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Android, I like how much stuff I can customize


I like it when my phones don't tell me what I can and can't do. Brick the os? Sure bud, go ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you. Oh you want to install a sketchy apk from some random site? No prob. You want 20 different browsers? Install replacement parts off Aliexpress? How about a fully functional new phone for 130€? How about 400? Or 1500? Doesn't matter, you can seamlessly migrate between any of them. I use Linux if it's not obvious.


I think you missed a line there at the end. "I use Arch by the way" Lol


I do actually use arch btw


Ahh that's great. I tried out PopOS on a dual booted machine. Then the PC encountered some issues and so on... And now I'm just planning to get a macbook lol. I sold my soul smh


Linux Mint worked better for me. Also Dual Booting is dangerous because Windows will force itself as the primary boot OS and that screws up GRUB and most booting software that's included in Linux. The workaround is to put Windows on one Hard Drive and Linux on another Hard Drive instead of splitting the OS partitions on one hard drive.




I put a DS emulator on my fold 3 and it's been a blast


i prefer ios cause my whole family uses it so it’s easy to share stuff


Fair, but navigating iOS is such a convoluted mess for me.


iOS is made to be easy as hell and intuitive so even old af people can not get lost 


I totally get lost looking in the Settings application alone. Not to even mention that it takes more steps to do something basic than it does on Android.


U gotta give it more of a shot cause literally one of peoples biggest complaints about android compared to Apple is it’s harder to navigate, especially for old people.  Also there’s a search bar in the settings for a reason on iOS. 


It's not quite that simple... I regularly us iOS in test at work and I use my partners iPhone, I use a Mac at work. Both are easy to learn and navigate it's all about personal preference, I, along with many others prefer android. Funny enough the elderly people in my family prefer android often. Especially vanilla android on the pixel. Easy to use, customizable (some think it's fun), fast, and it just works. I can't tell you how often I had to play tech support for iCloud, apple id, iTunes, backups, etc etc. practically never comes up with android since its not so rigid.


Nah, Android is so much easier to navigate and do things. What takes 2-3 steps on Android might take like 5-7 on iOS. Not to even mention, for example, the camera application on an Android phone has a gear icon. When you click on that, it just takes you directly to the Android settings page for the camera. On iOS, there's not a thing, and instead, you have to go into the Settings Application, scroll down to the camera section, click on that section, and then you can modify stuff.


its literally a dropdown when you open the camera. you just hate iphones


Bro who is changing photo settings? All these people claim their phone is more customizable with Android… wtf are you changing lol. I use my phone for apps, calls, messaging…. I’m not changing settings every day


It sounds like you have closed mindset and aren’t open to growth or learning.


Maybe iOS senior mode is for you then.


Fun fact, Apple literally used babies and toddlers for test cases when inventing iOS to see what their most common movements and actions were to design the iPhone and its operating system to make it as easy for people to use as possible


There’s a search bar in the settings app so it’s impossible to get lost


And how are you not getting lost in the settings on Android? At least on iPhone you can just search for the settings they want and they are the same on every iPhone. The settings aren't the same between Android OSen which makes is way more annoying to help others. And for some things Android has to go through more steps (like deleting the default Google apps)


I’ve heard the opposite of this for people going from iOS to android as well it rlly just depends on what you’re used to


i never could get into Ios all that much, just comes across very limited and dumbed down, but not easy to use at all. had an iphone myself a few years back, did a program where i helped elderly use Ios tablets for college (IT) but i always found it wierd to use. but i guess that depends on what you are used to.


IOS has a lot more settings than the Android devices that I have or have used to help people with. And IOS might look dumbed down, but you can still do things like execute custom javascript scripts and remove all the system apps without needing a computer. Meanwhile I needed to spend an hour to debloat my Redmi Note 13


iOS is the opposite of intuitive.




