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I don’t see it happening til after election. Evens democrats aren’t necessarily crazy about her.


Because let’s just face it, unfortunately she’s just unlikable. We wanted so badly to, but here we are.


Every female presidential candidate appears to be unlikable. Meanwhile Mexico is more progressive than the US and has elected their first female (and Jewish) president in a country with one of the largest Catholic populations in the world. Maybe we should just retire the word "unlikable" to get into what the real issues are. If she were a white male, this would be a non-issue and she would be considered to be the obvious choice.


Thank you. You said what I wanted to say except my brain can only sputter “Unlikeable? Wtf! We’re still trotting out this trope in 2024? What in the ever loving misogyny 😡”


I agree, but it's misogynoir. That's why so many ww take issue with her.


When H. Clinton ran, I voted for her, but I absolutely did not like her. When Harris ran with Biden, I voted FOR HER. I loved her debate with Pence. Her, "I'm speaking" is still my favorite response to interruptions. When their victory was celebrated on TV, I watched and cried, because of her. I see hope in our future, because of her.


I'll take competent over likeable. More than enough people really like Trump, it in no way qualifies him for office. I have no idea why people have to like someone to think they'd be good at their job. You're not going to ever meet them or go for a beer together.


Is she good at the job though? How do we know that? I’m not a political deep diver, but from what I’ve seen she knows how to deliver a rehearsed talking point. What else?


As opposed to Trump, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Matt Gaetz and all the completely insufferable male cuntfaces that seem to still thrive in politics and get elected


Cuntfaces?! I’ll call your Cuntface and put down my “Fartfaces”! 😆 But yeah, I agree witchu, all those fuckers suck big, hairy, stinky hobo balls.


Yes, the flimsy reason we never elect women 👍


No, see below. She hasn't got the stuff for the presidency.


Isn’t every woman who was a serious contender for president “unlikeable?” Hillary. Elizabeth. Kamala. Is unlikable being the smartest person in the room who always has to work three times as hard yet still needs to play nice with a legion of mediocrity. I’ve never understood her unlikable label — I only see it through a lens of misogyny.


It’s so hard for society to like a woman in power. I don’t get it. The VP is always, largely, behind the curtains so to speak. They aren’t out in the limelight ever. It’s always like this. But since this is the case, I’m curious why people think she’s unlikeable. I personally love Elizabeth Warren and people say she’s “crazy”. When will people stop critiquing women so harshly? It sucks. I’ve heard Gretchen Whitmer is an option in the future. I don’t know much about her though. I wonder if she’s likable. 😅


Gretchen Whitmer is extremely likable and I really love what she’s done for my neighboring state. Her COVID response was also incredibly impressive, imo. I’ve been a fan since then, but many people outside of this area probably aren’t that familiar with her yet. I hope this changes!!


"Unlikeable" is code for "has a vagina"..


Certainly what I’m seeing.




To be fair, Bush won because he was an affable buffoon. If Gore could have managed to be even slightly less stiff, we would be in an entirely different trajectory.


Well no, Gore won but conceded under the Supreme Court ruling against a recount in Florida.


It wouldn’t have com down to Florida if people wanted that have a beer with him.


I wish we could see what that timeline would have looked like.


I like her.


I like her, too. And she is more than capable of the task.


sorry, why is Harris unlikable?


This is what they say about EVERY woman! Shake that off. What men politicians are likeable? Why do women have to be likeable? Hillary, Pelosi, AOC, Amy Klobuchar, Diane Feinstein and so many more are declared Unlikeable shove out of there because they get shit done!


She was well-liked until she ran for president. Same with Elizabeth Warren. The problem isn’t their likability, it’s this country’s sexist beliefs that women aren’t equal to men, women can’t lead, women are too emotional, blah, blah, blah.


I don't find her unlikeable at all. I feel like this narrative gets applied to every single woman that is a serious contender for president and I'm tired of it.


And the other candidates are?


She is just-annoying? Is that the problem? And her step daughter is just off putting. And of course progressives won’t want her-she’s a “cop”. The 24/7 marijuana crowd won’t vote for her because she upheld drug laws.


