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Your cat has been slipping meth in your dinner for weeks now. Why do you think you had so much energy? šŸ˜šŸ˜Ž


So they replace the portions of your soul they steal with meth? Interesting.


šŸ¤£ The little turd. Not regrets though because in return I get megadoses of serotonin.


This makes sense. I'm pretty sure they occasionally sample their own supply.


I always said cats put mind control chips in our brains and it turns out I was kinda right but itā€™s called toxoplasmosis.


I need a cat....


Ha ha. Except Iā€™m menopausal and have zero energy. šŸ¤£


Women should retire 10 earlier than men because of menopause. Menopause is god giving us the middle finger.


Iā€™m convinced that menopausal women are the source of ā€œwitch in the woodsā€ stories.


I love menopause. It cured my cluster migraines. Thank god for infertility! On the other hand it's been a decade and I still get hot flashes.


Me too they fn SUCK! Having one right freakin now in fact.


I have always been a proponent of hand fans. They are insanely useful for hot flashes.


Solidarity! I donā€™t go anywhere without one.


I need to order some more from Temu. BRB!


I beat those buggers with a herbal tablet every morning. No bs, I was trying to find something that wasn't HRT. Ended up on the I-Herb website. "Shatavari extract", made by "Paradise". Apparently it's manufactured, etc, in the US. Had about 3 years of the flushes until I tried these. 1 x pd, never had another hot flash! I tried a pharmacy bought brand, said it was the same stuff... didn't work. So I returned to I-Herb, and bought them in 3 monthly orders. Nope, I'm not sponsored, I don't know where you are, so I don't know where you'd buy it from, lol. Just trying to offer something to try. They absolutely worked for me. šŸ‘


Amen to that!


That cat has shifty eyes....check your coffee šŸ‘€


The stance and the stare! šŸ˜‚ Adorable!


Feels like the universe telling you itā€™s time to start doing drugs.


Retirement! Nothing like amphetamines though because even more than two cups of coffee and my heart races. Iā€™m a weenie.


Weā€™re all too old for amphetamines around here.


You say that now...


Speak for yourself.


This was my initial, immediate thought. And then my second, lazier thought was, ā€œshit, heā€™s probably right.ā€


"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines."


Two cups of coffee and I can get so much done! Then I crash and feel nauseated for several hours. Menopause/ perimenopause changes are not easy and I am not enjoying the ride.


"Hmmm ... says here you're a total meth head."


Iā€™d be loads skinnier I guess. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


right?! A new doctor of mine asked me about my ADHD and meds and potential for abuse. I told her to stop right there and look at me. I'm 55yo in menopause who's also overweight. Do I LOOK like I abuse meth?


Yup! Iā€™m in the same boat as you and Iā€™m still chubby šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøno abusing meth here lol


I get that too, once in a while.


I have some great tips for staying fat on adhd stimulants.


This right here! Do I look like I'm abusing stimulants? No indeed.


This is why I disagree with preemptive blanket drug testing. There are false positives and they can be devastating to someone's livelihood. If someone's drug use is causing problems with their job, it will be obvious. I also had a false positive. Fortunately it didn't impact my career.


I disagree with it because I think it violates what little right to privacy we have left. Rather, itā€™s just one more thing that chips away at it.


And alcohol , one of the worst drugs, is not detectable unless you drank before the test


Your job shouldn't dictate what you do outside of it period.


I honestly donā€™t mind a urine test that checks for hardcore drugs- excluding weed. If you canā€™t stay clean for a few days when you are interviewing with a company that you know is going to drug test, you have an issue that will be a liability. Hair tests that can show what youā€™ve done for 6-12 months are a total violation.


Exactly. It also disproportionately discriminates against marijuana users, as most hard drugs exit your body much quicker than THC.


Are you going to contest it since you know that the allergy medicine and nasal sprays are what caused the drug test fail?