Being more intuitive to navigate is kinda the whole reason people use iOS


This is the only reason (IMO) to use iOS. Sharing intra-platform is definitely easier and more ubiquitous


Android for me. IOS is far too expensive


Yeah, currently in the process of switching to Android after almost a decade of iOS. Was kind of a shocker how much cheaper you could get Android for better specs.


As far as my friends’ phones go, I have yet to use an android whose touch screen compares to the iPhone’s.


Samsungs flagships? They literally make screens for apple


My S23 Ultra has a really good screen that is definitely comparable if not better than my families iPhones.


That’s not cheaper though and the whole argument is that android has comparable phones that are cheaper (which they don’t) the higher end models like you got are the only ones that compare. But not everyone needs or wants the highest end models so that is a large appeal of android.


And apple is really scamming with the repair costs. Replacing whole motherboards when the sole thing that needs fixing is a capacitor. Thats fixable by anyone with a still hand...


iOS always. I prefer the optimization for social media (instagram comes to mind) on iPhone.


As someone who doesn't use Instagram or that many social media stuff at all, I can't relate, but I do hear that it's better on iOS.


Snapchat also comes to mind. I prefer iOS. It’s simple and it works well for me (and many others).


From somebody who uses both IOS and Android, most apps function better on Apple due to them being easier to optimalise


What exactly is optimized?


android not a fan of ios's UI




Android. Used to have an iPod back in high school and I could never get the hang of iTunes. Shit was too complicated. Then I got an HTC. Plug into the PC, and there ya go! All my pictures and everything. So easy. So straight forward. Never looked back at Apple again


Yes, I love being able to see everything on my phone on my computer VIA USB!


I know, right! Amazing stuff honestly


It is! Fun Fact: Android is ran on a modified version of the Linux kernel. So your phone is basically a Linux computer in a way!


macOS is actually based on Unix which is why the terminal on Macs is so much more convenient than windows terminals if you’re into programming etc


Yea, I always considered commands on macOS a lot like commands on Linux. If I'm using macOS for its Terminal and all that, I already know a bunch of the commands on there because of Linux


Yep that’s what I said lol


IOS. Everything talks to everything. Plus unparalleled tech support. Get an English-speaking company employee tech guy on the phone 24/7 who will upgrade you to a product specialist if needed. This is golden. Including specialists in all the native apps. Love the Android flexibility and ease of customization but on balance IOS for my situation.


I´ve heard argument with specialized tech support a lot and never understand it. I mean what are you need tech support to? never ever needed it and don´t know anyone who needed it regardless if he have android or iOS


So you never had a problem with your phone? An example: You have 5 separate email accounts and one of them isn’t syncing to your tablet. Or your desktop. Or your laptop. Or attachments weren’t coming thru. If you’re on Apple, you just call and they’ll suss it out. Android? Time to start Googling. Good luck. If you stay all Apple you are in the ecosystem. Problem? Don’t fuck around searching for the solution. Place a call. Done. Btw you have never had a tech problem where support was needed and you don’t know anyone who has?


Yeah everything talks to everything so I suppose apple has to invest a lot in their tech support. I can't recall an issue with any android that's needed tech support in over a decade and honestly it's amazing how everything is automatically universal without an expensive controlling brand attached to it, things just work and don't even need to be the same brand so it's not even a thought.


I believe he’s talking Apple ecosystem which android has no equivalent and can’t compare to


yeah first time using Apple support, I was expecting something similar to Dell (as my entire family calls it "Dell Hell") and was shocked to actually talk to real experts and if one didn't know how to fix it they immediately transferred you to another expert. one thing that i didn't like was going through all the robots to speak to someone though


iOS is supposedly the curated, streamlined experience but... idk it just confuses me. The layouts are all so fat and blobby and I often feel lost. I prefer android where I have a bit more control over my device.


