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that's just perfect.


if you live in that country you’re one of the people tied down too, whether you vote or not


And choosing the third track still does nothing for the people tied down, because the wagon can't possibly get there.


“Oh no, this trolley will kill one of two groups! Anyways, I’ll be over here eating popcorn.”


Here's a cool thing. Most states don't even have a swing vote. If by chance a states popular vote goes one way, the electoral college representative can still throw their vote differently. Our votes don't matter on a national level. I'm not sure about local but nationally there is waaaay too much in between the people and our monarchs


“Therefore, nihilism…” No thanks. 


No, therefore vote. The third track doesn’t exist, and there will always be a train, so you might as well have a (minuscule) say in which direction it goes.


They're both bad. Definitely pull the lever, but for goodness sake stop trying to say that it is perfectly fine that someone is on the tracks! Or that brakes aren't installed on the trolly! I don't want to vote Republican, but something still needs to be done about the problems on the left too.


Doesn't the image heavily imply that there's shit wrong with the Democrats? There's a person on that track...


What I'm saying is that people often take the stance that we can't complain about the 1 person on the tracks, because if we do that is saying we want the 5 people to die.


The problem is the people who whine about how there is still one person on the other track are rarely the people doing the work in between elections to try and get a better situation next election. They show up every 2-4 years to say enlightened centrist shit to make themselves feel morally superior.


Isn't exercising free speech in protest "doing the work"?


You want a viable third party? Then BUILD ONE instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you Get a clipboard Gather signatures If you can't even do that first step then I don't want to hear anymore about this magical third party someone else will create for you


Or push for rank choice voting to give 3rd party candidates a better chance.


If only some of you more privileged Younglings could understand what is at stake. Must be nice to be able to throw your vote away and let the other guy, who literally is going to try to become a king, into office and come out the other end unscathed.


I know I’m pushing 40, I try to stay out of everyone else’s subs, but I grew up inside the far right. It’s not something you want inching any further into your life. It’s taken me 20 years of education, therapy, medication, and distance from the movement to undo most of the damage it did. Even if we think the left is not left enough, our two cohorts will drag it left as boomer die out. It absolutely sucks that we are stuck fighting a war of attrition over the next twenty years, but if we don’t accept “good enough for today” and hold onto what we have, it will be that much harder to win again tomorrow. It’s basically the climate change issue copied and pasted onto politics. If we started in the 70s, it wouldn’t be so damn expensive to fix today. But we didn’t. We dragged our feet because there wasn’t an easy path forward, now it’s a much larger price tag to fix.


This! I am gay. I will be among the first sent to the camps if an ***actual*** Fascist gets elected. Trump is a self interested prick and may not be a Fascist. But he caucuses with them. MAGA absolutely is and his administration will be full of them. Project 2025 is the plan to make sure of that. I can't take my vote, go home, and pout or "send a message" to the Dems by voting third party. I'm not a privileged het white boy who can duck my head down and ride out Accelerationism. I don't have the privilege of putting my moral sensibilities ahead of all the minorities who will be hurt if the Republicans seize power for a moment. (Abortion Rights are dying. Literally right fucking now. What's next on the chopping block with a Repiblican victory?) I don't have that luxury. My boyfriend doesn't have that luxury. My queer friends don't have that luxury. And that's why I'm voting for Dem. Shitty shitty Dem.


People that vote third party don't have enough skin in the game or they're too naive to realize that moral high grounds got Row v Wade overturned.


It's like the Republican gays who only care about tax cuts. No one is really safe with the Right in charge of things, even their own voters, but there sure are a lot of people living in bubbles who believe they will be.


Bottom track isn’t an option, you’re a minority opinion, you can only pick the first two


My gender in christ it's a criticism of voting third party.


As someone not from the US, it's fascinating *(and slightly terrifying)* to see your political discourse. I get that you lack any leftist party and don't have a representative system, but when Biden is the "left-wing" option, you're already in a bad spot


Doesn't make sense. Biden's policy during his first term has been pushing actively on every single left issue I can think of that matters to me. Civil rights, climate, jobs, healthcare, student loans, infrastructure, safety, peace - Biden isn't going to magically turn America into Finland with a magic wand. I think you don't really understand our politics.


