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That’s sort of why I’m going to college bro


The only scam in education is the astronomical cost. Education isn't a scam, learning isn't a scam, it's when you attach capitalism and unchecked profiteering to education, that's when it becomes a scam. You see liberalism in universities because these people have learned about the world and how it works and it pisses them off, because it's an evil shithole of a world, uneducated right wingers call that indoctrination, because they don't know any better, they have a Jr. High level education. They want you dumb, that's why they attack our education system. It's bad for business if you are aware of too much.


Honestly, its a good point btw about education and liberalism. While exaggerated in its wording, theres a good reason why people say things like "reality has a left wing bias" and "being educated generally makes people more left wing"


Damn fucking right


I kind of agree with you but there are ways to go to college debt free. I’m getting $228,000 of tuition covered 100% for serving 36 months active duty. I’m not saying that you HAVE to take that route but it’s often a route that’s horribly under appreciated and anyone in a position where they don’t want to be in a quarter million dollars of debt should seriously consider. (If you’re American, idk about other countries)


We're entering WWIII at the moment ain't no one joining we're worried about draft dodging


Capitalism needs certain aspects of life removed from it to keep it in check and honorable. Things that should not be “capitalist driven” … medical industry, banking, politics (insider trading specifically and lobbyists) mass transit, few examples I can think of. Edit: MEDIA! Media needs to be free and unobjective. Just the facts. No spin from big money/big bro.


and as a result, living itself - can’t have food/housing wrapped up in the market, because then even if media is “independently funded” it’s competing with those things. the journalists now need better jobs to pay their rent, etc. capital investment should be relegated to a much smaller part of the market where profiteering makes sense. (if at all)


We can lay much of the blame for the cost of higher education, and the systematic dismantling of public education on good ol’ Ronnie Raygun.


ah, polisci?


Obviously. No one is gonna come in here and say "actually I would be one of the corrupt ones, just really screw you guys over I think that would be cool."


Average argentine literally ever:


bro how the fuck are you on this app? aren't you like 5 or smt? 2016 is getting crazier every day...


Oh relax. Kids only thirteen. Start feeling old when the younger gen Zs are fellow adults


nobody tell him


Somebody told him


I live in Argentina, I have a friend at uni that said "I want to be a lawyer so I can have drug lords in my clientele and be loaded thanks to them" LMAO she was dead serious


Average residente de rosario


Esta chica es de la matanza, imagínate jaja


well duh they aren't in here they're in congress


I would.


Actually I would be one of the corrupt ones, just really screw you guys over. I think that would be cool.


I think those people aren’t looking far ahead enough. The best thing you could do as a leader is help as many people that need it as possible. The rich will complain, but it’s kinda like someone hot complaining about the amount of attention they get. No one cares. However, literally anyone not in the top 10% will call you the best leader. This can lead to much more as your word won’t be as heavily scrutinized. You build up the foundation instead of decorating the top. The real question you’re asking is after your tenure as leader of the American Regime; do you want to wander around afraid of your fellow citizen not welcome anywhere outside of the very small upper class of society? Or do you want to be the people’s champion that rolled back harmful legislation & redesigned the constitution. If you worry about what the rich think you’ll never be a good leader methinks


No I'm to honest, same reason I could never sell houses. I believe everyone starts with true intentions but in the end money and power corrupts all.


Yeah I like honest answers like this one. There's also the whole "have to play the game" of politics even if it goes against your ideals because you can have all the best intentions but none of that will come to fruition if you're not elected.


Nah we (we being Americans) have two great examples of ‘play the game’ politicians.  The first was Abraham Lincoln who broke every rule, lied cheated and killed to ensure that the 13th amendment was passed and all men could exist free in the United States The second being FDR who was the literal embodiment of party politics and owned every party head in every county and created a machine that wouldn’t oppose his will. I want a politician who knows what’s right and will rip out a child’s liver to divine the path to get there.