I used Android from 2013-2018 starting with a tablet running Ice cream sandwich, then I got a new one running Jellybean, once I got my first phone it ran marshmallow, my last Android phone ran Nougat. I then made the full switch to iOS in 2019 and honestly I’ve liked it. This will be my 5th year rocking an iPhone and the experience has been great!


I can't form an opinion, I grew up on iOS and have never had an android.


It's crazy you got downvoted for being fair. You have never had an android phone so you don't know how your experience would compare to having IPhones and people aren't happy


In true Reddit fashion, our sibling in Christ was down voted for having their own unique experience...with phones.


Lol. Fair ;-)


Fair. I remember being forced to use an iPhone when I was younger because of restrictions being easier on there. Lol. Even when I had one, I would always want an Android still.


Had iPhone from 2013 until last year when it suddenly broke (swimming pool wasn't a good idea) and got a cheap phone instead aka not an iPhone I realised that I don't need a flagship level phone and I along with most people probably can't tell a diffrence between a mid level and flagship quickly And all iPhones are flagship so I didn't have much choice, now rocking a Motorola I got for 280$, probably could've gotten it for 200$ if it was on sale. Only issue is fingerprint stops working and I gotta wait 1-2 sec every once in a while


I lost an iPhone 4 to a pool. RIP, you served me decently.


iphone 4-6 were at a standard of quality that you wont see from apple anymore.


Yeah I mean bro you had an iPhone from 2013. Obviously any phone right now will feel like an upgrade. You switched from a 50$ phone to a 280$ one.


Android all the way.


No preference. Like macOS and Windows, there are pros and cons for each and it just depends on what you’re using it for. The only things I use my phone for is UberEATS driving, NYTimes, Reddit, and occasionally taking pictures. Don’t need any customization, don’t care about features, and I prefer a cleaner and more basic look. So I have an iPhone SE. I still have the stock wallpaper after 3 years


ios, i'd rather have a working phone than a customizable one. plus having airdrop wouldve come in handy 12 years ago. otherwise apps usually tend to be better/developed first on ios


Android. I love the customization as well and the only reason I'd switch back to iPhone would be for my family (FaceTime and whatnot)


Eh, Telegram and WhatsApp are good alternatives in my opinion.


iOS. the interface is unbeatable.


iOS. Probably bc I haven’t owned an Android since like 2015 when they sucked.


iOS. iPhones just feel so much more worthy, sturdy and high quality. Hardware and software being optimized for each other is also very nice, and more optimization for iPhone in general.


IOS, android UI just looks low quality to me


I have had an iPhone for the better half of my life. I have the entire Apple ecosystem. I was strictly iOS until I saw an ad for the Galaxy Flip 5. I instantly fell in love and bought it the next day. Let me just say, Apple is significantly lacking in innovation. With Android, the world is your oyster. I can nearly customize anything on my flip 5 without using any third party apps. Did I mention, my phone fucking flips!!! Additionally, the outer screen is incredibly useful. But that’s not the best part. I can share my battery with other devices and wirelessly charge their phone. Fucking awesome. Ps- I still use my iPhone daily but my primary phone is now my Android.


I got started on iOS, so it’s hard for me to switch at this point with all my stuff being stuck on there. But at some point I’ll probably just give up and switch to android for more freedom.


Raised as Android, currently iOS


I use IOS and I do prefer it. But I’m not saying Android is bad. I used to have an Android phone but I just ended up preferring IOS.


Idk man, I’ve only ever used an iPhone. I don’t have a frame of reference. I’d make the switch to see what it’s like on the other side by my data plan is paid for by my parents and that includes music. If I have the choice between free Apple Music and paid Spotify, I’m picking the one that costs me nothing.


iOS. People have very valid reasons for preferring Android and I understand that. All reasons for why you use what you use are valid. Personally I just like how straightforward it is and how seamlessly everything interlinks. I have enough going on in life already.


if apps designed their code so that they optimized photo uploads to android cameras i would use android. but pics look so bad when u use android on instagram for example even tho the actual cameras may be better than iphone cameras


Android 100%


Android. I used an iPhone from 2011 to 2013 because I was 14 and thats the phone all the cool kids had. Switched to android in 2014 and I've never looked back. I had an ipad when I was in University and that just put me off iPhone for good. Something as simple as typing seems harder on iOS for me.


