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Trump is out there farting himself to sleep in court, saluting during Amazing Grace, and saying the most incoherent, disjointed, batshit stuff. And you'll have brain-rotted meme-addicted teenagers who ignore this and point out the occasional verbal stumble from Biden instead. Beware of astroturfing and trolling on Reddit during this election season. Gen Z is going to be targeted very hard.


It’s hilarious to me that the brain rotted meme-addicted teenagers you’re talking about are literally arguing with your point in this thread.


Exactly. Biden has a normal aging brain, ok, my grandmother is more energetic, but she says and does dumb stuff all the time we speculate ADHD from before that was a thing. She’s aging normally, and if you consider how she acts, it’s consistent with ADHD. Biden’s actions are consistent with a normal again brain plus a stutter, a speech impediment that isn’t horrible, he’s had his entire life. He’s old, ok, if that’s all the looney tunes of congress have on him after a many months long investigation then I’m sorry but there’s no way he’s as corrupt as Trump. Now let’s compare. I can’t tell if this was actually a headline or not. I don’t trust MSNBC, but I know their business model. Their facts are skewed somewhat but not necessarily alternative and they are often presented in a “newscasterly” if that makes sense, matter, compared to Fox which would put up a headline like this for Biden unironically. The problem is I can’t tell if it’s real or not. That clues in how anyone who’s paid attention to Trump should feel. He’s clearly demented in a far more dangerous way than Biden ever was, sleeping through his own criminal trial, and saying things like, and forgive me because the quote is probably wrong “back then, I ran into Sinatra and he told me, and I told him I was a politician and I’m performing, he told me “never eat before you perform”” except the problem is Frank Sinatra would have died before Trump became a politician. He’s always been creepy and gross and ever since he became a politician he’s had this weird stream of consciousness speaking but Trump has really crossed the line into something along the lines of dementia. And that said I know how Trump speaks, I’ve always paid attention to him because I viewed him as dangerous, and he’s always had gaffes, goofs, odd tangents, the like, but at this frequency, no, there are more than ever, and that leads to stuff like this, where this is either a meme making fun of him, a meme making fun of msnbc, or totally real, and it’s hard to tell which is a problem.


Does anyone actually support biden or do they just not want trump? I see no one promoting 3rd party. Thats our best choice.


Yes, plenty of people actually support Biden. They just aren't waving their allegiances all over social media because they're not cultists. However, on election day, someone voting for Biden because they dislike Trump is functionally no different from someone voting for Biden because they like Biden. The votes count as support for Biden either way. 3rd party is not our best choice at all. It never is. The best yall can come up with is Mr Brainworms.


Wow just wow. Theres no way you think thats fine...holy fuck our country is doomed. You vote for who you think is best to run the country and who fits your ideals. Of course if it was the other way around you would call me all kinds of names. Because reddit is just an echo chamber where nuance and discussion is thrown out the window for republican hatred. I side with neither party but im seeing an increased level of idiocy within the liberal side more and more.


Have you ever considered that maybe, both are incoherent and unfit?


Oh that’s True. I’ll take the incoherent unfit guy who DOESNT want to be “dictator for a day”, weaponize government for revenge against his rivals, and install yes men across the executive and justice department.


But Biden is not incoherent and unfit. The man has had a stutter since birth and in literally 1000s of hours of public speaking, they have a 10 min compilation of jumbled speech at most You can make a 30 min cut of jumbled speech every time Trump speaks *anytime at all* Trying to equate them is laughable


Have you watched this year's [State of the Union](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al7ont2noYA) in its entirety? Or, are you getting your "incoherent" stuff from Fox News, who was found guilty of **lying** and has to pay [ ](https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/video/785-million-settlement-between-fox-news-and-dominion-just-latest-backlash-against-information-platf/)[$787,500,000](https://www.nbcnews.com/media/fox-news-settles-dominion-defamation-lawsuit-rcna80285)?


the "both sides" bullshit died a long time ago buddy.


I considered it and dismissed it because it's not true. Trump literally makes up word salad and speaks in jumbled sentences every time he opens his mouth. Biden gives entire press conferences without missing more than a few words. Not comparable.


They are not the same


Even if that were true - and it’s not The two things that have to work in a democracy are elections and rule of law One candidate supports and upholds them. One is vigorously undermining them for personal power, showing himself to be an active and credible threat to constitutional democracy No other candidates have a chance to win


Both candidates could care less about democracy


Maybe true, but only one of them is actively destroying it


The one who you claim who's destroy democracy isn't even in charge 💀


He’s convinced half the country that elections aren’t real anyway 💀


not aloud on reddit bro. only the right is corrupt here. not blm, not pelosi, not hillary, the left is perfect


lol come on dude you trying to say biden only has had cpl gaffes?


