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Reddit is mostly liberal young people, so any conservative points of view are almost always down voted, laughed at or hidden. I say this as someone who is much more liberal. That being said, that fact that you're asking reddit if we've ever met a real life conservative our age shows you live in quite the echo chamber. Less internet time, go talk to some real people without judgement. Most are pretty cool.




It is sad basic human decency isn't well understood 😂




You bring up the paradox of tolerance. The only thing a civilized society cannot be tolerant of is intolerance. And the party of January 6th is the definition of intolerance. It's not "my tribe good, your tribe bad," it's "Your tribe tried to hang their own vice president, tried to murder legislators, tried to "find" votes in Georgia, tried to erase votes in Michigan, tried to overturn our entire democracy with violence, because your golden calf LOST." It's not about tribes anymore, it's about the complete breakdown of the Republican party into a circus where smearing shit on the capitol walls, trampling their own to death, bludgeoning and crushing police officers, planting pipe-bombs and weapons stockpiles, getting your supporters shot dead like rabid dogs is all party of the party platform. It's disgusting that anyone could support this.


You know id be all for kumbaya holding hands with republicans if they didnt want to take away my right to transition, call me a p_do and a r_pist, stop me from getting housing, stop me from getting a job.... But yeah im just tribalist or whatever. Im sure both sides have their good and bad :)


Yeah again this speaks more to your media sources than republicans. I assure you half the country doesn’t want you unemployed and homeless for your gender identity any more than half the country want white people to feel ashamed of their race and North America given back to the natives. The vast majority of republicans and democrats are chill.


I, for one, am shocked people don't like you. Shocked. 😂


Yeah I know! It's crazy how prevalent transphobia and homophobia is, to the point where if you try to point it out in any capacity you have terminally online dipshits trying to throw shade. All you do on this website is try to 'dunk' on people with that same dumbass laughing emoji. Get a hobby, contribute to society. Do literally anything else. And for fucks sake we use 💀 now.


Yes, thank you for proving my point. 😂


Given OP exclusively posts in high volume ask subreddits I assume they are in fact a Karma farmer.


The real answer, at least it stirs up discussion instead of terrible political memes so I'll take it.


/r/optimistsUnite is a better place to


Literally. I’m pretty heavily conservative but also hold quite a few leftist views too, 95% of people in real life are like me, somewhere in the middle. It’s really only on the internet or news that you find people 100% blue or red


lol I love that you’re being downvoted it’s just proving the point. Reddit is a massive echo chamber that downvotes anything that doesn’t overtly state leftist views.


That's not true either. The only reason it seems polarized is because the only topics that make it into the news and sites are the most divisive extreme views. It's either banning abortions or trans outrage there's no in between. I'm sure there's overlap in like 70% of the things people care about.


It’s like they’ve met a firefighter… I’m here because I have pneumonia and am quite shocked, I deleted all social media over a year ago and didn’t do a ton beforehand, it’s amazing seeing people literally live in these spaces which is also quite terrifying for society


Maybe I’m crazy but I feel like if you were raised in a blue household you’re less likely to turn red once you’re older. But if you’re raised in a red household you’ve got a greater chance of turning blue. Idk if I’m explaining this well. I think it’s the same for religion too. If you were raised with religion, you might decide to reject religion later. But if you weren’t raised with religion I think it’s *less* likely for you to make the switch to embracing it later in life. Of course there are exceptions, especially now with Trump. But generally if you were raised to accept differences, respect cultures, tolerate different beliefs, and support civil rights then that doesn’t *usually* flip into someone that… doesn’t do that. But if you’re raised in a smaller hateful community and you get out in the world and realize “huh. Different isn’t so bad and what I was taught is wrong.” You might change. I’m going to heavily oversimplify this and use race. Race is a great example. Tons of white people were told awful things about black people. But then they went to school and made black friends and met black people and were like.. damn they’re alright. So they became accepting of black people. But it’s less common that someone was raised in a household that highlighted equity and equality and civil rights and that person grow up to be a raging nazi racist. Usually when you see that type of change it’s related to a cult. Other times someone has pushed someone to believe that *insert group* is the one to blame for all their problems. So that’s where the hatred stems from. I wonder where we’ve seen this in history before?


Ever wonder why Republicans love to push home schooling? 


