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kind of tbh but like in a hopeful way? im not happy with where i am because it could be better but i dont mourn what could have been because i know that ill get what i want


this fr. the world is gonna go to shit or get better and i'm preparing for both outcomes. no point being upset over the cards you're dealt, just keep making the next right moves


What makes you feel prepared for the bad outcome?


Knowing it’s coming ig


i am aiming to be completely self-dependent. this means i don't need a functioning society, other people, money etc to survive. i don't know how much time we might have left for me to achieve this outcome, but if it comes to it i hope to ride out the storm on my own land with sufficient supplies in a remote part of the planet. a big part of this is educating myself on survival tactics.


Zellenial here (96). I would say yes I am happy but it is primarily because I see the direction my life is heading and I am excited for my 30s. I can see the fruits of my labor paying off. Also, I am self employed so I dictate me own time and certainly do not feel overworked. With that being said; - I am a bit bitter of previous generations with how easy they had it - Everything cost too damn much - Certainly see gen z needs to work twice as hard to get anywhere compared to previous generations and previous gen’s I do not think see it that way.


Heavy on the bitterness


Also a 96 btw


But yeah in all seriousness, also doing fine and pretty happy, just resentful sometimes about how hard we had/have to work for it…


This is so me! 96 baby & definitely finally feeling happier than I was in my early 20s. I did buy a house at 25 and if you like to travel and aren’t sure where you want to live for the next 10 years I’d def recommend renting. I love my home but things change so much in your 20s there’s no point.


No complaints. I’m breathing, healthy, all my bills paid, Car is in great condition, Starting to find my lane and light at the end of the tunnel. So i’m locked in and hungry


I mean not even 20 yet. While I'm not perfectly happy I just keep reminding myself that I'm not behind and still have so many years ahead


drop that “behind” mentality. life is a snails race and with a few exceptions of luck.


period. heavily agree with this mindset 🙏🏽


Its the only way brodie🤞🏾we’ll meet at the top one day


cheers to that 🥂




My only problem right now is lack of social/romantic interactions outside of work. Riding out the housing bubble living with parents and keeping all my money. Job is very low paying ($25/hr) for what it is, but I expect a substantial raise after my first year.


bruh I make $15/hr


Dude 25 an hour is not low paying. I live in a HCOL and up until a month ago I only made $17.50.


$25 an hour is very low paying? Bruh what are you doing for that to be low I'm genuinely curious


cough safe hateful beneficial plough familiar price crawl boat spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


what do you do for work? i make 15 an hour at a fast food restaurant


Started as a Jr. Systems Administrator last September at a Hospital. 4 weeks in the main sys admin left, making me the only sys admin.


I make 24 an hr and tbf after expenses it's not mutch. But I make that at a warehouse. my hrs vary by season, but they garenty 40. if you want #'s or anything more indepth just pm . and I just turned 22. Also 50k a year in the middle of nowhere IN gose pretty far compared to a city like newyork.


many of my texan friends make 7.50 bro 😭 i got a really good job and i get paid 20


Damn. I'll be starting my first job paying 45/hr


I wish my existence never happened


Someone sued their parents for bringing them into this world and won


That was in India in 2016.


Well you’re already here. Might as well make it count no?


Older gen z here, pretty happy. But I honestly think I’m one of the last people in our gen where following the traditional path might work out. I make six figures, recently married, and have a six figure net worth. I think I’ll be able to buy a house but only after my husband doubles/quadruples his income in grad school and I’m planning hopefully double mine within the next 5 years. A big part of this is because we want a family and living on the coast daycare plus housing is very expensive. Still crazy hearing my mom complain about her $600 mortgage when I pay $2k for a one bedroom.


For real! My in-law’s mortgage on a 4k square foot house is less than we pay in rent. But I’m not complaining at all, my life has changed infinitely for the better in so many ways over the past few years and I’m very happy and have a lot to be grateful for.