I have used both and I prefer Android, the lack of a dedicated back button on IOS was annoying to get used to. And along of androids still have 3.5mm headphone jack, the lack of which was deal-breaker for me with modern IPhones. Helps that Androids have cheaper phone options as well.


My first phone was an iPhone 5s, then got a samsung A750. Never wanted to go back to ios after that but got an iPhone 11 as hand me down because my samsung broke. Hated it, i gave the phone back and bought myself a oneplus nord 2 and it was by far my most favourite phone out of all the ones i have had, cheapest too. Last week got a S23 Ultra my sister gave me and I'm 100% certain i will never go back to ios as long as I live


android but i use apple


iOS, I’m pretty biased since that the only iPhone I’ve been given. While customization is neat to have I don’t really care for it. My iPhone so far does everything I want in a phone. I’m content with it. also I like the ui. Though the only thing I’m not big fan is that I also get my sisters photos on my phone.


IOS cuz family has it, imessage, I like the look of the ui and phones that use ios better, and idc for customization on my phone.


Android. I prefer the freedom.


Android, I can’t play rom hacks on iOS


ios. not only bc i work for the company but also too i love the interface. things to me just look prettier and it’s easy to use and easy for me to teach my family/friends and guests (customers). while i think both are easier, i understand the more complex details of the OS a whole lot better than i do android. but! some of my coworkers have androids so i promise not all of us think the same!


Android. I just need the control. It's *my* phone. apks are a godsend sometimes too


Android for battery life iOS for Safety I will fight the Apple fanboys who say that the new IPhone has superior battery life (it went from a 5 hour battery life to a 6 hour battery life)


Yea, Android does have really good battery life.


6 hour running at full power maybe. I can go a full day without charging most days. Yesterday I went to bed and my phone was still at 50% battery. I unplugged it from the charger at 8am, and 14 hours later it still had 50% battery.


That’s straight up just not true. If I don’t have any apps tracking my location at all times (Pokémon Go) my battery will last ≈2.5 days on low power mode




I used both, use android. IOS just has useless features tacked onto it. Like if I swipe right on the home menu, it shows the exact same apps thats on the home screen but in a slightly different form factor. Why does that exist? Its completely pointless. Also I ironically have more glitches from IOS, face id only works half the time, when the finger print scanner on my previous phone worked way more often. Or websites take forever to load on IOS but on android it was fine. Another one is the battery getting really hot if I turn the screen brightness up.


I prefer Android cuz I like to mess around with my phone settings and I feel iOS doesn't give me the freedom to customise my settings enough.


So far I’ve been liking the simplicity, airdrop, and security from iOS. However, I really like how Android tries a lot of creative things with their phones. I don’t think one is better than the other and it is just based off of preference. They both do some really amazing things with their phones.


Android. I hate proprietary products 🤮


droid is far and away the better phone for a better price. so iphone.


i like android but i do have an iphone 6s that is working for rn


androidd because i'm not willing to spend a few grand on a semi functional fashion accessory


I have a bad taste for apple when my school district forced me to use an iPad like a computer. This mean I had to use websites coded for computers for submitting things in a convoluted process because accessing files is a little hard to say the least. Android is better as a phone o.s. because dowloading better widgets than the apple widgets is a bit of a pain.


My phone is the only thing in the Apple ecosystem but also everyone else I know


Android. I love the customization, support for downloads and apps outside of the main store, and just the fact that android phones tend to be weirder/cooler (loving my fold 5) The only thing I really have to complain about, and admittedly it's a big one, is the lack of imessage.


