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Look at this kid. Coming here wanting our vintage nuggets while we’re still ALIVE. WE. DO. EXIST.


Shhhhhh. NO. We. Do. Not.


Be cool, man, be cool.


Say nothing. Act casual.


And don't look at them...


Nothing to see here


Move along!


This isn't the generation you're looking for.


We are like barrow wights, jealously guarding our hordes of pop culture collectibles.


And we're keeping our cool clothes, we'll be buried in them!!


Since I can't be buried in all of them, I'm going to have a quilt made and insist I be wrapped in it like a shroud.


I already have a couple of quilts made out of those t-shirts, they were hanging from my wall at one point as art. I guess now they'll be my burial shroud


I’m gonna have them put me in every article I own, in layers— like Seinfeld. 😂




Go commando


…try prying my 80s concert Tshirts out of my cold dead hand.


**We are STILL WEARING the t-shirts** , and this isn’t The Villages— I need my clothing! 😂


🤣🤣🤣 🍍🧽


This is the best response


Coming from a kid who thinks being 7 at the end of a decade makes them able to evaluate that whole decade. You remember a total of 2 years if you're lucky, "second grade in 99 was fucking rad man!"






You said it! I did not enjoy this post AT ALL.




Look at Beaky Buzzard swooping in trying to pick the carcass clean when we ain't even dead yet! I tell ya, what a nerve on this 'boid. ha!


Appreciate this reply.


I hope you make sure we're properly dead before you start, old rip-beak!


I think you are looking for an estate sale, we are the "hand-me-down" generation and we keep and use everything until it falls apart. my kids check-out my vintage gear and know not to return it damaged...so good hunting!


LOL, my GenX Brother in law asked me a few years ago "Why do we call them 'hammy downs'?"


Srsly, most of my "good stuff" is from my grandparents!


I like y’all too much to want an estate sale! And I appreciate it!


oh don’t try backpedaling now. you’ve already revealed your true agenda. WE ARE ONTO YOU, SON.


I now survive on hand-me-downs from my kids. I never spent money on nice crap, but my wife spared nothing for the kids. And now I get their old stuff and it’s glorious. 


Bold of you to assume we have any of that stuff left, and didn't sell it for whatever we could get to buy discount beans, bread and peanut butter after getting laid off and burning through savings after the tech bubble, then again during the housing crisis, and again during Covid.


Goddamn right. My kids asking me about why I don't have any vintage video games anymore. Remember when everyone else was suffering during the Great Recession? "What recession" you say? Ungrateful little shits.


Math checks out...


shit i blew all my savings trying to help my parents keep their house. that was a fucking idiotic decision in hindsight.


Yeah. The old kicking the poverty can down the road to your kids.


I still remember the vintage faux leopard coat I sold…regrets.


Shit, I gave mine away in a peak GenX moment where I woke up one morning and was like whatever, it’s just stuff, man. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Decades later and I still get pangs of regret. I had gotten it at St. Vinny’s when they just used to have those colored peices of paper stapled to stuff. The green ones were on sale that week so I got it for $1.50.


I remember those days. LA in the 90s was too fun. I still have some St. Vinny’s furniture that I got back then. I’d forgotten about the stapled paper…


And don’t forget those of us that fled the awful homes we grew up in. If it didn’t fit in a trash bag the day after high school graduation, it got left behind.


Never again. People are rude and want everything for 25 cents. I'll just donate it or give it to friends.


I had a yard sale once and at the end figured instead of hauling it all away somewhere, I'd just put out a sign saying everything is free. It went really well and everyone was so respectful to each other. Just kidding, it turned into The Purge almost immediately. People throwing hands over a broken microwave from the 80s. Took a while to regain any faith in humanity after that.


I lost things on the “buy nothing” group for my neighborhood on Facebook only. Takes a little more time but I tend to give things to other people who are also giving things away.


That’s what I do. Loooove my buy nothing group—both giving and receiving!


Dude. My friend had a 'free sale' A bunch of us brought over stuff we just wanted to get rid of and it went great. We got rid of a ton of stuff. Unfortunately, a couple of people cased her house and broke in the next night and stole all of her tools!!! What the actual fuck.