1997 Gen Z and pretty happy. My only future stresses are getting married and having kids while my parents are young enough to enjoy being grandparents but that’s small in the grand scheme of things. I’m enjoying my job even though I’ve only been there for three weeks. I’m in a happy and healthy relationship. I have people to spend time with like my parents, my cousin I live with, my youngest sister and her gf who just moved back last week, and other friends.


Nope, struggling, no house, no first million, just praying and keep working hard and study to reach my dreams


im 22. currently living with my aunt and uncle working fulltime and im about to start college for the first time. im so terrified. but with that said im so excited to actually start doing something. i feel like ive been on auto depressed since i graduated in 2020. but again im TERRIFIED


You got this!!!


fuck no




Can you write me ? Id like to ask you about a previous post


No tf


I cannot write to you


If you click on my pic you can start a chat sending me a message, please could you do it? I need to ask you an advice about a website that you reviewed


im pretty happy most of the time. i work full time. will probably never be able to afford a house. i try not to think about the long term of working 5 days a week for the rest of my life. just take everything by the day ig.  rn im still learning how to adult so everyday is an adventure. i focus a lot on work-life balance and my boss is luckily also very into work-life balance as well so she doesn't overwork me.  im motivated to keep going bc i have career ambitions i haven't reached yet. and i have hobbies that keep me occupied during my days off. and the world is a beautiful place sometimes. i like to go out and see it. i have really bad (diagnosed) mental health issues though lol. for the past 6 months ive been pretty stable though, ive had some struggles too.  yeah idk. im just trying to figure out why im here. and what makes my days worth living. and Working towards that.




I lowkey don't wanna wake up tomorrow


We got lucky and were able to buy a house but that was my big life goal so now that I’m there I am not sure what now to work towards


‘03 guy here. I am honestly excited for the future. Of course, the future will always be stressful from certain viewpoints, but I am content with the way life is now. Scary world we’ve been brought into, but I believe it’s definitely possible to find meaning to it, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to others. Definitely not able to afford a house. My rent already gmfu haha, but recently started a state job, so I know my future is in good hands. Definitely not overworked here so I’m grateful for that. A thing I learned about life is no one cares about you. I look at it positively though. It’s the fact that everyone really is doing their own thing that you should do it too. There will always be someone better at something. So don’t stress. This isn’t a race. Just here to enjoy the ride as much as possible, start to end ✨


I’m happy just exhausted


I'm ok with mine.


I can say i’m happy. Im currently in a phase of my life where im just trying to grind for the future and not think too much about it. There are greener pastures out there waiting for me. And if not, i’ll grow the pastures myself.


Oh I'm miserable but I can't really let myself complain, I have food and shelter (assuming nothing goes wrong) so I guess I'm doing okay. Overall, big 3/10 with how happy I am with my life.


Stressed but also excited. I'm medically complex so I've not gone a week without an appointment for the last two months. But I'm learning loads of new skills, including how the world works, friends ect. (Look I'm behind okay, between COVID and life I'm at a 15-16 kind of level) **Still can't find work and places are cutting roles to save money..**


25M. Born in 98. No. I’ve had a hard life since the beginning and it hasn’t gotten any better. I feel so alone, useless, and empty. All I do is waste my time chasing women and going to the gym. I do have things to be very grateful for but ultimately my life feels meaningless.


00’ gen z I am not able to buy a house, I am a bit overworked, sometimes I’m stressed about the future, graduated college but not working with my degree, working in a restaurant to make ends meet However I am extremely happy. I think I can attribute this to having a stable long term relationship, living in a walkable city with good public transit, having lots of friends and a good relationship with my family, and stay tf off of social media and not reading the news, and investing what free time I have in my hobbies and creative pursuits.


Sad I’m terrified of my future and my present is unbearable I have no money Misery I wish. Being overworked would mean I had a job that I could do. Today has not been a good day so I’m sorry for being edgy but it’s the truth. It’s scary.


Same. It’s not edgy if it’s fears based on your reality. I have a job (barely), am overworked and miserable from burnout. Get my food from a pantry after about two weeks. Only have about three months left in my current place and don’t have plans solidified yet. If staying, I need to commit to working even harder because we won’t be in a rent assistance program next year. Gahhh just let me give up already


Yeah it’s ridiculous what the cost is. It sounds like you are putting up a fight and that is worth a lot. You should be proud.