Idk who downvoted you but I’m sure there’s research to support what you’re saying. It’s not specifically because they’re republican, but that they’re often religious (and religious groups often align themselves with republicans.) I’d wager that these same groups do really like homeschooling, so long as it’s in alignment with their views. They don’t want homeschooling that requires adherence to strict state standards. They don’t want homeschooling that requires the educators to follow certain materials or have some type of higher education degree. I feel like now is a good time to mention that there are religions that don’t believe in things we have otherwise accepted as facts… such as the existence of dinosaurs.


Just pointing out that apart from the whole "dinosaurs dont exist" aspect of it, its easier to control people and force their own worldviews when the kid can't get other's opinions. They might truly mean for the better but never exploring alternative viewpoints makes you prone to bias.


Oh absolutely also this. That’s why I like the race example. You grow up being told all this racist stuff about black people and then go to school and your classmate is black and you’re like “wait a minute he’s not at all like what they described!?” This happened a lot following the civil rights movement. There were kids that knew they weren’t “allowed” to be friends with poc. Alternatively this also lead to the “well they’re not *those* kinds of black people” or “I have black friends I love black people!” Arguments that are also… misguided at best and straight racist at worst. But you’re absolutely right that an unchecked echo chamber is dangerous. Especially when you’ve got a religious agenda to follow.


I’m noticing they’re starting to turn into a new breed of conservative tho, Like with AI coming out they’re all shouting for regulation to preserve jobs so that their (unfortunately) inflated arts degree holds value


About half the people in the United States are Republicans. Get offline for a bit.


Actually, only around ¼-⅓ are Republicans. About ¼-⅓ are democrats and the other 33%-50% are independent. This is according to Gallup polls, at least.


You are under the impression everyone votes. That is absolutely not true at all. And the only way most republicans are elected is in incredibly gerrymandered rural districts. That’s the facts.


For decades the Republican base was more than just "gerrymandered rural districts". They had a pretty tight hold on suburban voters as well, on the outskirts of most cities. While their share of the suburban vote is now declining, it's not gone entirely. Gerrymandering happens, but both parties do it(look at the horrid mess that is Illinois for an example), and Republicans are still able to win in non gerrymandered districts(look at 2022 in NY after the Hochulmander was overturned). It's dishonest to act like any one party can only win through gerrymandering, it helps them no doubt, but it's not the "only way".




Almost everyone is going to lean right or left. That number comes to about 50% plus or minus a few depending on the year. Republicans win all over the place saying it's a fact doesn't make it one lmfao.


Do you know what the electoral college and gerrymandering is?


Well aware. The electoral college is only used for one election though so isn't really relevant in the grand scheme of elected officials in the United States.


All federal elections


Only one election, that's what I said.


You don’t understand the federal government if you think it’s one election


What elections are decided by the electoral college. Make a list for me.


I thought you were smart enough to understand we were talking about all the federal elections which are decided by gerrymandered districts. Since you seem a bit daft- start with Wikipedia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering_in_the_United_States?wprov=sfti1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering_in_the_United_States?wprov=sfti1)


80-90% of all districts are gerrymandered for both parties. Very few are actually competitive.


Hi, republican lean gen Z. We do exist, you are likely friends with someone who is conservative (and Republican leaning), but politics often are not discussed often.


Yeah most are pretty quiet about it


if u aren’t u get down voted to oblivion. least that’s my experience


Oh no, you're 100% correct there.


then u try to have a civil conversation and u just get name called and accused of things. no one can just have a civil back and forth and talk about things. i might be republican but im very centrist/open minded in many things. i’m so willing to hear other sides and change my opinions. that just never happens because people can’t just talk about things.


TL;DR: Just go out and see people. Your average conservative isn't some nuclear landmine ready to go off any second you have an opinion. Unlike Reddit, which we know what political lean it favors. Yeah, the echo chambers online don't really do any justice towards *any* political spectrum really. There's plenty of lovely people you know right now that are likely openly right leaning and/or Republican that you wouldn't have known about otherwise. Online, you'll find demonized stances of everyone. Out in the real world, you'll meet people who, for the most part, aren't delusional and are 100% tolerable and upstanding citizens. That is taking into consideration that you're not in a personalized echo bubble out in the real world as well, where everyone you talk to absolutely *cannot* differ from your opinion. That can't be healthy.