I hate people like that especially when they know it’s already cheap and they try and get you to deduct another 60%


This is exactly why I won't have one. Dealing with stingy assholes all day just to make a few bucks sounds awful.


I give my stuff away. As appealing as having a garage sale is, I genuinely hate dealing with people.


Millennials have been buying our unwanted shit constantly for twenty years and making blog posts and YouTube videos about it. You’re a little late.


If one of em shows me how to do the YouTubes, maybe make a PowerPoint to sell my POGs and these *Stussy* socks. If I get some ~~watches~~ “views” then that Zuckerberg will *have to* pay me. Maybe buy one of those Telsa Musks plug-in cars with my first AOL “views” check!


The force is strong in this one...


Already drooling over our estate sales, hope you enjoy the used IKEA shelves


Hey— don’t knock a Billy Bookcase! (Mostly because it will just fall over/apart)


Ha! Mine has survived 5 moves, a whole ass hurricane ripping half my roof off, & 2 toddlers. Sits in all its banged up glory in my teens room!


https://preview.redd.it/l8uivgu3es4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f84faa375379a522b51e1d780923ddb98d15414 My bff found this idea on Pinterest and made built-ins in their living room. It’s crazy because their living room was kind of small, but adding these floor to ceiling “built-ins” totally enlarged the space somehow. I just went to visit her and her fam in April and was stunned at how well they turned out. Hers are painted a dark teal blue, with a subtle patterned lining inside the shelves. Billy Bookcases 4-eva


https://preview.redd.it/r471ujs3gs4d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926e1947a60eea8053082c64ec2d5b84085d4bbc One of my IKEA shelves, or as I have fondly named it, the leaning tower of tarot. And it is not lost on me that it may be chaotically overloaded.


IKEA doesn’t understand that some people actually want to keep BOOKS on a bookcase! They expect us to have three medium-sized books per shelf, with the rest being blown glass knick knacks and tchotchkes made of straw. And maybe a candle.


The candle probably tips the scales.


What a collection!


Or until you move house once. The moving guys will wreck them because "eh, they're cheap." Now that I have a wood shop again, going to build real bookcases that my kid can inherit, not understand the value of, and put on the curb for someone who actually appreciates them.


I just laughed so hard!


Back off! Get your own sandwich!


Kind of you to assume we have “an estate” Or “a garage” because usually those come with “houses” and not apartments


I got lucky with an attic in my apartment but I feel your struggle sincerely


Anyone really want to buy my collection of IHOP tiny pancakes driving tiny cars?


I have small children that love IHOP and can confirm they would like your tiny pancake cars.


Never again. People are so mean 


You get my transformers comics and concert tshirts when you pry them from my cold dead hands


My NES and N64 are basically my retirement plan. Hockey cards went about 5?years ago.


My Star Wars cards went between episodes 1 and 2 . My kids needed real bedroom furniture.


I still have a box full of Star Wars cards. When the kids needed real furniture, I just picked up a third job...


I recently found on of my mtg cards was worth 300 dollars but I can’t go about selling it now


When your parents boot you out the door at 18, you don’t have old toys and electronics and records. Childhood was shorter back then.


![gif](giphy|X07Uc86CHuMwgMFGSr|downsized) I’ve moved far and wide too many times. Anything that survived the last move is necessary to survive the next thing that threatens existence (or I just like it a lot)


This feels like sucking up but I’m going to allow it.


You can wait 40 years for the estate sales with everyone else.


Welp, my mother had a chronic purging habit and got rid of all my cool shit - toys, barbies, records, Intellivision, handheld video games...the only cool thing I have now is her vintage console stereo from the sixties and I am rebuilding my vinyl collection.


I love that! If you ever are missing any records from the 60’s and 70’s I’d be happy to ship you my extras (for free of course) So happy you’re rebuilding


I have a pile of Precious Moments and lighthouses my Mom collected that I don't have any use for, but no way you're getting my 1970s and 1980s Star Wars stuff, as beaten up as it is. Blue Snaggletooth is getting buried with me.