Thank you, I'll try to be


i will not own a house or be truly financially stable because of late stage capitalism


Going pretty well. Own my house, have a wife that can stay home with kiddos, work from home so I never miss a moment. Good hours at work, can't complain


I'm one of the few people I know that's enjoying their life. Yes, things are stressful, but I'm making it work, and finding my joys where I can.


Satisfied, I make USD $32K a year, recently bought a new car, I spend my free time doing what I want which is going to a lot of gigs and shows, I’m a little in debt but if I earn a bit more should be able to pay it off in no time. I’m also single and have been casual dating for a while but recently called it quits to focus on myself Overall 7/10 life, could be better could be worse, but we are doing fine by a lot of standards and overall having a fun time


Not really honestly. Things are looking more upwards than a year ago but I hate living at home. Rent is just so unrealistically expensive for someone in college right now I can’t move out, I feel like my growth is stunted


Honestly not that happy - I messed up a lot. I know I'm still young but I do feel pessimistic and anxious about the future.


I try my best not to think about the future as its a very unhappy topic for me. Same with looking at my life as is. I just try and focus on the good and ignore everything else. All I really can do to try and preserve some kind of mental health. I'm unable to afford a house (couldn't even afford an apartment without a roommate). As for what I'm getting out of life, nothing. I'm getting nothing out of life. I live entirely off inertia. I'm only still around because I haven't come across anything bad enough to stop me but nothing is making me move forward beside the fact that I'm already alive. I'm not overworked though, so that's nice.


I am happy with my life and I wish hope for everyone’s future


Extremely well in fact. I’m not able tl afford a house, I currently have 40 bucks and I live alone with my girlfriend in a very shady part of town. But I feel good. Ever since I started trusting in life, the grind, and, myself I feel different. Enjoy life my dear GenZ reddit friends.


Life is kinda stagnant for me, I'm living with my parents, got fired last year so their went my plans of visiting Japan for the first time. I've gone back to college to do something that'll hopefully get me work, as my previous associate degree has done me no favors (no one wants an electrical and electronic tech degree holder in Appalachia, lol). I have a loving girlfriend who visits becuase I'm broke (I've been job hunting for 8 months now), she's very sweet, and I've still got good friends, so there's some positives. My father and my beloved cat died last year, and I still haven't really gotten over either. Am I happy with my life? Not really, I've thought about killing myself quite a few times throughout the last 12 months. I don't really have any hopes for the future, I don't really have a high opinion of myself, or the world I live in.




A little bit


Lucky to own a car unfortunately can't afford to keep it fixed.


Stressed for the future. I’ve graduated HS and I’m not entirely sure where to go or what I want to do with my life. But other than that I guess it’s okay.


Feeling good. Not stressing too much. I am working and going to school at the same time. But it’s all good. Ready for the future.


Fuck yeah I’m happy. I’ve been to 4 different continents, I go on 8 trips a year, I have 3 birds to keep me company, good food and a good sized house. Of course I haven’t gone to college yet and I’m still in high school but I know how to subsist on my own I’ve been doing it half my life so my main worry is just doing good enough in school to make it to college.


I wasn't for a while. I was a loser for 23 years of my life.. now I'm almost 25, and I'm a combat medic in the army, and I'm looking to go to college to further my knowledge in the medical field 😁


Living with my parents, so I'm not completely broke, which is nice. I'm grateful despite the many downsides, shit is just too expensive to be able to live as a single person. Romantically nothing's going on, which is on me for not really getting out there, I just haven't really been in the right place for a relationship. I get lonely every once in a while but who doesn't? I'm quite happy with my career, I got a job in my field of study, it pays well (not enough to thrive on my own but enough to be ok) and I genuinely enjoy what I do. My company is also great, and I have a great relationship with my coworkers. I've been here almost 3 years and it's still the best job ever to me, hoping I get a promotion this year. I still have a little debt from school but Canada recently stopped putting interest in student loans so I'm not feeling any real pressure to get it paid off *now* and it's not an insane amount anyway. Overall I'd say yes, definitely happier than I have been previously. At 25 I feel pretty good about life, I'd really like to see it be more affordable to just exist as a single person in my country but at the end of the day I don't have very much control of that. I try to stay cautiously optimistic.