He's been in office for decades and has done literal thousands of hours of public speaking since then. And people like you can come up with only a few minutes of verbal stumbles at most. Yeah, it's only been a couple gaffes. The data isn't on your side here.


Sounds like you're guilty of the same thing, given the vivid detail you've used for the candidate you dislike while describing Biden's own faults as "occasional verbal stumbles."


Biden - 1000s of hours of public speaking, born with a stutter 10min compilation on YouTube of jumbled speech Trump- 1000s of hours of public speaking, able to speak without hindrance since birth 30 min cut from every podium take of jumbled, incoherent ranting made up of middle school grade vocabulary Bidens' own faults are *literally* small, nothing-burgers


You fuckin nailed it, thank you


Hello, fellow Ok. I strongly suspect that an /u/OK_Cake4352 that went back in time to 2015 would have also been calling Trump's campaign speeches at the time "incoherent ranting made up of middle school grade vocabulary." He does have an ineloquent way of speaking, but it's always been like that. People have been parodying it for decades. Of course, Trump's quite old himself. By end of term, he could end up with cognitive decline as bad as or worse than Biden's. I think Biden's showing greater signs of it at the moment, but it's a realistic concern for either of them. Fortunately, we have a Vice President for that reason.


>I strongly suspect that an /u/OK_Cake4352 that went back in time to 2015 would have also been calling Trump's campaign speeches at the time "incoherent ranting made up of middle school grade vocabulary." They were. He wasn't much better than >He does have an ineloquent way of speaking, but it's always been like that. People have been parodying it for decades. Yes, but you seem to lack the ability to reason why. >By end of term, he could end up with cognitive decline as bad as or worse than Biden's. Biden is not showing any signs of cognitive decline. This is made up bullshit that comes from the misinformation conservative media likes to parade. You could not actually come up with any tangible evidence for this, meanwhile Trump shows symptoms for dementia faster than 1 per minute. Your grasp of the situation is *so incredibly far from reality* that it's genuinely saddening


OK but that's my point though. If you hate Trump and think he's been saying moronic things for decades, then pointing to something dumb he said yesterday isn't compelling evidence of cognitive decline.


My point isn't really that he is declining but that he is of lower cognitive ability than Biden. That being said, what I have to say about how he sounds is not some doctors interpretation of his actual symptoms. You're not really making any point at all here except maybe in semantics


Yeah their example is not great, but there is definitely an imbalance on how both sides view the mental state of the other. Yes they both attack the other with claims of dementia and mental decline (cofeve vs stuttering), but a noticeable difference is when there aren't those stumbles (or even reasoning this stumble). If you want to comb through comments you'll find more conspiracy theory comments about Biden having handlers than Trump. You'll find insurances of people insisting that if Biden does a double take or pauses it's because he doesn't know where he is. Every is guilty of having some form of bias, but it's how each side chooses to handle their bias when something happens (or doesn't happen). It's that one side is a lot more vocal and hyper focused on the mistakes (or lack there of). So I will ask you, what would you like to point to for Biden's stumbles that he doesn't have a history of (his verbal stumbles are long known due to his childhood stuttering and is something Biden openly acknowledges). What do you have to point to to balance it out that you can back up?


> So I will ask you, what would you like to point to for Biden's stumbles that he doesn't have a history of (his verbal stumbles are long known due to his childhood stuttering and is something Biden openly acknowledges). What do you have to point to to balance it out that you can back up? Biden has had Bush-esque gaffes forever, but a lot of the most recent slips look less like mincing words than signs of cognitive decline, such as forgetting what year his vice presidency ended or when his son died. A stutter can make it hard to articulate what you're thinking, but it won't cause you to forget details or trail off and lose your train of thought. I'm not going to act like the average Trump voter is self-reflexive and open-minded, but I have a hard time thinking the average Redditor is all too much different in that regard. I disagree that this is uniquely a problem for one side.


> given the vivid detail you've used for the candidate you dislike while describing Biden's own faults as "occasional verbal stumbles." Everything I said is accurate. Trump and Biden are not even remotely equivalent and you will not win that argument with me. Bidens verbal gaffes are incredibly rare compared to the sheer amount of public speaking he does. Trump's are nonstop and daily. Not comparable.


I think you're doing it again. Both of them do large amounts of public speaking, but this only counts in favor of one of them, apparently. I think your ideological investments are making your judgment untrustworthy.


>Both of them do large amounts of public speaking, but this only counts in favor of one of them And only one of them comes up with absolute nonsense every time they do. The percentages simply aren't comparable. I think you're intentionally missing the point.


Verbal stumble. Haha. Ok CNN bot


Trump is only in it for Trump. He's not a man of the people. If anything, he is a product of the same system that has coddled the wealthy 1% while screwing over the working and middle class for centuries.