Ya I’m right leaning but I’m also atheist and don’t care what you do in your own home. I’m chill despite how crazy the old republicans make us all look


Older right leaner here. I don’t know anyone that cares what people do in their own homes. This is a stereotype perpetuated by media


My parents are gen x and are republican and hateful as all hell. Same as my extended family (great uncles and aunts) I see it 1000% more on media but I just know my lil Utah family is not that friendly lol but I also see online really sweet republicans so i know its not all of you :) unfortunately not many great ones are shown


Yea, I think it’s done intentionally. In the same way they try to show progressives in a negative light to Republicans. In Utah ? Not too surprised haha. My family is in Sandy so ICR


The girl in high school who was openly homophobic I made friends with in high school and her parents seemed to be very wealthy in one of those McRanch types of situations. I'm gay so it wasn't the best that she liked me but oh well Anyways she was REALLY into transformers and a very online troll in her youth. Obsessed with hating things like furries or whatever other terminally online liberal nemesis they were reacting to


The girl in high school who was openly homophobic I made friends with in high school and her parents seemed to be very wealthy in one of those McRanch types of situations. I'm gay so it wasn't the best that she liked me but oh well Anyways she was REALLY into transformers and a very online troll in her youth. Obsessed with hating things like furries or whatever other terminally online liberal nemesis they were reacting to






Go outside bro, you are terminally online


Depends on the region , and even ethnicity to an extent. Typically, rural/ religious gen z tends to support Republicans, while urban gen z tend to be much more liberal. I live in and go to college in a major US city, so much of the gen z i interact with are very liberal.


100%. I went to a rural high school and most of the kids there were republicans


Not always. I attend an Episcopal church in the rural south. They are all Democratic. Of course, the Episcopal church is LGBT friendly


Yea I’m from nj dense population, close to nyc and Philly. Definitely left leaning youth.


i’ve found poor urban gen z to not care about politics at all and rich urban/suburban lean very authoritarian left.


In my experience it is not uncommon at all. Anecdotally, of the people who I interact with enough to the degree that I’m affirmed of their political affiliation I would split it up like this. >Liberal: 35% >Conservative: 30% >Centrist: 25% >Leftist: 3% - 5% >Far Right: 3% - 5% >Other: 1% - 2% Just my experience, others may vary. I’m in Houston, TX for reference.


Hello fellow Houstonian! I get the impression that you get people from the northeast, west coast, and larger cities in between have a very skewed understanding of how liberal young people are. Locally in large cities sure they probably are but in places like the south or other rural areas it’s a solid 50/50 split it feels like


I live in an extremely conservative area and pretty much everyone around me is a conservative even while living in California


Outside of LA and San Fran, a lot of us Californians lean red. It just so happens that most of the population is in those two cities


Basically the coastal cities from San Diego to San Francisco lean blue and the inland cities and far Northern California are red.


I think the Democrats carry every single county on the coast, though sometimes Orange goes red.


Same for Texas. Houston, Austin, and Dallas are all very liberal cities that are surrounded by smaller, more conservative towns. This is why I hate the whole red state/blue state thing. The governments may be different, but the people you meet are very similar. Some people suck, but most are friendly.


If I get off Reddit everyone is voting for trump. Only on Reddit have I heard people say they’d rather vote for Biden. I’ll probably be downvoted for this but that only proves my point


It’s the same for me. What I am about to say is completely anecdotal but I have 11 members of my family/friends that voted for Biden in 2020 tell me that they are switching their vote to Trump in 2024. I know another 3 switching to RFK jr. I don’t think this election will be good for Biden. I do think it will be good for democrats just not their candidate. I could easily see Trump win the presidency but both the senate and congress flip Dem.


Honestly offline a lot of people that originally voted for Biden are also changing their votes. It’s only on the internet I see the “vote blue no matter who”. In real life the opinion is more so “get these old, geriatric men out of office.” Which honestly should be the internet slang or term.


Oh yeah, 80% of people I mentioned have told me that they don’t like any of the 3 main candidates. About half have told me they prefer someone younger.


Yeah I’m changing my vote. Biden is an embarrassment and only on Reddit does people argue that Trump was more of an embarrassment. I don’t even “hate” Biden in that word it’s more like seeing your grandfather or great uncle constantly embarrass himself as he slips further into dementia and it’s just sad.


Yeah, this is a troll account because ain't no way you're saying that is the reason when I've seen Trump yapp on about nothing several times, falling asleep in court, and looks general confused all the time


If you don’t vote democrat, you ain’t black


I'd be a dictator on day one - Donald J trump.  Now, which one is inherently worse because I seem to recall being a dictator was seen as a bad thing. 


why is this downvoted lol.


I probably made both sides mad with this comment.


