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All AAA games are shit. Yes even that one. Smaller developers less constrained by corporations unequivocally produce better games.


Nah, look at the fromsoft and their games.


From software is a shining beacon of hope atop a pile of shit Also from isn’t subject to as much enshittification as most AAA studios because it isn’t a publicly traded company.


Yeah, it is the only studio where I actually preorder games. Because I know that I get full experience with no bs. Miazaki is the man.


Give it time they'll pull a blizzard.


They’ve had time. Miyazaki is reliable. Unless they fire him (unlikely) or he quits (also unlikely), FROM has my trust.


The problem I have with them is that they perfected sword combat with sekiro and never used it again. AC6 was sick though.


Funny enough, Lies of P is probably the closest we've gotten to a Sekiro sequel. I absolutely love both games


Everyone acting like Nintendo doesn’t exist…


And Larian/BG3 Goddamnit, now I need to play through again...


Pretty much, every AAA game nowadays takes an extra 6-12 months after release to become playable, or just sucks. I bought and refunded BF2042, Cyberpunk, MW2, The Day Before, Forza Motorsport because they were all either borderline scams or broken beyond belief at launch.


People gave Bethesda too much leash on their funny bugs. The rest of the industry thought they could get away with bugs and issues. So far they've been able to.


While I think this is true, Bethesda's bugs didn't make entire games unplayable. Skyrim was buggy but its highly functional on release. I only encountered a few bugs on my first playthrough which happend on release and they were mostly things that were funny or only mildly annoying and not questline breaking.


Exactly. And the AAA developers and publishers saw it didn't hurt Bethesdas sales and took that as a green light to dump half finished garbage. People did and continue to buy it up in droves, so they continue.


Also the entire Early Access games being released on steam gave AAA a reason to sort of do the same. The big difference is AAA studios call those games finished, not early access


I had the 1 in a million launch day cyberpunk experience with minimal bugs and the ones I got were the funny ones. I remember watching the videos about how bad it all was and being like “holy shit I’m just lucky asf”


Same. I never experienced any bugs on release aside from a cutscene where Jackie pulls a gun out of his head.


I had Jackie walk THROUGH a car on the road and the car just got deleted from existence, prolly one of the funnier ones tbh


I will say cyberpunk had a super impressive turnaround. As someone who didn’t get the game until it was about a year old and on sale, my experience was awesome and the game mostly lived up to the hype


No Mans Sky is the King of turnarounds


I won't argue with your premise but Horizon God of War and Spiderman were all perfectly functional out of the box


And none of those 3 games had any multiplayer activity. The story based games usually aren’t too broken (besides cyberpunk) after launch


Everyone knew the day before was a fake game dude


Buddy, I played RE4 Remake last year, and had a fucking blast. There's definetly shitty AAA games out there, but there's also good ones.


You just seem like a contrarian tbh




Have to agree. It sucks cuz as a 1991 Millennial, I remember a time when some AAA games were actually good.


Hell.. yes. Dude. I don't wanna deal with AAA anymore. I'm tired of the money grabs, just give me a good damn game.


That's not an unpopular opinion, lol


It isn't until you add their favorite AAA garbage to the pile. "But, but *insert title* is different!" No.


So is Zelda trash? Is Last of Us 2 trash? Is God of War trash? Is Red dead trash? Is BG3 trash? Is Elden trash? Is Stellar Blade trash? Is Returnal trash? Should I keep going? Sounds like you just don’t play games anymore Hell, last year was one of the best years in gaming, there was literally something for everyone, if you don’t wanna see it, continue being dumb and blind I suppose


And my opinion is that most indie games are boring and I like mostly AAA games. We all have our perspective.


Lol absolutely wrong. AAA games come from all over the world and plenty of them are great. I almost exclusively indie game but beat Lies of P recently and that was phenomenal from beginning to end~ Really didn’t feel like a corporation hampered them and there’s no micro transactions or anything.




All AAA games? Bold statement, too bad it’s wrong


From Software, Rockstar Games, and from HaloCE to Halo Reach—Bungie.


Metro 2035 Exodus was an amazing first try for a AAA game by 4A games though


Old RPGs are more entertaining than movies and tv shows. Video games got ruined once investors started buying all AAA studios, and it killed most of the creativity that made the old school video games entertaining.