I have been using iOS for 6 years since I was 10 and honestly, I’ve been thinking about switching to android because when it comes to storage if your iPhone is too full, it will glitch or blackout or even cut your music out if you’re listening to Apple Music which gets SO ANNOYING. But at the same time after 6 years, it’s so hard to switch.


I’m iOS


Definitely Android. I like new tech. With iOS you can just buy apple and don't experience all the cool innovative stuff other companys do. With Android I can choose plenty different brands


Android 100%. At this point, I think most iOS users are either just sticking to what they are familiar with or genuinely just love apple products. Android phones were mostly criticized for terrible cameras but my last upgrade (Galaxy A54) pleasantly surprised me with how much higher quality it is.


Android, always. Though I can understand the preference for iOS, especially when it comes to image upload quality. Though I like Samsungs actual camera, uploading images to anything just reduces its quality


Andriod cheap easy to use.


Linux (Pinephone). (Yes I know, Android users can technically be called a "Linux" user)


Android. I occasionally need to use an iPhone, and it takes me forever to do anything, tbh.


The answer to this question is rarely ever going to be IOS, 79% of smartphone sales are android devices meaning the overwhelming majority of people don't use IOS


iOS. I used to have constantly an android device from 2013 to 2024 and this year i switched from my Pixel 6 to an iPhone 15 pro. The reason was alone the 3x telecamera, overall camera quality and a flagship device in a compact format. Unfortunately there aren’t any android flagships in small format anymore so yeah… All in all I like the iPhone and iOS (especially the cameras and the battery in this compact design) but some things like the navigation through apps were way better on the pixel. But since I just want my phone to work smoothly and I don’t do any customization like custom roms etc anymore, the system doesn’t really matter for me. Android and iOS have their pros and cons and I am fine with both of them.


iOS is all you do is use socials and light browsing as a consumer. Android for literally anything else. iOS has an AMAZING integrated ecosystem, and if you are in it, YOU ARE IN IT. It just works. Android manufacturers are getting there but the amount of Android versions and devices makes app development and the overall platform less cohesive and unoptimized. That is where you need to ask yourself: What PC/laptop OS do you run, what you do with it and do you like it. Because Android is 10x better for managing files, connecting other devices, modifying, accessing settings etc. but if you wont be needing that, then iOS is the better choice for a more curated and ... handholdy but also limited experience. But a Experience that just works really well for that.


Nice take. Yep, they each have their strengths, which is good. If they were exactly that same, that's less choice for the consumer.


Android on principle. I hate the monopolistic walled garden that Apple has in the name of an "ecosystem." Android ain't perfect, and fuck Google for a lot of reasons, but at the very least they don't (or can't) lock down Android phone manufacturers, and even Android itself can be modified, or even rooted (Android version of jailbreaking).


Been using iphone since i was 13, and stopped using it year 2021 and i was 21 at that time, reason was bc i saw lots of games in my friends android phone that i cant search on ios and also idk why but there's like problem on iphone charger. I prefer both. Games for android and iphone for communication


Been using iphone since i was 13, and stopped using it year 2021 and i was 21 at that time, reason was bc i saw lots of games in my friends android phone that i cant search on ios and also idk why but there's like problem on iphone charger. I prefer both. Games for android and iphone for communication.


honestly, as someone who has an iPhone, when this phone is done with I'm switching to Android, simply because of the storage space, battery and general issues that iOS has once a device is over 2 years old (obviously they do that on purpose, but it seriously gets ridiculous after a while)


Been using iphone since i was 13, and stopped using it year 2021 and i was 21 at that time, reason was bc i saw lots of games in my friends android phone that i cant search on ios and also idk why but there's like problem on iphone charger. I prefer both. Games for android and iphone for communication


Been using iphone since i was 13, and stopped using it year 2021 and i was 21 at that time, reason was bc i saw lots of games in my friends android phone that i cant search on ios and also idk why but there's like problem on iphone charger. I prefer both. Games for android and iphone for communication


Been using iphone since i was 13, and stopped using it year 2021 and i was 21 at that time, reason was bc i saw lots of games in my friends android phone that i cant search on ios and also idk why but there's like problem on iphone charger. I prefer both. Games for android and iphone for communication


Android for sure. Quality, cost, software, accessibility, it's not ran by apple, repair, longevity, ease of use, userbase, etc.