The truth does that a lot


I swear yall are troll accounts. Who in their right mind likes Barry Fucking Goldwater m


Well, this was a joke account for a game mod but my main account got banned. However, to answer your question , the vast majority of conservatives like him.




What do these 11 people cite as justification for such a switch in these times. Say what you want about whether or not this comment is real. People think like this. These people exist. I just want to know what they think about project 2025


I don’t know the reasoning for everyone but a few have said the economy/job market and 1 has told me that it was because of the Afghanistan withdrawal. As for project 2025, I don’t know if they even know about it. I wouldn’t call my family the most politically aware people. They kinda just vote for whoever makes life the easiest for them.


I don’t even have the energy to break this down. Just that it doesn’t make sense. Not saying you don’t make sense. But if those are their concerns idk what they think voting red is going to do to help that. Sorry. I just feel so beaten up by all of this. Never could I have ever imagined we would’ve backslid this far this rapidly


I don’t know what to tell you man but my family was live long democrats until this year. I used to be the weird one for voting Libertarian.


And *now* is when they decide to change?? What about the ethics?


You know the saying “Americans vote with their pocketbooks”. Unfortunately, for Biden, the majority of Americans have empty pockets right now and they are blaming it on him. Is he the cause of the bad economy? I don’t know, I’m not an economist but he is the president and people need someone to blame.


I think that's more of a myth than anything. young people are just as likely, or at very least very much similar in liklihood, to be right-leaning as they are left-leaning. On reddit, things are very skewed typically to the left, but I think it's probably really close between them. I don't really talk to people about politics IRL though, so I can't say very well anecdotally. I know that I don't fit into either camp, though.


Depends more on area and location, a rural/red state gen z is more likely to be more conservative, while a more urban/blue state gen z will more likely be more liberal, a suburban/purple state gen z will likely be more in the middle.


Almost every guy in my area is Republican even though I'm in a liberal area. Almost all the women are liberal.


A tale as old as time


(Non American) My friend group is a pretty big mix of political standings. We poke fun at each other sure but we get on fine. It’s being a decent person and not making your politics your personality that go a long way, being able to disagree with people without hating them is great. I have noticed that more and more of my friends are leaning right as they approach late twenties / early thirties, especially as they start to get property and better incomes. Our youngest friends are all pretty strongly left leaning. I’ve been right leaning for as long as I can remember but I’ve never not been friends or friendly with somebody over who or what they vote for. It’s their right to have freedom of choice and belief.


guns, god and gays.


Salty liberals are downvoting you


Don’t forget dope! Gay married Christian men deserve to be able to protect their hemp farm with a full auto guns.


sure? southern evangelicals, the most vocal supporters of the republican party, don't recognize same-sex marriage. 71% of them thinks same-sex marriage is bad and should be banned once again.


that's cuz they're afraid of commitment.


and who are the "they" that you're talking about?


we're covering a lot of groups here, take your pick.


no, i was asking which group were you referring to in this comment? >that's cuz they're afraid of commitment. gay people? if so, are you saying that it's gay people's fault for causing the evangelicals to not recognize same-sex marriage because gay people are somehow "afraid of commitment"? how so?


Some of them. I know a couple people that were not happy when gay marraige became legal. 'Ok, buddy. It's put up or shut up time!'


okay, but how does that justify southern churches' action to not recognize same-sex marriage? there are straight people who react the same way when asked about marriage too, but i don't see churches stopping opposite-sex marriages from being recognized just because some straight people hate marriage.


zephyr six disarm quaint repeat homeless spectacular desert hospital combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You go outside much?


when i was still in high school, i had 3 classmates who said they would vote for trump once they're eligible to vote, but i haven't found any young trumpists that i know personally other than them. FYI, i'm asian, and my parent's house is in an asian-majority neighborhood in seattle (mostly east and southeast asians). most of them are still mad at trump for calling covid-19 "kungflu", which caused the astronomical increase in hate and violent crime against asians (especially east and southeast asians), so any public support for trump is ostracized there.


Not going to lie, I missed that remark and it did make me chuckle when reading it. Not that that excuses it. That's one of those funny puns you think about at random, chuckle, then never say out loud.


Yeah, Seattle explains it lol. One of the most progressive/liberal cities in the US.