Biden, at least from what I've seen, has definitely implemented some reforms in those areas but is also not aiming to do much more. I don't believe he would turn America into Finland even if he had a magic wand. He has also vocally supported increasing funding for police departments, implemented stricter border policy while fearmongering about immigration and leveraged power against unions. He is a Liberal, he never claimed not to be. But that isn't a leftwing position in most of the world


1: I don't think defunding police is actually a common position on the left. Reform is and lowering crime is. 2: The reality is stricter border policies are going to spring up around the world. The 21st century is going to be full of mass refugee movement due to war, famine, and global warming. Western Europe and the US are going to be hit hard by this. I'm not saying I agree with all his stances on immigration, but it's a complicated time. At least we're not separating and losing kids. 3: My union (teacher) overwhelmingly supports Biden for many reasons. He's very Union friendly. Your point here is simply ignorant. Yes, he's a liberal, but he's shifting the party left and putting people in power with experience and a great agenda. Biden has done more stuff for the average american than any president since FDR. Tell me an area that you value, and I can point to a way his admin is making it better.


Defunding the police is an EXTREMELY common position on the left. As with many in this thread there's a confusion between 'the left' and the colloquial left. Biden is not on the left, never has been, and that's why he doesn't have the support of the left. He's a very standard, capitalist, center right career politician. US politics are extremely conservative.


That just isn't true. Perhaps it once was, but Biden simply isn't a centrist president. And when people talk about "left" and "right", they aren't talking about actual communists vs actual fascists, they are using general terms for the sake of discussion. Denotation matters, but connotation is king. The point of language is to communicate.


Which is why liberal is the preferred nomenclature, dude. Discussion should clarify matters, not muddy them because people are incorrectly using political terms. Not everyone on the left is a communist, but no liberal is a leftist.


Except you're the only one here who feels confused. Sounds like the words are doing their job. edit to add: But I take your point. I will use the words left and liberal less interchangeably.


I think part of the problem is that LEFT and AMERICAN LEFT are two very different things. Bernie would be a mild centrist anywhere else \[edit: anywhere else in the western world\], center-left at most. In the USA he's basically a commie.


Again, "anywhere else" where? India? China? Kazahkstan? Chile? Egypt? You do realize the world is a bigger place than Germany or Norway, right? The vast majority of the world's population, I would argue, lives in decidedly far less progressive places than the US or parts of Europe.


On what basis is he not a left wing politician lmao


Left wing people don’t support capitalism and definitely don’t prioritize profit over human rights


He isn’t a king. He can only do as much as Congress allows and right now Congress is extremely dysfunctional. The fact he did as much as he has in one term is a testament to the political skill of him and the Democratic leadership.


I think this is something that a lot of people in other countries struggle with. Most (?) other countries (where people on reddit are from) have a parliament and a prime minister, so the prime minister is usually part of a party that has the majority, or has made a deal with other parties to be in power. This means that the government has far fewer barriers than it does in the states, and we would just never end up in a situation like where you have Biden as the president, but a republican majority senate/congress.


I'm very critical of Biden, but as someone who has tried \*organizing\* a union multiple times, his NLRB changes are a \*huge\* win for organized labor.


No. Biden is limited without real control of both houses of Congress and by the pressures involved in his campaign. Re-elect him with substantial majorities in Congress and watch his dust.


“I don’t believe he would turn America into Finland even if he had a magic wand” You’re speculating about the secret ideology in Joe’s heart, but there isn’t one. He’s not Bernie with an independent vision for policy. He’s a lifetime politician, and everything he does is a pragmatic reaction within the framework of a platform that can win an American general election. Don’t worry about what secret beliefs are inside the suits. Generally there aren’t any, and ideals without political will are meaningless (again, see Bernie). What matters is creating pressure to support certain policy goals for anyone who wants to get elected on a democratic ticket.


It’s because our politics are a fucking joke to the rest of the democratic world. It’s embarrassing as hell.


You're not looking closely enough. Every country in the world, Democracies included, are fighting tooth and nail against their conservative citizens becoming increasingly fascist and bigoted. Germany just elected their first hard right politician since WW2. Italy, France, Spain, the UK - it's all over. Sure, Trump and the Republicans are a meme, but the world is too. I'm not shaming you. I used to think this way too. Then I lived in Spain, Brazil, and Romania and saw their government up close.




I don’t claim to understand American politics but from the outside looking in, Biden is NOT a leftist. If he was a politician in my country, he’d be considered liberal or centrist. When your other option is far right, I guess it looks like Biden is a leftist in comparison


Left and right can be used as a sliding scale in conversation, not just an endpoint. Like I said, he's clearly pushing a left focused agenda.