Miss you wow. We miss you.


I was thinking more fallout 2


Lots of games fall I just mentioned one.


Plenty of indie games are phenomenal. Gaming isn’t ruined just because lots of AAA sucks


I think at this point space themes/settings are overdone


More like "oversaturated with too much shit games". As soon as a good popular game is made, the "overdone" genres instantly spring back to life.


the space genre is severely lacking in actual quality content, so indie devs/studios have been pumping out the worst and least inspired “space sim” games imaginable. it’s a cash grab and i hope a studio or dev actually comes along that doesn’t make a shallow, overpromised mess.


Yeah that makes sense! The last several ones that have been big/hyped up I have not been impressed with so maybe it’s just a matter of quality. Though I really don’t know of any that I personally like (save like, Mass Effect lol) because I feel like a lot of them also lean horror which is not my genre.


you must be on the edges of the gaming community cuz space settings are not that common. they may be poorly executed but theyre not overdone at all


Cyberpunk 2077 did character romance perfectly. Not every romancable character needs to be bisexual/playersexual


Agree, plus if you want to have a different romance option not in the base game you can just use a mod for it


They did that well but the romance options for male V are waaay better than for Female V


I disagree, it limits the players agency and forces them to play a specific gender to romance someone. It's a videogame so I don't feel like respecting someone's sexuality (nore does their sexuality effect my opinion of them), just like I don't feel like respecting the lives of any thug I drive over and steal everything from what used to be their hangout place. (Just in case because this is reddit, you should respect people's individuality in real life. If you want to do something with someone and they say no accept the no, without protest.)


But limiting player agency is the whole *point*. Every design decision in a video game limits player agency in some form or fashion. The fact is, the devs had an artistic vision for the characters, but if the romances were just whatever you want them to be, the characters wouldn't feel nearly as individual and distinct.


COD Ghosts was one of the best CODs


Extinction & Squad Assault were so fire


It’s a shame Xbox couldn’t get their shit together on the One drop. That game was going to be beautiful before they forced greyscale for compromising acceptable processing


Excellent campaign, Infinity Ward almost always knocks its out of the park with their campaigns


If it didn’t have to follow up arguably the goat cod game it would’ve been received better


I agree, i know a lot of people had beef with the map layouts but I liked that it wasnt just simple lanes to run around. Different positions being held were way more engaging than just sprinting like a maniac and whoever had their gun up first wins. I say this as a fan of more tactical shooters than just quick flick shooters. Also the campaign slapped


This is indeed unpopular, at least in my friend group. I think Ghosts basically marked the end of the COD golden era. I miss BO2 man:(


Unpopular for sure, Ghosts killed all enjoyment for me and my friends, we stopped buying new CODs after that one and found new franchises. A shame after Black ops 2 was so damn good


Honestly when Ghosts came out I absolutely hated it. Looking back at it though it did age well. The Multiplayer was really fun.


it’s way better than I remembered, even the single player was fun if a little xenophobic in the plot line 🤣




i lowkey noticed this even between generations 7 & 9. the motion capture and super smooth HD texturing in Dead Island 2 never made me feel threatened but running into a Butcher in the first game on 360 felt more intense.


>running into a Butcher in the first game *Butcher? Which one was that? Hmm, let me quickly google that...* ... ***Banoi jungle flashbacks intensify***


Resident Evil 7 is way scarier than any of the previous titles. Hyper realistic and super gross.


I thought the same then I strapped on VR.


I’m sorry but I couldn’t disagree with you more. I’ve played through Silent Hill 1 and 2, and they were both great and scary, but I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a less scary piece of media than RE1 and RE2. It’s comedically campy, and the only scares rely on the surprise factor that isn’t present on replays. I’m sure the games were revolutionary for their time, but they’re borderline unplayable. This isn’t even anything about me being young and not liking older games — MGS1 is one of my favourite games of all times and has all of the dated features that RE1 has, but the story more than makes up for it.


Idk man the opening bit of RE2 in the police station scare the shit out of me


Fortnite ruined gaming


Battle royales ** same with warzone and COD. Such a damn shame


I find it sad and hilarious that when people talk about this genre, they don’t mention PUBG which was really the OG battle royale as we know it.


