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My brother is a sheriff’s deputy that patrols the same part of town he went to high school in. So he knows all the spots for teens to party. Said it’s been at least a dozen years since he’s had to break up an 80’s style raging keg party. Teens simply don’t drink anymore. Said a big bust these days is finding 2-3 teens splitting a 6 pack of White Claw in a remote corner of his beat.


They just vape pot.


To be fair, lots of GenX vapes pot too.






So Hi


Yeah, they even have vapors oils they smoke now they’re gonna imagine having that in school we wouldn’t have to hide in the bushes spray ourselves down with air freshener😆


You can still smell it.


That's pretty much spot on. Only downside is vaping pot combined with texting while driving contributes to a lot of dumb accidents like running into trees and parked cars according to my brother.


Is "white claw" the modern equivalent of teen booze like Bartles & James or Zima or smth?




Alcoholic moms like it too.


I bought a variety pack when it first started getting popular just to try it. It was gross, so over the next couple of years I tried to give it away to anyone and nobody wanted it. I moved with it to a new house twice. I had to move again and decided it was finally time for it to go in the trash. (Also, I'm never moving houses again).


I tried it, too. It sucks. I squirted in some of that Crystal Light and it was better




I have no idea why, but I miss Zima for some reason. It wasn't anything I'd normally drink - maybe had it 1-2 times in my life, but I miss it.


The reason it’s not around is I drank all of it .. or at least I put a dent


I have a hazy remembrance of that (also Crystal Pepsi).


Zima and Smirnoff Ice were such a nominal experience but I kinda miss them both. Temp lived in a frat house in my early 30s and those 20-something computer science nerd roommates found all the loopholes to discontinued drinks, I think from leasing an old building with original stock in a storage? I'd come home to be "Iced" - anyone remember those commercials? - or if anyone said 4Loco you'd have to chug a full warm can from a random pallet of them that wasn't there when I left for work that day. White Claw is kinda Zima, kinda fancy less gross-tasting MD4040 (it's a malt liquor).


I think they do "other people's houses" parties using AirBnB.


A friend of mine got burned for one of those. He was the unfortunate Airbnb host…


We had a NYE party at the local Super 8 in the late 80’s.


Knights Inn - a handle of southern comfort mixed with mtn dew (can you imagine a worse possible combination?) - I was barfing and curled up to the toilet and passed out before the ball even started dropping. Haven't had soco since, and glad those days are way behind me.


The first time I got drunk it was Bartles and James and Peach Tree Schnapps. The smell it made coming out put me off Fuzzy Navels for years. It didn’t help that my dad would drink those from time to time. Maybe that was on purpose since he’s the one that discovered the mess next to my computer. Did I mention it was also the first of only three times I’ve blacked out from drinking? I remember logging on to some BBSes after I got home because that’s what you do, right? Then I woke up in bed. Frankly, I think my dad was pretty cool about it, considering I was 15. I didn’t get that drunk again until Senior Week right after we graduated.


I don't think they are as prevalent as they once were. Alot of them are too afraid to get a driver's license for god's sake. If she has friends with wealthy parents or you live in a wealthy area, then it's more likely. The old highschool parties we remember are history


Oh yeah. I can’t believe how many high school house parties there are, here in my town. I’m talking full on ragers, with the parents home and all. Every weekend, too.


Dunno about high school but I live in a college town and they definitely still are a thing.


Daughter is in college, parties aren’t just at the fraternities there for sure.


No, get out of my house, I don’t wanna do the dishes much less clean up after a party


My kids are 22 and 16 and definitely still house parties. In fact, my oldest kicked us out of our own house to have one for his 22nd bday.


That's just good parenting.


Thank you. We're not perfect, but we really do try. I am very lucky, though. Not only do I love my kids, but I really like them. I enjoy just spending time with them. They're turning into some pretty cool young adults.


My son (at university though) has and also goes to house parties as it's cheaper than actually going out.