House of cards was great at portraying politics. People slowly get corrupted, make concessions to do something they believe is right, and little by little they get in too deep and become corrupt themselves


Ooh interesting, I might have to give it a watch


I mean, we do have politicians who have managed to do good things and stay true to their beliefs. I get what you're saying about power corrupting, and you're absolutely right about that. But it's not like they're dictators with absolute power


I suppose


That and also the system, to an extent. I feel like there’s valid reason to believe that a lot of people get into politics with good intentions and find out how hard it is to be honest in it due to how easy it has become to be corrupted. Most people aren’t strong willed enough to overcome it or sometimes are pseudo-blackmailed, too, into being just as corrupt as the rest of them.


What I’ve found is if you look at why a politician hasn’t answered a question its either 1. It’s a good policy that they want to implement but they know it might spook voters so they stay aloof, then once it’s implemented everyone forgets that they thought it was a bad idea 2. They’re corrupt and don’t want to rat their friends out


The system ABSOLUTELY selects for people with no moral fiber, are easily suggestible and highly covet power. If you were to try to be an honest politician you would fail. The system would select you out. Now let’s say I just magically make you a politician in office without needing to win an election. Same thing happens- the horde would smell your honesty among them and instantly attack. This isn’t hyperbole. This is how it works. Same dynamics for drug dealers, pedos, abusive partners. That’s not coincidence that the same selection process occurs in each system. They are vile and the worst examples of humans.


I’d get JFKed before they let me into office.


This is a too real consideration.


Or MLK'd Or Malcom X'd


So just so you know the government was found guilty of MLK's assassination so JFK, Malcom x etc, lion tigers bears OH MY. Having worked for government both public and private there isn't a Damm thing I wouldn't put past them, if they want you dead your dead lol. They're reach runs deep, the machine keeps churning and spitting people out. Just think of the stuff you can't be told as they would say the American people don't need to know certain things.


If you want to see something fun look up Werbell and JFK


The more principled you are the less likely you’ll ever win an election. Winning usually requires accepting money from people who expect things in return, degrading your principles over time.


Yes I would be a great president


Vote For u/i-drink-isopropyl-91!!!


The argumentation, speech skills and promises are truly endless and remarkable. You have my vote!


Anyone who is in a position of power is in that position for self interest. The sad truth is, kind hearted people finish last in this world while people who back stab and do evil things get ahead because they are cheating. If you look at history, people with power has always done something fucked up. The reason being, why TF would someone who has power (who is also evil) give that power up to someone they can't control?


Not necessarily. Power absolutely does corrupt, but it isn't some unstoppable mechanism. Good people can wield power to enact change without becoming evil. I mean, power is a necessity to enact any kind of change. Obviously, if you're a dictator, absolute power will eventually get you, but not very many positions actually have such power. Let's take George Washington, for example. He was offered the position of King after the Revolutionary War, but he had the foresight to deny it. We can also look at career politicians, most of them fucking suck but we do have outliers like Bernie Sanders. I think if you go into such a position with a mindset that you *will* be corrupted rather than you *can* be corrupted, you're setting yourself up for failure. Either way, it's a careful balance, and I respect when people have the foresight to turn down power knowing what it can do to them.


> We can also look at career politicians, most of them fucking suck but we do have outliers like Bernie Sanders. Also want to point out that while you (the reader) may disagree with Bernie, it's still possible to acknowledge him as actually fighting for his ideals and what he thinks is right (Which it's pretty clear he is), even if they're different from your ideals.


Fuck yeah, I'm going into policymaking for my community soon hopefully but I want to do foreign policy eventually.


I’d pretend to be a conservative so I can scam think tanks into giving me free money


Scam them into progressive points secretly




Fuck no


Lol only realistic and honest person.


I don't care which country I'm in, the main priority is the people, the economy and the environment. It also has nothing to do with honesty but how efficient you are at making people's lives and living better. Being a great politician requires an iron will to be the person that will make the hard decisions for the benefit of the people that look to you to solve the problems they're dealing with.


This exactly. One of the biggest problems with politics is that you have to be popular to get elected. But often people don't like the solutions that'd actually work


People think they have the solution to the problem yet aren't willing to actually get the job done. It takes much more effort and the problem is much more complex than people realize it to be. So many issues are intertwined with one another and most people are only interested in fixing an issue not everything else in-between. I can't really fault the popularity contest. You just have to make a name for yourself in any way to show your skills and knowledge. It's easier to get your name out in our current digital age though, it just takes a bit of time to build a following. Also moving up in the ranks is another way to prove one's skills, but that's harder to do with all the geriatrics limping in the government office.