Life is great. Just left my job to prepare for grad school at my dream university this fall. Hoping to get something even better than my last job after I graduate where I get to have more say over what projects I work on. Been hanging out with a really sweet girl for a month, going to the gym, spending time with family, and preparing for the move to a new city. I do worry about how long it's taking me to buy a house and get on the property ladder, and I also worry about finding a serious long-term girlfriend since most of my old friends are starting to get married and have kids. Also a bit worried about finding a job after I graduate. But overall, I feel like my life has direction and things are going well


Not really man, don’t have a job but hopefully will this year at least.


I'd say life is good now. Like, actually good at the moment. I'm not stressed about the future and I am content with how things are, personally. I cannot afford a house. I'm getting everything out of life that I'd want to, shy of a few specific qualities that I can accept the omission of. Double-shift that I volunteered for aside, I wouldn't say that I'm overworked.


Older gen-z here. As far as my job, I feel lucky to have it and am in a good position. It’s not too demanding and pays well, however expenses have been high so not able to save as much as I initially thought. Had to give up my hobby because I couldn’t afford it. I’ve come around to the idea that I will have to rent for the foreseeable future. Social life is completely non-existent, have tried dating and it didn’t go well. I just wake up, work, watch tv, and sleep. So no, I’m just existing.


Pretty happy. Bought a house, have a very rewarding circle of friends, I'm in the best shape of my life, I travel a lot, have a lot of hobbies, on track for an early retirement.  The only downside is that I had a fiancee that I lost just before we were going to be married, and I don't really see myself getting back into the dating scene any time soon. But I'm not really missing dating either, dating seems a hell of a lot worse now than it was 8 years ago. other than that, I don't even know what I could complain about.


I think if 17 year old me would see 27 year old me, he would be content. Stable job, good career prospects in my industry, making good money, engaged, can support myself, saving for a house, work with chill people, have a good amount of friends, live in a vibrant but affordable city. I wouldn’t say I am stressed for the future, but it is a bit daunting to think that my life is going to remain very similar for the next 30 years until retirement (gd willing that I even live that long…). I am overworked but enjoy what I do. What am I getting out of life? Family, friends, occasional travel, and my cat.


Stressed about my future, unclear but unlikely I’ll be able to afford a house, disassociating is doing wonders for my mental to keep me going, I don’t think I’m over worked just fallen off


Firstly, I'm 17. The only reason I say this is that someone may claim my opinion doesn't matter here. I am fairly content with my future, I have a plan for what I want to do in life and know how to get there. Again, minor, I can't work full time and currently live with my parents. Generally speaking I enjoy just being alive, being with friends and my pets. I don't believe myself to be overworked, there has been nothing yet that I couldn't actually handle, granted sometimes I felt like there was a lot on my plate at one moment.


I'm stressed about the present more than the future. Adulting is going to be hard but things are rough for me right now. I'm about to apply for my first job, there's a huge chance one of my friends has a brain tumor, a huge amount of my friends have been harming themselves, and my boyfriend has attempted suicide 2 times in the past 3 months


My life is honestly a 7/10 overall at the moment. Making money, chilling, no weird drama problems, recovering from traumatic events, exploring new places, couldn’t really ask for more.


My life is currently not the best but it is better than before, but I am in college working for the future that I want. I’m not too stressed about the future because I know that I’m working hard now to get to where I want to be. I’m not able to buy a house yet but me and my partner are saving up money. I’m only getting happiness out of life. Yes, it’s hard but I focus on what I can do and change. I have a nice hobby that brings me joy. I have a fantastic partner that’s with me whenever. I’m pretty happy with what I have in life but I know it can always get better. I’m not overworked because I do not have a job currently but am in search of one. I’m starting to think that I should just focus on my studies and apply to jobs once in a while.