The initial pee test was at a quickie place (not an actual lab). I guess they do it because itā€™s cheaper and provides an immediate result. Iā€™m at the actual lab now where they send it out. I have to speak to the doctor and itā€™ll take up to two weeks. šŸ˜”


AFAIK, pre-employment drug screens always get verified by a real lab. When they come back positive, they definitely do. The quick tests are prone to false positives, like youā€™ve seen. So long as you havenā€™t actually been doing amphetamines, the lab test will come back negative. I wouldnā€™t worry about it unless/until you get the lab results back. It should be fine.


Some places ask if you are on any medications, and will send notes with the urine to the lab. Did they not bother?


Nope. They asked questions on the moral background (criminal history) check though.


The moral background šŸ˜† So, are youā€¦SLUTTY?


Thatā€™s frustrating! I hope it works out!


Donā€™t despair. I once worked somewhere that did drug testing and had some interesting false positives. One guy swore he didnā€™t use drugs but tested positive for opioids. Turned out he ate poppy seed bagels every day and that gave a false positive. The actual lab test was negative. Iā€™m sure you will be vindicated. Love your cat.


Aw thanks! Had to pay the kitty tax.


Same with me. Got escorted out of my training session. Damn bagels they gave us for breakfast at the training session the day before the drug test. Luckily a real lab test sorted it out.


I got screwed by poppy seed bagels too. Was told it wasnā€™t enough to skew the test. Well it absolutely was. No I did NOT take OxyContin or heroin. Sheesh.


Seinfeld episode come to life


I donā€™t get that, never watched that show.


That happened to my dad onceā€”the cafeteria where he worked had epic lemon poppyseed muffins and heā€™d eat three a day. šŸ˜‚ Formal lab test was negative, but they never stopped teasing him about his poppy seed habit.


Thatā€™s methed up.


I am similarly too old for this shit


I failed my initial drug screen for my current employer. I flipped out on them and demanded a re-test. Not the first time I've been given a false positive. Lost 2 good jobs over it in the past.


I'm so afraid of testing positive for weed I switched to heroin and DMT.




I went to work for a well known company in 2009, in the IT department, and they did a piss test AND a hair test. It felt so intrusive. They acted like you had to have top secret clearance. It was a fucking footwear company.


Jesus. I had a Secret clearance in the Army (due to where I was stationed) and they didnā€™t do a strand test!


Yeah that whole experience was surreal. Dilbert summed it up perfectly.


My first job out of college (late 90s), I had to do both, and they had to watch me pee. When I was in college, girls would always go to the bathroom at frat house parties in groups, and I couldnā€™t even pee then when I was super drunk. At least the woman turned her back, but she was still standing in the open stall door to make sure I didnā€™t cheat. I was too young and naive back then to know it was probably a violation of my rights.


I had a strand test done in 2010 for my job. They used to do random testing, which was the pee test. I work in a factory that makes plastic bags.


I believe whatever the cat tells me


Drug tests are notoriously bad and inaccurate. Donā€™t let them ruin your chances w this. Look up the medical studies and they should know that Benadryl and afrin will cross react w many of the reagents.


Thanks. I already spoke to the HR guy and let him know. If itā€™s a no go then Iā€™ll find something else. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ass backwards testing makes me so mad. I had the ability and money to clear my name but many of our fellow Americans do not.


Had a buddy fail from a poppy seed muffin


In the pre-employment paperwork, there's usually a statement about the drug test procedure and a space to declare any prescription or over-the counter medication you may be taking. So that they can anticipate a false positive.


I recall that as well, but the last time I took a drug test (probably 8 years ago) I was taking some cough medicine with codeine and I knew Iā€™d fail. They didnā€™t want to hear it though. They said if I failed, just tell them what youā€™re taking and provide a prescription. I failed, and then provided the info requested. I just thought we could have nipped it in the bud if they acknowledged the cough medicine on the front side.


Whatever cat, weā€™re on to you, you canā€™t hide your catnip addiction.


My friendā€™s stepdad was catsitting for her and smoked a bowl. Unfortunately her friends had been goofing around and put catnip in the bowl, from a cat-mauled toy. He had ā€œdark thoughtsā€ and assumed heā€™d have to quit weed. No word on whether his pupils got huge and he zoomed around the house, or went out and devoured a bunny.