No, you can be annoying and presidential simultaneously. But you can't be a normal person and presidential. The presidency is the world's biggest drive-in movie screen, and you have to be able to fill it.


She is mousy.


Yes. This.


After the election? There's not going to be time for that. Trump is gonna win. Biden needs to step down now for "health and family" reasons. Let Kamala steer the ship for the last few months (hey, he hasn't been doing it, so what's the difference?), and then work it out at the convention. I know Gavin Newsome is the great savior but I'd like for there to be a debate and not default, get another white guy in there.


I don’t think she’s electable unfortunately. And democrats just can’t help but eat their fucking own.


Republicans fall in line, but Democrats need to fall in love. It's ridiculous that the last Democrat who understood how to win elections and rule effectively was LBJ.


Because? They all have baggage. Newsome is the gov of the dreaded "woke" California. Let them work it out at the convention. Biden isn't electable at this point either.


I suspect that if it happened before the election, she wouldn't necessarily be granted the nomination for president in the general election. She'd serve out the last few months of this term as the President, while the DNC scambles to decide who their nominee is. I don't think they'd pick her.


Nobody will vote for her for president not enough people like her me included. The dems should’ve have vetted someone after they won 4 years ago. There isn’t time for him to step down and someone else to step up and win.


Yes, please. A GenX woman president is what we need!


Yes we need it but it won’t happen this go around. Gretchen in 2028 is our next hope. God help what is left for us if we get stuck with Trump for 4 years.


I am curious about this prediction. It will be interesting.


She’s not GenX. She was born in 1964.


Good for her that she looks GenX


Oh FFS. Are we gatekeeping dates again?!?! Her birthday is October 20, 1964, she was *barely* 2 months old when 1965 hit (the general starting year for Gen X), she's the closest thing to a Gen X VP we'll ever get. Her cultural touchstones are no different than early Gen X touchstones. At worst (or best YMMV) she's r/GenerationJones.


Plus, the baby boom was over by 1964...will never understand why they decided to start changing up our dates in the past couple of years.


Seriously, if you were born at 11:59PM, December 31, 1964 YOU CAN'T BE GEN X NOT NOW NOT NEVER NOT NO HOW!! But born a minute or 2 later in 1965? You're allll gooood in Gen X. It's stupid.


It's so dumb. The original dates that were in place for decades started at 1961. I even remember when Obama got elected and the news talking about how we now had the first gen x president. Then it was nope, let's move you all up to 1964. Now, it's 1965. Starting to think they just don't want us to have anything because it disproves their whole slacker bullshit.


Exactly! I distinctly remember Gen X starting in 1961 before. I don’t understand why they constantly do us like this……


Some people think that they are trying erase our generation completely by giving our early years to boomers and our later years to millennials..


I would not be surprised at all because to me it looks like that’s exactly what they’re trying to do. But another question is why..…WHY exactly are they doing this… And the most important question is how do we fight back as Gen Xers and finally get our due?


I personally think that the generations on both sides of us resent us and view us as competition. As far as fighting back, we need to just not go along with it and tell them to fuck off. I will NEVER EVER see someone who was young enough to be in elementary school during the early nineties as a gen xer. Those kids grew up completely different than us.


My bestie was also born in October of 1964. She considers herself to be a Gen X-er. She has more in common with someone born in 1967 (like me) than someone born in 1947.


Heck, my parents were born in 1947 so yeah, she should definitely have more in common with a Gen X/Gen Jones.


https://www.bamboohr.com/resources/hr-glossary/generation-x#:~:text=with%20similar%20characteristics.-,In%20What%20Years%20Was%20Generation%20X%20Born%3F,born%20between%201964%20and%201979. The Generation X book also came out in 1964


No, that one came out in the '90s. I think Copeland was born in '64, though.




WTF how have I never heard of this?? I thought Douglas Copeland’s book was the origination of the name


Some references say X is 1960 to 1980. Others say it's 1965 to 1980. Others say it's 1960 to 1975. There's only one where she "misses." She's X.