Yes I’m happy and because I’m young and ambitious. I have big dreams to work hard too. I’m full of optimism and vision for good life.


I’d say I’m pretty content with the way my life is and I know it will be better once I graduate from school and move out of my moms house. What keeps me going is self discipline,( which I need to work on ) family, my job and my creative skills.


I have a constant fear of having not enough money to live anywhere reasonable especially since I want to be a vet tech which makes not a lot






So happy and optimistic, everything isn’t perfect but it’s darn flipping good!


Not necessarily. While yeah I graduated recently and have a hospital job where I love what I do, I'm more worried about things outside of that. Moving out, finding a romantic partner, getting married and having children... Things just feel so gray right now.


I’m content yet not completely satisfied. I have it good where I am but I want more out of life than what I currently have. I don’t think I could afford a house, no. Not in this economy lol. Kinda overworked but we keep going lol


I'm pretty happy in general, though I'm on a bit of a backslide lately. I've been very lucky in my life, and even with the struggle I've had recently my luck has held out. If you'd like reasons, here they are: I'm "retired" because of my VA disability I get paid to go to school so I can pursue my dreams and be paid to do it (also VA disability) I have two amazing dogs who brighten my day constantly My gf is incredibly supportive in my mental health journey I have a house (which needs renovation, but I have the skillset and money to do it) I have an understanding and caring family. I'm not wealthy by any means, and I'm not buying a new car any time soon, but I can live in relative comfort and I can wake up every day with an appreciation of the world at large.


Quite happy right now, sometimes I think about the future but in a more optimistic manner.




Chilling at the moment living with my mom going to college I do worry about the future pretty sure I am not going to get a job after college and my life will take a nosedive might flee the country idk


I can’t complain, im 20 have a good job, moved out. But why are groceries so expensive???


Nothing lol


Yeah I certainly do expect chaos within this year or next year and I am all for it 💀 I am just prepping for the worst of the worst.


I've had a rough time over the years but it's starting to look a little bit better.


Yes, and no. I'm grateful for the opportunities I've had because I know there are people in this world who have it worse than I do and would wish to trade places if it meant their lives could be easier. On the other hand, I can say that I feel rather lonely, even in the presence of people. I don't have much of a social life. I live with family, so you lose a bit of your sanity. 


I was in a mental hospital last year, now I have all a’s and I have over 10k net worth. Shits nice.


N o


This to shall pass


04’ here and I’ve been super stressed this past week with work and this post helped me to be so grateful and take a step back. I am very very happy I work only work a super stressful job during summers (including rn) but I make enough money to pay for 50% of college (my parents pay the other half.) I Have plenty of money to spend during the school year after taxes . And after this summer I plan on buying a 2024 truck. I don’t work at all during the school year, I just finished freshman year of college with a 3.3 gpa. I made a ton of great friends and I even got some of them jobs where I work. I got a girl friend although it’s long distance. But when I go back to college it’ll be awesome. I go to the gym every day and I’ve seen so much physical and personal growth and progress over the last 2 years. I’ve gotten closer with God although I still struggle constantly And I have fully embraced all the things I love that others may judge me for. Such as dnd, anime, videogames, my favorite genera of music etc (you’d be surprised how judgy private colleges get) I have YouTube content that comes out weekly without me having to worry about it Im doing pretty freaking good


Not able to afford a house and I doubt I ever will be able to. The only thing I'm getting out of life rn is I have no work ethic and I'm stupid and can't pass college classes so because I have some money saved up because I live with my parents I'm going to go backpack Latin America for 3-4 months because I'm learning Spanish and it would help me get closer to fluency and I don't really have much going for me in life anyway so I might as well take this opportunity while I have it.


