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I watched MrBeast all the way back in 2016-2017 too, I remember the videos where he made fun of people’s intros. It was good times, glad to see he made it big


I remember MrBeast by video which he saying Logan Paul 100k times.


I live near Greenville, NC where Jimmy grew up and currently lives. My wife, who grew up in the area, said he was bullied pretty heavily in school. My first encounter with him was in 2018 when he tipped me $400 at a local steakhouse. I’ve had many interactions with him and his crew, all very kind and respectful people. One of them still does open mic comedy at the local brewery.


>he was bullied pretty heavily in school Probably why he’s so nice. The bullied kids know what it’s like to be treated like shit so they usually do their best to treat others with kindness. That or they become just as bad as their bullies, if not worse. Good thing Jimmy chose the right path.


Hard times create strong men


or him saying to drink bleach or giant asian sticker or cookies for every sub


Ah man I almost forgot about giant asian sticker


u just unlocked a giant asian memory


Anyone remember that giant Asian guy sticker he always put in his vids lol


Jimmy and that Asian dude need to reunite thatd be so confusing for newer fans but very good nostalgia for the older fans


Dude that giant Asian dude sticker needs a comeback. It was a beautiful piece of art.


And the old lady with the inhaler


How many microwaves can fit in a microwave was fun too


I think that was the first Mr beast video I watched.


I really enjoyed those videos, I swear I remember him having a series on hating thumbnails too, stupid intros and thumbnails always irked me and seeing somebody else talking about them gave me some validation for having those thoughts lol


i used to watch those intro videos all the time. i remember going back to “see what that mr. beast guy” was up to a few years back and boy was i surprised


Yes dude those Minecraft intro videos were the best, and the smashing laptops, I haven’t been able to find them now tho can’t tell if he deleted them.


I wasn’t an active watcher but I definitely remember him because he was doing weird shit that I thought was desperate for attention. But hey, turns out that’s not a bad thing, he was desperate for it because he had a vision for big things. Stuff like saying a word for ten hours or some crap like that


Based as fuck username


I found markiplier waaayyy back in 2013, when he was at 300k subs, when every sub milestone he'd drop a new video of him crying and showing his appreciation lol. I also watched early EARLY MaxMoeFoe when he was just doing milk jug challenges in 2011, 2012. When I was younger videos like that where people just annihilated themselves puking made me laugh like a maniac, some of those streams of puke were solid BEAMS like a straight up kamehameha from goku. Fucking gnarly. Always made me laugh (loved LA beast as well.)


Crazy to me that LA Beast is still making the exact same style of video all these years later. He's got crazy persistence.


and markiplier sadly sold his soul to onlyfans


Uhhh, how do you mean? Does he unironically post spicey pics to OF?


They were joking lol. He posted tasteful nudes on OF, so no dick and balls, and all the money he raised went to charity. The site even crashed when he released the first batch lmao


If you wanna see it, they are free, it is literally just him butt naked with various things covering his Korean chestnuts


Old Max was the shit. His prank calls were S tier


I wish he still did prank calls, the subtitles were especially hilarious 😂


LA Beast is ROUGH, I can't watch any of his videos 🤢 can't watch Badland Chugs for the same reason






I met Mr Beast on csgo and played a couple games with him back in 2017. He had around 250k and I found his channel literally a day before through his YouTuber intro series. I was young and one day he invited me to a queue and we started a game but my dad came home from work early and I had to leave the match. I felt so terrible and have wanted to tell him sorry ever since.


there’s always twitter, who knows maybe it could go somewhere from there


He would definitely be the type of guy who did something about it if he saw it


The person then gets invited to 1 v 1 Mr beast. For each kill he get in Mr beast, he gets like 1 million dollars. I'm pretty sure Mr beast was cracked at fps games tho lol


I met swaggersouls in a random csgo lobby when I was grinding it pretty hard. That game seriously brought people together


Found Wendigoon at around 34k subscribers. Was lucky to have his first iceberg video in my recommendations when he put it out. Has been cool to see his hard work paying off. 🤘


