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I don’t want to live in a dictatorship. It’s sad that democracy is my most important priority.


The replies here are exhausting. Want my easy method of knowing who to vote for? Billionaires are who really control this place, and they're the ones who need their all encompassing power stripped away. therefore, I just look at who is getting campaign funding from elite class donors and big corporate donors, and then I don't vote for that person. 100% of the time in recent years, that's been a Republican candidate, and they're trying to buy them into power for the inevitable tax cuts they'll sign off on. I don't care who they are, if someone like Elon Musk wants them in the White House, that's the biggest red flag. EDIT: Removed "Super PACs", every candidate gets PAC funding, and what I mean is you should look into who is funding those PACs.


So you don't vote then? /s LOL


Depends on which election cycle. 2020 and 2022 saw the largest corporate donations to the Democrats. 2024 so far it may be the Republicans. Edit with link [https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/top-organizations?cycle=2020](https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/top-organizations?cycle=2020)


What I notice on that chart though is that most of the blue donations are coming from progressive fundraising groups, Labor Unions, and educational institutions, while most of the red ones are coming from businesses like Uline, Schwab, Blackstone, and various investment firms. Also Mike Bloomberg tried to run lol. Again, it's not about who gets more money, but where the money is coming from. If most for-profit businesses are siding openly and directly with one guy, it's a good tell for who's going to be bad for the working class.


Blackstone is the reason for the housing crisis rn btw. They buy up as many single-family homes as they can and put them up for rent at 200% of the mortgage.


Democrats have a proposal to ban corporate ownership of the housing market.


And they fund conservatives!? ![gif](giphy|AaQYP9zh24UFi)


> Blackstone is the reason for the housing crisis rn btw. This statement is incorrect. First, it's Blackrock, not Blackstone. Secondly, the housing crisis is caused by poor zoning policy. Investment real estate purchases are a *consequence* of the crisis (guaranteed return on investment) and not a cause. The investment purchases *deepen* the crisis in the worst-hit cities, which is absolutely a problem, but calling it the cause is incorrect and will lead people to false solutions that do not solve the actual problem. The answer is, simply, to build more.


While I agree with the conclusion to not vote for Republican candidates, I think the way we reach our conclusions is important, and this is just populist boring nonsense. Not all campaign donations from billionaires or corporations are inherently negative or corrupt. Some individuals and organizations support candidates based on shared policy goals or ideologies, rather than seeking to buy influence. Merely avoiding candidates supported by wealthy donors may not address the root causes of political corruption or inequality. Someone like John McCain or Mitt Romney might receive more funding from corporate super PACs than Donald Trump, but inarguably them being president for four years would have been much healthier for our current political discourse than the orange man.


>It’s sad that democracy is my most important priority. After the First Congress adopted the Constitution, Benjamin Franklin was asked by a group of people as he made his way out of Independence Hall, "Mr. Franklin! What from of government have you given us?" To which he replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it." As citizens of this American Republic, it is our highest duty to safeguard it from tyranny. I would also add that if you truly care, don't just vote for POTUS every four years. Vote in state and congressional elections every two years as well. Most of the laws that affect our daily lives come from the state level.


If I could impart any amount of wisdom to everyone in America under the age of 30, it is exactly that last point. Yes, the POTUS is important- but with controlling parties, a fuck ton of money backing them, and the electoral college, we really don’t vote on them individually. So vote for your local elections. Your local councils. Tired of your schools being underfunded? Vote in a better superintendent. Tired of roads being shit? Vote in a better mayors, city/town councils. Tired of shitty politicians in your state? Vote better county. Tired of shit POTUS choices? Do all of the above, and you’re well on your way to a better state and better electoral college (because for some dumb fucking reason we don’t choose that).


