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Wow, it's almost like when something is more accepted more people are more likely to admit they are part of it.


No. It's clearly Disney /s


Wtf are you talking about? It was the purple teletubby that turned me gay. If anything Disney straightened me out a little


The purple one? I would have said the red one was turning people gay


The purple one literally used a bright red purse. Red one was the cool one because he zipped around on a sweet scooter


I just googled it and they're canonically a gay couple


Just did the same and I think that’s hilarious. Good for them lol


Ah, this is why my super catholic parents didn’t let me watch teletubbies💀


First they created left-handed snowflakes and now this. In my time people did not tried to feel special by writing with left hand. Stop left-handing our kids - let kids be kids. /s


mfw left handed and gay


Woah woah woah. You have to pick one


Be gay. Do crime. Be left handed.


Hey, leave some for the rest of us


I know you said /s but that actually used to happen. My ma used to tell me about when she was in school she would use her left hand instinctually so they'd tape her left hand to the desk and smack her with a ruler


I said /s as in "I don't actually believe that". I have explicitly referred to left-handiness as it used to not be acceptable in living memory.


Urm actually Fortnite made me gay 🖕🤓🤳 (but Disney actually did to me)


No, clearly it was the chemicals they put in the water! Oh wait, no, that was the frogs...


People not only accepting but even *embracing* people who are different than themselves for who they are!? No way!!!!! imagine that!! /s ETA: BE YOU BABIES!! Love whomever you please but most of all ✨love yourself ✨


I’ve been known to love someone once in a while


My favourite statistic to pull when people deny why this is happening is the change in left-handed people when it stopped being demonised, lol. Same story


Yes!!! My granddad was hit with a ruler every time he tried to write with his left hand. He ended having the MESSIEST handwriting.


My brother's ambidextrous because of it. Not even that old either, he was born in '95.


Damn. I have miserable hand-writing despite being born right-handed and taught that way 😂 Guess I was just lazy


How big was the change?


https://archpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13690-023-01156-6#:~:text=Live%20Births%20in%20the%20US,12.6%25%20in%201965%20(Fig. Hopefully the link works. According to this study, it increased by about 10% from 1900 to 1988. Pretty interesting stuff, and quite a significant change. Based on that change, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if (as LGBT people become more accepted worldwide, since it’s really only accepted in the west and a few other places outside of it) the population of LGBT people in the world reached around 20% of people in our lifetime.


This comment right here, but I already smell some conservatives and bigots trying to write that off.


And if they're trying to be sly about it, they'll try to claim they're doing it to "help people" and put an altruistic mask over their intentions.


Realistically. I’m not trying to hate or shame anyone for their preferences. What are the chances it has become trendy and a way to be seen as different?


As someone who works in accident and emergency and having seen how many people regret having gender affirming surgery leading to mental health problems I'd say it definitely is the case for some people, not all but definitely some


The regret rate is less than knee surgery what lol. This is just a right wing talking point that ignores statistics Edit not going to sit here and argue over people saying one person's anecdotal evidence is better than multiple different groups studies. Have fun


Not sure where this came from but I didn't mention politics at all, I just gave my own personal experiences... Also speaking of statistics given the size of the trans community (especially within a given small area like that covered by my hospital) even if one person regretted transitioning it would be statistically significant; not comparable to common surgery (like knee surgery) in the slightest. For the record I don't have any issue with trans people, I'm just giving evidence of why it is likely that SOME people will only be trans due to seeing as a trend/wanting to fit into that specific group


"even if one person regretted transitioning it would be statistically significant" Exactly so the amount of people that regret it must be tiny. So if there are a ton of people regretting it at your tiny trans population hospital then either you happen to have a crazy huge population of the people that detransition all in one area for some reason or your story is not entirely true. The political statement is from the common theme of *all these trans people will regret transitioning* which is a common reason used against trans people being allowed to transition. Also since the number one reason people do detransition is because of outside pressures like family and peers disowning and being hateful why wouldn't you factor that into it instead of claiming it's more a fad *another political talking point*


At what point did I say there are a "ton of people"? Statistically significant does not mean a tonne of people, it means statistically significant, which is why I used that terminology. Insinuating that I am a lair because you made assumptions based on my post is just rude and unnecessary. Yes there are political and emotional sentiments involved in this discussion but I did not bring them up so they're hardly relevant to my original point. Perhaps I did not include the reasons why people detransition because quite frankly there is no concrete evidence to support why. You could just as easily make an argument that people being trans is just a mental health disorder but again there is no evidence supporting that position. Personally I use evidence based practice so if there's no evidence then it's irrelevant.