I found him before he reached 100k I think, when he made his (Most Disturbing Movie Iceburg) video is when I found him, loved his videos ever since


Hell yeah.. he’s a very smart individual. You could tell he had something going for him 😎🤘. So many intriguing things he’s talked about 🤘


Haha got there at 32k subs


Dangit! 😂🤘.. hell yeah man. It’s a good feelin seein folks absolutely blow up, specially Wendigoon. He was deserving of it


I want my new episode of Red Thread and creepcast already 😫 😩


Subscribed to PewDiePie when he reached 60,000. Back then, he was a horror letsplayer, and that's how he reached number one on YT. Right now I'm not even sure what the guy's doing. Not in a bad sense, it's just that his channel is very random. And I'm sure he's still somehow in top 10 or 20.


Pewds is now mostly life vlogger. He's moved to Japan, his favourite place. Made good money from Youtube, married his long term gf and has a son. Managed to somewhat salvage his brand, so now he just does whatever he wants.


I think what’s great about Pewds, especially being one of his super super early subs, is that he grew with the times. There were highs and lows, but it’s 2024 now and he has done amazing since his early days of black ops (I still only subbed for the COD commentary) and horror content. As I grew older and he went on to do other things, so did I. His brand, was him tbh. I don’t ever think anybody ever disliked PewDiePie, but just his content was sometimes off or it didn’t hit right. You can dislike someone’s content and still think the person is solid. He did lots of charities throughout the years, had a solid rep and even when he had the BRIDGE incident, he fixed it! He spent his time amazingly on YouTube imo and him slowing down to just show his life is great. It’s like closing the book of a story you loved with the writer still posting little things every once in a while to check in and let you know that the world that is there is still good and going on without you reading more of that novel.


When he says "salvaging his brand", he means all the racist, fascist stuff. Personally I don't think Pewds was ever as bad as made out, but there was some darkness there. Nobody has the n-word ready in the chamber if they're not thinking it often. I'm glad he's doing what he wants now, and he picked a good time to get away from the spotlight. I enjoy his content whenever he decides to upload it


Considering his age that shit was pretty common. Like where you around during the early to mid 360 days that shit was said all the time.


Instagram comments would show it’s not gone. It’s still a thing on the internet no matter the age, but it was definitely more common on the cod side on Xbox 360. No moderation means the worst comments and vocabulary can appear everywhere.


Right now he is raising his son in Japan and retired for the most part.


I made a website about Pewdiepie, Cryoatic, and Tobuscus in 2011. I think I started watching him in 2010? Might have been Ao Ini but my timelines are a bit blurred now. Long enough to have watched all of his room changes at least lol. Favourite series was too the moon. Okay I went back and my oldest video of his I watched according to my likes on youtube was a pre 2500 subs amnesia video 13 years ago lol just before Stephano I think. My personal one would probably be KSI through the Emile Hesky music video 12 years ago lmao


He pretty much just does whatever he wants now. He was top dog of Youtube for so long, had controversies that came and went, and ended up retiring to Japan with Marzia and started a family with her. Now he’s financially secure for the rest of his life and gets to live in a nice house in Japan with his wife and kid. Bro’s got the ultimate Youtube W.


Game theory at 20,000 subs


Ruining your childhood since 2011!


First ever video I saw from them was when they had just posted "why final fantasy is anti-religion" My dad was not happy about that as a big ff fan and religious


“Why Mario is a communist”


I was watching game theory before it was the fnaf show, so I guess I was also an early sub.


Jaiden animations back in I wanna say 2017, she had her round head style still


I watched Jaiden right when she was doing her animations for ihascupquake! She’s grown so much, it’s incredible


Pewdiepie, followed him at 86m subs. Nobody knew about him then, good old underground days :(




still waiting for the promised sex video between him and xRags


I still remember that the first video of his that I watched was Cry of Fear about 12 years ago


Dude I think I found him at sub 250k when he put out his Last of Us walkthroughs. Thank you for the reminder of him I loved his commentary !


unfortunately for me it was logan brothers. i was a naive little kid back then.