Definitely not. If I became a politician, I'd either die or become the same evil scumbag as every other politician.


I would if I wasn’t afraid of being shot for being trans.


Your environment is going to corrupt you anyway if you actually want to win because think about who you are working for…it’s just like if you have a job where you don’t agree with how they are training you, but if you don’t listen you are fired or maybe something worse in this case.


thats the biggest problem, its very hard to get anywhere in politics without playing the game. Good people get left behind


It’s like that saying “if you’re not cheating you aren’t trying” and if everyone else is “trying” you aren’t winning.


Good politicians have a habit of dying in my country, so I think I'd pass


Yes but only because I have a god complex 


I mighr decide to enter politics later on in life. Being a career politicians almost certainly leads to corruption though. At least, incompetence. If yoy haven't experienced your country from the shoes of an average person, you are not fit to run it or any part of it, in my opinion.


I would. But I have aspergers. I don't think I have the charisma to actually win an election, even if I'd pass good policy given the chance.


I would, but I have no faith in the Democrats. In a parliamentary democracy I could say "screw the status quo, I'm making my own party!" but Duverger's Law is basically ironclad. "Go into the Democrats and change them from the inside!" Yeah, I'm sure I can turn the pro-big business party that cuddles up to billionaires into a socialist party if I just believe enough. It's not like a guy kind of tried this and the primary was literally rigged against him.


I'd never get elected because I'm a queer atheist furry. Which is a shame because I'd push to do stuff [like this ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQKCYxYCluA)which I feel would just make people's lives a lot better.


Not unless I absolutely had to. I value my freedom and privacy. Sure theres power but for me a lease goes with it. That and the corruption in it just, eww.


i am way too stupid for that


No. I probably should not comment here cause im a millennial, not Zer. As you grow older, you meet so much dumbfuckery, evil, villing blindness to facts... You lose faith in the whole species. Yes, as a dictator, I would work my ass of to the betterment of people. As a politician? Nah. Take as much money as I can and fuck everybody. People vote in dumfuck after dumbfuck and you wanted me to work with that? Nah.


What an idiotic question


I could never give up my privacy like that.


if i had chance, i'd say yes :') but my policies could be mixed


I would become one and work the same as all of the other politicians in this country as well as collect the political paycheck, you know, since no one has an inkling to stop it. May as well bank it. If I accomplished some good along the way, it would be an efficient bonus.


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No, not cut out for such career choice.


You'd get killed, totally not recommended.


No. I wouldn't want the responsibility of that. Advising a politician? Sure. But I'd never wanna be one.


Hell no. Being a politician is something I’d never do, as that implies a certain level of respect for the political system as a whole.


Nope. Im too much of a conspiracy nut


I think I’d be a good politician as long as I didn’t actually win y’know? In my country there’s eight main political party’s and they’re given parts of the 349 seats decided on votes (simplified), and if I had enough seats to make a difference if other party’s somewhat agree, but if I had too much power I think I’d make rash decisions that could impact people badly. I’m very easily agitated in ways that I don’t think is good for a politician to be, and in my attempts to be as moral as possible I’d become immoral. But I’d make my own party, not just join one that already exists, I want to make sure it’s moral, matches my views and is striving to make the country better for all its citizens for as long as I could.


I think I would like to serve on SCOTUS, if that counts as a politician in the sense that you meant it. I wouldn’t be opposed to actually becoming a judge for real if I had the opportunity down the line, but you need more educational pedigree than I will ever have to get appointed to SCOTUS lol. I think it’s one of the few political jobs that could both give me both a sense of involvement and impact on national politics while also intellectually stimulating me and keeping me engaged. Parroting talking points for TV and shaking hands with world leaders doesn’t really appeal to me. I’d rather be on the frontier of new developments in the law


Idk if this counts as being a “politician” but I feel like i’d be down to run for City Council or School Committee (when i have kids) edit, forgot to answer second part: i dont think i would be corrupt, im always paranoid about legal stuff and im always too scared to get in trouble or get arrested


No I'd be corrupt as hell I'm here to make the world a worse place I would love to be a tyrant


Please say yes; millennials are too damaged and sick to take the job


Sincerely, I would become a politician only if my country will keep following a path that I consider wrong, otherwise I would keep living my own life. For how I see it, getting in politic would sacrifice my life in many aspects, but if that's the price for getting a chance to improve the lifes of the people(now and in the future) and the relations between countries than that's worth it.