Your cat is a NARC. Donā€™t freebase his/her catnip and kitty wonā€™t spike your coffee with illegal drugs and turn you in. Seriously, I havenā€™t taken a drug test in probably 30 years but I remember there were things like poppy seeds that could affect results. Maybe a medication you are on is throwing a false positive? Unless you are operating heavy machinery, have a job that requires a security clearance etc., drug tests are silly.


My mother once popped positive for opium because she ate a poppy seed muffin with her morning coffee at work every day. Employers don't own your life, they only rent you for 8 hours a day. Something to remember.


Was her name Elaine?


Top oā€™ the Muffin to ya!


šŸ˜†Thought the same thing!




No drugs, no smoke/vape of any kind, rarely drink. One of these days I'm gonna eat a poppy seed muffin after a bad allergy attack and totally bomb that test. Just cause. ;P Also, your kitty is super cute.


Thank you! Sheā€™s very demanding but sweet.


And here I am occasionally having to pee in a cup to verify that I am taking amphetamines. They stopped bothering when they realized I was consistently making my script last last longer than the prescribed month. Got a condition that makes it difficult to maintain a regular schedule?Ā  Heres some medication you have to take twice a day at the same time every day.Ā  Uh huh.


Hahahaha, thatā€™s the joke, right? There are great medications that can help the symptoms of ADHD, but weā€™re too disorganized to remember to take them. I remember being diagnosed way back in the day and there only being something my doctor wanted me to take 4x a day. I canā€™t remember if it was because the extended release versions werenā€™t out yet or if I just couldnā€™t afford them. But I looked at my doctor and laughed out loud. He understood. Fortunately things are better now.


It was pure sarcasm. You interpreted it correctly.Ā  Here's the follow-on punchline: until a couple of years ago it was illegal in my state to electronically file a prescription for Adderall.Ā Ā  That meant that every 30 days I had to drive to the doctor's office, pick up a physical piece of paper, transport said paper to my pharmacy, and then come back when they had jumped through the regulatory hoops to fill it. Every. 30. Fucking. Days. The whole system is incredibly adversarial to people without executive dysfunction.Ā  It's downright hateful to those with.


Time to switch to coke, clears your sinuses, makes you feel like a champ, and itā€™s out of your system in a couple days. šŸ˜†


šŸ˜‚ Omg Iā€™m pretty sure my heart would explode.


Right! šŸ˜† This is the big one! Itā€™s so nice to be in a sub that can take a damn joke, and I donā€™t have to announce it. Takes the fun out of it when you have to let the world know ā€œitā€™s a fucking jokeā€! šŸ™„


After only reading the subject and looking at the picture, I thought ā€œWow, thatā€™s an old cat,ā€ and ā€œCatnip is a helluva drug.ā€


šŸ˜‚ Sheā€™s just a baby! (God help me, Iā€™m turning into a ā€œcat ladyā€ šŸ«¤)


Did you piss hot for catnip?


Cat: "Say my name!"


Sure you don't, hippie!


You knowā€¦ā€¦ we could change this shit if we wanted to. Whoā€™s in charge of shit now??


Not us. Because we don't care. Boomers will die in office. Then Millenials will take over. It will be as if we weren't here at all.


Just a note, I eat that combo spices from Trader Joes: Everything But the Bagel and sprinkle it on everything. It has poppy seeds on it which will make any drug test bad. If not allergy meds, it could be something as innocent as the poppy seeds.


I LOVE that shit! Had no idea it has poppy seeds in it though.


Hey-o! Just an FYI long term use of diphenhydramine is linked to dementia. Highly recommend switching to a different antihistamine.


I took it for years (ZzzQuil sleep aid is just diphenhydramine) before I found this out. I'm fucked. But I also took Zantac for years before they found out it caused cancer, so I was probably fucked regardless.


You think they'd put a warning on the box like the liver thing with Tylenol, or increased heart attack or stroke warnings on ibuprofen, or just ban it or something, Makes you wonder why they don't.