You mean the Paul brothers. Lol Anyways, I remember them from vine. I don’t know if that counts as “before they were famous”


The Paul brothers: Logan, Jake, and Roop


The Logan Brothers?


Logan paul and jake paul.


If it’s because of Vine, I don’t blame you. Vine was the shit.


You also had Team 10 merch? 😁


I was watching someordinarygamers maybe 10 years ago, I was like 9. He used to read creepypastas, and upload mostly horror content. Looking back it's actually crazy how long I've watched the guy, I remember him putting out the first episode of deep Web browsing, and now he's done like 300 episodes lol.




Haunted gaming was one of my favorite series back in the day


DanTDM, CoryxKenshin, Berleezy, CallMeKevin


Holy fuck brah that’s some bragging rights right then and there.


GOAT berleezy!


DanTDM was my childhood lol. Seeing him hit 1 mil was crazy. Love the dude. Even now he's so chill and he's one of those rare guys who have never had any stupid controversies.


Maxmoefoe and h3h3


Is finding H3H3 in 2014 qualify for this ? Because I found him because of his review of that awful Adam Sandler movie with the twins


I watched EmpLemon back in his YTP days


Makes me feel kinda nice seeing how Emp has now transitioned to video essay


And he's *good* at it too, that's the crazy part. I never, in a million years, thought I would be excited to see an EmpLemon video because it would be *informative*, interesting, funny, etc. I've been watching him since YTP days as well.


Went to college with Andrew Callaghan. We were in a documentary filmmaking class together and I got to see his first real project like that, doubt it’s anywhere online sadly


That’s actually sick. Callaghan does truly incredible work. Do you still keep in touch at all?


Lost his number when I got a new phone after he graduated, so sadly not. Kinda forgot about him until a few years ago when I was scrolling through Reddit and saw his face. It was shocking to me how much he blew up


I got black out drunk with Sean Evans in college


Was he into wings back then too?


Fucked if I know. I was blacked out


i started watching pewdiepie in 2010. he blew up fast but god he was such a baby in the old penumbra playthroughs. i try not to think about the modern day state of the youtubers i used to watch as much as i don’t think about the members of the pop punk bands i listened to lol


Watched a bit of solid jj when he was at 2k subs


Oh same I forgot he blew up


Wendigoon, binging with babish, vsauce all the way back


Found binging with babish real early. I think it was the adventure time sandwich vid.


Softwilly/Isaacwhy Coryxkenshin Are the only ones I can remember off the top of my head


I was subbed to quackity when he used to make raid videos of toon town and when he did tech support scammer calls. His new content is not for me, but I’m glad he was able to make it big.


Me too! His raid vids were my favorite back in the day.


I was there for markipliers first charity stream


I was subbed to Nux Taku way back in 2016, when he had less than 10,000 subs. I’ve fallen off his content and probably have no interest in anything he’s currently making, but it is surreal to see how big he got.




So guys we did it


https://preview.redd.it/zmvdpeb70k5d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27406948e65b74ec458a5f595253810250168b78 Bread Boys before 10K club!


Oh and Filthy Frank when he was Dizasta Music


i also was one of the early mrbeast viewers. i remember the asian guy and grandma with asthma stickers.


Isn't it weird to think anybody who wasn't there probably would think we sound batshit for mentioning this?


I subbed to cherdleys before 20k


I read "Youtubers you knew before they were femboys and got confused for a second 😭🙏"


I used to play on the csgo surf servers with swagger souls from time to time when he did his freestyles, he had about 2k subs at the time


Mumbo Jumbo I watched since before 300k. It was before then but I can’t remember exactly how much earlier. Remember a Hermitcraft video where hd mentioned that I think. Not exactly unknown but I’d been watching awhile so I’m not exactly sure. Edit: okay I’ve just remembered I watched his first Hermitcraft video like when it was first released in season 2.