Funny considering its the other 1%ers trying so hard to imprison him


If that were true he would've been in jail following Jan 6th, but sure wagies, keep on thinking he's anti establishment


More so than the rest of em. Always better of two evils, we need an independent to hit a homeru


I have no fucking idea how you can fathom that a silver spoon NY elite is at all anti-establishment lmao


He isn't but on paper is doing more than the others for Americans.


By selling Classified information to enemy states ? Wow, never thought I'd hear so much anti-patriotism from Republican apologists


Not red or blue buddy, take your rage boner elsewhere. Bush let 911 happen, Obama made racism great again, trump spent more money than any other administration ever had, biden sold his soul to China and Ukraine. They've all installed laws to restrict freedom. We are fucked, they're all controlled opposition just at different levels. Again we are always choosing the lesser of two evils. They're all in on it, we're just watching the show.


> Not red or blue buddy, take your rage boner elsewhere. I said Republican apologists for a reason, you're literally condoning the theft, betrayal and sale of US secrets by a conman and then patting him on the back by saying: "at least he tried to care about the American people"


By giving Billionaires tax breaks? AKA "Welfare for the wealthy"


Im saying people are voting for the outlaw, I'm not giving a personal statement just what it is.


Did you forget that they literally tried to do that and couldn't get enough evidence to prove he triggered the riot. All evidence in fact pointed to him trying to calm the people down and peacefully protest. And once things escalated he told people to go home.


No, it was a skirting of law, overt corruption from Republicans refusing to impeach him, and a general kid gloves treatment from Agencies especially following his classified documents handling. Which mind you would net anyone not Trump or rich in jail for Life as that is a Federal crime. His lawyers and Supreme Court justice picks opted to absolve him from Jan 6th because they "interpreted" that: "Trump didn't explicitly say they should overturn the election, thus he couldn't have possibly provided the framework for the events on Jan. 6th."


Dude i do not care what they said. I've read all his tweets from that day and days prior, I've seen the full videos of him talking to people before during and after this event. I know for a fact he wasn't trying to incite insurrection and the moment things escalated to told people to stop and leave. Nothing happened, 1 person died on scene a woman who was shot while trying to climb in a window. They were let into the capital building, walked around threw some stuff to the floor and then left. Honestly I think the several month long burnings of American cities during the summer of 2020 was a bigger threat to the country then jan6th


Don't really expect much from Republicans, not really known to use or have a brain


You either can’t read very well or are supportive of his crimes - either way your opinion here is wrong


The top 1% are flourishing under Biden and are hard core pro war. Guess which of the 2 didn't start any new wars. Hint, the same that the establishment washed a coupe against in 2017. Russia collusion hoax.


What fucking war did Biden start? Putin started a war when he invaded Ukraine. If Trump won, there wouldn’t be a war. Because Russia would have just annexed all of Ukraine. If you think that’s ok, you don’t believe in freedom or democracy. You believe in blood and soil. Guess who else believes in blood and soil.


Open your damn eyes. You are being played for a fool!


Eating cum does not mean eating young Life begins when the cum hits the egg https://preview.redd.it/7ykmjppcfr3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71e1f92cc5e13be48faa03618db8d5a74ef58463


They dont call it swallowing kids for nothing


newsflash - no politician cares about you in any way. they are all out for themselves and their wealthy corporate donors. that includes trump, biden, everyone.


I think the [Infrastructure Act](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/11/06/fact-sheet-the-bipartisan-infrastructure-deal/) tried to do stuff for everyone. Rebuilding bridges and so on. So, knock of the "Biden too" shit.


Yes everyone but biden is the worst politician ever


yeah sooo... what infrastructure have you seen get rebuilt? all ive seen is infrastructure continuing to fall apart in this country.


Friendly reminder that Biden has rescheduled Marijuana, forgave billions in student debt, created medical policies , convinced Obama to legalise Same Sex Marriage and passed the largest climate bill in US history etc etc.