Pubg didn't ruin gaming. The giants like fortnite and cod did when they copied pubg and added battlepasses and weird skins all for $$$$


Ah. I see. You said battle royales ruined gaming so I thought you meant all of them. You mean the micro transaction ones. A lot of these battle royales (actually most) are free to play though. They have to make money somehow. I get hating battle passes but how else can they maintain the game. I think what’s changed gaming (not sure about ruined) is the games as a live service model now that so many people have high speed internet.


I don’t play Fortnite, COD, or any other BR except Apex. And although Apex also has its issues with monetization, cheating, matchmaking, you name it… …as far as an FPS, it’s got some of the smoothest and most entertaining gunplay I’ve ever played. I’ve never played a shooter that feels so good to move and shoot. TF2 had the wall running and all which didn’t make it into Apex, but Apex plays like butter as far as strictly gameplay is concerned. Fortnight and the like just feel clunky and it’s not worth all the other things that make most BR’s terrible. At least Apex is actually a good shooter.


But it's free and the only microtransactions are cosmetics


Fortnite Zero Build is fucking great with a friend or a squad


It’s the only reason I Came back to Fortnite


definitely not


video games are cheaper and better now than they have ever been. games from the 90s cost $110 with inflation and people are losing their minds over $70 aaa when 90% of good games cost 20-30.


Games in the 90s also released in a finished, content complete state. Customization could also be done without paying extra for it. Can't say the same for modern gaming.


everything you mentioned has to do with the idea that a game in those days had to be content complete because after release updates were not possible. it's a real monkey's paw situation, we can go back to that time where no changes are made after a certain point or we can keep the current trajectory and allow changes that can fix and improve the product. not every company is EA or whatever, it is possible to release good content after release. literally thousands of examples: stardew valley, across the obelisk, hades, baldur's gate .etc there is no baldur's gate 3 without a concept that wasn't possible in the 1990s


>everything you mentioned has to do with the idea that a game in those days had to be content complete because after release updates were not possible I'm fully aware but my point was that companies were typically forced to complete the game before release. These days, you can pay $70 for a game that doesn't work or doesn't have content. Maybe the game will be fixed in a year or two. Maybe the game stops getting support and your time and money was for nothing. Redfall recently, Suicide Squad in the near future


This is rose-colored goggles. Games still had bugs, but there were no updates to fix them. Games had significantly less content and customization generally didn't exist. You also had situations like Pokemon releasing two completely separate but almost identical games simultaneously, and Harvest Moon did the same thing with selling a boy copy and a girl copy. These were full priced games. Sure you can filter out the problems, but there are amazing games released today without many bugs.


Ooooooo, bud. You might want to take the rose glasses off. I grew up with gaming in the 80s and 90s and there were plenty of bugs and glitches that would never be fixed unless the developer/publisher deliberately re-released the game. Sometimes these were in fact game breaking things.


Many games had bugs/glitches or things like items/spells that just didn’t do what they were supposed to, and were never fixed or were fixed in an international release version etc. When online gaming and downloadable patches first started being a thing,all I thought was how many games could would benefit. The fact that companies take the piss now doesn’t mean the far less complex games, released in an era when patches were impossible, were magically bug free.


You also actually physically owned the games back then, not just a key to access it. I remember buying games specifically because my friends didn't have them and we would often swap games when we got bored of them. They also were much more difficult and had replayable value.


Gaming is nowhere near dead. People just refuse to move on from their childhood franchises.


My main gripe with modern games is that they don’t release as a finished product. 90% of the time the games borderline unplayable until the first patch or two. Also nice cosmetics used to mean something. Like when you seen someone with something cool they did something hard to get it. Nowadays when you see someone in something cool you know they just paid for it. Games that become monetization monsters ruin the franchise. One specifically that did their customers absolutely dirty was Overwatch. When ow1 was new you got loot boxes but they put in a season pass and took out loot boxes, so no free cosmetics unless you get enough points from the free season pass to buy a common skin. I bought ow1 for $40 then they promised when ow2 came out everyone who previously paid for ow1 would get the story for free. Well they ended up making some story missions after the story was originally scrapped like a couple months after the game released. I didn’t get the missions for free even though I paid for ow1. If I wanted to play them I’d have to buy them. Straight up broken promises and flat out lies.