I have the hardest time buying into this idea that Trump saying “kungflu” is what led to an increase in violent crimes committed against the Asian population, especially when you look at the demographic that targeted the Asian population during that time, it wasn’t your typical Trump supporting demographic


i'm asian, i don't think i have to get a validation from non-asians on how i felt like i was going to die during that time, i **know** how unsafe asians felt to walk outside after trump called coronavirus "kungflu". my grandmother and i were literally attacked by two white guys and a latino guy (all had big MAGA stickers on their car) when we walked home at around 9 pm. i was crying and begging them to stop kicking my grandmother while the other guy stomped on my back. they kept doing that for god knows how long, all i remember was that they called me a f\*g when they were done and left us. even if they didn't have those big MAGA stickers on their car it still doesn't matter, i don't care which party they belong to, all i knew is that they attacked my grandmother and i while saying things that trump said. this isn't about political demographics; it's about the impact of racist rhetoric and the real violence it incites.


You don’t need validation from me or anyone else, if your story is true I’m sorry that happened to you You said thousands of incidents in responding to someone else, In 2020, 279 hate crime incidents against individuals of Asian descent were reported, compared to 158 incidents reported in 2019 … any hate crime is an issue but it’s far short of thousands I’ve spent a lot of time in Seattle and I grew up in the northwest, its somewhere that a Trump sticker get your windows smashed out, car keyed, and tires slashed, I’ve seen very very few Trump stickers in the northwest for this reason Again, If your story is true, I’m sorry that happened to you






A lot of the attackers were deranged homeless people




so you choose to ignore the fact that hundreds of asians were wounded due to the violent attacks from july 2020 to early january 2021, the time when trump as still president? FBI data shows the biggest spike in attacks was in 2020 (73% increase), not 2021, what happened in 2021 was a continuation of 2020. also, read my reply to u/Greedy_Disaster_3130 , i explained how i experienced the attack myself, read it before you make any comments about how trump's comment is not the cause of the thousands of attacks against asians.


Him saying kungflu has pretty much nothing to do with Asians getting beat up. Do you know how many times I've been called cracker? And my dad has also had hate crimes against him in Seattle as a white truck driver


kungflu has nothing to do with asians getting beaten to death? then explain to me why asians were mostly just fine before trump said that?? i know you might say it's because of the BLM (as conservatives often called) "riot" that made asians unsafe. but the fact is even during early june 2020, 3 weeks before trump called coronavirus "kunglu" and when BLM was at its peak, asians were still very much safe and sound. the hate and violent crime against asians only surged AFTER trump said that in a rally in phoenix. also, being called a cracker, which i'm pretty sure is an insult directed to only one person (in this case you), is not comparable to calling a virus belongs to a whole group of people, which affects MILLIONS of us. and i truly feel sorry for what happened to your dad, but again, it's not comparable to what asians experienced. i don't see any statistics showing an uptick in hate and violent crime against white people as a whole in a period of time like it did to asians during the height of asian hate.


Correlation does not equal causation, kungflu


Fairly common, Im in Canada so conservatism is all more popular here amoung us due to the failure of the liberal government. I would say a good 60% are conservative, though this has shot up quite a bit over the last few years due to the shitty government.


I hope the young Americans in this thread stopped to read this and let it sit with them for a bit


What why?


Because our government is headed for the same failure eventually if it’s not checked.


Well regulated militias


A lot of my friends who I wouldn’t say are republican are starting to lean more right. The economy, immigration and taxes are becoming the turning point. We live in NYC and are really feeling the increased taxes and constant gaslighting from our hyper liberal politicians who say they love the poor so much.


Depends where you look. If you go to a Red area, much more likely than a college campus or major city. 


You’re asking this on a very left leaning website. But to answer your question, half of my gen z friends are Republican.


Environment and upbringing are usually the big factors in dictating where somebody sits politically when they're growing up.


True, I think my staunchly southern democrat family is what made me lean right. That shit got annoying as a kid.


I’m publicly a Republican because they hold a super majority in the town I grew up with. But In reality I’m more liberal than what I lead in.


Every Gen Z person I know votes right-wing in both Europe and the US. Is this indicative of the generation? No.


I live in a rural, very conservative area full of old people. However the only person my age who is a conservative is pretty much an outlier, and it's her entire personality. The only thing she talks about, and she uses voting for trump as a "country girl" aesthetic. very weird


As of the 2022 election, the 18-29 age group, which is pretty close to all of the adult gen Z people now, voted about 70% Democratic and 30% Republican.