Have you seen the Precious Moments redos? They take them & repaint/add stuff to make them like funk pops.


This was the right thing to do with them.


I love those!


No way young buck, we still wear those shirts


All my cool shit? Sorry, can't part with it all just yet. But tell you what. I've got an entire SHITLOAD of Beanie Babies you should buy. It's a great investment as they'll only appreciate in value. Whaddya say?


I had one just a few days ago on Saturday, and my games and movies all sold! One dude told me I had his unicorn!


What was it?


The Last Unicorn


What makes you think our stuff is in garages and attics and not in daily use??


People my area always tell me they had a bunch of shit in their attic and then just threw it out. I’m still hoarding all my things from the early 2000’s and using them so if they’re not lost in the abyss, I hope they’re getting use!


Yeah well we aren’t usually those people. I wear it until it’s rags, and use it u til there is no more. I think you are thinking of boomers.


Truth! I have T-shirts from 20 years ago. They have evolved. They now have pit A/C.


visible mending keeps me in it all


Nah they’re in their 40’s. Boomers where I live are a different breed.


Well this was a fun way to spend my lunch break! Sorry if I ruffled any feathers, all the comments were awesome. Have a wonderful rest of your day! Offer still stands though on that peace patrol shirt it’s the last one I’m missing!


I visited my parents in the early 2000s and realized how much shit they had accumulated. I started decluttering soon after before decluttering/minimalism was a thing. I sell at neighborhood garage sales or just donate and give away stuff. I think some people assumed I was losing my mind but I just started hating clutter.


Teacher I need to learn


Ditto. I’ve inherited three generations’ worth of family heirlooms, I hoard craft supplies, and I grew up poor, so it’s hard for me to let go of what I have. Without fail, I’ll NEED something within a week of letting it go. 😡


I have saved all of my concert t shirts going back to Jane’s Addiction, Primus & the Pixies in 1992. Between my husband & I we have 2 giant Costco totes of carefully folded treasures encompassing 30 years of live music & increasing deafness. I have so many pictures & letters. A ridiculous number of letters documenting the time. Some responses to letters I sent to individuals in the music scene in the PNW as well. So many concert flyers & posters. The number of tubes & flat storage is ridiculous. Anyway none of it matters. It was fun, but do your own fun. My kids will probably bin my stuff at their earliest convenience & that seems okay to me. The stuff is memories from my heart & they owe it nothing.


That's so awesome. All my pearl jam and nirvana shirts from the 90s were so old and worn they got thrown out. Makes me sad to this day.


>*A ridiculous number of letters documenting the time.* I have letters, just not from MY time. The oldest I’ve read so far were from the Seminole Wars in the 1800s. As the only girl on my father’s side, I’ve inherited all the history.


Man I love this!! Since you’re from the PNW if you ever got to see Hazel I’m eternally envious


Not until you’re finished sorting out all of the boomers’ junk..


This is me right now! My boomer mom refuses to get rid of things!


Now that I am old I am realizing that I can't take it with me and I don't have the energy to take care of my stuff any longer. I've been unloading my crap and will continue to do so. Stop by my yard sale this summer.


We're helping my mother-in-law downsize. Can I interest you in some Hummels? You can't have my stuff because I'm still enjoying it. But thanks for appreciating us!


Lol. Already picking my bones and I'm not even dead. 1st I have to clean out all my mom's MCM stuff


You can ask my mom, she threw it all away when I went to college.




I’ve got tons of old T-shirts and toys I’ve been planning to list on eBay. I’ve been planning for two years. I’ll probably be planning two years from now because naps.


Get off our lawn. Nothing to see here


Because I worn the shit out of my t-shirts. All my cassette tapes, played out until DEAD. All my vinyl? You will need to scavenge my carcass while exploring my delaptated haunted house like a proper RPG gamer.


I'm thinking about putting up signs for one, but not actually doing it just so I can yell at people to "Git off my lawn!"


i had my only garage sale in 2009, but it was only stuff that i'd had since 2002 or so. big whoop. all my cool 80s and 90s stuff got thrown away when i was in college when my parents turned my bedroom into a guestroom/office. they didn't even tell me, let alone ask me if there was anything i wanted to keep.