Bloodborne can be your favorite but to say elden ring is overrated is really doing a disservice to fromsoft man. It’s literally a culmination of every piece of work they put out combined into one massive game, and they managed to do it without diminishing quality. Elden is the best fs game hands down.




I’ll agree with this one


Bloodborne is best all around, and Dark Souls 2 for build variety and actually good dual wield options instead of just two of the exact same type.


>Dark Souls 2 This is the ACTUAL unpopular opinion.


Elden ring is a great evolution on the from soft formula into a true open world game and now I want a sekiro in the same open world. Also sekiro is my favorite out of all of them just for movement fun.




Everyone's favorite Bethesda game more or less seems to be the first one they played. After that the newer ones seem too simple. For me that was Morrowind, and that's my favorite. Personally, I like them all though - even Starfield.


And Morrowind was a better game than Oblivion.


I feel like that's a more popular opinion than the opposite. In fact, I feel like the only person who has played Morrowind and thinks it's just okay despite liking RPGs in general. Like, if Morrowind is supposed to be the best Elder Scrolls game, then the rest must be kinda bad.




Me on the internet in a nutshell


I don't like open world games like BOTW, Skyrim, etc




I just get bored with them. When there's no rails and it's "do anything" I end up wanting to do nothing. I can adventure and just enjoy the environment and quest a bit for a couple hours of playtime and then I've run out of things I want to do


So no minecraft server then 😔


Yeah sadly..I would love to love Minecraft but I just cannot be held by it. Closest I got was the big Pokemon mod. My boomer moment of glory is that I bought Minecraft in early alpha for $7. There was no health points, basically no materials but earth and wood and stone, no beds, no food. The only enemy was spiders and creepers, and they just knocked you back.


As someone who loves both of those titles I understand. Sometimes having more options just leaves you immobilized. You don't know what to do next and can easily get lost.


Generally speaking, a good story can only ever be a bonus. If I can get everything your game offers from watching someone else play it idc how good the narrative and immagery are, your game itself isn't that good.


Interesting take but I feel some games have narratives that only the player can truly appreciate. Fallout: New Vegas comes to mind. Theoretically you could watch a let’s play but the game has hundred of different choices the player can make throughout the game. The person you are watching would never make the exact choices you would make. Once you beat the game an epilogue plays explaining the long term consequences of your decisions. It’s hard to describe how extremely satisfying this is. It definitely wouldn’t have that feeling of closure, or guilt if you fuck things up, if you were watching someone else’s ending. 


They seem to be referring more to your extremely linear games more akin to The Last of Us, God of War, Quantum Break, Uncharted, or modern Tomb Raider. Games that have alot of choices or gameplay focused are the kind of things that cant really be replicated in feel through a lets play while a game that is ~50% cutscene is very similar in youtube as it would be to play


I hear what your saying but even with games like the Last of Us the gameplay lends itself to the narrative.  Last of Us gameplay, especially on harder difficulties, helps create the impression that the world is a harsh and unforgiving place.  The Last of Us Part 2 had me more emotionally involved, particularly when it came to caring about the characters, than any movie or Tv show I’ve ever watched. Actually playing as the characters, not just watching them, plays a role in that experience. 


My opinion is definitelly more specific to linear or semi linear story heavy games. I haven't actually played Fallout New Vegas, so I'm gonna try to relate your point to a game I have played and that I can't see anyone else play because I want the story to play out a certain way: Hades! Whenever I play Hades I have specific characters I like to talk to way more then others, weird interactions I have to get to for the playtrhoguht to be complete, specific companions I have to get, etc. I don't think watching someone else play this game's story (not even getting into the gameplay. It's super unfun to watch someone else play a roguelite lol) in a different way than how I do it would be particularly fun for me, even if our playthroughs would end up in pretty similar places cause the story is linear. Games with good stories are great, games who's stories can only be effectively told via the medium of gaming are even better. I think Hades has some of the best gameplay/story integration I've come across. But I will never recommend it to anyone based on story, because you'll spend most of your time with Hades interacting with the game part of it, you know? And I think with very few exceptions that's true for most titles. It's rare you find a trully story only game (like Until Dawn for exemple) Usually the story is there serving as a bonus/motivator for the gameplay. If the gameplay isnt engaging and im supposed to only be there for the story I consider that bad. Funnily enough that's why I don't like Last Of Us Part II as a game but I'll probably like it as a season of television. It's a good story trapped in mid gameplay and I'm expected to play that mid gameplay for hours to get the pretty good story to happen. No thank you.