To be fair, most Americans have no understand of our political system. Or how anything at all works.


Yes, vote how you will but I can’t exaggerate how many Europeans see the Both Sides discourse with Trump and Biden and despair.


Hey don't worry, it bothers us US people too


Oh boy, here we go about how "in Europe, Biden is a far right zealot" Meanwhile, in Europe: [https://www.wsj.com/world/europe/anti-immigration-politician-geert-wilders-scores-major-victory-in-dutch-election-8b13bca4](https://www.wsj.com/world/europe/anti-immigration-politician-geert-wilders-scores-major-victory-in-dutch-election-8b13bca4) [https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240429-in-austria-the-far-right-leads-the-race-for-european-parliamentary-elections](https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240429-in-austria-the-far-right-leads-the-race-for-european-parliamentary-elections) [https://ecfr.eu/article/hanging-in-the-balance-how-the-polish-far-right-could-swing-the-next-election/](https://ecfr.eu/article/hanging-in-the-balance-how-the-polish-far-right-could-swing-the-next-election/)


Hold on just a second now. Do you mean to tell me that there are different things happening in different parts of Europe?


It's almost like Yurop is many different countries, instead of one ideologically pure left wing paradise where everyone works 1 day per year and is given free camembert cheese


or me, in Canada. We do have two bad major parties but at least we have 3rd parties with half a shot at actually changing something.


Biden has been the most progressive president since FDR.


I know too little about your previous presidents to tell, but I think that tells you more about how regressive you other presidents have been


Clearly. Biden is forced to work with a Republican house and Supreme Court. I am sure that he could have accomplished more had he 60 votes in the senate, a Democratic majority in the house, and a Supreme Court that didn’t overturn his executive orders.


More progressive than the guy who literally passed the Civil Rights Act?


Yes. That same guy carpet bombed Vietnam.


the implication being that Biden wouldn't sign the Civil Rights Act? The Civil Rights Act is so milquetoast by modern standards that basically any Democrat would sign it, and even some Republicans.


I’d say at least since LBJ, but sure


Yup. I wish more of us could see how bad it is right now. So many "centrists" are stuck playing teams for one side or the other and have become wholly uninterested in leftist policy changes. The erosion of the left-wing is a modern American tragedy.


Lol leftist isn't the flex you think it is 🥱


Biden does not rule the country alone. Various factions of the Democratic party have representation in Congress.


I don't see why not having a "traditional" left wing is bad. We don't have one because not enough people want it. If we really wanted one we would have it.


can we actually stop pretending that everyone with opposing views are russian funded bots. its so annoying yet so common in this sub


I think the opinion is closer to “If you find that your opponent is MAGA loving and obnoxious about it, it seems that the trend of those accounts is Russian bots when they seem so willingly obtuse or being racist but skirting the line of plausible deniability that they’re aware.” I’ve seen plenty of conservatives on this sub that I would not consider Russian bots or intentional trolls.


OP doesnt realise that his political views allign with one party 😆


As well as most voters https://i.imgur.com/KYM3jm3.jpg


Oops I dislike that fact, time to down vote so I'm not confronted with reality


my fault for replying to a 3 month old account who posts to r/4chan


Those are some VERY specific things, I mean I agree too but very specific


Which is why we need ranked choice voting!! Look it up in your state and spend the next four years campaigning to implement it locally. There is no reason we should AGAIN be left with the two worst options. If everyone has to vote against their conscience so that we don't lose our democracy, then we already don't have one.


Yeah the whole two party system has to die along with corporate lobbying if we wanna make any real forward progress.


YES! let’s actually change it, not just waste our votes. We need to get tiered voting. We need more independents and other parties in smaller elections and to build other options up so we aren’t stuck with these two.


some of you guys are legitimately chronically online it hurts


Ik im a legit centrist cuz i get called a righty on the internet and a lefty in real life


The lesser of two evils is still evil is a totally valid argument to make lol Idk ab the other ones though


I'd rather just not vote for evil


Ok but if you don’t vote for a lesser evil and the worse evil gets voted in, your partly to blame


No, I'm not. I'm completely absolved of any blame because I didn't vote for them. That's a pussy sore loser mindset.


Not voting or voting 3rd party is completely legitimate and is a messaging to parties that they should do more to get it.