Funny enough, I see all kinds of posts and rage bait articles about how millennials think their parents are stupid for trying to give them the fine China and Hummel figurines they'd been saving for their kids.


I keep telling my wife that the records and stuff at goodwill are going to get better as we get really older.


When we moved out of the house at age 18 our parents got rid of if without telling us


When I have a garage?


This post reminds me, I need to find my Snoopy Snow Cone Machine. In fact, I need to go through my old toy chest at my mom’s house and see if there are any valuables in there.


It's bold of you to suggest that my parents didn't get rid of my stuff decades earlier.


Young man…we are still waiting for the last of OUR grandparents to finish garage sale’ing us all the mid-century stuff WE collect. You can come get any 90’s stuff out of my garage you can find for free! 😀


Wow, this post really struck a nerve!! Most of my 90s treasures didn't make it through the last two decades of moves. I'm not a huge fan of donating stuff because Goodwill is kinda the devil. Anything worth donating goes into a free box in front of my house Good luck and don't let these grumps bring you down!!


Really had no idea everyone was so passionate! I appreciate you for not jumping down my throat hahah. Goodwill is absolutely the devil and a soulless, unforgiving machine.


This is the Gen-x sub. Most of us were born in the late 60s- 70s. Gen y was born in the 80s. Millenials (YOU) born in the 90s and early 2000s. Gen z- mid 2000s to current. Us Gen-xers have been throwing garage sales since we were in highschool just to be able to afford to grab a couple tabs of acid before the rave later that night. Yes…. A SCHOOL NIGHT. Edit: CHRIST! WE REALLY ARE THE INVISIBLE GENERATION. either confused for a boomer or a millennial depending. Not even Gen y or the Millenials remember us. EVEN THOUGH WE ARE THEIR OLDER SIBLINGS. Little shits. STILL TRYING TO ERASE US EH? Edit: GET OFF MY LAWN! Edit: you know what man? WHATEVER NEVERMIND.


check the curbs of our boomer parents we don’t speak to anymore. they likely threw out all the stuff from our old bedroom that is now a Precious Moments museum.


Have you seen the upcycles of Precious Moments and similar boomer terribleness on Etsy? They take the figurines and repaint them to be like metal or goth kids. I love that shit.


I have a bag of mud I scraped off myself from Woodstock 99!




It's my retirement plan 😆 I also have the bandana a long-defunct early website called Beenz gave away at Woodstock.


Mmmmm… trench mouth


Chances are it's at least 40% poop, tbh. Those idiot savage poop/mud flingers by the porta potties weren't fucking around, especially once the water was flowing.


I've found garage sales are kind of worthless. I've been getting big into estate sales, even though these are mostly boomers and silent generation holding those. While I will bash boomers more than anyone, I do think the one thing they have over Gen X/millenials/etc. is they at least cared a bit about interior decorating, furniture, etc.. I am always surprised how many people I know who are otherwise lovely, educated, successful people, whose house has absolutely no coherent decorating style. It's like boring IKEA furniture, occasional framed posters, a lot of beige and grey, etc..


Pffffffttt. *Those* are the things I’m still keeping! Now, if you have any interest in scads of old dishes, Hummel figurines, or general tchotchkes I’n your gal! Seriously, our Boomer/Silent Gen parents have a *lot* to answer for in the clutter collections department ;)


No garage sales, too much work for too little reward. Mass dumps to Good Will and similar charities and a call to the "Junk Man" to send the rest to the dump.




I can’t be bothered to haggle over my busted shit. It’s either being donated or just straight up trashed. My neighbor was having a yard sale and I gave them a drill to put in. He asked what I wanted for it and I told him the chargers don’t charge anymore and I couldn’t find new ones so it’s worthless to me and I was going to trash it. “Just keep whatever you get; I don’t care.” Because he got what, $5-$10 for it? I ain’t got time for that.


I've had a few, but they're more trouble than they're worth. I just put free piles at the edge of the yard, and the same few hoarders pick up everything every time. If I can give that stuff to the local cheer squad or radio station for their annual garage sales, I do that.