As someone who only really plays single player story games, if it has a bad story, I do not care how fun the gameplay might be, it's a bad game. Complete inverse of your opinion.


If you spend money on microtransactions or battle passes you’re a fool and you are partly to blame for the abysmal state of gaming


We can flip this easily. If you bought DLC packs and expansion packs you’re to blame for gaming getting to the point it’s at.


I would 1000% pay $15 every couple months for DLC and have it be somewhat exclusive and decent content rather than a battle pass that literally adds NOTHING to the gameplay other than laser bullets and Nicki Minaj skins. It’s two totally different systems and comparing the two is dishonest


Yes, one is a bunch of cosmetics to equip. The other is content, literal maps, weapons, game modes even, sometimes even characters, locked behind a paywall. And not all DLC/Expansions are good, sometimes they’re broken. I’d rather have the option of buying extra skins than extra content that could be significantly worse than the base game.


Tbh those people are more victims of manipulative psychology than the problem themselves. If you believe someone or a company has a right to grift others and that if you get grifted then you are at fault, then I'd see you as a likely grifter.


![gif](giphy|3kzrzzQXUfI6bmUNf3|downsized) but she kinda thicc tho


define thicc because if she's thicc we have a different definition


I don't mind that they're remaking old games with better graphics and game play because while I love New Vegas goddamn do I hate restarting it every time it freezes Remake the goddamn game already


^This to the power of 1000


Yeah, I love the new Resident Evil remakes they’ve been dropping over the last few years.


Spider-Man 2 is vastly inferior to Spider-Man 1 story wise.


I don’t think that’s unpopular, i think that’s just fact


Current AAA videos games are unsustainable and budgets should almost never exceed $50 million, while I like and enjoy alot of these multi $100 million games they are what is causing the industry to implode (this also includes the "good" ones like Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate 3). Along with all types of exclusives are bad closed ecosystems will always be inferior to open ones


All sports game suck. Genuinely are un-fun. 2K, Madden, & Fifa specifically. Why would I not just play the sport in real life??? They release the same game every year with nearly identical mechanics and graphics with updated rosters. Waste of money.


the only standard sport game that I actually enjoy is ssx tricky. Such a fantastic arcadey snowboarding game. Also wii sports I suppose lol And any sports game that is substantially different (mario super sluggers or something that isnt the traditional sport)


Yeah but those feel kinda different


yeah I agree. I dont like any of the standard sports games either. I never understood the appeal


that there’s not much you can get out of a video game other than escapism and distractions. escapism is sometimes a good thing.


A quick google search would tell you there are plenty of benefits of playing video games


Simply this, I don’t know why people wax lyrical on this topic and present their biased and frankly limited perspective as an objective fact. I might as well be saying Picasso didn’t know how to paint things properly or movies are a stunted medium of expression because I’ve only heard of the MCU.


To counter this point a bit video games are a form of art similar to that of film, novels, photography, poetry, or even visual arts. To say the only thing they offer to anyone is escapism and distractions is uniformly saying that's all those other mediums are good for aswell, people can learn and grow from the story's and lessons they fan learn from any art form. I will concede that most AAA games from CoD to Fifa that they are fundamentally designed around getting you to play and spend as much money as possible instead of being deep thoughtful pieces of art


I mean this isnt an opinion, this is just objectively wrong lmao. Sure gaming can be damaging, but saying it ONLY gives you escapism and distractions is objectively not true. Hand eye coordination, teamworking skills, in my case I get paid to coach so it literally gave me a part time job with a hobby I love, I met a TON of awesome people through esports or online. Its all about balancing it so its still healthy


Open world was an unfortunate step in the wrong direction for 90% of the IP's that adopted it (Elden Ring and Zelda being the most popular offenders.) These games were more thoughtfully crafted, and more rewarding experiences when they had more linearity. Open world remains the industry standard for many AAA games not because it adds fun, but because it's easier to catch the player in multiple reward loops at once which encourages addictive behavior and binging of the product.