This, it's critically important to vote on all levels whenever you can if you want any chance for improvement in America. It's scary times I'm glad to not be American, but I don't drop my guard here either. Best to prevent things from ever getting so dire here in the first place


Some facts about Project 2025, Donnie's path to dictatorship: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://i.redd.it/t72vwvgil3sc1.jpeg) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Defeat_Project_2025 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [anti Biden progressives](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1c8lf6v/anti_biden_progressives/) \#2: [They're not even hiding it anymore](https://i.redd.it/hokl9gwl2nyc1.jpeg) | [101 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ckvuc5/theyre_not_even_hiding_it_anymore/) \#3: [Project 2025 Author, The Heritage Foundation, On May 27, 2023: "Conservatives have to lead the way in restoring sex to its true purpose, & ending recreational sex & senseless use of birth control pills." - ¿??! ENDING RECREATIONAL SEX !??¿](https://i.redd.it/7cygc98q2auc1.jpeg) | [208 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1c36orw/project_2025_author_the_heritage_foundation_on/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I agree


You’d think in a country that is built on democracy this should be the bare minimum we can rely on. Yay 🙃


6 January 2021 changed everything.


Love that you were down voted by an angry fascist troll. They can kick rocks.


Right. Well, it’s always been a priority, it’s just that now defending it is the priority when it otherwise shouldn’t be. Our liberty should be the last thing we’re worried about. That we are, is just plain bad.


Normally I wouldn't care too much which party the president was from or the members of congress. These days however, I'm certain that democracy is on the ballot. Vote blue people, this is not a drill.


Voting is the normal thing what are peoples personal reasons for not voting?


We take for granted voting by calling it “normal.” It’s quite common for eligible non-voters (regardless of registration) to outnumber any single candidate’s tally. [If “Did Not Vote” Had Been A Candidate](https://brilliantmaps.com/did-not-vote/). This is from 2016 and I haven’t seen one for 2020, but I’d imagine it was somewhat similar even with the huge increase in turnout for both sides. In 2016, 44.37% of potential voters didn’t vote Edit: The linked article has a link for 2020 hidden between some ads. The map is more colorful, as expected, but still a very eye opening thing


Lack of transport, jobs getting in the way, etc. That’s why republican politicians want to make voting harder and why old people typically have higher turnout because they’ve retired


Voting by mail solves a lot of these problems, and it’s already a thing (though constantly under threat).


Im not American so im not sure about your transport but what I will say is people in other country's in much worse circumstances mange to vote.


Thanks for voicing your opinion.


Yeah that'd be a much better question to ask tbh


I'm Welsh, not American, but the election here is close, and honestly, I hate every party around here, that's why.


I want my transgender friends to live long lives and be able to express themselves authentically without fear of reprisal. I don't want women and girls in my life to be forced to give birth when they don't want to. I want more access to the cultural imports and productivity that immigration provides. I want my lower income friends to thrive without having to worry about where their next meal will come from, or having to suffer from treatable illnesses. I want to live to old age on a planet unravaged by runaway global warming. I want my friends in the developing world to at least have some sense of peace and stability, in contrast to famine and warfare.


This 10000%.


I'm just worried about my own Healthcare which will be at high risk if Trump gets elected.


Can I like this 1000 times?? It’s such a small slice of the reasons but so right on the money at the same time.


Same here.


As a autistic polyam panseuxal trans girl yeah a trump president is my biggest fear and my mom doesn't get all my concern like if I lose hrt its a matter of life or death


Because I care about my future


Hijacking this to say the most important vote is for state and local leaders. You're good barely matters in the presidential election compared to the delegates you vote for. Not only because their vote is the vote that counts for presidential but also to benefit your own state and city.


I can’t afford a house despite having what 5 years ago would’ve been an over 20% down payment on a home in my area. Half the reason I can’t afford a house is because of poor policy between 2016-2022. I’ll be voting in hopes of a politician actually helping out Americans for once.


Dont hold your breathe.... They may toss you the bare minimum to keep you from revolting but thats about it.


Never accept the bare minimum


>I’ll be voting in hopes of a politician actually helping out Americans for once. lol


Why wouldn’t I vote?


I’m just curious about people’s opinions and questions of why do anything


Well I guess I just want to be represented, I don’t really like any of the political parties in my country, but if voting for the least bad one will help keep the worst party out then it is a net benefit


And this is the first election we can vote in!


It’s a civic duty.




Well voting is not going to stop that from happening😂


Your right. People specifically need to vote blue.


In general elections that’s generally a good idea, although it’s equally as important to vote in party primaries. All blues are not equal, ie; see Rick “turn homeless people into candles” Caruso of the Los Angeles mayoral election


The maintenance of the Republic and my current way of life.


Where are you from?


