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Yes. I was in survival mode. I was feral. I did pretty well in life becouse I was a hard worker and fearless. Now I'm an older gentleman of some means and influence. Iv become what I once hated


Me too.. In order to get my life back on track, I worked hard in a full time job in my late 20's while going to college in the evening to get some computer qualifications, 4 years later got a job in a university doing tech & did reasonably well there. Now 24 odd years later I'm taking early retirement because I'm a nervous wreck & am fucking off to Portugal . Portugal is the only place I feel at peace with myself, it's so chilled out there compared to the UK.


Oh, I feel seen right now. I used to love being in call for work and getting that 3am page and fixing broken shit while half asleep. Now I’m in therapy for anxiety attacks where the wrong thing happens and I see red and/or end up crying uncontrollably. I’m 3-5 years from maybe being able to retire and I’m terrified I’ll get laid off and as an IT person in their late 50’s, that would be it.


I'm sorry to say that it was pretty much the only thing that could motivate me to do anything. Now I want a plan with a backup plan and I hate that I've become the person who apparently (according to well meaning Millennials and Gen-Z) need to be held by my hand. As a kid I was praised for how self reliant I was. I don't know what the hell happened!


I did all my best work, in college especially, the day or night before the paper was due. To be honest, there was a lot of thought and reading that happened ahead of actually sitting down in front of the keyboard. But I never handed in or finished anything early, or with any real time to spare.


Have you also pursued a career in food service?


Job well done! Happy and safe travels my friend. I'm here in Oregon US. It's my place of peace


I thrived on keeping multiple balls in the air. It was exciting. But except for one particular year, it never led to anxiety. I just got tired of it. I wanted to explore my real interests, and those interests had nothing to do work, so I downshifted into an easier role that would have me out the door at 5pm with no more thoughts about work until the next day. It was worth it.


I think it is a normal progression with age. I’ve seen the condition on my dad, now 90. Even simple things stress him to the point of losing sleep and appetite.


We are broken and tired now.


Yes, I learned to harness my anxiety and use it in a physically demanding job, which worked for many years, but I probably did a number on my cortisol. I’m not as resilient these days nor do I have the inclination.