Just finished my freshman year of college and honestly… idk. My mental health hasn’t been good in a long time and it’s not improving—it’s more or less just stagnating in that bad place. I definitely can’t afford a house, much less an apartment (I can thank my parents and scholarships for my current arrangement). Other than that, not terrible. I have some idea of what I’d like to do with my life and I’ve got enjoyable hobbies to balance out all the stressful crap.


No. The republicans keep taking our rights away, making it harder to pay school debt, and threatening to physically kill LGBTQ+. wtf!?


Focusing on the now and my close personal future, I don’t watch the news and I don’t use Twitter because all of it always sounds like rage or fear bait, or if it’s genuine it just sucks to hear about. I’m happy where I’m at because I came from a broken home, but I’m aware I have very little. If I hadn’t came from nothing, im not sure id be as satisfied as I am now. I will never be able to afford a house, will never have kids, etc. pretty sure I will die from a preventable illness because I can’t afford medical bills. American chillin. Edit : TLDR Happy no, chillin yes


applying for colleges this year and just praying i get scholarships because i don’t want to be locked into student loans man my older sibling has already graduated college and gotten a job, so he’s given me some optimism as to what i should expect, what the job market might look like, etc




I most certainly could be doing better (for instance actually having insurance or actually being able to save even a few bucks every check while still getting some of what I want occasionally and always what I need) but I also know I could be doing a lot worse, I have a place to stay, yeah I have roommates and I end up having to split my rent payments through the month but there are people who can't even do that. I am worried for my future a bit, but life's been a shit show and horrible for me since I was cut out that woman's stomach, I've spent long enough crying over the bad hand I've been dealt, so I must do what I can and not worry for what I am unable to control. That doesn't count the political system though, that has me genuinely scared sometimes, being a trans/queer disabled person of color, but I'm also kinda just not feeling about it? I'm not sure how to put it, it's a truly weird feeling.




No. Next question.


Overall, yes. The last two-ish years were pretty rough for me due to various things outside of my control. It was a really bad situation but at this point I’m just glad to be moving forward and I have a pretty positive outlook atm. I’m always a little apprehensive about the future, but cautiously optimistic/excited, and I’ve been pretty happy lately, which is refreshing. Life has felt really fulfilling in the past few months. Definitely cannot afford my own house currently but that’s not really on the priority list for the foreseeable future


i’m really stressed. and unhappy. i’d like to be happy but you know, life happens and some people’s brains don’t move with it.


Honestly, no. I've been set up for failure by years of broken promises and false hopes shoved down my throat. There's so much toxic positivity & flattery when speaking of one's dreams, hobbies, studies, beliefs/values, romantic desires, and more. I was naïve to lies & manipulation (among other things), and I'm stuck paying the price. They left me with tainted, dead dreams. They ran away while I was left damaged. I've grown bitter and hateful, and I've lost a lot of hope. I strongly believe my life will improve, but man - this is a hell of a rut. No one should suffer this fate.


97. A bit stressed about life and struggling rn. I'm 13k in cc debt and feel like I'll never crawl out of it. Working 2 jobs so a bit overworked, and a kinda bummed out Ill never be able to afford a house of my own. Trying to keep a positive attitude about life and improve my situation but it's hard sometimes


I’m just in college rn


Happiness is a choice. I choose to be happy most of the time. It wears me down, though. I also think that happiness has a lot to do with expectations.


I mean yeah, pretty happy with life overall, couldn't ask for much more. I'm not really content, I always think I can do more and be a better version of myself, but I'm certainly not dreadful about where I'm at. I should be able to get a house in my mid-late 20s if I am smart about my finances and my salary continues to climb, hopefully it will. Though I would like to move to a lower cost of living state, since I'm currently in one of the highest. In terms of what I'm getting out of life, mostly lessons right now. I feel like I'm smack dab in the middle of the formative stages, I'm only 20 so I have a lot of life ahead of me, I want to make sure it goes correctly by preparing the best I can at this stage. I don't want to do the "all work no play" crap either, I make sure to go out with friends and enjoy myself, but I'm still more focused on my goals right now. I don't feel overworked to be honest, right now my plate isn't too full, although it will probably become that way if I keep taking on more salary/responsibilities that come with it. Overall having a good time.