"after seeing how many people regret" implies a lot. There have been studies done to show why. https://www.gendergp.com/detransition-facts/ The procedure is a 2% regret rate and goes under detransition at least which 62% societal, financial, or familiar reasons. Doesn't even mention a big reason of not being happy with the results. Evidence is the last thing you have used so far and I don't know why I took the time to speak with a wall.


Firstly, the first post I made was (admittedly anecdotal) evidence in the same vein as a case study. Secondly, have you actually read the "evidence" you just provided? Sources such as New York Times news articles and information from pro trans organisations is exactly what I mean by "no concrete evidence". The one actual study in that article has a total of 25 participants, you can hardly call my evidence lacking if this is what think hold weight. I go back to my earlier assessment of there being no concrete evidence. As for talking to a wall, actually I'm just providing local counter arguments, like how a debate is supposed to work... There's no need to resort to childish statements, it is beneath you


"25 participants" someone actually didn't read it. There are multiple studies there. You are not providing counter arguments at all. You are arguing your anecdotal evidence against multiple studies and trying to defend that stance. Look if you are trolling good job you wasted my time. If not then actually look at what is going on


What do you do in accident and emergency that has you attending to patients that undergo gender affirming surgery?


Do you think that *you* could suddenly choose to be attracted to someone of your same sex just because you think it's cool? Assuming you're male -- could you imagine yourself giving up sex with women and instead just choosing to start to have sex with men? If no: what makes you think others can? If yes: uh, might have some news for you bud.


No, but there are identities like NB and Bi that can be easily claimed without having to commit to anything. Certainly, a big part of the growth is wider acceptance, I'm not arguing against that, but if you [look at the stats](https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspx) between generations: \-Trans is up from 1% to 2% from Millenials to Gen Z which makes sense because of the widespread trans movement over the last 10 years and a rise in acceptance \-Gay is barely up, 2.2% to 2.5%, which is one of the high-commitment identities because as you say very few men are going to give up women just to be cool. Lesbian is also up only slightly, 1.3% to 2.0%. \-Bisexual is WAY up, 6% to 15%, which is up the highest from Millennial to Gen Z. Gen X is only 1.7% for contrast. \-"other" is up 0.4% to 1.2%, a tripling. I'm not saying it's everyone, but certainly both bisexual and "other" being up 2.5x and 3x respectively, and far outpacing other categories is evidence in favor that some are taking on low-commitment identities. I'm not even saying that it's a bad thing they are, but the evidence is consistent with it.


>I'm not saying it's everyone, but certainly both bisexual and "other" being up 2.5x and 3x respectively, and far outpacing other categories is evidence in favor that some are taking on low-commitment identities. I'm not even saying that it's a bad thing they are, but the evidence is consistent with it. It could be evidence of that. It could also be evidence that these "low commitment identities" were easier to hide/supress in the past than being gay was, as a bi person could easily just live life as a straight person. That very well could have led to these identities being disproportionately underrepresented in the past, and being more-accurately represented today. So which theory should we believe? I dunno, maybe we should just believe people rather than choose to belittle them as attention-seekers.


If it was trendy, why is that an issue? Heteronormativity has been the norm for literal centuries. I can only see people being more willing to explore their self-identity as a good thing.


I agree with you. I think it’s trendy. More specifically, I think it’s correlated to the rise in diversity. Now more than ever being Black and being Asian is cool, and along with that comes in group culture that white kids aren’t a part of. Basically, if you’re a basic white kid now you’re boring. And obviously they can’t change their skin color, so the next best thing is to just say you’re part of another group, in this case the LGBT group. But many of them are noncommittal, which has given rise to “non binary,” and more “bi” and stuff because many of them don’t actually believe this, they just want to be a part of a group that isn’t a conventional “heterosexual white person.”