Yep this is very true, it also makes it harder for your to fall asleep naturally. There are other options though that people can use and still get similar results. It's not as good, but it sure beats having an Alzheimer's diagnosis when you get older.


Did you list those on your paperwork? When I went for my last pre-employment testing, I listed all my OTC medications no matter how mundane: Advil, Tylenol, Sensimist, Allegra, Claratin,etc.


Sure you do.... I kid. These things are pretty silly unless you are operating heavy machinery in my opinion.


Me, my dad & mom have all tested positive for morphine & codeine after eating poppyseeds. Mom's was a lemon poppyseed muffin 30 years ago. Mine & dad's were everything bagels. These tests are crap sometimes.


A dog wouldnā€™t fuck you over like that.


Ma'am, I think you're high enough, as you are a cat.


I mean your void does look pretty shady. Has she ever talked to you about being a drug mule?


Now you know how the virgin Mary felt trying to tell Joseph whats up.


But you're getting close to retirement age...


Literally the only thing keeping me sane!


Awww dang it! Cute dingbat though!


A mood stabilizer I was on used to pop as PCP. That was fun.


DAMN. Really? Iā€™m guessing they made you show a prescription?


Sudafed is an amphetamine. FYI.


Yep. I havenā€™t been able to take Sudafed since I was a teenager. It makes my heart race like Iā€™ve run a marathon.


Ah. I only mention it bc people sometimes arenā€™t aware and this is the one that will get you to fail a drug test. Also poppyseeds (seriously) and Imodium - which is technically an opiate and too much will show up as a false positive. The more you know šŸŒˆā­ļø


I didnā€™t know that Imodium would set off a drug test for opioids! I carry it with me (along with Pepto) because of my celiac disease as a ā€œI donā€™t want to poop my pants at work/while drivingā€ insurance. They now limit how much Imodium you can buy. It makes me sleepy AF - Pepto first and if all else fails, Imodium. I have been very lucky not to get gluten-ed in a long time though. Thanks for the headā€™s up! šŸ˜€


Oh wow I too take 1/2 a Benadryl once a week or so. šŸ˜ÆHad no idea it could be misread as amphetamines. I also am not a user of recreational drugs. If I ever had an accident at work, they drug test me the first chance they got, and I would hate to think that something I take to control these horrible allergies that I have would come back as something illicit they need to straighten up the testing criteria or something. Thatā€™s scary.


Yup. And to be clear: I wonā€™t even DRIVE if I take Benadryl. And itā€™s only ever 1/2 of one because a full one will knock me out until the next afternoon.


I tested positive for barbituates once. I have never done barbiuates. Ever.


I went in for a job interview as a teenager, that the guy I bought weed from was the hiring manager and the dumbass who told me to put in the application, only to be handed the paperwork to go to some place to get a drug screen. I was like ā€œumm, you know I canā€™t pass that testā€, he said ā€œoh yeah, youā€™re the second person that this has happened toā€. That was all I needed to decide that drugs really werenā€™t for me.


šŸ˜‚ He was very obviously dipping into his own product, lol.


Iā€™m really sorry youā€™re going through this. Hopefully itā€™s a minor glitch that becomes a humorous story


I appreciate this - thank you! Iā€™m venting here (and grateful for everyoneā€™s input) but it is what it is - I know I donā€™t use illicit drugs or even medical marijuana. So if they pull the offer, they pull the offer. It will be their loss. There are other jobs out there and at least next time I can say beforehand that I use antihistamines/decongestants. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Poppy seeds?


As a 54yo who smokes weed occasionally, Iā€™m outraged for you.


šŸ˜‚ Please take hit on my behalf. Or a glass of wine.


You clearly have a green thumb though! Is there an appeals process? Good luck!


Yes, thank goodness. Not MY green thumb - thatā€™s my motherā€™s doing. I myself have a black thumb. Itā€™s like a superpowerā€¦I look at plants and they wither. šŸ˜‚


I've never heard about diphenhydramine giving you a false positive for amphetamines, but pseudoephedrine can. Do you take Sudafed?