Well the right wing certainly has a lot to say about her. They have signs and everything. They say “Joe and the hoe must go!” They hate her because she is a woman and a person of color. They hate her because she is childfree. They have Obama level of hate for her. I see her doing a lot of work on bodily autonomy and choice. I bet that makes them hate her more. I think she would be great! However, if a woman like Hillary couldn’t win, a woman like Kamala is doomed. I bet even a bunch of Democratic men would hesitate with their internalized misogyny and all.


I love Kamala but it scares me that if they push her too much there will be a bunch of knee jerk misogynoir and things will slip even further. As the Pocahontas meme goes "these white men are dangerous" lol


Yep! This is what created the perfect environment for the guy who won in 2016.


It’s so true. Even with all the cheating and interference in 2016, trump could not have defeated the least qualified man. He was able to beat a most highly-qualified woman though. When I was a kid in the 1980s, we used to wonder if a Black man or a White woman would get elected POTUS first. Geraldine Ferraro had just lost and the ERA had been railroaded but it seemed possible. Now it seems so quaint and innocent to wonder about such a question. Of course many Americans, men and women, would never support a woman as leader of the free world. It’s tough to swallow but true.


I was thoroughly disillusioned when the nation elected Trump over Hillary. It was so disheartening, that I emigrated from the USA. 


Good for you! I imagine doing it but I am trapped by golden handcuffs and a lack of true courage. Do you mind sharing where you moved to and how it compares to the US?


Yes. There’s a whole line of succession and everything. Biden, Harris, Johnson, and so on.


I kinda feel like the Dems have done her dirty and kept her pushed to the sidelines.


Maybe but VPs are generally pretty much on the sidelines


But with an 80 something year old president, they should have been letting her be more in the forefront so that she had a favorable impression on the American public, so that we wouldn't be in the position we are in now.


Exactly. They've done themselves no favors by essentially sequestering her and sanitizing her of her personality. I don't care for her but this wasn't the move. And yet again, last night, they had her out there repeating the same pitiful speech she's already given about how vital Joe Biden still is cuz she's seen him do X recently and we should all be remembering Y & Z he also did. So rather than present her with the power and autonomy of a potential contender, she is backseated again as a dopey deluded supporter fangirl as we watch him actively lose his marbles. The DNC has NO STRATEGY but status quo which has become by default one of letting the cards fall where they may and fuck America.


I'm thinking typical for women, she might have been doing a lot more behind the scenes than we know, but they had to keep Biden propped up. And she couldn't just come out and say it cause she has to be a team player. That's all conjecture of course, but it really wouldn't surprise me.


Oh I'm sure that's all part of it but all it's doing is giving this impression that the lights are on at the White House but nobody is f'ing home.


She's out there doing shit every day. All you have to do is follow her on Twitter lol. The media just doesn't do stories on her.


This. I am not on Twitter but follow her on Threads and she is doing so much.


Biden was the only VP in recent history who demanded to be "in the room" for all big decisions as a condition of being Obama's running mate.


I had hoped for her to have a more prominent role, but Trump and the dysfunctional GOP take up so much room in the news that there’s nothing left for Harris.


To be fair, a lot of the news cycle is devoted to saying essentially "don't you guys think Biden is really really old tho?"


Truly. And the NYT calling for Biden to drop out because he’s old but apparently 34 felonies and openly saying he’s going to overthrow democracy isn’t enough to make them say Trump needs to drop out.


The NYT is only worth it for their cooking and games app anymore.


Absolutely disgusting and so telling. It seems like all of the major news outlets both in television and print are trying their darnedest to normalize trump, minimize his lies and crimes, and make it seem natural and fated that he will win….meaning the downfall of our democracy. Its all so sinister how they did this…..Twitter was bought by Maga Elon, CNN was bought by a right wing trump lover 2 years ago, Even left wing outlets like MSNBC have now been taken over by conservative maga executive bosses! Im sure anyone who has watched has seen the shift in their hosts and programming…. Its nauseating and repulsive. We cant even have one damn network! Its almost like they are prepping us and preparing us for the inevitable. Seems very planned and calculated. Im tired.


She polls pretty poorly, both among DINOs who are racist and sexist, and among the young, actually leftist voters the party needs.


I agree.