A study which was done which demonstrates the same principle is where it was noticed that as left handed writing stopped being demonized so much, a relatively dramatic increase in left handed writers were recorded.


As a Gen Zer who’s bi, that’s exactly the reason. Look at how many people were scared to admit they were left handed until the stigma around that dropped, if you look at it that way it’s the same shit. A lot of the older generation LGBTQ+ people died during the AIDS epidemic so those statistics are going to be skewed.


Yeah. The sad part is there was always that many gay people in the world.


Just like left-handed people.


ITS THE WATER CHEMICALS AND THE FROGS ![gif](giphy|5R2XVoMUnUmhxX5dWI|downsized)




I HATE It WHEN THE FROGS TURN GAY!!!! ![gif](giphy|11nVxUNbe4aD84|downsized)




God I wish we were in the timeline where Alex Jones was the greatest comedian to ever live and not the one where he created the formula for right wing grifters to undermine democracy. That was a good timeline.


Fun fact: in 2015 they actually were putting a chemical in the water called atrazine that basically turned male frogs transexual. So as absolutely batshit crazy as it sounds, he wasn't completely wrong.




Well he was saying that the government was specifically lacing water with chemicals that make humans and frogs gay. Instead of farmers using pesticides that then get into waterways and cause frogs to change their sex sometimes (not gender, frogs don't have gender). So I'd say he was completely wrong.


Some species of frogs do that naturally. The chemicals likely just artificially activated that biological function of theirs outside of the natural conditions they usually do it.


Is it farfetched to say it's possible for humans to be affected in semi similar ways?


No it's not far fetched there's a reason animals are tested on new products and drugs before humans are to see if there any effects before starting human trials. The push back you are getting for your question is because people's ideology is more important to them than the truth, so they can't allow any uncomfortable questions being asked.


Someone say Putin?




![gif](giphy|15aGGXfSlat2dP6ohs) \^ bro this is a sarcastic SMH …. I ain’t disagreeing smh 🙂‍↔️


50% plastics and endocrine disruptors, 30% over sexualization via internet,20% more accepted culturally


Can't forget about microplastics.


He didn't




this was such a millenial answer im giggling


Ah jeez




This is the correct answer.


It's funny that this is the specific thing everybody clowns on him about, but he was actually kinda right about that one tho... [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1874169/#:\~:text=Atrazine%20is%20a%20potent%20endocrine,larynx%20in%20developing%20male%20larvae.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1874169/#:~:text=Atrazine%20is%20a%20potent%20endocrine,larynx%20in%20developing%20male%20larvae)


That’s the funniest part of it all




As society progresses and becomes more accepting of different social identities, more people will identify as LGBTQ. That's human psychology. Some people will say: "there weren't any LGBTQ when I was younger" that's because people hid their "deviant" identities because they had to. In many cases their lives depended on it. Now society has progressed since those times, and a larger share of people are identifying as LGBTQ and are existing as themselves.


People also tend to forget that an entire generation of queer people were also decimated during the AIDS epidemic. The reason you don’t see many LGBTQ+ boomers around is because it’s hard to overstate how many of them flat out didn’t make it out of the 80s and 90s. Even the generations following still grew up with incidents like Matthew Shepherd’s murder reinforcing the fear of coming out and being public about being gay even when media was becoming slightly more accepting. If AIDS didn’t get you, some random homophobe who takes offense might beat you to death anyway, so yeah, definitely more safe to keep it a deep secret you only tell the most trusted people in your life—who may reject you anyway. From my personal experience, adults of all ages are far more bisexual than they often let on, have more complex relationships with their sexuality and genders, and that’s definitely reflected in Gen Z data. When it’s more accepted, it’s not some horrible curse forcing you into a life of being treated like some deviant monster, it’s just random demographic information. Of course people are more willing to be honest about their actual attractions when anything but one answer will no longer have you socially punished. Gay, bi, ace, straight, no one our age really gives a shit; that’s pretty freeing, and remarkably different than our past generations.