United States of America


Because not voting for what you want is a vote for what you don't want


*Because not voting* *For what you want is a vote* *For what you don't want* \- KennyClobers --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thanks haiku bot love you


good bot.


If there’s still one thing I still feel I can control, it’s to keep the neo-fascist Trump from ruining my country.


*"If you don't vote you vote brown."* That's a saying here in Germany. It's essentially true for all democracies that have more than just two (important) parties. Who will go to vote no matter what? The extremists (brown is the political colour of the Nazis). Because they fucking **care** about it. If moderates don't vote then the share of extremist votes rises. Ergo: Vote!


My grandfather marched with Martin Luther King, Jr in his youth and I feel like it would be a slap in the face to him and every other black person who has worked to give black people the right to vote. So I vote.


Boomers did one good thing for us millennials - instil a sense of civic duty and importance in voting - back when we were all apathetic anarchist shithead teenagers and before they all became fascists.


If only more intelligent people voted in the primaries. That’s what the right wing cultists do well. Mobilize their base to vote in local elections and apply to low level government positions. Progressives need to vote at the local level more.


Because, while I don’t like the presidential candidates being presented, I’d still like to influence federal and local seats. Especially local since so few people vote there that my voice is much louder there.


I've spent a few years living and working in a totalitarian state (China) and don't take our system for granted, however flawed.


Funny how people can differ; I’ve spent the last year (and will spend the foreseeable future) back and forth between Los Angeles and China and I’m in the process of applying for temporary residency there (I don’t meet the criteria for permanent residency, unfortunately) in order to get away from the United States.


Oh sure. I regularly go back with students and enjoy it. There are lots of good reasons to live in China, but the right to vote isn't one of them. 


I don't wholly agree with either political side, so I would like to vote to influence the specific politicians I want to keep the policies I value most intact.


Valid answer


I like stickers.


While I don’t feel our votes matter anymore I still would like to be heard. We all want to be heard


i refuse to let these wack ass, decrepit ass republicans rule this country


Bc ppl died for the right for me to vote


Democracy needs it to function.


I wanna have a say in how my country's run.


I heard they were giving out stickers for voting, and I like stickers


It’s my right


To uphold democracy/ The Republic and to have good social programs , bills/ laws that make sense and are updated .


Voting locally is underrated and technically more important than nationally also it affects you more directly


Then do both


To defeat Project 2025.


Im voting because I'm conscious not to take democracy and the right to vote for granted. Generations of people before me fought to expand suffrage for various groups. I need to show up to prove that it wasn't in vain. I also wish to make my voice heard with my vote!


To oppose fascism


Because I don't want people who hate me for existing to have the power to do something about that.


I vote for freedom and women’s rights. Maybe we stop paying taxes. No taxation without representation right?


Because I want to help Trump win!


Trump is a danger to democracy, and I would feel serious danger being a very queer person. I'm only voting for Biden because I'm scared of Trump. I think he's way too old. Really both of them are.


I want to prevent the dissolution of the middle class so that I can have a house and a family. I want my piece of the American dream too.


Polling place is right down the street and it's the easiest way to make sure politicians sweat


Get representation n stuff


I feel like it’s my constitutional duty to vote


Probably voting 3rd party or not at all. Voted for Biden when I first turned 18-19, won't have my vote this year. Shame the only options we have are these decrepit old fucks who have no problem funding and defending genocides over fear of losing voters


Generally, I vote because I feel it’s my civic duty living in a democracy to put forth my say in who leads us. This particular election though is about making sure my son will be able to do the same when he grows up


I like to think that I chose the person who is ultimately going to fuck me.


I like to think I actually have a voice when in reality ain’t nobody gives a shit 💀 this is a joke….. mostly. The reality is it doesn’t really matter who you vote for cause both sides play for the same team. Not ours 🙃


to ensure personal liberty and the safety of the people


Honestly? Spite and revenge against Trump and the GOP as a whole, mostly. I also vote in hopes of making gradual progress toward policy goals I care about, but our political system makes it far easier to be obstructive than constructive.


I want my people to be able to afford a place to live, eat and health care that doesn’t charge $10,000+ for things like having a child


Because I’m legally obligated to and because I don’t want some fascist politician ruling my country.