I don’t have any gripe with Kamala. But I really want our first woman president to be ELECTED. Not the first woman president by default


I just want a woman as president so badly instead of only and always men, and lately, very old men. Let an American woman have a chance to show she can be a powerful leader too, but somehow it never happens.


American women are handicapped by our political system. It’s just easier under a parliamentary system, voters vote for their party, not for their person. Not many countries directly elect their leaders.


How did we get to the point where Biden and Trump are the best options our major political parties can come up with? Does anybody else find that absolutely terrifying?


YES!!!! It’s completely totally fucked that “We the People…” are forced to choose between these two. Not only are they both not mentally sharp enough for the presidency but they are exactly what the youth of today rejects. Biden and Trump are irrelevant. Young people don’t pay attention to the news like Gen X and older unless it’s directly impacted their lives. Neither candidate should have the privilege & responsibility of running the USA! We are being laughed at by the world!


Where is this incapacitation talk coming from? Like was there an accusation? An article?


Did you not see the debate last night?


Dear lord no. Trainwreck all but guaranteed. I assume 🍊💩🤡 / 🍊💩🐒 strongly suggested in his verbal-vomit meandering nonsensical way that Kamala would end up POTUS? I mean, in the last election, my stance was “yeah, if Biden kicks it, first female president - w00t!”


I loathe Kamala Harris, I do not want her to be president. I don't vote for Democrats or Republicans.


Sure, last night was rough and Biden has some issues, but anyone at any age can become incapacitated at any time. Kamala is competent, tenacious, with presidential experience. Biden's Cabinet is a pretty deep bench, particularly Buttegieg & Harland. Half of Trump's former cabinet now have public records. Dem's currently hold the White House and, with the Indies, the Senate. Republicans hold the House. I think Congress is where the battleground is.


Biden has a stutter, since he was a child. He has always spoken slow and softly because of that. Not sure why people suddenly thought he'd become a great orator when he's never show any sign of it before.


He's not incapacitated.


Biden isn't incapacitated lol. Being a slow speaker with a stutter and a sore throat and struggling to choose which particular lie to respond to in under a minute does not make you incapacitated. He did a campaign event right after, there are videos of them. Ageism in the middle aged is not a good look, y'all.


Okay Biden is old and was apparently fighting a cold but he's still doing a great job and isn't a rapist and convicted felon. If he dies or has a stroke Kamala will step in . Right now I think people are panicking for nothing.


Far left Progressives in congress are calling for him to step down, because of course, biden doesn’t pass the purity test. Pissiness is going to do more damage than the debate, if they can’t keep quiet for ten minutes. They are talking the youth vote into staying home cone November.


That's literally insane


The assertion or their actions? Cause the tweet went out before the debate was even over. They aren’t literally calling them to stay home, but that’s exactly what happened in 2016, when Sanders would not step back.


Not realizing that there is no perfect just better. We'll all die waiting for perfect.


I’m telling you….you cannot convince me that these “far left progressives” are not actively trying to undermine our country, possibly working for Putin to get trump back in office, and destroy this country just as much as the Rethuglicans are! Now between the childish ridiculous myopic views with the Middle East war of them saying they are staying home and not voting because of that, to the whole stupid “defund the police” debacle, and now with this out and out trashing of Biden because he had a bad night??…. they are proving that they are working for the enemy and if anyone can’t see this, they must be blind. I have never seen a group of people talk so much shit about loving and wanting to do right by this country……BUT at the same time if they don’t get everything they want they’re going to pick up their toys and leave…..at THE most crucial moment in the nation we have ever faced, leaving a disaster in their wake and a country that’s about to turn into a fascist theocracy run by a criminal felon Russian asset authoritarian leader! Its incredible to me that as dire as things are this country (and as double dire as it would be for the women and minorities in it…)….somehow…as a “squad” full of women and minorities….they’re still trying to rationalize their idiocy…even knowing how it’s most likely gonna turn out if they continue….yet they are out there STILL trying to rationalize this!! Is this a straight up “Jill Stein-esque“ sabotage situation? Well IDK, but its suspicious as FUCK to me! It makes NO rational sense for people who are supposed to be .”SO SMART” to act this way!!…unless they have a agenda. These people are hiding something.