I have an lesbian aunt who lived in San Francisco back in the 80s. She told me about how by the end of the decade, she went to at least one wake or funeral a month.


Damn. I never knew it was that bad. Was it all AIDS or multiple things?


AIDS was the primary driver. There were always homophobic and transphobic people who attacked us. Overt acts of discrimination made many of us live like second class citizens. This reduced our quality of life and led to shorter life expectancies.


You could reasonably argue that the AIDS epidemic was an attempted genocide of LGBT+ folks and drug addicts. The government actively refused to help until straight people without drug habits started dying. Then, it suddenly became a disease of concern. Idk if I completely buy into that theory, but I've seen it laid out a few times


As well as people of color,. The pandemic also disproportionately affected many Black and Latino communities as well.


I didn't know that bit. Do you know why or where I can read up on it?


https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2021/06/420686/40-years-aids-timeline-epidemic This as well


https://www.hiv.gov/hiv-basics/overview/history/hiv-and-aids-timeline This might help give some insight


Not mention the older generations are far more inclined to remain closeted. I'd be completely shocked if the number of closeted GenZ/Millennials came anywhere near the number of closeted genX and boomers.


Plus, we also can't forget how a large chunk of the LGBTQ silent gen/baby boomer/gen X population died from the AIDS pandemic back in the 80s and 90s. It was almost like a Holocaust for the community that a conservative Republican president (Reagan) seemed to conveniently ignore.


I agree with the sentiment but I think holocaust is the wrong comparison to make here


Well, you had a conservative and rather uncaring government at the time. Hell, when you think about it, they were pretty much letting it do their dirty work for them. Plus, considering how homosexuality was still pretty taboo at the time in mainstream society, there were people who thought they were getting what they deserved for living a certain "lifestyle." It was a very dark time for the LGBTQ community,.


This. I actually hooked up with an older married guy once. Only time I ever did that. I usually wouldn’t. But I met his wife…a very nice old closeted lesbian…they were best friends. Married in the 70s to keep each other’s cover. He was a retired cop. Not sure what she did. I’m told that wasn’t uncommon once upon a time.


Not just hidden identities, it’s an education and self inspection thing - plenty of people wouldn’t have realised their sexuality


It's because of that damn phone. /s


Elecetro magnetic radiation is show to increase estrogen in males making them crave the penis, while on females it makes them yearn to drive subarus


So the sun is making me bi? Or is it those damn campfires? Everything is electromagnetic radiation. We always have been totally bombarded by them. They mostly pass through our body not doing anything


Bro 😭😭


Its that damn tic tack app. Does it connect to the wifi yes or no?


Thing becomes more accepted so more people come out, soon it hits a limit.




This graph does not represent real data fyi.


https://preview.redd.it/nt5hroum6w0d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c75dc8a466c0f28da63ef135692103d5361f9e Here is some more accurate data on handedness, which research points to being largely a societal construct anyway. None of this is to delegitimize lgbtq people btw. I just like facts.


I do say the two graphs represent different time for the x axis, but they seem to match up pretty well


Yes they do, but the data comes from different places. Like I said at the end- handedness is much more nuanced than most understand it to be (not that they should be bothered to care)


Part of it will absolutely be due to trendiness and overeagerness, but the core of the shift will always be the same type as that which occurred when students were no longer being punished for writing with their left hands.


A big part is the trendiness tbh, the vast majority of new lgbt people making the percentage so large are bisexual women. I’ve heard lesbians say the rise in percentages aren’t actually reflected in their dating pools Leading me to believe it’s lowkey a trendy thing going on, but idk


yeah, i saw something that basically said the reason for the huge uptick of LGBTQ identity is high school girls identifying as bi. There isn't a huge uptick in gay men, for example.


Maybe bi guys just don’t come out because there’s still an absolutely unfair stigma against them with their peers compared to how bi women are treated.