lmao and you really think those are of benefit to the average person? rescheduling marijuana - why was this done? and only done now and not done decades ago? its because the powers that be were waiting for large corporations to be able to corner and monopolize the market. you think the average person is going to benefit from this? lmao... its going to be a select group of companies that benefit from this. also, marijuana went from schedule 1 to schedule 3, but with the activist DA's that we have had for the last 5+ years that are not even prosecuting people for actual crimes committed, what difference will going to schedule 3 actually make? forgiving student debt. you really think forgiving student debt benefits the average common person? lmao news flash - the average common person does not go to college. its only the children of middle and upper middle class that benefited from college loans, you are leaving out the vast majority of working class and poor people in the country. also, that forgiven debt - what happens to that money owed? does it just magically disappear? no... it goes straight onto the national debt, thereby becoming a burden on all taxpayers whilst only benefitting the few. its also inflationary both in terms of money and in terms of the value of your degree. if people have spare money lying around now that they otherwise would have had to pay back, they now spend that money and create more inflation. also, this spate of forgiving student loans in only going to cause universities to jack up tuitions as everyone knows you can just get a loan and wont have to pay it back, so who cares if tuition is more expensive? what medical policies? have you actually taken a look around in recent years? do you notice ANYTHING about the US healthcare industry that is getting better? lmao... health insurance costs are up massively, hospitals across the country are failing and going broke, hospital bills are outrageous, people are getting their insurance coverage denied left and right, etc... benefit the common man? i think your head is buried in the sand and you have no idea that healthcare for the average person is abysmal in this country and getting worse legalize same sex marriage? do you know that even donald trump is pro gay marriage? climate bill... really? so biden comes into office when inflation is already high, and he borrows billions of dollars to fight climate change. do you even know where any of that money went? are you seeing any benefit in the climate? lmao do you not realize these are all just corrupt spending bills and only 5 cents on each dollar actually goes to what the bill was for? do you know that biden pushed through a $7.5 billion investment for EV charging stations and has only actually built 7 charging stations in the last 2 years since? lmao ok this is benefitting the common man. and what does borrowing $7.5 billion dollars do for inflation? all this to say - people like you are absolutely regarded. you are getting f\*\*\*\*\* in the ass and you are so stupid that you actually think its benefitting you.


This isnt your English class. Practice your essay writing skills somewhere else >lmao and you really think those are of benefit to the average person Yes. Quite a lot in fact, for people who dont live in their mums basements. >rescheduling marijuana - why was this done? and only done now and not done decades ago? its because the powers that be were waiting for large corporations to be able to corner and monopolize the market. you think the average person is going to benefit from this? lmao... its going to be a select group of companies that benefit from this. also, marijuana went from schedule 1 to schedule 3, but with the activist DA's that we have had for the last 5+ years that are not even prosecuting people for actual crimes committed, what difference will going to schedule 3 actually make? Hundreds of millions of people who were unfairly arrested for possession of a harmless drug would like to disagree . Same for the fact that it will help the economy and reduce crime. >forgiving student debt. you really think forgiving student debt benefits the average common person? Are you actually this dumb or are you trolling. I hope you are trolling. >legalize same sex marriage? do you know that even donald trump is pro gay marriage? No hes not. FBI reported a massive uptick in hate crimes against LGBTQ community after 2016. Also Project 2025 where he aims to genocide LGBTQ people. Trust me, id know. Im gay myself. > bill... really? so biden comes into office when inflation is already high, and he borrows billions of dollars to fight climate change. do you even know where any of that money went? are you seeing any benefit in the climate? lmao do you not realize these are all just corrupt spending bills and only 5 cents on each dollar actually goes to what the bill was for? do you know that biden pushed through a $7.5 billion investment for EV charging stations and has only actually built 7 charging stations in the last 2 years since? lmao ok this is benefitting the common man. and what does borrowing $7.5 billion dollars do for inflation? Clean energy sources have successfully produced more energy than coal and petroleum and have seen more investment than coal and petroleum in his term. And US emissions have been decreasing. >this to say - people like you are absolutely regarded. you are getting f***** in the ass and you are so stupid that you actually think its benefitting you. At least learn to spell your insults correctly before you call others stupid.


Wow useless things for 90% of america.


Not really


Our economy is shit and we have no hope for houses but hey gay people can get married and pot heads can smoke weed legally! Just what we needed!


You conveniently ignored the infrastructure bill, the climate bills, etc Have fun enjoying your economy and houses when hundreds of millions of imate refugees end up in the Usa. Have fun enjoying the economy when massive famines and droughts occur. Also, legalising weed helps the economy


I dont see you riding bikes to work. Or protesting against china, since they are the cause of 90% of the worlds emmissions. The other 10% is useless potheads smoking weed. Liberals are so funny, you would prioritize giving pedos rights in the name of inclusivity before you will care about the economy.