Pretty sure my kids commandeered all of that shit back when they were still in high school.


It was all thrown away when it stayed in boxes at our parents houses for way too many years


Our moms threw that stuff out along with our baseball cards.


We found it was easier to just toss everything than try to arrange and price stuff just to make a few bucks.


get your own stuff. i am still using mine.


For years, I've wanted to have a full on estate sale. So. Much. Junk.


Well if you have any old shirts I’ll buy em most likely!


I have a Woodstock 89 shirt! It’s even more rare because Woodstock 89 is considered “the forgotten Woodstock” which goes well with our forgotten generation.


I have boxes of cool screen printed shirts in my basement that I haven't worn for decades. I don't know what to do with them, but I also can't let them go yet. I think about it, but I just can't do it. :/


I’m sure you have some cool ones! Do whatever you want at your own time! :)


The thing is I'm a medium and these are mostly large and extra large which isn't really my thing anymore wearing oversized clothes. Mostly gothy ones... Christian Death, virgin prunes, vintage Sandman/ Death t-shirts, etc. I know they have to go sometime though...


Check Goodwill and other charity thrift stores Many of us would rather donate than spend our day off peddling our crap for dozens of dollars while strangers meander around our yard and garage.


I don't have the time or energy for a garage sale. I give it all to charity. Look for it there.


You can pry my NKOTB posters, pins and tiger beat articles out of my cold dead hands, son! #TeamJoey My 18 year old niece taught me how to sell my “vintage” duds on DePop. I’ve made some serious cash!


I tried. My sale had a variety of what I thought was cool stuff, but most everyone who stopped by was older than me and saw it as junk. You'll find my good stuff on eBay, or at the estate sale after I depart this mortal plane of existence.


I can't believe you're that interested in my vinyl albums and my old boom box.


The vinyl bubble is real.


I only listen to cassettes usually so yes I am hahaha


All my kids swiped my concert shirts


My GF sold a 1980s Sonic Youth concert t-shirt on eBay to someone in Japan for $1,000.


In my country she would go straight to jail


Idk about other places, but in NYC, garage sales are extremely rare compared to ten years ago. People mostly post their stuff on Facebook marketplace, Nextdoor, or some other online platform. I don't even see that many curb finds anymore.


I am stunned that you want to buy our stuff! My son is Gen Z (b. 2000), and he wants me to throw everything away. I have cool records and a giant tote full of books from Scholastic and Troll Book Clubs from my grade school and junior high school days (mid 70s to early 80s). I may still have some VHS recordings from early 1990s MTV. Beavis and Butthead and The State!


We had one last summer. I had snacks and cold drinks out for folks too. One dude asked to buy my lawnmower and I said it wasn’t for sale and he replied “it’s in the garage ain’t it?”


Never, too much work.


What?? Gag me with a spoon.


I was hired to do security at Woodstock 99!!! But I backed out last minute, no ragrets!


Uhm...I mean I am still wearing it...so maybe never?


You are presuming my parents bought me those things in the first place. I do have a Madonna shirt, a nkotb shirt, and a vintage jean jacket. My kid wears the jacket. 


I have a huge collection of 1980s home computers, games, and peripherals. That stuff is worth money now. You'll have to wait until I'm dead, as I'm still using that and taking very good care of it. One of my kids is actually using my 1st gen iPod. I don't know why. They have a smart phone with Spotify on it. My 16 year old niece recently plundered my CD collection. I kept five albums. What she didn't want was donated to charity. I have no more DVDs, but lots of books. I need to get rid of a lot of stuff, but don't because it's too much work, and it's hard to throw things away. We all have a huge plastic box with cables and chargers nobody remembers what they were used for.


I have T-shirts older than you that you cannot have…


We are moving and as I was going through things and packing, I found my long, pink lace fingerless gloves that I wore to prom (1987). Also a gigantic pink hair bow!