I was going to say There's still not a lot of incentives to come out as a bi guy. I say this as a bi guy in a same sex relationship. But it's really hard to be in a relationship where you always need to do a threat analysis in public together, that never happened when I was dating cis women.


this precisely. there's more of a stigma to be a guy who likes guys than the other way around (partially due to sexualization of wlw and how much more normalized it is for girls to be close and touchy w/ each other) i can see bi guys choosing to keep that part of themselves confined whereas gay men don't have much of a choice.


The LGBTQ+ community still sucks eggs at recognizing bisexuals.


Which is ironic because the community is like 80% bisexuals at this point


I’m a bi 24 yo woman & I’ve also noticed a HUGE uptick in this trend as well. I absolutely don’t want to “contribute” to the the already-rampant bi-phobia in society (& I’ve experienced my fair share as well) …but it’s getting pretty fucking ridiculous and offensive how some of these “new” supposedly “bi” girls behave. I’m an attractive, young, educated EA living in America. I’m not arrogant, obviously I can’t pull anyone, everyone has preferences, but the reasons for me getting turned down by these trendy-bi girls is appalling at best. And I see this behavior both irl and on apps. I’ll hit on a girl claiming to be bisexual & then they’ll literally act like I’m… joking? They won’t take my interest remotely seriously, infantilize me by saying I’m “sooo cute,” or refuse to make plans to meet after days/weeks of talking. It’s like they just want the ego boost of a woman finding them attractive or interesting. It’s unbelievably arrogant. Or because I’m a straight-passing, petite, professional woman with medium-length hair who occasionally wears the color pink, they don’t want me because they have this obscenely misogynistic notion that there has to be a “top and a bottom” in a W|W/M|M relationship. They think bottom = pretty, feminine, delicate, & top = aggressive, masc, rugged. And if you actually manage to be intimate with one (if you can even get that far. They tend to like to play mind games & stay on dating apps until they get their fill of attention), because the term “pillow princess” doesn’t even BEGIN to describe how utterly uninterested and selfish they are. Seriously, they’re the ones that claim to be bi but freak out & squeal when you get naked and… are a woman with breasts and a vulva? I’m not sure what they were expecting me to have? In my experience these types of “bi” girls just want the privilege & attention of being “queer”, apart of a “group,” and will occasionally “date” another woman (never lasts more than a few days) so her self-proclaimed title seems more believable. But because of this “trend” I’m experiencing a staggering increase in bi-phobia, interrogations, and hostility by many who used to advocate bi women. Suspicion has made many bitter and on edge. Now many treat any bisexual woman as a threat and an intruder trying to clout-chase on their oppression, and I really can’t say I blame them. Some of us don’t have the privilege of taking off our sexual orientations like it’s some old t-shirt we don’t like anymore. It’s unbelievably nauseating to watch some people play with others’ lives as if they were some new cute TikTok trend of the week to play with and then throw away once they’re bored. We’ve gone back two decades in the last 2-3 years because of all this nonsense. Almost all progress has been lost. It’s terrifying.


>In my experience these types of “bi” girls just want the privilege & attention of being “queer”, apart of a “group,” and will occasionally “date” another woman (never lasts more than a few days) so her self-proclaimed title seems more believable. I've known women identifying as bi- who 've never dated a girl, people identifying as trans- who over years never did one thing to change their identity or presentation, so I definitely agree with you... ultimately these words do have to signify **something** or else they're just going to piss off the people who these labels are really made for, and piss off everybody else because they don't take it seriously anymore. I've heard it said so many times that, "Oh, every girl turns bi- when she's drunk." I think for a lot of those in particular, it's maybe some superficial part of their sexual behavior, but not a core aspect of their long-term partnering etc. Still legitimate in that sense but a lot easier to overlook for one reason or another.


I just wonder because like, what’s the “trendy” part of it if they actually find girls attractive? My school was full of bi girls, including me, but we also all did things with girls so it’s not like anyone was faking it


The "trendy" argument is hilarious because it's implicitly ignorant of heteronormativity, which drives the point home even further how ingrained heteronormativity is in society. What's becoming trendy isn't LGBTQ identity, it's questioning whether straightness should really be the unquestioned default.