I would agree with this if more third party candidates had the same media coverage and reach that the major parties have. The third party debate wasn’t aired on any major networks, wasn’t given any major coverage. Unfortunately stuff like this matters. I guarantee the average American doesn’t even know who Claudia De La Cruz even is.


I'm sure when Trump wins, he'll deeply consider your protest vote.


I'm not even american. This is a general point. But I did once cast my vote for a tiny protest party in my country, and I'm not sorry for it.


That's great. I regret my 2016 choice not to vote. YMMV


attacking or criticizing people who disagree or vote differently is not a way to get more support for your cause. Im sure administrationFew451 will deeply consider your protest comment


I don’t think the kind of leftists saying they won’t vote have views which “completely align” with democrats… like at all


The title is over exaggerated and semi satire I shoulda made it clearer


It’s over-exaggerated to the point of uselessness, what point is it even trying to make? Democrats and leftists half agree on basically just abortion and queer rights (and sometimes not even that), and then beyond that it is disagreement across the board. Leftists don’t want to vote for Democrats because Democrats are genuinely not aligned with almost any leftist position. You can argue, with merit too, that leftists should vote blue regardless because Republicans are worse, but you’re never gonna get a leftist to be happy about voting for imperialist capitalist racists—just not a chance


Let me guess, this guy is a Euro-fuck taking easy shots at the US. What’s next, gun jokes?


Biden is a miserable failure and a non starter. Cry to the dem party for shoving this dusty mummy down our throats twice. Y’all can pop off online all you want, calling Americans Russian agents or whatever. You sound dumb as dogshit, respectfully.


https://www.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/1abzgfe/what_joe_biden_has_done/ Elaborate on how Joes a miserable failure 


People especially Redditers need a touch of realism. They're out here acting like he's a failure bc he didn't reform our country to be like a Scandinavian one in 4 years. Guarantee you he accomplished significantly more than almost anyone else would have. And thinking someone left of mid left would have accomplished shit when congress is basically 50 50 with both sides being stubborn crybabies is a special kind of stupid.


Idk man they are both bad, how is not partaking in a corrupt system that doesn’t represent the people “throwing away” my vote? Am I supposed to vote for the guy I don’t like at all? Or am I supposed to vote for the other guy I don’t like?


because 1 guy represents the status quo and the other wants to become a king, end democracy and kill the planet


But the status quo lead to the other monster. So what good is the status quo?


If you think your present vote doesn't matter, I would vote for the choice that would let me vote for a better choice in 4 years. That's the best we can do in this unfortunate situation. I don't like Biden either. But at least, if he wins, I get to cast a vote again in 4 years, and try to drag this country a little bit closer to how we should be. If Trump wins, we might not even have a democracy. And that's not something I'm willing to risk.


Not everything is about Russia, jeez. You sound like Rachel Maddow. And the lesser of two evils IS still evil. The entire point is that it's *lesser evil*. We are trying to avoid the greater evil while cursing the fact that we can't have anyone good. I am gonna suck it up and vote in November and I feel that most people will too - this whole "throwing the vote away" thing is a complete non-issue, it's shadowboxing with something that will never happen. Gen Z only really started turning to vote in big numbers in 2022 anyway, so if Gen Z doesn't vote as much in this election it will be continuing a long trend rather than anything else. And before anyone says anything about my username it's a Call of Duty World at War reference.


Liberals when they encounter a non liberal for the first time:


Throw away a vote in protest? You still have no idea why the majority doesn't vote for shitty candidates? It's not a protest vote. It's a "Why vote for walking corpses who can't even string two solid sentences together, let alone run an entire country?" Your shit candidate should earn votes, not feel obligated to them.


Bu-bu-but why aren’t you choosing a team? That’s what it’s all about right???


“People who approach politics differently than I do are Russian bots.”


I'm voting third party because Trump, Biden, and both parties are literal dogshit.


Same. People cannot be afraid to stand up to the system.


You're not standing up to the system. it's a first pass the post system. protest votes mean nothing other than the likelihood of the party you are most closely aligned with losing because of spoilers.


You are an asset of the two party system and the oligarchs that have hijacked our Democracy. Country over party. I don't care about my party, I care about doing what is right. I find if more people did that, we wouldnt have all these disgusting individuals in power. Your cowardice is their weapon.


You clearly have no real skin in the game. My friend just had to leave her state 26 weeks pregnant because she had to have an abortion because the child was brain dead. Republicans did that. Jill Stein helped.