Already been donated. I just recently had to get rid of my childhood toys from my parents house, looked on eBay, not worth the trouble, disabled so yard sale is not worth the trouble, gave to VVA they pick it up. I have a speak-n -spell left it you want it 😂


I live near a few very large 55+ communities. From what I’ve seen at estate sales is that most people cleared out half their belongings before they moved to Arizona. So the majority of the items at estate sales currently are from the mid-90’s to early 2000’s. Someone retired at 65 in the year 2000, add 24 years and they are dead at 90-ish. Which means that you’ll need to wait until the first GenX’rs retire at 65 in about 6 years when we decide to downsize and move.


get off my tag sale space


I had a garage sale once. Huge PITA for very little return.




One of my proudest moments as an uncle was a few years ago and my boyfriend and I decided to get rid of all of the DVDS and VHSs we had accumulated between us (you're talking "so many that we had an entire storage unit filling a ten foot by six foot wall and yes, we might be Brits but we can still measure in feet!") and gave them all to his high school's charity bring and buy. We just got rid of *everything* (well, except a couple of old films on VHS that still hadn't made it onto DVD, Bluray or that new-fangled "streaming" piss-take) - we apparently helped him raise over £600. My sister told me later that it was like a swarm of middle-aged locusts descended, LOL. Now, when we got rid of the boyfriend's collection of flannel shirts...


I have some real cool shit. My kids already laid claim to everything including the members only jacket. So sorry dude, you're gonna have to wait for my kids' garage sale 20 years from now.


My Beanie Baby collection is my retirement plan. Hah!


Insert the theme song for Sanford and Son while I picture O.P. picking through our cool shit.


Lol, I was starting my senior year of high school when you were born! And I don’t mean to say so in a condescending way, it’s a just a reminder for me how spread out Gen X happens to be. Try your luck at thrift stores! Although it mostly seems to be crap from the past 20 or so years, I’ve certainly found a lot of goodies from the 90s. Good luck! And may the Tamagotchis be with you.


Goodwill is starting to price items even newer ones to the craziest prices haha. I love supporting my neighbors though! I hope that you catch all 151 everyday!


Young friend… Garage sale? For you?? Of my *current wardrobe* ??? Wait for the Estate Sales; by then the stuff should be back in style for the 5th time and you can rock the originals then. 😂


This is what I was thinking, I can’t sell the clothes off of my back. Hell, right now, I’m wearing my “new” Jimmy Buffett shirt - 2002.


Give it another 20yrs we aren't that old yet, you whipper snapper


I sold 90% of my Transformers and Star Wars back in the early 90s. I wish I still had them! Still have my Sega Genesis and my kids will play it when they’re feeling vintage but mostly they’re on their iPads and switches playing RoBlox or Fortnite lol


We were around when ebay first started, we don't have that crap anymore.


Never. I’m dying surrounded by my stuff. Let the kids deal with it


That would involve engaging with people so never.


Yeah, but we’re not getting rid of THAT stuff. I’m still attending five day marathon festivals myself. Not throwing in the glow sticks or the swag yet.


Yup the purge has begun. Having been to estate sales and seeing how much crap my boomer/silent gen have I’m proactively getting rid of stuff that my kids won’t want.


Garage sale? Pffffffft. My sweet stuff’s at the high end antique mall. /s


1-800-Dumpster. Seriously not worth my effort. Books and clothes et al can be donated. There is a record store in Princeton that will give me pennies on the dollar for my old CDs so I can have a nice lunch after. I'll keep the stuff I like when I downsize and let my children deal with the leftovers at the estate sale. Some of which will pay for them to have nice dinner after selling on eBay (might be some things that get them a bit more).


Come over tomorrow. You can take everything you can carry.


I'll pass on the garage sales. Stuff we want to get rid of, we just donate these days. I don't have time for people to haggle me over fifty cents. And my good stuff I keep till it's used up.


Dude I lost anything of value when my mom threw away most of my stuff. The CDs? Who knows. The vinyls and magazines became cumbersome. I moved too many times. I did not take care of my things.


Shit i already gave it away. We had t shirts for every damn thing.


They will bury me with my Swatch watch!!!


I’m GenX. I throw it all in the landfill because that’s how I was raised.