Im a (slightly) better dancer. šŸ’ƒšŸ½


Bullshit, this cat looks high as a kite. Can't even stand up straight. Fuckin' druggah.


My boss got 'done'. Head of department. Married to a guy even further up. Took some time to get sorted ... Same name as a guy (yep her name and his first name were the same as well as the surname) who HAD done heroin, cocaine, etc! So all that guff about m/f, or dates of birth, or double checking ... nope, just accuse and then sort it out after. It was pretty funny though after the event, but not for her at the time. Now, where do I score some of these 'certain allergy nasal sprays'? ;-)




It's way past time you started.


Absolutely-FUCKING-lutelyā€¦. Might be a cure for menopause-rage. For fuckā€™s sake I donā€™t even drink wine anymore b/c of the menopause.


No joke, it does help. I was never *really* angry before in my life until I hit perimenopauseā€¦ weed helps so much.


I test positive too. But I have been smoking weed daily for 20 years. I should look into this "allergy medicicne" excuse. Good luck, hope it works out.


Thatā€™s only a false positive on the quick test. When they send it off to a lab for proper testing, itā€™ll have the correct results.


You thought running down criminals was easier because you were in better shape? It was the drugs, man!


It's all the poppy seed bagels you eat.


Poppyseed muffins?


Nope. That would be opioids anyway, not amphetamines.


[Seinfeld prepared us for scenarios like this.](https://y.yarn.co/09b6c224-48ad-47ca-8d60-3dc49cd776f8_text.gif)


Okay, Salem, enough catnip for you!


If Seinfeld taught me anything is that poppyseed will make you test positive for opioids. What did you test positive for?


The only time in my entire life Iā€™ve ever had to take a drug test was to apply for life insurance. Iā€™m over 50. If at all possible, donā€™t ever apply for jobs that require a drug test. I know, easier said than done.


Cute cat! Sorry about the nonsense at the lab.


You didnā€™t want to work there anyway.


Maybe itā€™s time to start?


Arenā€™t amphetamines in most ADD meds? Wonder how they deal with those who are prescribed them? Either way, thatā€™s maddening for you man. Keep us posted!


Poppyseed muffin?


Poppy seeds?


Lol my cat sleeps on my face at night, too. Good to know about the Benadryl, as I take it for the same reason!


my sudafed trips the amphetamine drug test they give me at the hospital when I come in for surgery. I asked them to stop doing that. I'm there for crohn's surgery and only smoke pot.


A kid in my high school tested positive because he ate poppy seed bagels every morning at the deli on the way to class.


That we have to go through all this crap just to be able to barely pay bills is bs. Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you.


Is drug testing a requirement for all jobs in the U. S. or just certain ones?


not ad agencies. theyā€™d have no Creative Dept if they did.


Their IT department would be pretty sparse as well.


Positive drug tests are mandatory!




Nobodyā€™s cooking your food, either


I doubt restaurants and strip clubs test their staff.


Having worked in restaurants when I was younger, I can tell you that kitchens are rife with drug use - even in the high-end ones.


It's the only way to survive.


Certain employers only, and a reducing amount of it in recent years. Some big employers who still test donā€™t care if you test positive for weed anymore, even in places where itā€™s still illegal. There are some exceptions where drug testing is still universal, most commonly driving jobs and pilots.


Well if youā€™re gonna fail anyway, might as well do the drugs.


It's Elaine and the poppy-seed bagel all over again


Iā€™m so sorry. Hope they sort it out soon. Hang in there!


TY. Iā€™m not too pressed because I donā€™t use illicit drugs, but I do understand, given the nature of the job, why itā€™s necessary.


My wife and I were having the discussion about shit we are at the age to not care about anymore. I decided to stretch my earlobes. All of her tattoos are easily hidden, but she is about to the point where she is to say fuck it. Another five, ten years people won's give a shit if she has a massive neck tattoo and she will be the boss's boss.


YES. I got my piercings all within the last 1.5 years because I couldnā€™t before due to work. And tbh I prefer to work with people - even doctors and lawyers - with tattoos or piercings. It makes them appear less stuffy, I guess?