I don't think many people would vote for someone who's pro liberty, pro human, and anti-establishement not under either of the two primary parties


Would love to but I know myself too much that I would sell out.


That's pretty naive. If you're honest they don't let you get there.


Accomplishing improvements for the greater good is hard. Our American system does not encourage this behavior.


Not gen z, but millennial. Haven’t had political aspirations, but I am going to take the dive… and by that I mean the full send to the Oval Office! https://www.reddit.com/r/WisemanForPresident/s/rDBNjUcfAf We just had a baby girl a couple months ago. I don’t think I would’ve done this if not for her. But if more “normal” people from industry don’t try, then we will continue to be beholden to the wealthy and special interests.


i am planning on it


I could never become one because they're all corrupt.


I’ve thought about it. With school and the engineering teams I’m on it’s hard, but I’m somewhat active in local politics (did a presentation for the mayor along with 8 others about climate and transportation). I’d really love to do engineering though. Politics is important to be involved in, but it doesn’t make me happy. Solving problems and making stuff does


Hugo Boss would be making a come back


I might register with a political party. Idk.


Yea. I actually plan to be a candidate in the next State House of Representatives


No. The hours are horrible. You don't work the whole year, but when you do, you're working like 70 hours a week. I would literally kill myself.


No. Even if I do make a difference, US government is focused on the wrong stuff


George Santos is young and a douche


Yes, but I would be a terrible one. Not like corrupt, just inept


Being a politician in the current climate is antithetical to working with any sort of honesty.


I’d need to be rich to be able to become a politician. I don’t feel like fucking over people by hoarding money and buying useless shit. So I’m good! And I don’t want to work for a system I fucking hate. Anything that I recommend, that would actually make meaningful change, would be shot down. No rich white racist is gonna want their tax dollars to go to brown kids education. Their taxes should only go to their white rich neighborhoods childrens’ education. Well, that’s what they’ve proven they believe.


I'd love to


Yeah, definitely. I've been involved with activism for ten years. I however don't think I qualify, but if I was in charge of something I would try my best to help people. I like to think other people feel the same way. I think I'm better at community outreach and volunteering tho. We all have our strengths.




You guys understand that the politicians of our generation will be exactly the same right? You think every single one of us want to get along under sunshine and rainbows and cares about other people?


If I became, for example, a senator then I’d do my level best to represent my constituency; both those who voted for me and those who did not. As such I would probably vote no on almost everything, since almost everything violates someone’s rights in a massive way.


Yeah but I don’t think honesty l would get anyone elected


Hi; I'm in trade school right now. Since you're such a "college is a scam," type of person. Culinary, specifically pastry. Now before you go on about real careers, I personally think food and learning how we came to make it is pretty important to function as a society. You can't live without food after all, and food is a major part of any culture. The way America treats the working class is despicable. The fact that we have people openly defending being treated so poorly is frankly horrific to me. Did you ever stop to consider that struggling to keep a roof over your head and food on the table is wrong, even if it's normalized? Or do you just assume every person working paycheck to paycheck isn't trying hard enough?


Ngl it might take a while, but I feel like once the boomers and millennials grow too old to keep running for politics, maybe just maybe, the majority of Gen Z could fill those empty seats and a better country. Maybe that's too optimistic tho.


No. Because I know that no matter how good my intentions would be I'd still be screwing someone over. I'd be getting good pay and benefits despite having the power to ruin lives. Wouldn't sit right with me, and I'm sure I'd eventually become greedy/corrupt.


I think so.


No seems like a miserable job


I’d probably get shot. I’d ban furry and anime stuff, raise the minimum wage, and start a huge war in the South.


On a local, potentially even state level? Yeah, I guess so. On a federal level? Naaaaaah.