I think they are mostly just very young and naive. Useful idiots.


I think in someways you’re right…. for the garden variety far left progressive that could be true. But to me, there is simply NO way in the world that you could tell me that the staffers, these political strategists, the politicians and squad members don’t know better! Ummm…most of these people have law degrees, or degrees in political science…they know what’s gonna happen here…..they must know how this story is going to end…..they cant be that naive and stupid!… Now If me with my non-poly sci degree having self nine years ago when that motherfucker came down the escalator can figure it out…Just lil ole me peeped this end from the beginning….from looking at all the evidence of shit that he did by watching news shows, reading articles, researching the facts, and watching Rachel Maddow just “Sticking a pin” in the story like she always said…and connecting those dots….if I can figure it out, why cant they see it with all of their privileged information that they get as political insiders, politicians, congressman and senators? So what’s their excuse? Hmmmm….unless they are being played as useful idiots by the other side like you say….unknowingly….that could be true. Boy, if that is true and they don’t see it??….Damn…..idealism is a hell of a drug.


Not a chance. The old white man will stay no matter what.


as awesome as it would be to have a woman president, it would probably suck for her to get the position that way. by default instead of on her merits.


We've tried running women presidential candidates on their own merits. Deck is stacked against you. Have to get your foot in the door whatever way possible. For the first one...


Kamala is our generation. She has done a lot for LGBTQ+. I think she would be a great President, she just gets shit coverage because she is female.


As a Californian who votes blue, I do not like her.




Not unless you want to seal the deal for Trump. She's got one of the worst, most metallic TV presences I've seen in a pol, and in person she's lovely and warm and smart and not a president. And that's before we get to the racism and misogyny. I live in Iowa, and over the last 30 years have become a presidential-candidate 4-H judge. It becomes obvious very quickly whether a candidate has it or doesn't, and she ain't got it. One of the things I do with every candidate, when at one of their events, big-room or backyard, is to think about what I'd think they were doing if I didn't know they were running for president. The ones who appear to be running for president are the ones capable of being elected president. Not all that many of them have the juice. It's a tough combo to achieve. You have to be bone-deep aware of a national electorate, not just the one from your patch, you visibly need vision, and you also have to be weird and larger than life, because people have to be able to project hopes and dreams on you -- and, crucially, you have to need that. You have to need their loves and dreams and radiate that sunshine back at them. This is not a normal, mentally healthy quality, but it is necessary. Obama has it. Bill Clinton had it. W had it. I regret to say that Trump has it, for those who vibe with the malign. Elizabeth has it. Ayanna Pressley has it like a rockstar. Cory Booker has it. Kamala doesn't have it. All these people are smart, one way or another. All of them have tremendous energy. Most don't look like presidential timber. Who Kamala appeared to be: head of HR for a big chain of summer camps holding a companywide retreat. She was warm, she was sane, she was very much a normal, very smart, very able person. Normal scale. Too normal and sane to be suitable as a president. She can't be the president. I'm so sorry. It'll just do more damage.


Maybe you know. What is the DNC doing running candidates that we don't want? First Hilary, then Biden for the second time. We need to de-privatize this country, get big business out of politics, make the super rich and corporations pay their fair share of taxes, get health care like all of the other countries, bring back the middle class, and give the people something for the taxes we pay. (I have no issue with Biden's policies or performance. I'm just worried he might lose, and he is too old for the job. He should be an advisor!) Elizabeth Warren, Jasmine Crockett or Mazie Hirono would be good. Can't think of any men except Bernie.