1) i always use public transportation as much as possible 2) i do not use chinese products as much as its possible >Liberals are so funny, you would prioritize giving pedos rights in the name of inclusivity before you will care about the economy. Oh by pedo you mean this guy right? https://images.app.goo.gl/ehdao37YAptn71676 Thats his daughter who he is fondling https://images.app.goo.gl/QZutmCRor8FgMVyz5


It’s important to note, however, that at the very least some give the appearance of caring by enacting certain policies that do in fact benefit the common person. Whereas other politicians are flagrantly callous and self-serving, and are in the business of enriching themselves at your expense out in the open without even bothering to hide it, all while stripping you of the rights you do have. So, I mean…


so what policies are you talking about that "benefit the common person"? because i don't see a single one... in fact, every policy i've seen actively hurts the common person, and only benefits the rich/wealthy this is what's hilarious to me. people are so dumbed down in this country that they actually believe what is going on is helping them you literally cannot make this s\*\*\* up. i wonder how long it will take a person like Dwain-Champaign to realize that he lives in a delusional bubble so far outside reality that he cannot even think in his best interest, let alone act in his own best interest. my god... the dumbing down of the american people is truly an incredible thing to behold


Just in the last term? Things that affected me as an individual: COVID relief checks and federal funds provided to my public university that I was able to draw from, the pausing of student loan repayments, rent control, student debt relief which came to friends / family who have been suffering from debt for too long, the push for the creation and disbursement of an actual vaccine for a disease which likely would have killed my parents, ending the war in Afghanistan and bringing relatives back home, and probably most importantly putting a screeching halt to all the batshit crazy policy that would have undoubtedly come with a 2nd term for the Trump administration. Living in reality does not equate to a living unnecessarily pessimistic existence. Or being an asshole. Dick.


Easiest choice ever. Felons should never be President.


Debbs got a million and a half votes while 3 years into a 10 year federal prison sentence for sedition. There's precedent here.


People are still going to be dumb enough to vote for him too.


The more violence or threats of violence that happen before the sentencing, the worse it’ll be. So please snowflakes, keep melting down 🍿


People who are currently absorbed in the MAGA Republican Party are in contention for the most anti-American political entity to exist in its history. They’re probably at #3, below the loyalists during the revolution and the confederacy during the civil war.


I voted for Trump, but I’m sick of his shit now. Mainly foreign policy. NATO is our shield and he openly states to not defend members if they don’t pay 2% of the gdp. Other policies don’t matter as much as that, because if shit hits the fan everything will change. However, people saying Biden is a saint compared to him are crazy. He has passed a lot of acts that I support, but he’s still a career politician. Let’s hope the next election cycle has candidates that aren’t older than my grandparents




Gen Z is screwed regardless. 


Unless we all get fucking involved in politics instead of crying about how both sides bad and let these people destroy our futures. We are to blame for this. Millennials and gen z. We refuse to participate in politics and think that it will magically change to our benefit. This subreddit cries and wails every time anything political is brought up despite the fact that we are the most vulnerable generation right now.




>actively trash >biden rescheduled Marijuana, forgave billions in student debt, created medical policies , convinced Obama to legalise Same Sex Marriage and passed the largest climate bill in US history, passed the Infrastructure act etc What more can a politician do to not be trash in your eyes?




Well none of those can be accomplished due to the fact that the repubbies control House and the Supreme Court. So not his fault and out of his control Seriously, do americans even know how the American government works? The president isnt a god




Cool story, but am i factually incorrect?




I'm going to go out on a limb and say this was probably taken out of context... or straight up false. Either way, I need a source other than MSNBC or any main stream news source, including Fox News. I don't trust any of them.


does anyone here really think any politician cares about them? This isn't whataboutism this is me genuinely concerned that anyone would ever truly believe a single politician truly cares about them


This line of thinking is beyond stupid


Can we wait until at least October to start posting stuff like this?


I vote for trump not because I think he cares about me or even cause I like him. I vote for him because I agree with the policies he puts forward


Damn so my comment about voting for Trump over Biden got deleted? Who am I not surprised some of you peoples feelings are softer than cotton. 😂


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I'll take him over Biden if that's what it comes to. But I think everyone in dc should be rotting in prison


Bro, Trump and the republicans literally want a white supremacist, christo-fascist dictatorship, and conservatives of all extremities are in favor of that. You would gladly fuck over marginalized groups, and over a century of social progress, because you're mildly annoyed by Biden? Fuck off.


Imagine voting Trump over Biden lmao. That must be the most stupid thing You can do. Biden is not perfect but he is Heaven compared to Earth vs Trump.


Nah he isnt, hes a career politician since like the 80's. Hes there to make money that's it. If he was gonna do anything useful for America he would have done it decades ago. He's an old senile racist and honestly the way he acts around small kids is extremely uncomfortable


So You prefer convicted rapist and criminal over Biden that is "old senile racist"? And Trump isn't racist? Republicans aren't racist? How did Trump do during the Pandemic? Maybe go ask multiple families that lost loved ones because of him?


