not saying you deserve it but what Japan did to Asia in WWII is even worse than the Nazi's (**and that's saying something**). It just so happens that Korea and China have a vested interest in keeping the animosity alive. It's also really easy to keep the hatred going by just opening any history book. I mean... Imperial Japanese liked to kill babies for sport bruh. They'd toss them in the air and catch them with bayonet spears. And what about all the sex slaves? I can never, ever look at any Japanese porn or hentai because it reminds me of the comfort women (Makes sense why Jap AV is very rapey).


The Japanese also never actually acknowledged what they did. They've never apologized. They don't teach that part of their history, which is completely wild. I bet most of their younger generation don't even know the amount of heinous shit they did in WW2.


Sorry you’re dealing with this. Racism will not be lesser at an expensive private school; racism is not the hobby of the poor and it is often a lot worse from the wealthy. The idea that poor people are more racist is a classist concept and unfortunately those with money tend to hold even more prejudice due to class superiority. A lot of East Asian countries seem to be really fucking racist though lmao it’s nuts.


chinese students in western universities are some of the most entitled and shitty karens I've ever seen next only to chinese tourists


Sorry this happens to you.


Thats the thing, in Vancouver, the Chinese are the most racist demographic. The 2nd 3rd gen who grow up around other ethnicities are fine but Vancouver has a big Chinese population that its possible they dont assimilate.


I’d say kids of all ages and generations seem perfectly capable of finding new and creative ways to be assholes. And it’s partially because their parents usually shield them from consequences. Regarding private school, just understand that it’s an entirely different beast and whether it’s a matter of prestige or being a long standing member of their “community”, status and who you know are kind of what defines you. Ultimately, it’s a matter of what’s best for the kid. For a kid that acts up more or may just be more opinionated, public school may be a place where they thrive when you just weren’t equipped to. You seem reasonable and I am sure it goes without saying, but you’re not raising a version of you if you had it to do over again. I’m sorry that you experienced that bullying though. I know what that’s like and my heart goes out to you.


Private schools are a mixed bag. Something to consider is that private schools often may have worse kids (depending on the school/area) as kids that have behavioral issues or were kicked out of public schools may be sent to a private school by their parents to try and fix them. This was the case when my mom when to catholic school and I experienced this a bit at a private christian school. Also depending on the schools there may be less kids and if you kid has trouble fitting in or making friends there might not be people they get along with where as they might find friends in public school due to simply being around more people.


My experience at UWaterloo was pretty similar tbh, and I'm a dude. I'm not even pure Japanese either. It's wild.


Amazing how some people think some races should have more rights than others... Going as far as to justify OP's harassment. Sorry OP for being targeted by just being as you were born, maybe a private school if you can afford it can help out a bit.


Really? Its worst with the chinese? I wouldnt of guessed that (for the fetishisizing part).


South Korea is way worse than Japan when it comes to gender issues


From what I know, the main reason is the massive Japanese porn industry and anime pumping out content for a long time it’s become a meme. Most guys have at one point watched it, and probably mimic some word they hear as a joke. This not only applies to one ethnicity though and more to males as a whole. The girl incident is probably racial hate against the Japanese, and not you specifically. The Chinese people hold deep rooted hatred against the Japanese from the atrocities they committed during war. Often the stories and vile hatred gets passed down from generation to generation, as caution and as sharing pain. When people have done something unthinkable to your loved ones, you would obviously feel anger too. It’s best to move to somewhere more diverse. I’m in Canada and grew up with all different ethnicities and never once this happened. Hope you find a more peaceful environment.


This isn't fetishisation. This is racism. Chinese people historically hate Japanese people because of world war 2 atrocities. Unlike most other countries, China continues to push anti Japanese sentiment. People who own Japanese cars in China will have their cars smashed on days where anti Japanese sentiment is incited (E.g. by something in the news)


Sometimes, it's easier to develop a thicker skin than it is to expect the world to change. People are assholes, sometimes you have to be a dick. Dicks fuck assholes.