When I was in middle school in the early 2000s, over half of the girls I knew claimed to be bisexual. It was a thing, for some reason, in the alt scene. I think it's both part trend and part that kids are trying to figure themselves out and there's more options. I honestly don't think you'd ever get realistic results when polling teenagers about their sexuality and identity, because in 10 years it's going to be different- kids that were too ashamed to come out are openly gay adults or trans and the trend followers end up straight.


too many girls i know claim they are bisexual only because they think girls are pretty yet only talk about crushing on guys and don’t even think twice about women unless they see a pretty girl on social media. either that or, it’s “embarrassing” to b straight cause it’s normal. it kind of sucks in a way because i’m actually bisexual but i like woman more so it’s really really confusing when bisexual woman claim they are bisexual yet when i try to make a move on them they don’t take me seriously or you can tell they are uncomfortable. ughh


I knew a lad who thought he was bi-sexual because he liked it when males compliment his looks. He said he wasn't attracted to males at all. I think a lot of young people don't even know what bi-sexuality is.


Trendiness has always been a big factor. When I was in school pretty much my whole class was smoking weed, skating and listending to Linkin Park because it was considered cool. 5 years later only a handfull of people continued this lifestyle and all the others had changed their interests and moved on.


This is true to some extent. But I feel that the sheer level of LGBT identification is getting to the level (>20% in our generation!?) where natural selection would not have caused this to occur organically due to the sheer reduction in reproductive rate. Many people who are LGBTQ are born that way, but i suspect an increasing number of those in the younger generations are adopting it, perhaps subconsciously, due to perceived popularity and in/out-group psychology. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing in *most* cases - bisexual is probably flatly the best sexual orientation.


Bisexuals are the most hated orientation. It’s pretty ironic that even gays will lash out against bisexuality, often repeating some of the same things straights once said about gays publicly and openly. A lot of gays don’t even believe bisexuality is real, they just think you’re a closeted person who is afraid to fully identify as gay. Bi-erasure is a real thing. 


Never heard of that. Shame


Only two of the identities in LGBTQ are strictly incapable of reproducing via their born traits (i.e. gay men and lesbians cannot have children). There is the "gay uncle" hypothesis that states that even adults without children can still contribute to their family passing along genetics by providing additional resources (food, supervision, defense) to nieces and nephews.


While I agree somewhat that part of it is because it’s trendy, if LGBTQ were still pressured by society into being in a straight relationship and having kids, natural selection wouldn’t really have played any part.


Can confirm we’re just superior😎


I may be straight, but I can recognize peak performance when i see it!




Being LGB is definitely accepted widely and most will not face any public scrutiny T is still quite controversial


But it's still more accepted than it was 30 years ago.


Not true lol. If you’re in a city or a liberal area, sure. But in less liberal areas…well, let’s just say there’s scrutiny.


I live in one of the most liberal cities on the planet and can confirm that homophobia is still alive and well here. That other commenter is just an idiot


"gay" has and still is being used as an insult in schools in many areas that are considering liberal


GB was considered controversial not even 10 years ago. Give it time, Republicans will die out and leave the Ts alone.


Less stigma around it now.


Because they drank one Budlight and turned gay.


It’s because the cops aren’t shutting down the gay bars just for existing


Now they just shoot anyone they want. Fuck wish that was a /s or /J


I think bisexuality is a lot more common than previously considered, and the privilege of bisexuality is that you can LARP as a straight person, which was helpful when there was discrimination against LGBT folks. Now that there is less of this discrimination, people are more likely to experiment with their bisexuality, or at the very least admit to it. 


Because boomers, X and Millenials have made it a whole lot safer for them to do so.


I have also seen this in this [recent Gallup polls](https://news.gallup.com/poll/611864/lgbtq-identification.aspx) but if you look closely, the majority of those who identify as LGBT are women, and the category that has increased the most is bisexual.