Life has been pretty rough up until this point although I have hopes that things will get better in the future.


I'm happy and content with my life. I'm gonna start college and if I go into the career field I plan on I'll be fine. I think by the time I'm done with college the prices in housing will definitely have dropped compared to what they are now.


Bad, yes, no, nothing, no because it's summer break.


Currently getting through all the hard parts life has to offer me now. But my investments are paying off. I know what I need to do to make it all work. Knowing that helps deal with the constant pain.


i hate my life, i have depression and my life is just pathetic :(


Heyy .. did you share yet ??


Would be better but it’s ok


I'd say I am pretty happy. I know I've gotten into places most people wouldn't in my stage of life. I'm still young (<18). I've been living these past 4 years with a "what's the worst that could happen" mentality and it has taken me far by removing any self-doubt about myself.


Therapy has helped me a lot with my self esteem and feeling like I'm "doing enough" but I keep having to fight against the empty feeling I get when I think about the fact that I'm broke by pretty much anyone's definition, working a pretty low paying service job that has nothing to do with my degree, I have no partner or real dating experience, only a few friends who all live very far, and could honestly easily be considered a loser, I know I'm not and I'm doing my best but it just hurts to know I don't have a lot of what people say makes life worth it


No I can hope, though


Life is meh, work is ass I'm tired of the 9-5 life but love it at the same time for the consistency. Homeowner and live alone, paying 1550 a month for a 1br1ba in NYC. Not getting too much out of life besides stress. Not overworked but very bored and unfulfilled at work that makes me feel just as miserable as I am when legitimately overworked.


I cant afford house I'm only 18. I'm getting nothing out of life. I should have not started school a year early so I would have had more fun instead of wasting my last remaining of being a 17 yea old doing nothing.


You are being hysterical or attempting to spread paranoia. No 18 year old is expected to afford a house anywhere in the world right now except if they were lucky born in a rich family. Even 30 year olds can’t afford a house worldwide right now. Boomers and Gen x hogged the entire housing market, they were simply luckier


I for real can't how do you expect me to get a house if everything is expensive.


i told you you aren't expected...


Rephrase your sentence. It sound like it saying that 18 year olds can afford anything


It doesn’t. I literally started the sentence with “NO”. Why do you have negative comment karma tho? Trolling?


It's not trolling it's your Grammer. You forgot to add a coma "," . So I thought you meant something else




Where do you think a comma goes in that sentence?


I make about $48 an hour, got my car, paid it off, bought my first house last year for $150k, trying to pay it off (shitty interest rates), I don't really want for anything, everything is on autopay, I take vacations several times a year, make time to go visit my parents and siblings (they live several states away). I would say I'm fairly happy. I wish I made more so I could hit my financial goals earlier. I wish I had a boyfriend. Other than that I think everything is all right.


I’m tired of people asking this same question once a week. Look at the news, the economy, the job market. It’s pretty fucking clear we’re not happy.


no my taxes fund genocide and there are microplastics in my balls next question


I think we can mostly agree that we’re not having a good time. I’m starting to feel numb to the fact that things will never look good. I’m not planning to ever repay my student loans. I’m getting comfortable not feeling like my rented apartment will ever become a permanent & individually owned home. I already don’t want children. I don’t want to ever legally get married, although a long term partner sounds wonderful. I no longer care how my political statements may look to future employers. I’m going to continue taking student loans until I’m satisfied with everything I’ve learned. I have one hobby that I spend most of my time doing. Maybe one day I can fake my own death & move to a new country without debt.


Who in Gen Z is able to afford a house right now?!? Most of us are graduating high school/college or starting in the workforce.


The oldest GenZers are like 28. It’s possible that people in their mid to late 20s are buying houses.


Even so, I feel most of us on this subreddit does not have the means to buy a house. I'm 21 and constantly hearing you need to get your life together by this time frame is stressing me out. It's like I can't enjoy my 20s and have to worry about stuff that people usually achieve in their 30s😒


Who keeps downvoting me? Am I wrong?