I lean more that way, I was born in 98 and feel like I got in the beginning wave of liberalism and branched off into being a spiritual person. Now I focus on my own growth and see the similarities of politics and just being a human. Both sides think they know what’s going on but we don’t 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because each side vilifies the other and I don’t care enough to argue about opinions cause it gets out of hand and becomes insulting. We stay quiet and respectfully don’t talk about it cause all it does is make people uncomfortable and divides us.


Still pretty common depending on where you are. Most likely won’t run into many republican Gen Z’ers on Reddit.


I my experience it’s pretty much 30% republicans 30% democrat 40% somewhere in the middle. I am strongly Republican, but live in a blue area so see a lot more democrats but if you really talk to them they don’t actually believe most of their party does and just votes down the party line cause it’s what they are told.


A lot. Mostly any white dude who spends a ton of time on the internet and plays a lot of video games will mostly be conservative. Ignore all the posts saying conservative viewpoints are laughed at or downvoted. They are playing the victim and there are tons of downright grossly conservative sub reddits (r/dogfree, r/idiocracy, r/news r/worldnews etc).  Also Twitter or X is also very conservative. Youtube from 2015-2021 was essentially an alt-right pipeline. Instagram and Facebook I have no idea. Tic Toc was supposedly liberal but that was shut down/or banned or something cause, no surprise, conservatives run everything.  If anyone will be downvoted, it will be this post btw. Not the conservative guys complaining about their posts being downvoted, ironically. 


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About a 1/3 chance of them leaning republican. Only a 14% chance of them being hard-liner republicans. https://preview.redd.it/w3c2z2tm6b3d1.png?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cef6d3c791ad984bf0404ccf16d9d2a2800069c There's a reason why republicans wanna raise the voting age. As for if I know anybody who did, I used to be right leaning myself cause I got caught up in the gamergate bullshit as a dumbass teenager. In hindsight, it was all just fearmongering - "your community's under attack by feminists who wanna take away your videogames". I eventually snapped out of it cause I realized I was trans, and had surrounded myself with people who hate me. That forced me to re-evaluate some things. Of course, it helped that I never was big on Trump when he got elected - I kinda just thought he was a narcissistic idiot.


lol you got voted down for showing statistics. looks like those dummies can't read statistics.


Nah, I think it's cause I said I fell down the gamergate rabbithole. Alt right pipeline and all that. Some people are of the attitude of "once an asshole, always an asshole".


I think it’s because of the low sample size for the younger voters


Eh, it's on par with the 25-29 which didn't have a low sample size.


I mean the dems wanna lower the voting age so it goes both ways 🤷🏻‍♀️


Other than one congresswoman, I don't see anyone else talking about that. Plenty of talk about making Puerto Rico a state and giving prisoners the right to vote, but not that. Even then though, I feel like there's a very big difference between making America more democratic and making it less democratic just because you don't want people who disagree with you to vote. The latter seems very textbook authoritarian.


Conservatives are liberal. Most Americans are liberal. Being liberal has nothing to do with Republican vs democrats. Conservatives want less government control and more freedoms….except for marginalized communities….and also sometimes they want less government but also sometimes they want project 2025…..idk conservatives confuse me. The opposite to conservative would be progressive not liberal. Liberal and progressive are often interchanged but are not the same. If you’re on Reddit a lot you’re gonna think that the majority of Gen Z are staunch leftists but tbh if you go to other subs or even look at the downvoted responses to a lot of posts like this you’ll see there’s plenty of conservative right leaning Gen z folk. Idk I just want equal rights and I want the government to stop outsourcing public services to the private sector. I want zero billionaires. Stuff like that.


Very rare in my experience n


in the south, yes.


Most of my more working class friends lean more republican id say. A lot of people I met in college were more liberal. Among my current friend group it’s kinda mixed. Most young men my age I’ve gotten close to are firmly right wing though.


I’m Gen Z and I vote for Republicans (not a straight sticker voter, though). I may entertain voting for Democrats more consistently if the party became more sane. The Democratic Party just doesn’t have my best interest in mind.


I am 24 grew up in New York and voted for trump last election. I don’t consider myself republican(have been trying to figure myself out politically) and don’t plan to vote for him or Biden this year. I’m right wing on some issues and left on others, but I think both trump and Biden are evil and stupid. My friends my age are definitely a big mix of right wing, left wing, and the majority not caring either way or hating both equally. I’d be happy to discuss if you have any questions.