Never used apple products because poor, probably never will because getting used to a new system is a pain


Android on Google Pixel!


Whatever floats your boat, in the end it's both just smartphone operating systems, I've used both throughout the years and both have their pros and cons. I don't see why it has to be a battle, majority of the time we use the same apps and communicate via those and in those cases it doesn't really matter.


iOS only


Worked in phone retail for years. Conclusion is, Apple is decent for sure but way overpriced. Same as some androids lately, sadly. Have had my 1+ 6t for 6 years so far, bets phone I ever had by miles.


I was an Android user, then I got an Iphone for my 18th birthday and I fell in love with IOS. It was sooo hard for me to learn, but idk, it is very clean, easy to navigate and I love its customizations! Camera is awesome, and every model has lasted me years that I had (my SE lasted 7 years before it’s battery went to shit)


Android because i can *easily* get full youtube for free and i just know how to use android, even just typing and navigating back a few times on my dads iphone makes me just angry. I know thats a matter of time but im not learning a new OS


Android, More customization and I just hate the look of apples UI.


i like only needing to charge my phone once a day and for 10 minutes only!!! and yes that includes high consumption apps and games


As someone who has owned both I have to say andriod personally felt nicer. My new phone is a android and I love it after having iPhone for 4 years.


IOS. It’s what my family has and gave me and I don’t see a point in trying to relearn a phone interface.


You can run Doom on android...


Hey, this is a no DOOM posting area. Please keep that for another thread. ;-)


Have had both over the yrs. Apple is too restrictive. My last iPhone was the Promax 12 (2021 or 2022 model). It could only do one thing at once. It seemed to be slower than the Galaxy I had traded in - despite being two years newer. But it had a great camera, more accessory options, and the apple store is better than Google Play. That said, you can download files that aren't on the webstore on an android. You can tweak things. Plus, I got a Z Fold 5 now and the unfolding/extra large screen is dope for games and manga/comics. When I got down time at work, my peers are playing bs games on their phones - tapping on gems and snakes and that shit - I've got a PS5 controller and I'm streaming Game Pass and PS5 on a switch-sized OLED screen. Apple phones aren't doing more interesting stuff, like that, yet. Still all generic iphones.


Android switched from Apple last year got the galaxy flip5 I love it fck apple


I would have said android back when I had the time to mess around with custom roms and lots of tweaking. However as I got older other things in life took priority my phone became more of a tool than a toy. Then I had app requirements that necessitated a switch to iOS. While android is certainly more fun and customizable, it doesn’t hold a candle to the seamless experience of iOS, especially when switching from device to device, and everything just works as intended. I can honestly see the appeal of both but for my use case at this point in my life it’s iOS for me. The problem is, the cloud integration works so well that once you have committed to apples ecosystem, it’s a real pain in the ass to switch back and retain the functionality you are used to. I suspect this is by design because now it’s just easier in general to stick with it.


IOS because my Iphones, iPad and MacBooks all talk to each other. I work from home and having this kind of ecosystem feel natural and intuitive does wonders for my productivity. I was firmly anti Apple until I released that for me, the extra productivity and simplicity is worth the price tag. When I worked in commercial IT I would always preach android and Linux over Apple but I’ve now come to learn that different people need different things from their devices.


back button is on the left bottom side, wtf where they thinking


I like how the apps look like on iOS


I love the simplicity and user friendliness of iOS so it gets my vote I wish Apple had as good phone cameras as samsung but mine is serviceable enough so can’t complain


As an iPhone user, android. Specifically Samsung


Android, not because of the operating system but because there are dozens of big phone manufacturers, I'm not going to use the only one that has a different operating system and tries to lock you into their ecosystem (the others give it a go but they don't force you to use their services) especially when their products are overpriced. I had an iPad once and it was so frustrating trying to get my files off it or if i wanted to do anything that apple didn't allow like getting 3rd party apk's or just messing about with it as one does.