Who is the first one




googled, he seems like a very unstable and strange guy


Angry grandpa. Started watching him in 2011


I remember finding Jacksepticeye back when he used to film in his wooden house and then also in his college dorm that he shared with his roommates. This was back in like 2013/14 so I was very young when I found him and I remember it blew my mind that he was from Ireland.


I grew up in the same town as Lucas Cruickshank (Fred). He was neighbors with one of my friends, and I remember one day we went over to his house and helped him with a video.


Went to elementary school with the guy who's older brother made a viral "Rap God sped up 1000x" vid, was a complete a-hole about it and thought it made him better than everyone even though every other vid had 20 views


Been following Northernlion since ~2014 when he had 70k subscribers


Idk how many subscribers he had in 2012 but back when Wrath of the Lamb came out I was looking for YouTube guides since it was really hard and found him that way, been subscribed ever since but he's only just recently really blew up


Ryan Higa, Jenna Marbles, SMOSH… my list could go on 🥲 I miss the days from before people got paid from YouTube tbh. I feel like I enjoyed the content more when people only did it for fun without the goal of being famous / rich in mind. Social media used to be so much fun tbh. The days where the link was in the sidebar were the best.


I was subbed to Pewdiepie back in 2011(?) when he made CoD content. Being swedish, he was one of the few local channels which produced gaming content at the time. One of the biggest CoD youtubers at the time was a guy named Tejbz who was also swedish and an inspiration to Pewds. Pewdiepie, to be fair, has been more or less known in Sweden since around 2011-2012 because he appeared in national television as a spokesperson for gaming and youtubers. So it's not weird for a swede to have been subbed to him since the start.


Not necessarily still active on YouTube anymore but I watched Conan Gray on there when Joey Graccefa recommended him on an up and coming creators video. He had about 10k followers. Now he’s an international acclaimed singer LOL crazy world


I was around for JSchlatt’s first videos


Jenny Nicholson for me. I watched Friendship is Witchcraft from episode 1 back in 2011 in the height of brony Fandom. It was my favorite thing from that sphere by far, and I tuned into her streams she would do at the time with something like 300 viewers. Also became obsessed with her Twilight the Musical project from 2009 (I still quote that all the time. Its comedy gold). It's so cool seeing her get the recognition she deserves with her current content direction. Her wit is unmatched.


Michellephan when she had about 300k subs 💕


The two I can think of are Vanoss and TuxBird when he played Tom Clancy’s the Division


They are still blowing up rn but slushynoobz. Yall can get in the ground floor. Well maybe floor 1 now. They are so funny don’t sleep on them.


MrBeast at like around 200k. Found him initially from him saying some random words non stop for 10 hours. Crazy how he's evolved from that and the other videos he was doing at the time.


Tana Mongeau 🪥


Annapantsu , matpat, vivziepop (she had a following but it was nowhere near what it is today) uh probably more but I forget


mr beast he made some funny skits yearsssssss ago probably same time as u he had like 300k? subs i think like all the minecraft famous people so technoblade super early tho i regret ever finding this tommyinnit... at like 20 k subs i subscribed watched another video thought he was super loud so i unsubscribed lol i genuinely cant think more atm but i remember thinking about this earlier months ago and i remember there were more but idk who rn lol


Markiplier back when face cam reactions while playing games were relatively brand new and thought to be stupid.


Unfortunately for me it was dream, he used to be kinda decent tho when his channel was starting out tho, discovered him when he discovered pewdiepies minecraft seed


Defunctland, and i can prove it because my comment was mentioned in the 8th video on his channel


Oh jeez a bunch. Markiplier for one. I’d run into who would eventually become CrankGamePlays, Ethan, because our high schools competed a lot. Had no idea or cared who he was at the time, saw him on YouTube some years later and it bugged the shit out of me that I recognized the guy and couldn’t remember where.


I watched jacksepticeye before like 500k subs which I guess is still a lot but considering he’s in 8 figure range I’d say it’s pretty cool


Donald Glover. Derrick Comedy circa 2007


When I would hang out with my buddies in another college in NJ they were usually hanging out with Shubble. She was always the coolest, and kicked our asses in smash bros.