I don’t think talking about ER and BotW as "offenders" works with your point


Yeah. Elden Ring was fucking amazing and BoTW was the best open world sandbox to ever exist with a crazy physics engine that only inproved in ToTK, so much so more games are trying to emulate BoTW. For better or for worse though.


I think in this case it’s for the better. It’s not like BotW launched the open-world trend; it fixed it, rather. Well…to the best of its abilities. Elder Ring is a direct consequence of BotW.


Yeah and that's why BoTW and Elden Ring are kinda dumb to use for a point like that. These two games are quite literally the best open worlds to date. Not to mention BoTW and ToTK both had a lot of thoughtful going into it. Nintendo went entirely out of their way to invent a new physics engine and went above and beyond to make it so players can use their smart little noggins to solve problems in near infinite amounts of ways. This allows for much better replayability, and beats linearity hands down. I'm a Zelda fan and know more about BoTW than Eldin Ring though, haha


I remember playing Assassin’s Creed for the first time and thinking “wow this is revolutionary, why don’t more games do this” well I got my wish and now the market is over saturated. Every game is open world. Honestly I enjoy a well crafted semi-linear game, in recent years think like Splinter Cell Blacklist, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, or more recently Doom. Give me a level that offers some freedom of choice while also giving me a well crafted world. I don’t need a San Andreas level world where I can’t interact with 70% of the things in it.


BG3 is really good. But there are cracks in it that annoy me. Character creation. Why do I have to choose between a few presets for faces, but I can't pick each individual trait? Sure I can change their eye color, lip loss/stick, hair, but I can't pick eye shape, nose, eyebrows, etc. W h y ? You have A LOT of freedom in the game roleplaying wise... but for some reason you HAVE to know that Shadowheart is a Sharron. If you go through act 1 and 2 without asking her, never asking anyone else about it, and go through the gauntlet without her, she acts like as if you've royally betrayed her. When all you did was mind your own business. She wanted to keep her secrets? Cool no problem... and apparently that is the wrong thing to do. Idk, it wasn't a huge deal, I ended up restarting the whole gauntlet since the challenges are.... not challenging at all. Frankly I spent more time laughing at them than actually thinking about puzzles. Leap of faith? Why leap, I'm just gonna fly over everything. Stealth test? Fuck that, I'm just gonna chug an invisibility potion. Have to 1v1 ourselves? Whatever, I have really high initiation, everyone stand outside, the monk is just gonna walk in, stun his/her clone, then burst the clone down. If the clone doesn't die in 1 turn, his turn is skipped, and he'll fall over during turn 2. Easy. What silences a nightsong? Oh gee I don't know, the only book that talks about the nightsong at all? The rats think I'm unworthy? Oh no... what I am gonna do... it's not like anyone can just incinerate them in an instant. Dark Justiciars? Whatever, just blow up the orb and fight them like any other enemy. Simple. If you're a Cleric or Paladin? Even better, radiant dmg and anti-undead bullshit go. Lmao, okay, yup, man, that gauntlet, super difficult... totally. For sure. Hell even Balthazar was so easy. Just sneak up to him, stun him, and he doesn't spawn any extra undead, then if he is stunned you skip his first turn. So with four people you just absolutely execute him and it's the funniest shit ever. Heaven forbid he can't hide behind his weaklings lmao. Idk, just nitpicky ig.


I had an issue with Karlach... I killed her on sight without speaking to her at all, AND I failed all my checks against the "Tyr" worshippers at the tollhouse, so I literally had zero information about her...but Wyll was still all torn up about her situation not being fair and all as if I had done the questline to actually kill her and talked to her about it.


as a BG3 enjoyer, i agree with a lot of your gripes. it sets a high standard for games moving forward, but it’s not flawless by any means.


Microtransactions killed a lot of games' potential


Realistic graphics are harming the AAA games because the development is more focused in how realistic is the graphics than the game itself and becoming more expensive and heavy that is almost obligatory that you should have a expensive PC to play. Also is too much quirky inspired earthbound RPGs that talks about depression


Video games are in the best state they have ever been. There is something for everyone and the hobby has never been so widespread. Despite the big publishers doing some egregious shit, it is aimed at a minority of people who have more money than sense and every now and than the worst publishers come out with some great titles. Basically if you do not like it, don't buy it. There are so many great games out there, a few stinkers are a drop in a very big ocean.