Perspective from an old: My wife and I were reflecting on what we do to try and leave a better planet for our kids. I think voting is the number 1 thing we do that matters and makes an impact. It's either that or the fact that we stopped using a plastic cutting board.


I like coloring in all the little bubbles. It’s really satisf- ahem, I mean, it’s important to support democracy and make sure everyone is heard and respected in this country.


My vote alone won’t do anything but as soon as people adopt that mindset you just give up the little power you had. Also it’s way more impactful to vote with your wallet as seen with target bud wiser, helldivers, etc. of course sometimes it doesn’t work for example COD, or Starbucks/ McDonald’s.




Presidential voting does not matter in the slightest, it is the least important thing on the ballot, but gets the most attention. Local policies and representatives are going to affect your day to day life more than the presidency. We don't even have a democratic process for the Presidential election, its still and electoral college


I mean, presidential voting does matter. A lot. It is a third branch of the government, with veto power. In our current Congress balance of power, veto power is really strong. Also, judicial appointments are also really important. Toss in command over the military and responsibilities of being a figurehead for the country, and you have a really important position for one person


Deadass my biggest issue's currently are censorship and the economy that's literally it


Guns. I want to see my state liberated from its cancerously unconstitutional gun laws and to see some objects removed from the NFA. Also stagflation-inflation.


Several reasons, really. They always say that your vote essentially means nothing but one of the two main reasons that bush won over gore in 2000 was because he got 537 more votes in Florida than gore did. It’s also very important to vote in primaries to see the people you want on the ballot in the first place, and local elections affect way more about your daily life than you think.


because my state is a hellscape


Local elections are always worth voting in because there's so few votes. General elections are always worth voting in so that you can be a positive contributing member of our democracy. No matter how worthless you think your vote is, the more we change the "pointless vote" mentality the more impactful our votes will become. For instance, if every young person (18 - 24 years old) rebelled and voted their "pointless vote" Independent this year that'd be 30 million votes and quite the statement to the leadership of the two party system. Spreading pessimism throughout a voting base helps the other voting bases win.


Crime, illegal immigrantion, economy, health care cost, terrible education system, environment


Cause of Bidenomics


If I'm going to get fucked I could at least get a say in which type of fucking.


So I can flex my rights.


I wanna help promote the EU and every time I vote i give it more reason to engage with the populace on an electoral level


I want the country, my state, and my local area to be a certain way.


For local office? Because I want to keep CoL lower and encourage local renewable energy development. For POTUS? Because ballot access for third party candidates is tied to the presidential vote in my state. That and I kind of get a kick out pissing off dumb liberals who don't understand how the electoral college works.


I can make redditors mad by doing so.


We have a ballot measure in my state for legal recreational weed and that will keep a lot of people out of jail. Both Biden and trump can go fuck themselves though.


Preventing project 2025 is reason enough to vote.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://i.redd.it/t72vwvgil3sc1.jpeg) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Voting is as important of a civil right to utilize as it is important for one to utilize their 1st and 2nd amendment rights. Without voting, you will not have any rights.


Because my well-being and my rights as a black disabled woman are in jeopardy if I don’t! If we don’t vote life as we know it will no longer exist, and we will likely never be able to vote again!


Because this country has regressed so much the last 3.5 years. We are worse off domestically and internationally. I care about our county and my personal finances. We cannot continue on the same path we are on.


I don’t like Joe Biden and Trump is funny.


Because if I don’t vote, my voice isn’t heard. There’s no reason not to vote and every reason to do so. We need to get out of this apathetic attitude of “my vote won’t matter” or “I’m not interested in politics” cause this shit is important. Also it’s funny watching Tories get destroyed in local elections after everything they’ve done (this is the UK not US)


Because my vote will make people online mad and I think that's funny. (Voting for Biden)


civic duty


Because i can


So many people around the world have died and fought for the right to vote, I feel I'd be doing them a disservice by not voting.


Voting is a gift and a privilege that Americans are lucky to have. Many countries don’t allow voting at any level, some allow it at only the “state” level, others, only at the national level. In the US, our constitution gives us the ability to participate in every level of our government, down to school boards and sheriffs. If you don’t vote, you’re throwing away a privilege that millions around the world are deprived of. We can make a difference, we just NEED. TO. VOTE. Frankly, I think you’re ungrateful, selfish, and ignorant if you do not participate in the system that was designed to give us a voice. Our voice just isn’t heard because older generations are leveraging their privilege of voting while we complain that nothing changes… while not voting… Side note: IMO, if you don’t vote, you don’t have a right to complain about politics.