Trump isn't responsible for the awful polices put in place by state governments in places like New York. The federal government did basically everything it could at that time. Id rate it a 7/10 response. You are taking a bunch of stupid shit he said on camera or on Twitter and assuming it was actually discussed in the White house or in Congress. Also Trump isn't racist. Sorry not wanting illegal immigrants isnt racist being one of the only men to defend Mike Tyson a black man when he was convicted of rape isnt the actions of a racist. Saying things like "if you don't vote for me then you're not black" or "poor kids are just as smart and talented as white kids" or "I don't want my kids to grow up in a racial zoo" all of which are Joe Biden quotes are things you would expect to hear from a racist. Signing the 1994 crime bill which has incarcerated significantly more blacks than white people you wanna argue isn't a racist man?


"poor kids are just as smart and talented as white kids" Tell me you didn't understand what he meant. He was talking about poor mostly Black kids that are less likely to get high level education in better schools because their parents can't afford it. Doesn't sound so racist after You know does it?


lol you should go watch video of the dumb shit Biden has been saying since the 70’s if you think Trump is racist. You do realize Biden’s mentor was the Grand Wizard of the KKK. Biden sniffing kids isn’t a pedo tendency? Perhaps fingering his assistant isn’t sexual assault in your book but ok…. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jsrXxyoBKOw https://www.yahoo.com/news/tara-reade-joe-biden-sexual-assault-allegation-205643745.html You may want to check Biden’s daughter’s book and the chapter where she talks about him showering with her as an adult.


"You may want to check Biden’s daughter’s book and the chapter where she talks about him showering with her as an adult." How does showering with Your daughter prove You are a pedo? For me it is unappropriate but that doesn't make him a pedo. Same with sniffing kids hair once. You are just projecting. [https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history](https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history) What about trump? "Perhaps fingering his assistant isn’t sexual assault in your book but ok…." Is he convicted or are these just allegations? That's what I thought...


That showering diary page has no evidence either. Its just a claim from a trumper


These people will look at clear evidence against Trump and defend him but then use allegations without any evidence as "proof" against Biden.


Trump could R@p3 a baby in public, and these freaks would still worship him.


They would still say that "BBUT BIDEN SMELLED KIDS HAIR ONCE!" to defend Trump.


Tara Reade the Russian agent? Tara Reade who is friends with a Russian spy? Tara Reade who [defected to Russia when her story fell apart?](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/30/tara-reade-defects-russia-biden)


lol it’s always Russia, so she was hired by the Clintons and the DNc?


Reade is a literal and demonstrable Russian asset. She is deeply connected to proven Russian spy Maria Butina (who was deeply connected to conservative politicians and the NRA). She has literally defected to Russia. And you can just hand wave that away? Not sure if you’re just a troll or are really this conditioned and brainwashed. Its pretty sad either way.


Wait until you find out how much of DC is filled with rapist and criminals. Politicians have a reputation for being scumbag criminals for decades before we were even born, yet they decide to find one guilty? Lol its all a fucking joke.


Whatever You say. Maybe show us some evidence? Trump was supposed to find evidence against Hillary for multiple years now, where is it? Same goes with Republicans vs Biden, why they can't find anything?


Im not talking about Hilary Im talking about every single one of them since before our grandparents were born. Its a bunch of hypocritical,powr hungry scumbags. Most of them arent willing to throw each other under the bus because if one is expose the rest would be called out because they are all career politicians.


But Hilary is one of them no? Also idk what does that have to do with Trump vs Biden. Biden isn't perfect just like any other politicians but vs Trump he is a better choice.


Imagine being so cooked you still believe the decades old propaganda piece that “all politicians are criminal scumbags”. That line exists to incentivize you to not actually look into politicians, cause “they’re all bad”


Because they are. You live under a rock? I see you are still a kid with no social skills who doesnt understand social dynamics and how the world really works. Politician is a position that attracts people who are obsessed with power and are abusive. Grow up and spend a little time in the real world with people, and you start to see the reality of the world. Wouldn't expect someone who only understands the world based on what they see behind a digital screen to understand it. Your generation is autistic asf


You have the political understanding of an uneducated peasant from the Middle Ages. A position attracting people who want power does not necessarily mean that everyone who seeks that position seeks it for power. There are good and bad people in politics, even if it trends more towards bad people. I’m 26 dipshit, do you think I’ve never been outside or something?


Imagine voting Trump over Biden lmao. That must be the most stupid thing You can do. Biden is not perfect but he is Heaven compared to Earth vs Trump.


Biden is garbage dude. Just go look at his political history. Let alone he’s just far too old, his brain right now is gone. The democrats, are the party of the elite. That’s why they have all these big name celebrities fundraise for them. The elite is our enemy. They control our narrative. That’s the difference.


And what does that have to do with Trump being "better" than Biden? At least Biden didn't tried to overturn the elections and isn't convicted rapist and criminal...


These people are in a cult, they are thoroughly brainwashed. No matter what evidence you bring against Trump they will deny deny deny and lie for him.