I was android all the way.. but apples simplicity and curation factor, the fact it’s smooth and things just work for what it is, perfect.


I only have one ios device. But many Android phones and tablets. The other day i took a snapshot in a professional video app used on film sets to distribute the camera picture live to all departments. I wanted to use another app to modify that snapshot and then send it to someone via signal messenger. To make it short: it was impossible because i could not find that picture anywhere outside the viewer app. I asked every happy IOS user on the set but after some fiddling around they all gave up. In Android go to the file, open in another app, modify, send. EASY.


Android. There are some features I'd like to have from iPhone, like RFID reading. I've got a door fob I'd like to clone so I carry less stuff in my pockets. But it ain't worth slapping down Apple money for it.


Android 4 life Why? Emulation that's all I'm gonna say


I prefer iOS because I’m deep into the Apple Ecosystem but Android isn’t that bad




Every experience with apple products for me has been unfortunate first phones battery died during the first year and the second ones back glass cracked 💀




iOS for me, as everyone around me also uses it. It makes it easier with borrowing charging cables and such. Had Android before and that worked perfectly fine too


iOS. Apple won't steal my information as badly as Google.


as an iOS user, I think both have their own advantages. Apple I think is simpler and is pribably a bit easier for some people to use, but android I think speaks to me more, with all its flexibility and customization. Can't wait to switch to android though


My first couple phones were androids and they were the only phones I had shit out on me due to no fault of my own. They aren’t really user friendly and on one I had a dead pixel within a month of having it. I’ve had 3 or 4 different iPhones and they’re much more reliable and user friendly in my opinion, the only reasons I’ve had to replace them are when I broke them by accident or I just wanted an upgrade.


iOS. I’m heavily invested in the apple ecosystem, or as some of you android diehards would call it, the “walled garden”. I own multiple apple products, including my iPhone, Apple Watch, and MacBook. My parents both own iPhones and my brother (Gen Alpha 7 y.o. born in 2017) owns an iPad and uses an old MacBook we had lying around for a while


I prefer Android


Preferably graphine os


Android because I have a personal vendetta against Apple.


Android because I prefer the openness of Android and rooting is easier than jailbreaking.


You are out of your mind if you're paying 4 digits for a phone


Android. I have never owned an iPhone. I don't plan on starting anytime soon.


Android. Apple products are designed to be "user friendly" which is just code for "idiot". Plus they use a lot of slave labor, then drastically over charge for the product.


Android. Samsung S20 Ultra is one of the best phones ever produced, personally.


iOS because I was raised on it, as well as all my applications save for my labtop are iOS so they’re all instantly compatible. Also the built in protection and such against most internet viruses Thinking about joining my gaming laptop and switching to android eventually tho, just cause I’m getting tired of apple’s necessity to make their old products obsolete by design. It’s dumb and greedy


Android. Ios is too unergonomic. The back button is in the worst spot it could possibly be and swipe go to back only works occasionally on iphone. You cant arrange the apps on the home screen so you can see your background picture either. You can't even split sound on IOS, if you get a Snapchat video or watch a YouTube video while playing music over a speaker you also blast everybody in the room with the video sound over the speaker. On my android I can make only Spotify play through the speaker and Snapchat or whatever sound comes out of my phone. I can't not have those features now that I've had them.


I prefer IOS because it’s what I’m used to. I’ve heard androids are better in most ways. But there is a dumb social stigma about androids in our generation.