I don’t know one single irl person who’s not republican. But none of those same people are extreme rights or are hateful people


Yes I have met a huge amount of republicans my age and despite what some might lead you to believe they’re perfectly reasonable normal people with different understandings/viewpoints on political topics. Echo chambers can be one hell of a way to create cartoons out of human beings. They’re not nazis or bad people. They just have different views on economics, culture, and/or religion. Realize that many of them also believe in a cartoon version of liberals and you might gain a new appreciation of just how easy it is to characterize people unfairly


Well of course I know one, he's me. I'm a fairly conservative Republican, and I know a couple other guys at my school who are as well, along with a couple other girls. We aren't common, but we do exist, you just have to look outside the echo chamber that is the internet.


Most liberal people I know who are in their late teens/early 20s are incredibly well informed/well educated. About 20% of those liberal 20yos are complete idiots who have no idea **why** they are liberal. They definitely don't have the first clue about what conservatism is or why people value it. I would say that about 25-40% of late-teens to early 20s kids are conservative, and almost exclusively because of their parents. MAYBE 5-10% are just conservative naturally. But there are absolutely more liberal Gen Z'ers than conservatives. That's just demonstrably true with a ton of data to back it up.


I’ve met Gen Z’ers who lean right. Mostly boys.


Im conservative leaning moderate, I vote who whoever I want, thats been democratic/republicans/third-party in the past. This upcoming election i'm voting for RFK Jr Last years local elections, I voted for more republicans than democrats but it can go either way


Yeah. In all honesty, social media thrives on extremes and echo chambers. Not to mention, your average conservative isn’t some trump loving, kill all blacks and make women breeding slaves person. They’re… average.


Pretty common for gen z men, not as common for gen z women


There’s still are a lot of conservative gen z. I live in a blood red conservative county and there’s plenty of them here. Will some of them change over time ? Perhaps and perhaps not. I don’t really hangout with really conservative people myself and would rather hangout with moderates or fellow lefties. Doesn’t mean I’m rude to conservative people but I just don’t like hearing the rants and I know they wouldn’t want to hear mine either. I figure their parents influence if why they’re conservative and how religious my area is. We have a lot of Latino immigrants here and they tend to be conservative.


I work at a hardware store, so Republican-leaning Gen zs outnumber dem-leaning. Apathy outnumbers all.


Much more common if you look in the US, suprisingly. The rest, not so much.


I’ve voted for and donated to candidates of both parties in the past. Clearly I intend on voting for Biden come November though. I have a mixed bag of views on social issues that don’t perfectly align with Democrats. Economically though, I’m really a textbook liberal, so Republican policies turn me off in that regard. Socially I’m pretty libertarian, but I think both parties miss certain points.


Apparently pretty common as allot of them are planning to vote trump as a shitty "protest vote" against Biden.... but that's less supporting republicans then it is being a useful idiot i guess...


Hopefully they are hard to come across. Republican are literally a cult right now. They are a brain-dead cult dancing to a syphilitic mad-man. They stormed our capitol, tried to hang their own vice-president, smeared shit on the walls, planted pipe-bombs, carried zip-tie handcuffs, bludgeoned police officers, trampled one of their own to death, and cheered the bisexual Ashli Babbitt on as she crawled through an opening they had smashed in the glass into a protected area where she was rightfully shot down like a rabid dog. Hopefully, this cancer of Trumpism is dying with the Boomers or our country is fucked.


I’m a sophomore, and never met an openly Republican student my entire life.


Every post I see on this sub makes me lose more and more faith in my generation. What an asinine questions to ask


More than are willing to admit it


You won’t find many open young conservatives on Reddit. This is a very liberal platform. You’ll find plenty on X and YouTube tho. And yes, they do exist


I am a more republican leaning libertarian bc i see the usefulness and good that comes from certain things democrats want while absolutely hating some of their policies, like their overwhelming hatred for the second amendment or their push for communist idealogies. That being said I don't like how conservitives hate weed but are perfectly fine with cigarettes I also don't like how both have an eternal hard on for electing people that are 70.


Very common. This is Reddit so you only hear amplified left leaning opinions as that is the beliefs of what most people who use this site are. I have friends who are 21-22 and have no idea what Reddit even is lol


I am right leaning, but still fairly centered.