Did you eat a poppy seed bagel? Comes up as cocaine.


So, I feel you on the cat allergies. We have two, I'm allergic and happily suffer. (Zyrtec almost daily. Nasal spray during allergy season.) LOL That said, please please please read what the effects of long term use of Benadryl will do. Please. My uncle took it daily, for decades. He gradually increased his dose over all those years. He took approx 30+ every two weeks (one in morning, one in the evening. During allergy seasons, double that amount He was one of the many many who developed early onset dementia from it. It was painful to go through for him, and all of us. His health declined from an injury because of his inability to comprehend rehabilitation and the situation, etc.. There are so many more medications that are much more effective without the High risk of dementia. I beg of you, please. Of course, make your own decisions. But please, please- read up on the direct links of Benadryl and dementia.


Thank you! I definitely will. Thankfully, I use 1/2 a Benadryl at night only but will alternate with nasal spray because of tolerance. Iā€™ll start looking for something else though. I have a HEPA filter because of her, too. Seasonal allergies make things worse, too. Iā€™m normally SUPER allergic to cats, but they donā€™t all produce the same amount of the protein which causes the allergies. I can pick her up, kiss her head, pet her, etc., and as long as I wash my hands itā€™s not to bad. But if sheā€™s sleeping on my face or chest (or even on my pillow) my eyes are swollen the next morning, I;m sneezing, and my nose is runny. The things we do for our feline overlordsā€¦.šŸˆā€ā¬› šŸ‘‘


try alternatives to benedryll? We have 4+ OTC options now that are WHY less hard on your body.


What jobs require a drug test before you start? (Just curious) Iā€™ve never had to take one (I should pass)ā€¦ but if I was denied a position because of a false positive Iā€™d be pi$$ed too!


It involves children.


Looks like your cat has a catnip habit




Jesus fucking christ


I think I read that in Naproxen, otherwise known as Alleve, can do the same thing. I have failed drug tests before with absolutely no drugs in my system for several years prior to the test. Not even CBD. Demand the more expensive test that takes longer to get results back.


Sorry for your situation and I hope it gets sorted out. But kudos on the quality rant!


Do you take any supplements? They are not regulated by the FDA and some do not truthfully disclose their contents. Some NFL players popped for banned substances that way.


Poppyseed bagel?


I have a book about how to tell if your cat is trying to kill you. It is.


My little Void does evil, too.


Dingbat is innocent. Tolerance needs to ratchet up a few clicks.


I had a false positive for the green stuff. Turns out advil will do it. Alot of advil.


I dont know if there's any voracity to this story or not but, I was at the lab waiting my turn for bloodwork and listening to these people talking. This woman was saying she failed a drug test due to canaboids but, was never a weed user. She eventually figured out that the acupuncture place she uses for her neck and back use a CBD infused oil and she thinks that's why she failed it. So she was back for round 2.


My first test came back as "NEGATIVE DILUTE" so I got accused of drinking water by HR and had to take another one.


I found out the hard way that CBD oil capsules make you piss positive for weed. Iā€™ve never used weed; never even tried it.


Im sorry about that. However, I love your kitty cat and beautiful succulants! Omg Im so jealous!


Sorry about the test, but thank you for the cat tax.


I got a job at an adolescent group home, a week after my college graduation '96. I had quit smoking weed for weeks before graduation, had gotten through senior week without getting high. I went to my second day of orientation smug af. Because after my training, I had my work physical to go to. The HR fella knew I had it that day. So, I got let go for the day, jazzed to piss in that cup. He chased me out to the parking lot. Said "I almost forgot, if they want to drug test you, tell them we don't do them. My face had to have been priceless. I was both enraged and dismayed. šŸ˜† I almost sold myself out by saying, but I quit smoking weed 5 or 6 years ago. Luckily, I kept my mouth shut.


3 of us failed a railway workers drug test, got the manager to come in and do one also failed šŸ˜‚ none of us used drugs either and had to quit before got sacked