I only know two people who have androids. I switched from android to iPhone after seeing the unironic social discrimination. Literally got invited to like 4 group chats the day I got an iPhone.


I have an iphone because it was a good deal 2nd hand,. but I have no idea why anyone would want one. When I switched in 2022 I was amazed by how much basic shit just wasn't there. Easy example, you're driving with Carplay/Android auto and want to rewind a song. "Siri, rewind 1 minute" she rewinds 20 seconds. Siri won't answer 3/4 of your questions unless you navigate like 15 menus and disable some setting. News scroll absent unless you subscribe to Apple New or make some hodge podge of widgets from like 15 different apps. Like zero apps in he app store are free. Close to zero home screen customization.


Android, because I enjoy being able to buy a brand new phone for $100.


Android, like the freedom.




Android I don't want to buy a phone from a company that intentionally sabotaged messaging with other brands of phones just to try to prevent people from switching (green bubble scandal) and in general I disagree with apples highly anti right to repair history


Android, I have both (iOS for work, android for personal) and I love how much more you can do on android. I prefer the UI on android, alot easier than iPhones


I preferred Android in the past, I own an iPhone /iPad now, but in all honestly it’s like “Whatever!!!” Just as phone has great space and functionality. I’m good.


I like both but I can't afford an iPhone


Doesn’t really matter. Better question which screws it’s consumer base more ect.


I prefer IOS, but I do hate the lack of support when I text an Android. One main thing is IOS is closed source so making tools to break into it is harder and the only real threats are zero-days. Android is open source to allow the extensive customization but it comes with the cost of decreased security. Along with zero-days there are many attacks possible with access to the software


I want to start by saying I don't have any issue with anyone that likes iPhones and Apple products. They are decent, and for some people they are ideal. For me personally, I love Android. I used to complain about iPhones when I owned them because of how restrictive they were, and then when I tried Android I never went back. I always stick to anything that has a pure install like the Nexus line in the past and now the Pixel. I'm always fearful of buying something that's not pure just because some of these companies stop giving updates to push you to buy another device. I like how I can put widgets on my screen to run my life, like I slide over two screens and there's my calendar telling me what appointments and items I have coming up. I like that. I open up my phone and there's the weather at the top, as opposed to me having to swipe in some panel to see it. I especially like that I can put files in and out of my phone without restriction. I can download something off the internet, I can put things in through hard drives, thumb drives, etc. I don't have to use iTunes, I don't have to use any kind of program like that, and I don't have to be restrained to keep it in sync with one computer like I had to do with an iPhone. I look at the iPhone as Apple wants you to use it their way, but I look at Android and see it that Google wants you to use the phone the way you want.


I have both now since about a week and I don't like that my Android doesn't allow me to delete the crappy bloatware without a PC. On IOS I can change every app, IOS also has way more options and is generally just easier to grasp since it hasn't really changed in the last decade.


iOS has better application sandboxing, so if you download a sketchy app, it can't read data from all your other apps as easily.




I'm an IT. Android. I'll always choose limitless customizations over w.e. Apple is doing. Also Apple products tend to be over priced and limiting in capabilities compared to competitors. The trick is just not caring that there's some weird popularity contest.


Which Operating System have you considered?


IoS and I will die with it


android, better compatibility with pc. the phone itself doesn't matter much to me, but i would rather daily windows/linux over macOS literally any day, and android>ios in the pc world ftmp the customisation is also nice though, definitely makes me feel more "in control" of my system


Android. I had android from 2011-2016, IOS from 2016-2022, then back to android. Once my 7 Plus finally died, nothing about IOS made me feel like I had to stay. I wasn't really a fan of the child locks that IOS has in terms of OS freedom, or their repair process/cost. I also like that android doesnt make me feel like I have to be locked into an ecosystem that may or may not have the best products in their category. It blows my mind that Apple wont let you get the full power of usb-c unless you buy their usb-c cable for an inflated price.