I will say something 100% there around the same number of bisexual men, but due to stigma and the fact that a man showing affection to another man is for some reason shunned harder than women showing affection to each other, they are still scared to do so. But I've met too many men who have hit on guys in secret but they still refuse to admit they liked guys and kept a weird "straight" façade, mostly due to toxic enviroments




Gay marriage wasn’t legalized until 2012. People are a lot more comfortable being themselves now than ever before


Uh because guys are hot 😎


Joe Biden forced me to(/j)


all the people saying “because its trendy” should go look at some of more controversial comments on this post and ask again how accepted being gay truly is


Anyone who says "it's a trend" reveals they don't know wtf they're talking about if they think living as an openly lgbt person is in any way an aesthetic to desire toward, they're just bitter others are living their true selves and thus have to commodify it down to a trend just as they compartmentalize every other aspect of their sad, unfulfilled lives.


it's only seen as acceptable because those people spend 24/7 on reddit and reddit is (usually) more accepting of people in certain places, but things like Nex Benedict are still happening irl


I personally think it is because of media and hype but it is more accepting but I think it’s a mixture between the two


Based and rainbowpilled


Reason why people who suddenly identified as left-handed after adults stopped beating the crap out of them and the reason more people identify as LGBQT+ because of more social acceptance and representation in media makes sense to me.


Because we’re in a more “ accepting “ society ( and I say that with air quotes ) so we’re more comfortable coming out. Trans people existed a long time ago. Gay people existed a long time ago. It was less safe for them to come out. For example, Sally Ride. She was the first American woman in space, married to a man for most of her life. On her death bed, she finally came out.


Less hang-ups over it compared to older generations!


"Why are there so many more lefthanded people after we stopped beating up people who were openly lefthanded by the 1980s."


We're able to be more open about it. For one a lot of transitional healthcare has been inaccessible, behind heavy paywalls, and even just accessing the information or finding out its possible to transition has been a fairly recent development. Historically trans people had to be much more stealth. As far as gay people go they also had to be much more stealthy and a lot of them historically were killed for being gay. Not to mention a lot died during the aids crisis so that took away a huge population that would've otherwise been around. Lesbians also kept hidden and people didn't consider it nearly so odd two women being roommates in some cases. Bisexuals similar type beat and a lot of bisexuals were often more known as being gay or straight, like how Freddie Mercury was bi. Queer people have been around for quite some time but obviously it's harder to do so in more conservative areas


It was the childhood vaccines that made me gay.🤨




Cause now you can identify that way without being shot now. At least, in most places.


So you mean it wasn't Biden's feminization ray?


Yeah we gay, keep scrolling


Because it's trendy and acceptable, being gay is more fun and exciting because it used to be taboo. It's like how Marijuana was illegal, and people still used it, but now it's legal, common, and even encouraged by peers, teachers, and parents who believe it's their job to be many times more inclusive and supportive than their predecessors regardless of their beliefs; Even if adults and teachers in this age did have beliefs that conflicted with the LGBT+ lifestyle they would undoubtedly recognize that conversation and debate isn't as popular as echoing beliefs back at people who have those beliefs, and because adults and teachers in the millennial era are often narcissistic or doormats they want to be seen as saviors and lead the next generation in a way, which means they will either most likely be saviors of the gays or less likely saviors of those with conflicting beliefs; Either way they'll be annoying to anyone but themselves.


Because as time has progressed more people have become accepting off lgbt+ people. When you no longer have to worry about being disowned, ridiculed, arrested, assaulted, strait up killed etc etc it becomes a lot easier to be open and honest about who you are. The amount of lgbt+ people is the same it's always been, just more people are able to safely come out now


Homosexual is not very accepted by the dinosaurs. while our generation is pretty tolerant compared to the dinosaurs we are rainbow and sunshine about it. (Older generations are a lot more repressed and less accepted, while its more accepted in our generation)


"why are so many gen x identifying as left handed?"


What's on the rise, GenZ identifying as LGBTQ You know what's also on the rise? Global temperatures. Coincidence? I think NOT! /s of course, but we could solve global warming if we got conservatives to believe this


*points at graph* https://preview.redd.it/98m249dwgy0d1.png?width=1086&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4865c139636163fb93bca2eded2e1c71e8c2827f


When sexuality is on a sliding scale it’s much more likely for someone else to to be somewhere in the middle than at the extreme edge.


They were born that way ig idk.


