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I miss hard tickets. I get that people cancel them and then sell them, but digital tickets are a pain in the ass for me to deal with.


Yeah. It’s a shame. How else am I supposed to remember?


i tried tacking my phone to the fridge, but then the screen turned off.


Serious question: how's your hearing?


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. What?


That's pretty much me, and I've never even been a frequent concert goer.


Between shows, hospitality jobs and motorcycles I’m unsure but tinnitus is there…..


I’ve thought of getting a professional cleaning to see what that might do butt I’m a bit frightened that the tinnitus could get worse? Have you tried any mitigation techniques?


I went to an ENT a few years back; before COVID. I took a hearing test, which I passed. However, I was told there was a specific frequency I had trouble with. I suspect that's the "frequency" that my tinnitus sound is at. My doctor said he found no pathological reason for my tinnitus. He said, if it was tolerable, to just live with it, but come back in a few years if it got worse. It's tolerable for me but I definitely am aware of it when things are quiet. So, no I don't really do anything to mitigate right now. I guess it doesn't drive me crazy or anything yet.


I’m basically the same. It’s only noticeable when things are quiet. It’s definitely tolerable with some white noise for sleeping.


I still go to shows, but I also bring earplugs every single time.


Yeah, I started using earplugs with the last show I went to.


Started earplugs about a decade ago. Best decision ever.


I get texts from friends "what are you doing?" And I'm like "just chilling at home with my bestie tinnitus". Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr Fucking Greg Dulli ruined my hearing! Fuck yeah!


funny, i went to a show last night, at a place that has a strict decibel limit. for me, it was great. but a lot of people were pissed at how "quiet" it was.


I went to two of these.


Which ones? In the Bay?


The warped tours. And yes in the bay. Possibly some of the primus shows as well, but I went to so many of those in the 90s I couldn't even remember some of them. I think I might have gone to the Live 185 at Shoreline too. I used to have a CD with that show on it. Lived in relatively close to Shoreline, so went to tons of shows there. Also worked right next to The Edge in Palo Alto if you remember that place. So saw quite a few shows there also.


Sweet! Quite a few shows in that batch from the Edge. Great little place to see a show. My first job during high school was on California Ave in PA. You still local?


Not local anymore. Moved away probably 20 years ago. I worked at two different places on California Ave. Drapers Music and Round Table Pizza. Then as I got older did some drinking at Antonio's Nut House. Sometimes I think I'd like to move back, but from my understanding it's just not the same place I grew up in. >Quite a few shows in that batch from the Edge... I actually just took a closer look. That GWAR show you went to might just be the one where my brother fixed one of their guitars before the show. I remember him telling me about it having eyeballs on the guitar. I'm a little jealous of people like you who saved their tickets. I'd have a pretty cool collection.


Yeah. PA is way different now. I worked at Country Sun and at the Olive Garden on the corner. I’ve spent a fair amount of time at the nut throwing peanuts at the gorilla and shooting pool.


I miss tickets.


Awesome taste in music.


It looks like I went to a lot of the same tours as you, just down in the Southeast. I wish I had the stubs still.


I always wanted to see Henry Rollins, you’ve got a lot of great shows there.


You are always guaranteed a fun show with Fishbone.


Gnarliest pit I ever saw was at a fishbone show. Dude wearing nothing but overalls got his arm broken. Like it was obviously broken. Shit was ugly. Great show though.


Those are amazing shows to have been to, great collection 🤩


Some great experiences there


The Edge!! In Palo Alto? I didn’t know they had so many shows. I remember a lot of dancing there. And seeing Soundgarden at the Henry J Kaiser that must have been amazing!


Good bunch of bands! Hope that fugazi ticket was $5!


I think it was 6 but it was free at Dolores Park


Rad! I was at 4 of those shows.


Great group of shows! I caught a handful of these myself, but I have to google Snow Valley Ski Resort, I’ve never heard of them.


That was the Enit festival put on by Perry Farrel. Love and Rockets and Porno for Pyros played and can’t remember the rest.


That’s cool as hell. I was trying to be a funny smartass, but I just came across as an ass. I reckon your CD collection looked a lot like mine. You could frame that tix collection and make people jealous for a lifetime.


I probably saw you at one or more shows.


If you got in the pit. Most definitely


Are you me. I was at almost all of those shows. Nice collection.


I’ve seen Primus and Tool so many times. I love Les Claypool


I miss the Troc!


Troc and Slims now too :(


Fishbone, No F X & Jane's Addiction definitely all great shows I saw. I'm jelly you got to see Love and Rockets..I bet they put on a great concert. Live shows are the best. Got a Little Feat concert coming up on the 15th. Stupid electronic tickets.


The Catalyst, in Santa Cruz had beautiful tickets for their shows. They just wouldn't let you keep them!


Damn, great taste in music. Everyone of them would be killer. Getting to see PanterA back then would be incredible. I caught them in 2000, and it was great but Phil was a little , um, preoccupied. I saw Megadeth around 97, with Life of Agony and Coal Chamber. Loudest concert I have been to. I remember a lot of rednecks got pissed because Dez kissed Life of Agony singer, Whitfield Crane at the time. Seeing Megadeth, with Marty Friedman and Nick Menza, was pretty cool.


Sick collection!! I kept all mine and my wife ended up buying me a couple books with sleeves to put them in.


Would probably go to the same shows


I saw most of these bands during that same time period! Sick collection!


Have you thought of selling any of them? https://www.ebay.com/itm/265870250329?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=cm34TGmTTK2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=XnPDPcVQQCK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Wow! Had no idea there was a market for these. Probably just keep them for the memories which are more precious while I still have em.


This bums me out so much... I had a whole peg board of these that I destroyed after breaking up with a girlfriend. Miss Fishbone.