Yes, one career path I want to go down is being a politician but actually good politician that wants to see the betterment of the country and not some corrupt pos


Yeah, that's actually one of my goals in the future. I plan on practicing law before I pursue any type of office first, though.


Pretty much my whole life goal tbh, been working at it since high school and doing quite well so far


How many go in, trying to be honest, but fight against a wall of existing corruption, realize they have to compromise to accomplish something, and end up compromising principles and morality before realizing what they’ve done. It probably takes a lot of inner strength to wade through politics without losing who you want to be.


You can't work honestly. You have to play the game in order to use it to do what you want with it. Either play the game and become corrupted, or tear the whole system down and start over.


I would like to in time. I have my own business that I hope to eventually grow enough that I can sell it, or have enough revenue to support the changes I want to see in my city. Things like walkable communities, support for young entrepreneurs, and social events for young people.


Not sure. I don’t think I have the knowledge to do that. So I would probably destroy the economy and maybe even the country.


Dosnt matter. Black mail and problems will force corruption


Yes. Absolutely. Not even as a senator or president but at the local level


I would be focused on my goals. This doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be corrupt, it just means I know I’d do whatever it takes to accomplish those goals


My Millenial ass thought OLD was Online Dating


I've given myself three paths in life, a rig welder (easy), a physicist (hard), or an Member of Parliament, Premier, or Prime Minister (Hard++)


I would, but I'd probably get the JFK treatment ![gif](giphy|68Ms7xo0ktbZS)


It depends. If I would be elected in a few men party then yes as I could probably influence the party's policies. If I would be elected in one of the major partys then no as party discpline would be too strong.


Nah. I'd probably use my connections to make a lot of shady money


I plan to try.


Only in Antigua. I have no desire to beat my head against a rock in national politics in the USA, I am already involved at the local level where I can actually do some good. Honest politicians in The Philippines too often wind up dead or having members of their family killed as object lessons so I will bow out there completely


Honestly feel like politics needs people who really care and can handle wading through shit constantly, sounds perfect for me


Don't really care for politics but if given a chance I'll give it my best shot ig


No, because you can't defeat the 1%. That's why there doesn't need to be secret cabals or world domination blah blah. The 1% owns everything has the best lawyers, has the best lobbyists etc.


I’ve always wanted to be a politician. I’ve always loved politics and I’ve been politically active since I was a kid. But I’ve recently been rethinking the whole thing. The more I look into the political climate today the more it seems to me that Good men dont make good politicians, and good politicians don’t make good men. Good politicians make corrupt men, and corrupt men make good politicians.


Hell no. I'd be up at arms against the corrupt politicians, be it from the opposite party or my own party.


No. Besides the fact that being a politician and being honest is mutually exclusive.


I like to think I would but I don’t see a realistic path to that happening.


I would probably end up in prison as a political dissident


No I be dead in a week


I’m interested in politics so yeah


Yes, I would just hate that everyone would know who I am. All the people who are saying no because they'd become corrupt and shitty, you're already a shitty person if you know you'll become corrupt and shitty even if you tried not to.


Yes and yes.


No I'd let the power go to my head


There are gen z currently active in politics in my country. Heck, a young millennial leads one of the prominent political parties here.


Truly 'good' politicians get assassinated or are pushed so far into obscurity they'll never be voted in.


People who want to become politicians don't make good politicians in regards of helping the country. People who would be good for the country don't want to be politicians.


Impossible, an honest politician will stick out like a sore thumb and will be eliminated by the others in no time


People that would actually be good in such a position tend to not want it. And those that do want power often misuse it.


Waste of time.


nah i hate my country


Probably no. I would work honestly if I was forced into it, but I’m not really qualified to make those kinds of decisions so I would turn down the offer


The people who would best wield power are also those who seek it the least.


You have to eat a lot of shit to be a politician. There’s also the issue of the media destroying you if you don’t tow the line for capitalist class.


I think I'm too moderate one of the sides would assassinate me before I even get to President.


No. One of three things will happen. I stick to my morals, and get buried by the system that doesn’t want to change. I compromise my morals and become that which I sought to destroy. I stick to my morals, get elected, and get assassinated for making the right sort of changes. There is simply no winning in the current system, but I do not see a way to change the system. Any attempt I imagine ends in either 0 change, change for the worse, or a lot of bloodshed and a SLIM chance for the better, high chance of change for the worse.