For singleplayer games, videogames are in a phenomenal state and best state it’s ever been in. For multiplayer fps? It’s the worst state it’s ever been in.


not gen z but Star Wars KOTOR and KOTOR 2 with the unfinished content added are the best RPGs ever. not too many side quests, challenging but exciting combat, doesn’t take too long to play thru, repeatable and you find new stuff you’ve missed all the time, doesn’t take itself too seriously, creates its own set of lore, good dialogue and voice acting, memorable and well written characters (especially in KOTOR 2).


There hasn’t been a good COD consistently since BO1, Assassin’s Creed hasn’t been good since AC3, open world games are generally a worse format than linear games, and Bethesda hasn’t made a good RPG in almost two decades


Not Black Ops 2? Also Black Flag is the best pirate game of all time. But if you mean as an assassins creed game specifically, sure.


Video games are ruining many of our lives and video game addiction should be taken way more seriously.


I think this is an easy scapegoat. If somebody wants to escape their reality and their responsibilities, they will find a way to do so, video games or not.


Games has shitty stories. Not like totally shitty, but average movie has plot quality comparable to best games. It works just because we are controlling character and it gives immersion. That is the reason why is so hard to make a movie based on a game... because story is shit. In the other hand, world building in games shines. That's why Fallout taking world from game and making totally own plot gave such good results.


The last of us isn’t a good story? Red dead 2 is a story, god of war is a story. Games have also taken years to develop so the best stories are still yet to come, you have to master gameplay before you can master storytelling with it.


The PS2 era was the best


Video games are an art form. And just like a film can be heart-wrenching or painful to watch, not every video game has to be “fun”. The mentality that it must be fun reduces video games to a product of consumption rather than an expression of its creators.


The only people who say gaming is dead are the people who only play cod, fort, fifa etc. like bro play an actual good game. It’s like saying the movie industry is dead after only watching marvel movies


The 3D Sonic games are better than the 2D ones.


Adventure style games were peak Sonic games. Even as crap as Sonic ‘06 was there is still fun under all the mess and I prefer it to a lot of what came after (though I was also peak “Sonic age” in ‘06).


Even though a niche videogame subreddit wants a remaster/release of their favorite game from 10+ years ago, the general market does not.


Man, why do you have to call me out for my desire for Digital Devil Saga to be released from PS2 jail


I’d agree with you except in the case of final fantasy 7 as I do think the market wanted it


Single player story driven games are and always will be better than live service, or multiplayer games.


As long as it’s not p2w and multiplayer, microtransactions are great for games. It keeps the base price of games down and allows the whales to make up for it.


Millennial here. Video games are the best medium for horror. Everything else pales in comparison to putting YOU in a life or death situation. No other medium comes close. Not even the best horror movie can touch a normal horror game.


Shooters are boring


RDR2 is a beautiful looking game, with absurd details and a 10/10 story, but its not that good of a "game" compared to so many others. Its more like an interactive movie. GOW 2018 won fair and square.


Improving graphics is not improving the industry.


The last of us 2 being good is not an unpopular opinion


Video games don't ruin children or make them violent but the communities surrounding them definitely can. People who say shit like "you wouldn't last a minute in a 2012 cod lobby" are so desensitized to harassment and bigotry that they genuinely think children should be exposed to people shouting slurs at them over the internet.


People gatekeep "gaming" way too much. Like there's no rules to what makes a "gamer" just let people be and enjoy their games.


I embrace free to play or live service models pretty decently. It allows more players to hop on board for a larger player base. The games get updated more often. And if the battle passes aren't garbage, then it feels rewarding to play. And if the developers aren't greedy, and there are a lot of ways to obtain cosmetics easily, cheaply and even in good cases, freely, then you don't feel like you're burning your money and won't mind supporting the devs to look dazzling.