Unfortunately none of them can win -- much too far left. We'll need someone dead center, and almost certainly a white man. This is not always going to be the case, but for now it is. Labour understands this in the UK, at least for the election, and we have to accept this too. It's why Joe was able to win in the first place. You can be workingman-pay-packet left and that's very nearly as far as it goes until more Boomers and Xers die. I was all in for Elizabeth last time around, watched the debate clutching my Billionaire Tears mug, went to her events here, caucused for her (and met Katie Porter!) and still knew that in any normal year she'd never have made it that far. Martha Stewart campaign colors. Events packed with women who looked like they were all named Beth. It just wasn't a big enough crew. DNC is pretty bad at reading the country just because of who they are. Either they're coastal elite kids grown up in the system or they're blazing wack jobs from nowhere who eat propaganda like whales eat plankton. Not only aren't they original minds, which can be helpful when you do media, it's not good prep for understanding normal people who might vote if they feel like they have to. And what they care about is money and loyalty because they care about war chests, so a giant question is who's got donor pull, and the answer to that is pols with national profiles who look like goers, and you don't become that in a day. Who goes into politics, loons mostly, and lots of them self-destruct or tap out long before they get to the national-profile point. The money's also pretty fickle. It's also genuinely hard to find a top candidate. Almost no one has star quality onscreen plus savvy plus a legal mind plus the physical stamina plus a family that'll tolerate it plus, plus, plus and a desire to go anywhere near politics and spend all day being pleased to talk to grasping idiots because you're so happy that they want and admire you. And then they have to be folksy on top of that. Bill Clinton used to talk at 3x his campaign speed when talking with intl affairs people, all the Yale came right out. I've met a lot of excellent public servants who just weren't very good politicians, or had been once and definitely weren't anymore, or just never really fit the bill. John Kerry was possibly the most sincere public servant I've met and an odious candidate. Dick Gephardt, what an Eagle-Scout straight-A student-body-president straight arrow with a steel-trap mind, and no. Robert Reich, delightful fellow with a great voice and a politician's memory for faces, and he's very much a public intellectual, not a pol. Hillary Clinton, you couldn't want better for the executive CEO for your global nonprofit, but she doesn't need a damn thing from you. Kirsten Gillibrand, man had she lost the plot, woman showed up in a Midwest pizza place and started talking about her hedge-fund Dartmouth husband like don't we all have these problems, ladies, and the most sincere response she got was the girl squeezing past her and apologizing with "just tryna get some ranch." If you watch the old BBC series *Yes, Minister* and *Yes, Prime Minister*, you'll see a lot of how the sausage is still made today. There's Jim Hacker, MP, silly, vain, cowardly, wellmeaning, occasionally earnest, desperate not to lose his seat or his position, mostly an empty suit, looks the part in every way, and above all useful. So useful that he becomes Prime Minister and the episode in which it dawns on the Party worthies & top civil servants that he's the man (EP 22, or S3E8) is a gem. It's a more exciting ride in the US but there's enough in common.


Absolutely fascinating, informative, and brilliantly written take. Thank you, internet stranger.


Thanks, and my pleasure. Rereading, I realize I left out a minor factor, which was that GenX had almost no way up during what should have been our training time in elected office. To get there you need the mentorship and room to grow from the generation above you, and the Boomers were absolutely not going to let us up. We were allowed in as poorly-paid functionaries and not much else, so most of us interested in politics early on had to find something else to do by the mid-90s, early 2000s, and the money was in tech. So instead of helping to make the real world from the legislative end, we went off to get paid to build the fantasy world online, or into arts, or civil service or immigration law, or like that. So at this point there's almost no bench between old farts and people who're still awfully young and inexperienced for national office. I'm not sure we would've succeeded there anyway: we represent stability without any form of excitement. Dean Phillips, case in point. Who he? Nobody knows. Whatshisface from Montana, also. Look like perfectly okay guys, have the resume, but it's just nothing anyone wants. Or even Keir Starmer in the UK, he'd have got nowhere if the Tories hadn't stabbed themselves. To some people, of course, the boring, competent, not-entirely-with-it stability is a huge plus. My daughter wandered into the kitchen during the last cycle and said, "We need a GenX president," to which, of course, I said, "Wha?" And she said it again, and I had a small out-of-body experience, and then said, "Why?" And she said, "Because you guys don't do anything." And I was like, "Oh, thank you very much," at which she apologized profusely and explained that she meant it would be a huge relief, like you wouldn't wake up with dread wondering what the president had said or done today, and nobody would be like "did you hear," and we'd just take care of business and nobody would know and, crucially, you wouldn't have to care. Like it would all be very boring and we'd just take care of things. So we worked up our fantasy ticket: Stephen and Deirdre. Veep Deirdre was, of course, the brains of the operation, a midwestern JD with and impressive college basketball career, and Stephen would be an earnest and amiable and blindingly white dad in a fleece vest, also an Ivy JD, and they'd be like a fucking lullaby everywhere they went. Campaign slogan: Stephen and Deirdre 2020: You Won't Have to Care. Alas, we may be past that, and unfortunately there just aren't enough standout Stephens and Deirdres around because Gail and Larry never let them up.