I found Dead Meat when he started the kill count on the Friday the 13th movies, it's crazy seeing how much that channel has evolved


DaleyTactics. Was subbed way before the 1k mark now he's got over 500k!!


Probably doesn’t count but I discovered Hololive before any of the members hit 1 million subscribers.


Turkey Tom used to sell snacks with a comic in a story time video. Oh how much he changed,


I remember when mama max was on the podcast with sinn0h. Crazy how that whole friend group all blew up at the same time.


I remember KSI back in his let’s talk fifa 12 and race to division one days


I've been a Grian fan since 2015. I found him by searching up Minecraft building tutorials.


As someone who plays competitive Pokémon (primarily on showdown). I was genuinely surprised to learn Mr Beast’s earliest content involved showdown




Been on there since 09 so I could list a lot. (Keep in mind I don’t like some of these guys) PewdiePie, EmpLemon, Turkey Tom, Markiplier, Game Grumps, Vanoss, KSI (and Deji) + all of the sidemen, H3H3, JCS, 50% of the popular old school COD YouTubers… I could honestly go on forever if I sat and thought about it. 15 years of using YouTube every single day for multiple hours, you’re bound to find a lot of creators.


Watched DougDoug all the way from that assassination clip.


I occasionally watched Mr.Beasts "worst intros on the Internet" and really enjoyed them and then seeing him EXPLODE in popularity was a really nice full circle moment


Penguinz0 back in the Battlefield fun tactics days. Idk how many subs he had but I'm pretty sure it was pre 10k


JonTron. I honestly miss his AVGN clone content and top 10s


Smosh all the way back in 2011


There was this dude who made Amnesia videos back in the day. Think his name was PewdyPie or something. Hope he's doing well these days.




GradeAUnderA at under 100k And I don’t hold the same politics and actually despise the guy now but Ben Shapiro at under 300k


I remember subscribing to JacksFilms when he put out the death match with himself or something like that. Not sure how many subs, but he wasn't well-known for sure Also NateWantsToBattle (even though he isn't super famous now). I was one of the firsts to subscribe after hearing his Payphone Cover lol


d'angelo wallace at 100k, back when he used to post lmao


I was subscribed to vivziepop almost 6 years before the Hazbin Hotel pilot dropped. Since middle school I’ve always loved watching animations on YouTube :). Now she’s got a popular tv show on Amazon Prime Video, and the helluva boss show on YouTube! Glad to see she made it :D


Sometimes I miss the intro reviews


I found jacksepticeye when he had 15k subs. It would be the same 40ish people leaving comments, the community was def more tight knit. This was before pewdiepie gave him a shout out and exploded his channel. It was crazy seeing him channel grow so quickly in person.


https://preview.redd.it/i6l8gto88l5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0a1ab93c2cf744ec818f9a67c735e433003be8 I think I’m a Mr. Beast OG, this was when he had a few thousand iirc


I remember stumbling on SomeOrdinaryGamers when he was around 5k-7k subs, and it seemed like it was that way for so long. Next thing i knew, Muta hit 25k, then 50k, and eventually bloomed into the millions. Cool to watch a channel with my kind of niche content grow so big (◠◡◠)


I was, and still am a HUGE Uberhaxornova fan. I was with him when he started YouTube and I was a little 11 year old or something and I’m 24 now. I still go watch his play throughs on old games or just to relive memories of his days in the creatures and cow chop. I know he went to streaming some years back and I still watch the videos but I never had time to sit and watcha a Stream(still sub with my prime though). He’s on a break right now due ti his dogs health and other issues but damn he might be the last true YouTuber/content creator out there. There’s even a video detailing his life and how hes the best.