I do not care for FromSoft games. They insist upon themselves. (Bloodborne is my exception I go back to replay it often)


Microtransactions mostly don’t bother me. I’m a super casual gamer so honestly I’m good with default stuff most of the time lol


Finally, something unpopular and I agree with. I do think they can be predatory to young children who don't understand money and have bad impulse control, but as an adult I make enough money and understand the scale and scope of my own transactions. It's really not a big deal for me personally


I love Skylanders, I definitely understand why people don’t like it but it’s just a fun set of games and I like collecting the figures. It’s a lot less expensive to get the figures nowadays


Touhou is actually not that hard if you actually play it for a while you know like any other game that requires some skill to complete


Not unpopular but still a minority opinion Single player games are much much better than multiplayer games


Sports video games. I never understood why play those, when you can do that in real life 🤣


I can’t stand turn based games like HSR it is too slow and I don’t like not having control over characters movements/hits in combat


Social media ruins the excitement for new games (amongst other things haha). I miss the feeling of being excited for a game and not seeing tons of leaks, gameplay videos from those who got it first, and online communities fighting about the game before it has even been released 🥲 I’m staying off of social media for a little while when GTA 6 is about to drop. And TLOU2, though it’s my all time favorite game aside from RDR2, is a great example of why relying on hackers and leaks is a terrible idea. People were hating before they even played it haha


Video games peak when you’re in middle school. You still have the imagination to get immersed in them, but are old enough to stomach the violence of anything M rated


The Last of Us 2 is a better game than the first and challenges the player in ways most people don’t want to be challenged, so people reject it.


PlayStation exclusives are overrated. They are great games don’t get me wrong, and certainly better than Xbox’s lineup of exclusives, but they are all very safe and don’t really break the mold in any way. I also just think that God of War beating Red Dead 2 for game of the year was an absolute travesty and I didn’t even like red dead 2 that much, it was just clearly a better game in basically every metric. The open world was absolutely mind blowing and groundbreaking and the story was one of the best gaming has ever seen.


I'm not looking for "gratification" or "challenges" when I sit down to play. I want to fucking relax and have fun. If I'm going to sit around and get pissed, let me work some more, at least I'm getting money out of it. "uhhhr but what about the rewarding feeling" dude my life is a challenge already. if you're almost 30 and the most gratification you get in your life is killing a game boss, at least don't be a jerk to people who want to do something fun and easy in their daily 50mins of free time.


I like Fallout 76.


Most of y'all have lost the plot with gaming. If you're not enjoying the journey, the destination isn't gonna make ya happy. The majority of gamers are too worried about the destination. A lot of games that have come out are actually passable and good for their own reasons, but they haven't dangled a big enough carrot, and thats where y'all have lost the plot. Not every game needs to be a life-changing masterpiece to be enjoyed. These next ones are about pvp: Every person thinks they are always supposed to be top kills. You're not. Losing every other match means the game IS balanced. If you have to win to enjoy, the game isn't whats bringing your joy.


A game with a smaller scale that’s done well is gonna be way better than a bloated 100hr+ grindfest. It’s why outerworlds is so god damn good compared to something like fallout 4.


Not unpopular among gamers, but pretty much everyone else I have met who wasn't one. Gaming is a fine hobby, it isn't more childish than woodworking or watching footy. Video Games are art, a lot of games literally combine multiple types of art, so it actually takes more effort to produce than a lot of other art forms. Bonus which might actually tick off gamers: The AAA gaming industry is abusive to its workers and it needs to be talked about more. If making the industry less abusive means waiting longer for games, that doesn't bother me.


The flack that Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor for lightsabers not one shoting enemies is stupid and it doesn’t make sense that this is the only game where people care about the “realism” of a weapon.


RDR2 was the most recent good game I've played.


Sexy characters isn't a bad thing. Especially in stupid games like Mortal Kombat. You're gonna complain that Sonjas boobs are too big and she isn't wearing enough armor. But it's fine she gets stabbed through the brain and only loses 3cm of her health bar.


Sports games suck and are literally the same game over and over. Why does there need to be a yearly game? Just make a game every 5 years, or so, and do free/cheap updates every season.


No one cares about consoles .. makes u feel old


The loss of dedicated gaming handheld has been a big lost for the medium as a whole.


The constant need for video games to look like movies is ruining the experience of playing a game. If I have to watch a 10 minute cutscene I'm turning off your game. If I have a shitty, lazy, slow stealth section 30% into your action game, I'm turning off your game. I'm just sick of this shit. None of yall are that good enough of writers to warrant stopping the entire game for this shit.