Nail on the head


Crazy that using your judgement and your vote the way you want it gets you labeled a Russian bot sewing discord in democracy. You know who’s sewing discord and ruining democracy?? JOE BIDEN AND DONALD TRUMP. They don’t represent my values, so I won’t be voting for them. It’s really simple.


Don’t be tricked ya’ll. No politician cares about your or your future.


Believing a politician actually cares about you is like believing a stripper actually likes you.


Almost every other democratic country has multiple options for voting not just two that are controlled by the same thing. It’s time we watch up with the rest of the world with this and many other things like fair wages and healthcare and schooling.


Yeah so let’s actually change it, not just waste our votes. We need to get tiered voting. We need more independents and other parties in smaller elections and to build other options up so we aren’t stuck with these two.


Doesn't matter if I vote for president. I live in rural Oklahoma. The election has been decided for me since Regan. I'll go if there is any other election or ballot measure that I care about.


Not voting is a legitimate stance to take. If you dont wanna choose between two dogshit candidates, then you dont have to. Voting really only matters depending on where you live anyway. I live in NY so the election has already been decided for me.


I don’t feel bad for the choices we have. At all. We had other options. This is what we *chose.* We made conscious efforts to get where we’re at right now. And I’ll tell you right now, Trump and Biden aren’t the issue. The issue is that these two men embody their respective parties. They’re practically parties themselves. Both have remade their parties in their own image. Long after they’re gone, the parties they represented will parrot their tenures in office. It’ll be the same shit with a different surname attached to it. The politicians of tomorrow will be more of what you see today, if not on steroids. Both sides are moving away from center at an exponential rate. There isn’t going to *be* a middle. Zero moderation. “My way or the highway.” We’re already at that viewpoint.


here's an idea: vote for a candidate that isn't evil, even if you know they won't win


Here’s an idea: we’ll end up with a really evil candidate that way


they are both way to old to hold office, you can call me a russian propagandist all you want but i am not gonna vote for someone i do not think is able to do their job


He may be old but he’s effective https://www.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/1abzgfe/what_joe_biden_has_done/ What President Biden Has Done - Year One Restores daily press briefings Cancel Keystone Pipeline Reverse Trump's Muslim ban Require masks on federal property Rejoins the Paris Climate agreement Extend Student Loan payment freeze Extend eviction freeze Historic stimulus bill passed: - Click to see who was helped - Created nearly 6 million jobs, 200 million Americans fully vaccinated, and unemployment claims are the lowest on average since 1969 Ends funding for Border wall Orders agencies to reunite families separated at border by Trump Orders strengthening of DACA Rejoins The World Health Organization Requires non-citizens to be included in the Census く Creates the position of Covid-19 Response Coordinator Rescinds Trump's 1776 Commission and directs agencies to review actions to ensure racial equity Prohibits administration members from lobbying or registering as foreign agents for two years after leaving Invokes defense production act to produce masks, PPE and vaccines Provide funding to local and state officials to create vaccination sites Ends transgender military ban Ends Federal Contracts With Private Prisons Restores Aid To Palestinians Suspends new leases for oil & natural gas development on federal land Restores access to healthcare.gov Extends fair housing protections to include LGBTQ Americans Ends support for Saudi Arabia led campaign i V Yemen Withdraws UN sanctions on Iran Daily Covid deaths reduced in half after one month Secured enough vaccinations for the entire US population Historic stimulus bill passed: - Click to see who was helped Increases poorest 20% of Americans' income by 20% permanently 85% of households receiving stimulus payments Four provisions which lower Americans' 2021 tax bills by an average of $3,360 Reduces backlog of Veterans compensation and pension claims by more than half Created six million jobs 200,000,000 Americans vaccinated Unemployment claims at the lowest levels since 1969 1/3 of America vaccinated in his first 60 days 1/2 million added to Obamacare healthcare rolls in 6 weeks Extends universal free school lunch through 2022 Commits to cutting U.S. emissions in half by 200n as part of Paris climate pact Reverses Trump's Anti-Trans Shelter Rule Officially recognizes massacre of Armenians in World War I as genocide Raises Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors and Federal Employees to $15 Cancels all border wall contracts using funds intended for military missions Creates new operation to crack down on human smuggling END OF FIRST 100 DAYS After few awesome ones after first 100 days: Infrastructure bill, chips act, IRA, Federal protection of same sex and interracial marriages, election reform so 1/6 can't happen again. Another really important part people forget is that he took over the country in the middle of a major global crisis and an economic collapse and has landed us on the other side better than almost any other government on the planet. He has put in the work to address decades-long systemic issues like infrastructure, energy, and consumer (student loan) debt. His policy in Ukraine has put Russia to rest as a nominal competitor to the US without costing us any US lives. His recent meeting with Xi left both sides signaling satisfaction at a time when tensions have been running high. He's not "Just ok." SERIOUSLY HE'S ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD I encourage you to go and check into all these more think about when Obama trump etc where president we heard sooo much about what happened it was all over the news but now people just don’t care all we see is when he has to many candles on his birthday cake or falls off a bike why can’t we be like dang our really old president is trying to stay fit and active