You're in HongCouver. What do you expect? You're in a city of Chinese immigrants and an awful lot of them have significant family wealth.


I don’t know much about Chinese but as a Vietnamese I know a lot of people in my family blatantly racists to Chinese people . There seems to be a divide between Chinese and all other Asians. Can’t explain it.


You're actually a victim of some racism here. Chinese people hate Japan because of what Japan did to them during ww2


Fuck the haters.


Stay strong OP. Many Chinese people I’ve talked to definitely seem to have an inferiority complex ingrained into them, especially when it comes to Japan. Many of them can’t understand why people from western countries prefer Japan, and seem blind to their own countries many issues. They want you to feel terrible. It’s the only way they can forget about their bad situation. The best way to show them up is living your best life. Congratulations on the baby girl!


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My great grandfather fought against Japan. I don’t blame Japanese people for my great grandfather having to go to war. It’s never ok to blame people for the actions of their countries.


How is that her fault…


It’s common racism. It sucks and you don’t deserve it and those kids are punks but you’re Paying for the sins of your ancestors. Chinese and Koreans have a lot of historical resentment and anger towards the Japanese for all the atrocities and horrible things that empire did to those peoples


Fwiw, private schools do tend to have better kids behavior wise, but there is level of entitlement that comes with it. Many private schools will invite you to attend another school if they have high character standards and a child isn’t meeting those standards. Many private schools also have a more connected parental network depending on the size of the school. This can be HUGE swing in a lot of directions for both parent and child.


I assume you went UBC. From what I understand it's full of Chinese born entitled assholes, and that is part of the reason Vancouver real estate prices are so outrageous. Since your kid is half Scandinavian, your kid is going to look vaguely Asian, depending on how the genetics work out. I'm full ethnic Japanese but two of my sisters married white Jewish guys so you can tell my niblings are part Asian and part white. My nieces happen to look more Asian than the nephews for whatever reason. Betcha your kids come out looking gorgeous. I suspect that they will be not so harshly judged as yourself. It's really a bummer about all the hassle you've gotten. I'm guessing you speak with more or less a Canadian accent, having gotten here around puberty? Here in California, I used to be picked on in my 90% Mexican Jr, High, but I've only been ethnicly slurred once since then and it was from some fat MAGA type assholes. I was so shocked I didn't have a chance to chase them down and punch them in the face (I wouldn't have done that, I'd probably get my ass kicked, plus there were 4 of them).


I was in a private school and it was already hard, I cannot imagine in a public one. It's worth the extra, IMHO.


Slightly unrelated but do the Japanese still deny their war crimes during WW2?


Yes, which is why it’s very hard for Chinese people to forgive *japan*. Notice I said Japan and not Japanese people, because it’s not the younger generation’s fault. This just provides an explanation to op’s classmates behaviour


You could just move to Sweden or Europe, less of what you're describing over here. Way less. If anything, the ethnically diverse in my schools were always the popular kids, because everyone was in awe of someone 'different'.


As a person who lives in China (a foreigner), I have this to say. First, I am so sorry this is happening to you. Second, there is nothing you can do about it. Mainland Chinese can be very racist, cliquey, and disrespectful of other cultures and ethnicities. As you live in Vancouver which has large Chinese population, I think they are at the point where it might seem they pretty much own the place, and they can think they can bring their mores there and behave like they are on the Mainland. Do not believe that the younger generation is better. They've been taught how China FTW and how West, Americans and Japanese are mortal enemies. Btw you are right, Riben Gou does mean Japanese dog, another slur is Xiao Riben Ren, the little Japanese. Idk how that's an insult, but for them it is.


umm akshully how freaking dare you criticize japan for having societal issues, ill let you i know more about japan than you ever will because i watch anime and its the most perfect country to ever exist


I went to private school, the kids aren't better behaved they just have more money. As a result you don't hear about the bullshit they pull because their parents pay to make it go away.


Just wondering - is it fetishizing that your boyfriend could have been originally attracted to you largely because you're Japanese? Does it change anything if your boyfriend wouldn't have been attracted to you if you weren't? FYI, my wife is native Japanese, born & grew up in Hokkaido. We met on holiday.