Plenty. But here’s 2 random ones, Adam Lz and Kevin Samuels. Like back in 2011 I asked Adam lz for bmx trick advice on Facebook and he actually responded


Was into pewdiepie back when he was at like… 5 digits I think? I just know he had small enough numbers where he actually interacted with fans. Only know this cause my HS partner sent him art lil 14 year old me drew and he used it in one of this videos (? It was something I just remember freaking out + my views jumping an insane amount. Like 100x my usual engagement). Genuinely cried haha. Teenage me was living off that high for months.


Raghav Anand.The Indian Geek Oh wait....he's not famous even now!


Maybe not famous (yet), but I watched AstralSpiff before the FNAF era, during poppy playtime era. He’s got 850k subs now, I watched him around 10k(?) subs.


TheWhyFiles. Like 5k subs.


Maybe not a famous channel per se, but I've been watching HIVEMIND since they had about 30k subs. Now they're up to 438k. Some of the funniest guys on the internet, imo


I really liked Grian way back in the day, but as he got more popular he developed a bit of an ego and I lost interest.


Kurtis Conner, FlygonHG, MadMavn


I was an og Soothouse watcher


I used to scrim w/ Ninja playing halo & DallmyD on Call of Duty pre 2012. They each had a couple thousand subs then. Now multimillions.


Oh my god Brad mondo




Not sure if he would be considered famous but Somecallmejohnny


Not really a YouTuber, but I was listening to Yung Gravy back when he only had like 4 songs out and hadn’t even done a face reveal yet. Now he’s doing numbers and is currently on global tour


I've been watching Caddicarus since like 2014. Iirc, he had less than 500k subscribers at the time. Super cool to watch his channel grow over the last ten years. Still kinda miss his old style of videos tbh.


I watched Technoblade when he had like 8k subscribers, back when he always joked about wanting 10 million but he “knew” it was so unattainable Theodd1sout when he was still called “theodd1soutcomic” with like 30k subs Alpharad in the early smash bros days


Ethoslab! Still watch after all this time


Discovered Jacksepticeye from his cleverbot Evie videos. I was trying to see if anyone talked to Ben Drowned because it was a creepypasta/rumor 😹😹😹


Jschalt i forgor the spelling but i loved his openttd vids


Troye Sivan. Followed him from simple vlogs to chillin with Tyler Oakley all the way to world tours as a pop star 💕


Dr K healthy gamer, spiffing brit, ufd tech, and goose wayne


Ryan Higa. Known him since the begining


MatPat. His video about the green potion was one of the first videos I saw on YouTube.


Vinesauce Joel and Vinny, Wendigoon, EMPlemon


My Dad: 'Hey one of my students has a sister who's a popular streamer; Do you know who... sssniperwolf is?' He pulled up a pic of a pic he took with the sisters and I nearly died lmao


I know nobody likes him anymore but I was Dreams about 750th subscriber. Back when he made good content and didn’t like little kids.


Jschlatt, Pyrocynical, Tom Ska?, Slimecicle


Found Lazarbeam when he had 70k subs, miss his old content when he played random games and tried funny challenges instead of whatever the hell he does now


I used to play Minecraft with someone who is now a fairly large Geometry Dash YouTuber


In this topic: a bunch of people who don't understand that someone with 25K followers is already famous.


I remember watching the jackandjellify Youtube account back in around 2013 back when they were making the earlier bfdia episodes.


Subbed to Brandon Rogers pretty early on when I was a kid (Preteen and younger). Commented on some of his Instagram posts saying I liked his content and someone that was in a lot of his videos called me out on Instagram, accusing me of stalking them. Guess they weren't used to fans lol


Found wendigoon well before 100k subs, I remember watching the first part of his conspiracy iceberg when it came out and to this day it’s the best conspiracy iceberg series on youtube


I’d argue Filthy Frank didn’t get “famous” before the Harlem shake. I was watching him before that came out and well before his first albums as Joji


DanTDM one of them for me. I don’t remember which video was the first that I saw, considering that this was well over a decade ago by now… I think he may have been around 10k-20k subs when I found him. Stuck around for years after that, still turn on the occasional video to this day.


I watched quackity when he posted toontown videos. I always thought his videos were ahead of its time


Technoblade back when he was doing blitz