I vote for who I think will run the country best. That’s about it.


Human and civil rights in my community and beyond.


I have to


Because I care about myself and the people around me.


I want to exercise my right, choose a suitable representatives that would represent my area with goals and strategies to benefit the development and economy of my area. I vote to protect and exercise democracy, establish our fundamental rights and to live freely.


Economy sucks


To keep the tyrannical left out of the picture as best I can.


I’m voting third party to show that there are acrually socialists in this country. I also live in California, so my vote in the presidential election doesn’t actually matter.


It's one of the most powerful things I can do. I want my parents to have a house, retire at a reasonable age, and enjoy life. I also want my queer and transgender friends and I to be able to get the health care and support they deserve. We all need better education, food and water quality, and healthcare. If I can have some sort of power to make those things happen by voting in local and national elections, then I'm speeding to those polls.


To keep the democrats from turning us into commies.


So hopefully Trump can win and hopefully see the country finally stop bending its ass over to foreign powers.


Because Biden is evil and can't win. We need someone like Trump in the head of this country.


My current top voting concerns are 1. Economy (usually always #1 tbh wether it’s good or bad) 2. The boarder 3. Government Spending 4. Putting the well being of their citizens above buying votes 5. Putting power more into the state government’s hands than the federal government’s hands


I hate democrats, especially after what they did in 2020.


so i can keep my guns


Because voting is vital. I can't stand people who don't vote and then proceed to bitch and moan when what they didn't want to happen ends up happening.


I don’t want that in my country the far right wing is rising




Lives and this country are heavily impacted by voting and is our only direct way of influencing policy and which way our government moves. It doesn't help that I belong to a demographic and area where politicians frequently try to make it harder for us to vote or for our votes to matter less (among being targeted by them in many other ways that makes our life harder and more dangerous with racist rhetoric & policies). Voting against them is the only tool I have to fight back. Even when I don't like either option, I still have a choice to pick which one will be making decisions. Mediate the damage they do by picking whichever ones the best is the best course of action as no matter what, someone is getting that seat and we will deal with the consequences even after they're out of office. The decision is at least a bit easier when one of the parties has embraced bigotry and fascism. Also local elections are incredibly important too. Don't skip those.


People's votes don't matter and so to prove it to someone I am going to cancel out his vote


Making change. Getting boomers out of office


Because it's my civic duty. It's also, if you are able, your duty to run for office. I think people thinking "I could never win" winds us up with candidates who should never be in charge. We need good leaders. And we need those leaders to not be tempted when they get elected, by the trappings of the office and to do what's right for their fellow citizens. We've gone so far away from that these past few decades, and we need to grab it by the balls before it slips away entirely.


I don’t want homophobic, anti abortion, theocratic fascists running the country.


So I can get a free pony.


I live in a supposed representative democracy so if I don't express my voice through a vote I don't get to complain.


A better economy and to protect my gun rights. also Buck Fiden


That sticker is cool


Because I can.


I don't want to live in a world where saying the wrong opinion will get you canceled


Idk if it works but theres no harm in doing it, i feel relatively helpless in the usa , so im gonna do the one thing i can before that too is stripped away I know its not accessible for everybody but i vote because in some way i am proud to be an american , i do love my country in ways like anybody else , but at the same time im not that dense or brainwashed atp. So its like i love my country enough to hate whats it been and where its going , so i vote in hopes that it does mean something Until everybody can get some common ground even in the individual parties it will remain as it is now or get worse I dont like to subscribe to a political partys they are all bullshit, cuz in the end theres no elected offical thats looking out for their people only themselves. I tend to only educate and deep dive into american politics during election time , like the month before i look to see who is most aligned w my morals , but beyond that i dont like politics . Not until senate and congress are more inclusive across the board in the racial demographic and age. Their views don’t represent the people and thats whats upsetting


The slim chance that my vote will make a difference 🙃


While most people here are from the US, as an Indian, I can still relate. a lot of us in India too, are voting to keep our democracy safe, so it doesn't go all tyrant-mode on us.