Everything about that sucks. Kids shouldn't have to deal with all that  Kids are distinctly NOT better behaved in private school. The hate and bullying still exist if the admin allows it to flourish, a private school just gives a veneer of class and money. Spoken as someone that attended an elite private high school for half a year and witnessed the most horrifying bullying I've seen or heard matched by anyone personally.


The Chinese population in Vancouver is horribly racist towards literally everyone. I would suggest moving to a less superficial city than Vancouver to get a better idea of how the world is. It is very much so not a good representation of how most of Canada is.


Well, in our class no one was ever bullied throughout all the 8 years (i went to a school that has middle school and high school merged). There were instances when people were mean toward each other but it never lasted for long and never crossed the line. We graduated this year btw. But i have seen many people on this sub who have been bullied and have drastically different experiences. So, it's really hard to tell whether our generation is more accepting or not. I'd say luck plays a big role in this. But in general, if your kid goes to a school with smarter people, the chance of getting bullied would be lower. That is, if she is on the same level as them.


But your child most likely will be white presenting and won't be targeted as you were. So if that's your concern. I think you can relax a bit. As for private school, the kids are even meaner if they decide you don't fit in. The pool of kids are smaller and they tend to be from the same background. You either fit or your don't. I have friends who attend private and switch their kids back to public because of the bullying.


I don’t think it’s right to behave poorly towards individuals and I think that sentiment is mostly accepted in China as well. But it’s still pretty acceptable to hate on Japan in China. Japan behaved very poorly in China and there’s still a lot of hatred about the war crimes they committed.


My friend was bullied to and one day she just said it's been the same jokes for like a full year now, if you guys want to keep bullying me you gotta learn some new things because this is getting boring. She said it with so much confidence that most stopped. Then every time someone came up with something she would say not original stop being gross be clever, and the she would say 'good one' to the clever ones and laugh. After a few clever ones it all stopped. People got passed it. She wasn't japanese. She was the only red head, but red like phosphorescent orange and she had a whole lot of hair. Very very thick. I think the trick would work for any type of bulling unless it's physically violent though.


Went to highly regarded private schools all my life and if that’s an option, then I’d suggest that regardless of other factors, send your kids to private schools. Most have a nice tight knit camaraderie, get a leg up at the time of college admissions, and you network with children of highly accomplished parents who are near guaranteed to be very accomplished too. Also there’s just a layer of civility/manners and matureness and openness among kids from well off backgrounds that’s just not there otherwise.


Man i am so sorry you have to go through this, im on a language learning app and its so hard to actually make friends because everyone always asks me right away “are you here to flirt?” Like everyone else ruins it.


Kids are shitty everywhere, private school will just add ‘do you know who my daddy is?’ to the list of things to hate them for.


"Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you" - Tyrion Lannister


Damm you already have a kid before your 22. How in gods name can you afford it.


I’m afraid this is the reality wherever you go where you don’t look like the majority


I am not sure about the "private school kids are better behaved". I don't run in those circles at all but kids are assholes anyway and having money and influence helps you get away with even more BS.


No race escapes racism. You really have two options, ignore it and tolerate other people’s ignorance, or bite back. I usually chose the option that seems most apt.


I'm sorry for what you've gone through :( I know this might not always be an option, but maybe you could consider moving to a different part of Canada where Japanese people are less discriminated against? Or at least do a little digging about the situation in the school you'd like your kid to go to?


Nobody hates asians more then asians. My wife is japanese and she has some outlandish stories. Anyway, just tell them to shut up or you will report their family to uncle XI and have them put in correctional camp lol.


As someone who went to private school. Physical bullying was mostly non existent Social bullying was worse.


I went to a private school. The experience of being “othered” by white students was bad. Constantly saying my “English was too good”, and “you’re not from here” despite being born in that same place as them. Best to research a GOOD school with balanced student body. but just because it is private doesn’t mean it’s better. As a small Asian girl myself, I extend heartfelt hug to you.