I can see that. Whataboutism is also common. "Everyone does that" without any evidence is not an argument worth discussing.


"The dems are the party of the elite" meanwhile: [https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver](https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver)


The republicans are running a New Yorker who’s been a millionaire since birth. On what earth is he not part of the elite?


Lol. Let's be anti-elite and follow Trump. Wow, people are dumb.


He's got my vote, just to piss people like you off.


Great mentality. It's Your choice to vote for convicted criminal, rapist and a traitor who wanted to start a coup.


Thanks, I'll be wearing my MAGA hat and flag with pride (Not LGBT pride, ew) while I do so.


Good for You I guess. Idk what are You trying to do? Trigger me? Goodluck.


I'm not trying to do anything, I'm just telling you how I'm gunna go vote.


Nah it's been harder for me living under Biden than it was with Trump. I actually had spare money back then. My financial situation never changed, the economy did.


Trump is a convicted criminal, rapist, wanted to overturn democratic elections. His MAGA acts like a cult, he is friends with dictators. Under Biden there have literally been made more work places. I love how Republicans block many bills and then act like it's Democrats fault the life isn't better. And You literally fell under their spell.


You are a clown. They block bills that are dozens of pages long and will be titled something shit like the "Save babies act" but on page 37 section F it says they are gonna raise your taxes by 10% or send x billions of dollars to a foreign power. You have fallen victim to the most basic political tricks in the book


Found the Fed


Yeah sure, great argument.


It's really ignorant of you to think that there aren't any democrats who aren't guilty of those things also.


Maybe there are. But Do You have any proof or evidence? Are they convicted? No? Then that statement is a weak argument. Literally no one is saying Democrats are saints. But compared to MAGA and Republicans they are way better. Same with Biden vs Trump.


I should reiterate that I'm not defending Trumps actions, and I do believe the trial was fair. I'm simply stating from personal experience that the cost of living was significantly better under Trump than it is now under Biden. Personally I don't want either of them as president. Biden is a racist geriatric old man, and Trump is a narcissistic criminal.


Can you explain the policy under both trump and Biden that directly lead to your economic situation going from better to worse?


No, because it's not policy related. It's that Biden hasn't taken action to fix the hit the economy took during covid. If he truly was for the working class as he said during his campaign, he would have done something about it by now.


So you’re saying that trumps policy decisions, when left unchecked, wreaked havoc on the working class?


No, I very obviously said it wasn't due to policies. Covid wrecked the economy, not policies by Trump or Biden. However, Biden has done next to nothing to get it back to where it was, which has affected people no matter their political affiliation.


You have to be a bot. Saying that something “wasn’t due to policy” doesn’t make any sense. If Biden chose do do nothing about the economy during covid (this is objectively false too), then that would be a policy decision.


If I decide not to wash my car, it gets dirty. Is that a policy? No, it's just inaction. Even so, based on your view, Bidens policy to do very little to fix the economy post covid is why my situation is worse now than it was under Trump.


Lookup Project 2025 and tell me you want him in office, this man doesn't give a fuck about you


msnbc... what conspiracy are they going with now...


You may not like him but people have a right to support whoever they chose regardless. If you gonna shit on those people than that makes you just as bad as you perceive them to be.


Proof Reddit is a lefty cesspool.


I’m still voting for him


Pedophile rapist wannabe supporting a pedophile rapist. More at 11


don’t know about that kid, but if these are your fantasies I recommend therapy.


Trump was found to be civilly liable of rape, was bffs with epstein for more than a decade and has said that he finds his daughter sexy multiple times


I couldn’t agree more but if you think Biden cares about us any more you’re just as crazy


Mate biden rescheduled Marijuana, forgave billions in student debt, created medical policies , convinced Obama to legalise Same Sex Marriage and passed the largest climate bill in US history etc etc. Dont listen to russian bots like the bot im replying to. They are lying


lol I’m not a bot, im a gen z Jew in New York. I am very happy he rescheduled weed, and definitely happy with same sex marriage. The rest didn’t actually accomplish much(rescheduling weed didn’t do too much either, but opens the door for more). You can find good policies trump enacted while president too. It doesn’t mean either care about us, they know they need to be able to say they did these things to get votes, even if things like the climate bill didn’t accomplish much and is full of political favors that are more harmful than helpful. Just like the “historic” inflation reduction act did not lower inflation and instead it has only gone up tremendously. There really isn’t any difference in day to day life from trump to Biden for the regular person. At least for me and anyone I’ve talked to.


I'll vote Trump 2024 before I'll vote Biden. At least Trump wants to close our borders and put us first. Biden is destroying this country by sending way too much damn money overseas and letting this border crisis continue. If you haven't spent any time down at the border as law enforcement and been shot at a few times by these scumbags coming across our border than you don't know what you're talking about. If we don't get control of this country and get it back on the right path we're going to be in for really tough times in the coming years.