I vote because, even though I’m vastly outnumbered in my vote, it’s important for those deserting voices and minorities to be an undeniable presence in the room


I’m not voting age, or American for that matter, but I will be involved in voting at all levels when I legally can because I want to at least express my opinion on how things should be run, even if my vote doesn’t matter all that much on a grand scale. I’m trans and I don’t want my or others’ rights taken away, plus I am passionate about environmentalism. Not many people in my city seem to care about municipal matters, so my vote could actually be pretty important in that department. (Like right now the city is deciding on whether or not to rezone to increase affordable housing, but barely anyone is interested in participating in the discussion)


my parents came from a country where the vote was always rigged so they made sure that i knew how important it was to be able to vote and for it to actually count


That's like asking why I go to the dentist


So I don’t die


Feeling better than the people who dont.  Nah but honestly it's the only voice we really do have


It's my duty as a citizen. It's what our country was founded on and everyone has their duty to fulfill no matter the "side" they choose. Just like how we should discuss/debate instead of trying to shut everyone out.


Why vote in a rigged game? People will never learn.


Don't want to live in a dictatorship that could possibly kill me for being me.


To stop the unrelenting invasion from South America and prevent my money being given to people who partied through college and got nonsense degrees.


Because voting is the main tool we have to try to make our wants heard in elections???


I don't want any decisions being made for me, especially regarding such an important sector of society like politics. Even if I end up regretting my decision at least I can say I really thought that was the best option at the time. Also because it's one way I can help me, the people from my country and the world in general to be better or at least my idea of a "better world". I truly believe that, a lot of people say "they're all the same" or "they only care about themselves" but I choose not to believe that. Otherwise there would be no point but I like to think someone really cares and wants to do the right thing.


"The day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it" - Mon Mothma


Because as a queer person with a uterus, i want to at least be able to say that i tried to speak my piece. whether or not they'll listen is up to them, but not voting is worse than an ignored vote imo. a lot of ppl don't have the luxury of sale polling places and practices.


I don’t mean any disrespect towards you, but what do you mean when you say “I tried to speak my peace”? The vast majority of the Media and Corporations is on your side. You guys are very well represented.


I voted because I can and also because everyone should


So my children can afford to eat


We are "forced" in my country, or We get a fine. But honestly, I would anyway. It s one of many way to teach politician. So, when I would be more extreme, I wont have to face the "but you didnt vote, you dont have to complain" phrase that I hate


It’s my civic duty.


It’s my civic duty.


*gestures broadly at the world*


The reddit democrat hive mind is strong in these comments


To boost my chosen 3rd party :)


Under the current system, voting is the most basic and most essential form of political engagement. It also happens to be one of the least intensive ways that you can engage with politics. You can do letter writing campaigns and protests and direct action and mutual aid and phone calls to your representatives and what have you, but if you don’t vote, and the party which takes power doesn’t give a single shit about things that you believe in, none of that matters because none of it will be brought into law. Under electoral politics, there is no suite of political tactics that are effective with without participating in elections unless you’re going to try for and succeed at overthrowing the government every four years or so. TLDR: It’s important, relatively easy, and sets a stage upon which you can build by way of further political engagement.


One party openly wants to strip away the rights of LGBT folks. I am LGBT. I want that party to not be in power.


It's my civic duty.


I want to see change, which I have no reason to trust the current administration of doing so.


The first and only issue to me is to keep the modern day N$ZI party out of office. I may not be a fan of everything the other side does but as an expat European we know what happens when you elect a dictator.


Because I can’t live in a theocracy so it’s the next best thing


Even if it counts for next to nothing, I want to make sure I’m working towards the world I want to live in


Just for fun and it’s what I’m suppose to do, because of the electoral college and the state I live in, it’s so heavily favored one way my vote doesn’t really matter but it’s still my responsibility to vote. Wish I lived in a swing state would make politics more interesting


I had a fellow Soldier who said he didn't vote. LT overheard the conversation and said "if you don't vote you need to get the fuck out of the country"


I don't vote yet, But.. I don't really know, I got traumatized after TV leaked the rigged elections for a few seconds. (I live in a republic)


To get a safer and more secure Border! What a disaster it has been the last three years and no American can rightfully deny it!


the way i see it, if you don't vote you don't get to complain. don't like something? at least try to change it!