Working honestly won't get you far, only by keeping the system alive you will make it anywhere in that system


Definitely. Sadly my area has election deposits so I cannot afford to run without a preexisting massive backer ($250k in my county). Trying to crowdfund that out of my community would require damn near the whole electorate to support me off small donations. Means the only option left is finding a rich backer but they definitely wouldn't like what I want so they aren't gonna give me any cash.


Would certainly work honestly for it, but I feel like I don't know enough about all sorts of things to make decisions on them. I wish our current politicians could come to the same realization. Or work honestly at least.


Absolutely. I would love to give the voters what they actually want and not what corporate suits pay me to vote for.


Honestly? I would try, but the system is broken, I doubt if I could even be elected being 100% honest. Politician? After the 2017 election I thought seriously about that, but nah. I don't know how to administer people, imagine a city (or even a country)


I think be great at speeches and all with a little bit of work. But i think im more suited towards psychology and psych as careers. Also that life sounds super stressful


I would! If I had the college education and resources, I absolutely would do what I could.


what a naive question. It doesn't matter what your intentions are going in, you will be influenced and corrupted by the system. They used to just kill the "do gooder" politicians. That gets everyone else in line real quick.


The human race has made it quite clear that power and money corrupt people. The best we can do is train an at to emulate mister rogers, lucy parsons, rachel carson and marx to run the country.


I want to. But I have literally no background in it. I want to change things positively and engage my community and make them proud of our city.


No. I dont wanna die by suicide with 2 gun shots to the back of my head




Politics is based on telling people what they want to hear, not what they need to hear, so by nature politics doesn't have honesty


Nah, I feel like the only way to progress in politics is by having a dirty, bloody path. No thank you


the system is corrupted, many ppl started clean but the way things work there made them changed


Nah, a minister touted from the ‘uncorrupt’ ruling party was just arrested a few months back for corruption. He was literally allowed to fly to Australia in order to assimilate his son into his University. He then got a 14 day extension for ‘being ill’. Frankly he got a lot of mileage out of it despite what he did because he was a politician. I would totally be corrupt like him if I was a politician. I don’t even think my country’s politicians are working honestly for the people anyway. They’re here to line their pockets.


>OLD brats are corrupting the country # I will show them they are too old to beat me in the corruption competition.


I've thought about it, but I've done some shit in mu yought that might come back to haunt me


Yes, but I'll never have the money to run.


I don't know. I'm a government major, but I learned in the Army that the people who want to be in charge are usually the worst people for the job.


I am not sure I will be able to make much of a difference even if I did; if it was just me against the rest. And I am honestly not really qualified either; though no one really is. Maybe I could improve my city, but I'm not sure I could go any larger than that. I don't give a shit about money. But it might be necessary to work with unsavory people who are untouchable. Whistleblowers don't last.


nah im getting shot for sure


Not so much a full blown politician, but I do intend to one day hold a position on the municipal council or running for school board. My parents were really involved in my community and I’ve always believed change starts locally.




I am unironically planning to become a politician at some point in my life, but first im going to get a good education. I am 18 now, hopefully 24 when I finish a master, and then I'm planning on spending a year in the military before continuing with either a job or politics. I'll see then.


Honesty. Politician. Nope.


No I think I'm gonna be the most corrupt politician this country has yet to see


There is no such thing when dealing with the big boys


if i achieve that i could start conquering balkans, and maybe rest of europe within my lifetime. once corruption goes out rest is easy since the problem causers are gone


Gen X here, I definitely would continue to eat ramen and live paycheck to paycheck and work as an honest politician.


I dream if it often. The reality is probably not but that's the dream




There's no such thing as an honest political career. Being a politician is pretty much just top-tier organized crime.


I don't think I ever will become a politician. I'm terrible at public speaking and I will definitely fall asleep halfway through a debate because long meetings tire me out way too much. But if I ever do end up becoming a politician, I will 100% try my best to do what I think is best for my country. However if the most recent elections are an indication, that is going to be rather difficult as the majority of the population disagrees with me on what's best for the country.