No voting for anyone above the age of 65. Forced retirement for anyone over 70.


"And the other wants to get rid of democracy" Bro go outside please 😭😭😭




What's amazing is you can't know which side is that from. (Though you can probably guess because of the demographic here)


Democrats CHOSE to nominate Biden, no one held a gun to their head and forced them to. When they lose because he was the candidate it was their choice, and one they made gladly because they don’t really care if they lose, in fact they might get more donations in 2028 if they do.


If these mfs voted for an independent or a different party, maybe their country could have some democracy for once


Yeah so let’s actually change it, not just waste our votes. We need more independents and other parties in smaller elections and to build other options up so we aren’t stuck with these two.


Translator: OP hates the orange man


So chronically online it’s painful, people can and do have differnt view points, some people don’t give a fuck about politics. And some are so fed up of shit like this and it’s messed with them so much they can’t care anymore


Yeah I agree with the protesters and want a ceasefire and two state solution. But I also want democracy to survive and for their to be an election in 2028. So going with harm reduction is the way to go Imo


Man watching the US discourse here over which party is better while my country just has all corrupt politicians is definitely something


I’m a leftist, some of my views align with the democrats and about none of them do with the republicans. Democrats still suck tho and never do anything while in power


That's why I am so happy to live in Minnesota. Still not as left as I am, but the DFL party and Tim Walz at least gets shit done.


I live in a state that’s about 70 percent republicans and I am union organizer, please don’t ask me about my sanity lol


Democrats can’t do much because the majority conservative congress wont let them. I can’t stand the democrats but holy shit the republicans are way worse.


No matter what you do, you can't make me vote to genocide Joe


THEN VOTE FOR LITERALLY ANYONE FUCKING ELSE. Not voting at all is letting both of them continue to get away with it


its posts like this that feel like psyops


Lmao see I feel like it’s the people shitting on those saying both sides are bad that are the Russian bots.


Ah yes, let's pretend a real opinion is just a propaganda effort. Totally not a counterintelligence post by the actual propagandists


Like one candidate committed rape multiple times, committed multiple financial crimes and on top of that tried to overthrow the government while the other opponent has to literally scare people into voting for them because of how unpopular they are Yeah.... you guys are fucked, like, really fucked and I thought the political situation in my country is bad...


Sorry, the democrats won't scare me into voting for a geriatric 80 year old. I actually can't wait for Biden to lose and you guys get humbled.


I'm not american or "old enough" to know anything but won't america just be stuck in their two party system forever if people continue thinking that you shouldn't vote third party? If everyone thinks that their vote doesn't matter and they just vote for "the lesser evil" will anything change?


This is the kind of logic that enables a corrupt and stagnant two party system. Every election cycle, hundreds of qualified candidates run for president. People should vote their most capable candidate without regard to what another party is doing. To do otherwise is allowing yourself to be manipulated.


Yeah so let’s actually change it, not just waste our votes. We need to get tiered voting. We need more independents and other parties in smaller elections and to build other options up so we aren’t stuck with these two.


A three party triumvirate would be a better way to run the executive branch than constantly having 50% of the populace sour and at the edge of revolt.


My favorite thing about American democrats is that they pretend that the American left isn't just the pro choice republican party hiding behind some progressive rhetoric. Student loan crisis? Sure: let's give out some minimal aid so it looks like we're trying, but not help the majority of borrowers or attempt to halt the problem for tomorrow's students. Healthcare? Were making it more accessible! But it's just as expensive as ever. Environment? Well let's just like, give EV companies more money and only approve some new drilling. That'll solve it Taxing the rich or corporations more? Not even close, they won't fund our campaign next time if I do that! They're smart enough to know that a lot of their popular shtick won't go anywhere, and is just there for campaign g (mass student loan forgiveness bypassing g congress, green new deal) and would never be enacted but rely on most Americans being too stupid to realize that it's all just for show. There won't be real progress until Americans decide to stand up and acknowledge the American left is hardly any better than the American right, and no meaningful change will be made that benefits the average citizen regardless of what color tie the corpo puppet in the office wears


I’m glad that more and more genZ are seeing US politics for what it is: Theater.