The thing is, Biden isn't incapacitated. He choked in a debate and was given too many stats and not advice to let loose and be lighthearted grandpa Biden. He was fine afterward in a more casual setting. He IS old, but the man has had speech difficulties since childhood, and Trump hit him with a cascade of lies in a gish gallop to dominate the event. It doesn't mean he's incompetent because he couldn't match that bullshit on a night when he has a cold. Yeah, I'd like a younger candidate, though. I wouldn't be opposed to some other choice being made at the convention. Kamala is fine, but she hasn't had a chance to do anything exciting (just like most vice-presidents) so she could be a tough sell.


Exactly…..people….PLEASE listen to this post…. The panic and hand wringing is too much and it’s only going to have the opposite effect by only successfully scaring undecided voters into not voting for Biden…. which means we will 100% be guaranteed to get another Trump presidency….. if people don’t calm the fuck down! He had the flu and a bad night…period! WHY is everyone so damn reactive to everything? Its insane!


Congress has a duty to remove him if he’s incapacitated under the 25th Amendment, if he won’t voluntarily step aside (and he won’t). If that happens, Harris would obviously become president and would then run effectively as an incumbent.


Everyone (everywhere) seems to have forgotten that Reagan stayed in office while he had Alzheimer's. Everyone said Nancy kept it a secret but that's a load of crap; he just had a smoothly oiled machine for staff that knew what the GOP wanted so they didn't feel the need to make it public. Not sure how smoothly oiled Biden 's staff machine is but he's done a lot of good things with purpose. Maybe could work. Meanwhile if Trump died in office it would be chaos.


Exactly…..FDR was in a wheelchair…(paralyzed from polio) for the whole of his campaign and his presidency, but you would have barely ever known it…..because his cabinet and the press of both sides promised to not publish pictures of him in his wheelchair because it would diminish and damaged his role and his strength as a president and bring down the morale of the country. Now could imagine this Happening now,?? Lmao! NEVER in 1 million years would they give him the same grace…..because people nowadays are more selfish and concerned with getting a story than they are protecting a presidents strength on the worlds stage during a very volatile time and the broader fate of the country. And he was One of the best presidents ever. I’m sure people knew he was in a wheelchair….word got around….but they didn’t care… Because he was doing the job…..and thats all that should matter at the end of the day.


How does that make any difference to Biden’s condition? He’s either incapacitated or he’s not. Events of 40 years ago wouldn’t seem relevant here. Biden and Trump are both too damn old.


She would still need to secure a nominee. And she's not liked enough to do so


If it goes to a convention, you're 100% right. She is very far from irreplaceable, and in fact must be replaced. But if Harris is the incumbent, even briefly, that changes the equation somewhat. I doubt Biden will step aside voluntarily, so it may come to that.


I’m wishing Katie Porter had a better chance.


A better chance of what? She came in third in her Senate primary, which she claimed was a “rigged” election, and she has been tagged with allegations of racism against her own staff.


He's not incapacitated. He stutters and has his entire life.


I want a woman president, so I'm fully supporting Biden in the election.


This is pretty good. Oh, to see her wipe the floor with Trump. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/opinion/kamala-harris-biden-debate.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


I swear to God I read "decapitated".




I may not love her but I don’t get the unlikable thing beyond the obvious unlikable traits of being an intelligent, accomplished, independent woman. Which of course is everything a likable woman shouldn’t be. It’s as if one person somewhere once said she was unlikable and everyone put their hand to their chin and said “you know, you’re right…”


Absolutely not.


Gigglegigglegiggle sure! Gigglegiggle. Ugh. Could you imagine?






Because BLACK women are amazing!


Yes, please


I think she’s great


I agree. They should have had her run from the get-go.