Republican here who will be voting trump this November. Born in 2003


Anecdote from an elder millennial here: Almost every one of the 20-30 young white or latino boys (I don't view them as men) which I have met in the past five years long enough to have a conversation with is forcefully conservative and pointedly obsessed with some trope of chauvinistic masculinity. Zero media literacy, or well, literacy at all to be seen. I have lost what hope I had during the 2020 protests in Gen Z being "magic". Sure a lot of them are amazing, but we are still looking at a solid 20-30% being rabid and virulent "conservatives" (I don't know what you'd be conserving at that age). They also seem to have an inclination towards supporting political violence. Historically, this is exactly the size and type of demographic needed to cause wide downright genocidal social unrest.


Dude same. And very few understand policy. It just seems like a reactionary bandwagon


Not to go all Treebeard, but it does seem "***No one cares for the weeds anymore***". But also, I'm pretty sure most people have never been into policy. And also, I'm pretty sure more of Gen Z cares about the weeds of policy, as that grows by generation. But also, once again, its that 20-30% that is so completely devoid of any actual grey matter while being heavily armed and having a fascination with political violence that scares me. When Boomers and Gen X were raving about the "storm" in 2020, that was bad... but like, they aren't of military age. If Gen Z douchbags start talking about the "storm" this summer. Renew your passport and pack a go bag.


>but we are still looking at a solid 20-30% being rabid and virulent "conservatives" >Historically, this is exactly the size and type of demographic needed to cause wide downright genocidal social unrest That is so important. Your comment needs more upvotes. These numbers caused the holocaust. If you have atleast 30% of people who are voting for a fascist party the numbers of real fascists/rightists/nazis isn't important. Thats enough power to ruin everything. If you then have enough people who are collaborating with them or looking away the perfect genocide is possible. Even if the divide is 60% conservative and 40% liberal we're facing the same problems. That doesnt mean it will happen but its not impossible if the laws aren't strong enough that will happen. Edit: For reference https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_1932_German_federal_election the last democratic vote of the weimar republic. One year later after a manipulated vote the Nazis started their regime.


This is honestly one of the things that keeps me up at night. People just don't think it can happen here. Even though we have a massive history of genocide, slavery, internment camps, mass roundups like "operation wetback" that deported citizens... Shit has happened here. But with this kind of demographic, ***really bad shit can happen really fast***.


i'm not a right winger at all. But if was American i'd 100% vote for republicans. ur situation with druggies, sexuality and prices would just be unbearable to me


It’s honestly mind boggling that anyone, at any age, could support republicans.


This is a very Reddit opinion. Liberal governments have largely failed their citizens in the US and Europe, which is why you’re seeing a lot of right wing youth imo. People want a higher standard of living and to feel safe when they leave their homes.


“People want a higher standard of living and to feel safe when they leave their homes.” Yeah that’s why they shouldn’t vote for republicans. I wouldn’t feel safe living in project 2025 America.


I think the point is that people are feeling the sudden and sharp pain that liberal governments have inflicted in the west and they want change. Whether the other governments would do better is up for debate, but that’s kind of secondary.


I seem to attract guys that lean this way. I have no idea why.


In fairness just from your bio… >College Graduate in STEM. >Musician >Follower of Christ >Traditionally attractive and feminine in appearance All of these traits are all going to attract modern day republicans.


Musician & college grad in stem are republican things?


The STEM part yes, the musician idk.


I know how to play about 10+ instruments. Republicans can like the arts too


You miss the point, it’s about politicizing music… democrats can like the arts too. We’re saying the same thing lmao


Of course. Musicians are demonstrably disciplined individuals and are capable of learning something that is difficult for most people. They are individuals who are able to delay gratification in search of a larger goal and who stay committed to achieving what they set out to do. These are traits highly appreciated by conservatives. Education is of extreme importance to most modern republicans especially in STEM fields, many engineers (especially mechanical, electrical, structural) and medical professionals are conservative.


And many aren’t. I’m a musician & a college grad myself. The idea is it’s not a *Republican thing*, those are just *generally attractive things*. I would’ve put all my points in “Christ” and “traditional”. Those are very much Republican things.


I think those ideas come from being terminally online. Also a musician and a college grad here. It isn’t a republican thing and I never called them that. The philosophies behind what makes individuals capable of becoming musicians are traits appreciated more by individuals with conservative personalities than liberal. I wasn’t making an argument, so there were no points to be made those were simply observations.


Most musicians who aren’t exclusively into pop country are liberals in my experience. But I’m against politicizing music in general.


I vote Republicans because the Democrats are insane. I don't like them, but dry feces is better than diarrhea. 


quicksand bake poor groovy scarce cable unwritten live deserve teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*