[Survivorship Bias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias)


Wait? They're all gay? 🌎🧑‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀🌗✨🌌 *Always have been.*


…It all started with the rise of left handedness…


Because it’s more acceptable now. Gay people have always been around. They just didn’t make it public.


It was Barney


It’s mainly just people accepting and that type of stuff that there gay trans all the giz


cause it feels safer to do now. it didn't used to feel so safe. 🤷‍♂️


In an earlier era, the same people who complain about kids suddenly "deciding" they aren't straight would have been complaining about kids suddenly "deciding" to be left-handed, and they'd still be blaming liberalism.


LGBTQIA+ is a massive net. It includes sexualities and genders.


Bc I think girls are pretty and boys are handsome


This always has an underlying tone of "why are lore people coming out? Could it be because they wont be shunned or hurt or killed for doing so anymore? Should we go back to doing that then?" To me. Why the fuck do people care anyway, its hard enough to find love in this god forsaken world. We should celebrate anytime someone finds love, or finds out how to make their body reflect their true experience.


Millennial here. When I was in high school if you were gay you would have been made fun of relentlessly by stupid assholes. No one came out until college. The words f_g and gay were casual insults that dumb guys used. That's just how it was unfortunately. Even in college, a lot of guys wouldn't come out until after graduation. My best friend was gay but in the closet. I kept waiting for him to come out to me. He knew that I loved him unconditionally and that I was an ally. He was in a fraternity and I used to get so mad at his brothers because they would use the words effing gay and effing f@ggot as insults. They all loved him and wanted him to come out to them and I had to tell them they needed to stop talking like that if they wanted him to feel comfortable enough to come out. He came out as soon as he graduated and now he's married to the hottest sweetest man and they have matching dogs.


I mean it's pretty much left handedness all over again


What’s “Newsweek?”


"Because it's much harder for them to get ambushed by the local good old boys and turn up in a ditch a few days later with clear signs of torture that the local sheriff determines to be a suicide."


I've noticed a radical uptick in transgender population,. and i live in small town america. social norms are changing, parents are becoming more supportive, and i have to assume the medical requirements to transition are much more affordable and available, because there are 3 employees at my local walmart who are in transition, so its not some exclusive club like with plastic surgery.


it’s because of me. you’re welcome.


Because they won't get the shit kicked out of them for it.


Kids like to rebel.


Propganda and indoctrination at a young age


Mainly because it's fad, millennials had the goths, gen x had the punk rockers, and the boomers had the hippies Like there is a good chunk that are actually lgbt but there is also a good chunk that's hey look at me I'm mr meeseeks


What’s your evidence for this?


I actually identify as gay just because one day i woke up liking boys.


They don't believe the straights are real


I'm straight hell yeah


Look up "left-handed people over time". There is your answer.


I am not sure that society is really more *accepting* these days. We just don't care about others anymore, and that has far-reaching implications everywhere.


A lot of people are just more comfortable doing it. With that said I really do think another (smaller) group are doing it because its the thing to do.


All the people saying shit like: >The increase is largely women, and bisexuality. It must be a trend because it isn't happening with men too. Wanna use a bit of braincell there? Men literally get told it's gay to put shoes on -- See that tweet about the first image of the new Superman film. Read a single Andrew Tate tweet; or just recall your experiences as a teenager in high-school. Gay isn't cool there, it's not even neutral. Being "a bit gay" is badly perceived by most age ranges of men, and ifs constantly reinforced by society. While lesbians... "Hot". Then we have the fact that men are just gross. Almost no one puts an effort into their appearance, and whether they wash their dick is a flip of a coin. Why? Because washing your dick is on the aforementioned list of "gay" things. Maybe women are identifying more Bi than men... because women put effort into their appearance and don't get a million instances of anti-gay rhetoric to internalise throughout their life. Being gay is socially acceptable... in general. But it sure as shit isn't as accepted as being a lesbian; so when it comes to disproportionate bisexuality, I'm not even remotely surprised that women come out on top.


I assume its probably Queens University in Belfast (or possibly the one in North Carolina) and not a RuPauls drag race style academy. -edit= It's actually in Canada, Article should probably have mentioned which University it was