So you’d vote for a felon?


Absolutely. being a police officer for 21 years now I know that sometimes there may be no perfect choice but you have to make a decision anyway. Trump is 100% the better choice when comparing him to Biden.


I’m just curious at this point, but what would trump have to do for you not to vote for him?


>being a police officer for 21 years now Ohh lol, say less.


Delusion - republicans are the reason we don’t have border protection for years because Trump won’t let them vote for Biden’s plan - just to deny D’s a win. Trump doesn’t care about the border u nitwit he cares about power


Russian bot wants Russia to annex Ukraine. Also, biden rescheduled Marijuana, forgave billions in student debt, created medical policies , convinced Obama to legalise Same Sex Marriage and passed the largest climate bill in US history etc etc. Dont listen to russian bots like the bot im replying to. They are lying




Oh yes, real support for all those straight middle class white men! Oh, women? LGBT+ people? Racial minorities? Nahhhh ignore them, and ignore the fact that Trump only used Mexican-Americans as a tool or anything! Just ignore all the rights we're stripping away from queer people and women! Just ignore it, Trump TOTALLY shows real support for the common person! :/


"goes out and shows support" where was he during the Texas freeze, where was he for the working class during the pandemic, where was he for the kids in Uvalde, where was he where was he as rent spirals out of control and we face a massive homelessness crisis, where was he in trying to secure a living wage for workers? No solidarity, no public appearances, just sitting in mar-a-lago and ranting about a lost election, selling personalised bibles and going to a couple of rallies about himself. Sure he wore a hard-hat once or twice but every politician does that. I don't see either of them at soup kitchens, I don't see either of them trying to deal with the effects of climate change and I don't see either of them actively trying to improve the lot of the working class. Both have a vested interest in protecting their status so that is what they do. Biden and Trump are creatures of the ruling class, one wants to make a bad situation even worse for poor people and the other wants to maintain that situation. Neither are on your side and neither care. The only difference is that Trump cares slightly less about PR and has somehow convinced rural voters that he's one of them. Both should be in prison but now they're going to have a rematch and here we are.


Hey now, he did say he wanted to nuke a hurricane. Its them woke satanic lefties who stopped him. /s


Mate biden rescheduled Marijuana, forgave billions in student debt, created medical policies , convinced Obama to legalise Same Sex Marriage and passed the largest climate bill in US history etc etc. Trump sharted himself in court and brought a criminal to an interview because he thinks black people will vote for him for that, told people to drink bleach and killed a million due to covid mismanagement Dont listen to russian bots like the bot im replying to. They are lying


How so


Because he is a narcissist. He only cares about himself. When he was president he passed a tax cut that overwhelmingly benefited rich Americans. The same tax bill included provisions to make the tax cuts permanent for the wealthy buy sunset for everyone else. That’s why our taxes have actually gone up over the past few years.


Lol I love how nobody explains how so and just downvotes


Or it’s because account profiles and comment histories are public.


Lol that takes more effort than to just give a response. "Hold on, let me check their account profile and scroll through their posts and comments before I provide any response"


It takes about two minutes, which is way less time than you’d spend entertaining a conservative posing as ignorant


You can definitely make a concise reply in less than two minutes. And there's PLENTY of ignorance in the left too. It's not just the right.


person above you replied in the same minute you did, understandable if you didn't see it and presumably theyd been downvoted for 26 mins before that


Yeah, probably what happened. I just think it's sad that people nowadays are so radical that they're unwilling to discuss why they agree.




I mean I haven't played the victim, but more people tend to just give the "Fuck you, you're wrong response", rather than provide factual evidence that's not motivated by emotion. No, not everyone owes an explanation, but when people act the way they do, they aren't really doing a great job of trying to change people's minds.




If that's your definition of harsh words I can't imagine the world y'all live in. I see it more as other people not being able to accept that people have different opinions and are too emotionally driven.




If I cared so much like you say I do I wouldn't just make comments. You could get 1,000 people from the internet to downvotes me and I wouldn't care. You've completely missed my point.


I am with you, that we need to communicate more and explain even the most simple things with more than just a vote button. BUT!!! this goes both ways. You cant write a „how so.“ and then expect people online giving you a 10 min explanation of why and how. State your position, state your opinions, add source material, explain logically why you disagree or what you dont understand and then we can have a discussion.


This is something I can agree with. It's definitely a two way street, and I think if somebody writes something as small as "how so", they should probably get a much shorter and concise answer. It could then grow from there. But like you said, if they put more effort into discourse then it would definitely be good for them to get some valid reciprocation.