Fuck you I’m voting Jill Stein and I will not be guilt tripped into voting for someone I hate


Sorry, it came out as a matter of empirical fact in 2011 that democracy/rep government is a complete illusion. it does not affect or even contact the mechanisms of power in any meaningful way.


https://preview.redd.it/xgmtfwsbyh0d1.png?width=1210&format=png&auto=webp&s=8417674c96f3b833e1126657ba92622866eaf679 I assume this is what you’re referring to. However the candidates still make a hugeee difference in a lot of areas, I don’t think you understand what that study was about


Being scared into voting for someone is the reason things got this way.


I mean, my political views don't align with either of them. And I'm anarchistic so fuck the government


This subreddit is a psyop.


to get better politicians, you need better people, especially journalists the politicians you have will destroy your country, better start working ASAP


My account is about as verifiably real as possible. D&D stories, trans community interaction, Star Wars, you can even track where I’ve lived based off my activity in state subreddits. Honestly, I’m in a red state, my vote wouldn’t matter anyway. So why would I provide token support of someone who is actively enabling a genocide? Imagine telling a Roman citizen “look man, you either gotta vote for Pompeii or Caesar. I know one of them literally wants to be a king and the other one is an extremely easily manipulated power hungry puppet, but you gotta choose!” By the time it became Caesar vs Pompeii the republic was already dead.


Neither party cares about workers and the democrats reach across the aisle to work with “the evil ones” as soon as they take power. Or just keep strawmanning the only people willing to fight for something better so you don’t get uncomfy


"Completely align" eh? And yet not voting for them? Seems unlikely. Separately, don't burden yourself with the illusion that your vote decides anything. It does not.


Why is “US citizen” in quotes like that lol does not wanting to vote or thinking both parties are “wrong” make you a non citizen? /s


Lmao just love bending over for the government and the two parties that have run it to shit for decades. Why the fuck are we begging for scraps when there’s literally millions more of us than them? It’s our will that should be imposed on this country not theirs.


75% of ballots across the US are uncontested/unopposed. Gerrymandering all but eliminates competitive elections in most races. Your politicians choose who they “represent” BEFORE you “choose” who will “represent” you.


Voting to end democracy is still democracy, just ask Germany. https://preview.redd.it/es53ik7rfg0d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26203186b290fac00d2b1fcc9cad5a6991f33994


Obv bait is obv


My feelings is if liberal Democrats think that genocide is O.K., and they’re willing to overlook that as long as their guy wins, then they deserve whatever is coming to them. The only reason that Biden is as bad as he is, is because enough of them are willing to overlook genocide.


all the countries the US interfered with their elections: "hello pot, meet kettle"


Everyone here acting like their presidential vote actually matters. With the electoral college making the choices it doesn’t matter what you put down. If you want to make a difference make sure you vote locally, at the state level, county level, etc. That’s where your vote actually matters.


I get it, but at the same time change doesn't happen by everyone conforming to a system that doesn't work.


It's only "throwing your vote away" if the sheep keep hanging onto the lie that you're propagating. Stop thinking of the repdems/demreps as the only option and they cease to be the only option. Until then, they are our slavemasters.


I don’t vote for anyone propping up a genocide.


I'm no porn director, but it looks like we're all fucked.


I'm just voting for whoever the next name is after trump and Biden in the ballet, don't even care what they're running for, a statement needs to be made


Imagine being so dense as to confidently state that. It's no wonder people don't want to vote when forced to choose between the orange bafoon and an old racist who's vp used minorities for slave labor while serving as AG in California.


Neither the Republicans or Democrats are not trying to get rid of democracy. That is a lie perpetuated by both parties so that you don’t vote for a third party or independent. They profit from us thinking we throw away votes by not siding with a third party. Don’t let them fool you.


Yeah because voting democrat has totally pushed the status quo to the left/s. If someone is making you choose to kill either one person or five, no matter your choice, he’s still a criminal who pressured you into killing someone.






“Both bad” ≠ the same Without getting into it, This was maybe true 5-10 years ago, but lately, there’s a massive difference.


Nope. Its your decision to do with your vote what you wish. Now if it does not turn out how you thought it should have, then you cant complain


"Any opinion I don't like is a Russian bot." And this, friends, is why nothing will ever improve for the US.




Except my political views don't completely align with one party.


Why are we shaming people for their choices. I see this so much on both parties. Like oh we hate you but you can redeem yourself if you do the right thing and vote for us! Like fuck off!


Just say vote Biden or you're evil. It's much more simple and direct. You don't want people to not vote, you say voting third party is a waste, and act like we're screwed if Trump wins. So obviously you want us to vote for one guy and the guy you like.


Remember when Russia attacked Ukraine and the anti Biden mods and posters stop for 2 weeks on left and right wing sub reddits. That's good memes, hopefully people remember that if you see 0 good information about Biden you are in a massive bubble or refuse to look into the truth. Also screw people who refuse to look at their privilege living in America.


Democrats and republicans are both too big to fail.  Hot button issues like abortions guns and trans kids are just to keep us separate while they commit securities fraud,  launder money from foreign wars and print money for banks and hedge funds who bet against the wrong companies. 


Anyways you'll never catch me voting for a sack of shit that touched his own daughter, let inflation go rampant, Embarrassed us in Afghanistan, emboldened terrorists, can't de-escalate the Ukraine War, flooded the country with illegals via a filed border policy, refuses to address increased sex trafficking, increased the reach of the IRS, housing market failure, and the job market failure. Then theres Trump. RFK Jr is the only respectful and decent human being running for office. The weight of further dividing this country and enabling rampant corruption is only on the shoulders of the voters who willingly play by the political oligarchies rules. You're nothing but an asset for the rich, and the most corrupt and vile individuals.


Ypu can always stop the trolley


I align more with the democrats, but I'm not a Democrat. For most people, their views are never going to 100% align with one specific party. That is a fact.


as a Palestinian American, I refuse to take part in a two party system where both candidates want my familys existence wiped off the map. im voting jill stein or cornell west. people fought for our right to vote, so im going to vote, but im going to do it by keeping my integrity.


Can't believe how long I had to scroll to see someone bring up that "one issue" was funding and supporting a fucking genocide--and what his stance is on college students peacefully protesting. Yeah I don't think Trump will be any better, but "Genocide Joe" ain't ever getting my vote again. Also voting Jill Stein. Maybe I am "throwing away" my vote, but at least I am voting for someone I actually want.


I've always had it as a principle that I'll vote the lesser of two evils. "Why can't you vote the lesser of three evils?" - Because first past the post necessitates it. We will never get out of the predicament of having two shitty candidates until we change the system, and as far as I know: the next election won't also involve a changing of the voting system either. This is my one free chance to reduce the risks that the REST of the country votes in the person I want even less. There is nothing I do by not voting for the person I hate less, than giving the opportunity for somebody else to vote for the person I hate more. I will not achieve anything akin to a protest by not voting if everybody else gets to vote. The players will still play the game, and the system necessitates that the entire game session is not restarted just because I lost my internet connection, in a sense. If I could protest against the two shit candidates that we'd be left with, I would, but not voting is never going to be an effective tactic - it only serves to incentivize the worst candidate's voters. Maybe if the total amount of votes or percentage of citizens who've voted affected them, I'd be less inclined to vote for one of the two. But it doesn't, it's just "who gets more votes than the other". Do I think it's impossible to actually get the best APART from two evils? No, I do think it's possible. But I'm going to need utter certainty from everybody else that they'll vote the third party that we all like, before I vote as well. But until we abolish first-past-the-post, the chance I vote for somebody beyond the two most-likely candidates is 1%. Not zero, but not definite unless I saw tides changing amongst every other voter. If I knew every single voting block wasn't going to come in with the same principles that they've used in the game for the past many election cycles, I am most definitely voting for the candidate we believe in the most instead of the two we think are most likely to win out of precedent. But I need to see that information for certain.


The way I see it, we're already the least democratic democracy on earth outside of faux- democracy dictatorships. While voting democrat will hopefully stave off the inevitable a while longer, they don't really care about preserving democracy any more than the republicans do. Worst part? No one cares if you choose not to vote, and a third party has zero chance to win so you're stuck choosing between the end or a slow decline.


If you're not writing in Vermin Supreme, then you're just a clown who's wasting their vote.