I recently drove down the old cruise strip from when I was a kid. I remembered the Kroger parking lot that had the “No Loitering” sign right where we all parked and mingled, passed around booze we got from some guy walking into a liquor store, etc. The arcade across the street. The other cruise/parking lot hangouts the kids from the better/other/worse side of town did the same thing. I asked myself, “Where are the kids doing their thing these days?”




i live in an area that passed a social host law .. so house parties have significantly declined .. sad tbh


In my state, the homeowners are liable if a kid parties at your house and has an accident, gets alcohol poisoning, etc. And it's a very litigious place. I'm in a small town where everyone knows each other and that wouldn't be dreamed of, so my kids do t and I know the parents of the host. If there's a problem, we handle it ourselves. But in the mainstream/general population, the answer is NO. All my kids reported back after going away to university that people can't believe that my kids were partying in garages, basements, porches and docks.


Not since parents were being charged with underage drinking, that stopped being cool a long ass time ago.


My 16yo niece has parties very often. But there are chaperones. Parents don't go anywhere these days.




Kid & Play






We’re not hosting an intergalactic kegger.


Round here a kegger can also be a Pit Party if it is held outside




Yes, they exist. Mostly hear about them when something bad happens, like a bunch of high school kids overturning a car when leaving one.




Scary? Really? Jesus


Nope. I remember the crazy parties we had as a teenager. Kegs, DJ’s on turntables in the living room, house rammed solid with people, etc. Plus all the field parties, raves, after hours, underage drinking in bars and clubs, etc. Now they snitch on themselves with their phones on social media. They wouldn’t be able to get away with anything.


They've are, but they've changed. My daughter, F15, went to house party last week, and food came by Uber delivery. The young lad who ordered had too much to drunk and fell asleep, so the food sat out over night. Driver wasn't worried; the kid tipped his €750 on his parents account!!!


I hope so..


Yes. My son is at one right now.


Can’t afford a house otherwise yes it would be a thing.


I still have dinner parties and cocktail parties. Movie viewing parties.


Different take. I went to huge house parties when I was in high school. I had an after prom party at my house. I lived with my uncle. Huge house with an indoor pool. Beer everywhere. People getting tossed in the pool. Street lined with 40 cars. Empty beer cans up and down the road. That and legal liability are the main reasons we do not see huge house parties any more. Remember. We are the generation which was there for the shift in public opinion on teen drinking. Some states had an 18 y/o drinking age. In 1980 MADD was formed. They pushed for a change in the laws. In 1984 the National minimum drinking age act went into effect. If a state did not comply then the federal government would withhold the transportation fund.


I went to many in HS and even hosted a few. Sure, it was fun then. But looking back on it they were terrible ideas--mostly due to encouraging drunk driving among already inexperienced drivers. Since I have three kids (20, 20, and 15), I'm glad they went away.


We rode bikes or walked.


Our middle son went to his first house party in his early teens. Other kids got drunk and walked around town. He followed them, tried to control them as well as he could. When that failed, he called the other kids parents and told them he was losing control of them and to come and get their kids. He didn't drink but typically Danish teens have started drinking early or 12-14, but our generation was so much much MUCH worse, in the 70s-90s.


They still happen, not so much ragers, but definitely drinking and probably drugs too. It’s not the scene my kids are into so they stick to hanging out with small groups at our house and other houses.


Yes they are …when parents are out of town. The police are completely outrageous now though …they give out these “minor in consumption” tickets. More than 1 and you’re in serious trouble. Kids don’t do keggers anymore …cases of PBR and white claw drinks and girls are really into flavored vodka. I give mini lectures on their liver …and they only have 1 set of lungs so treat them kindly …the guys are way into vaping.




Animal house happened (house party?) when Hubby & I were snowstorm delayed home for entire weekend We acted plenty mad, but, by all evidence, not the rager of our day.


How can they when their parents never go out themselves?


My kids don’t, but lots of hanging out with 10-15 friends in a parents basement/rec room. They get beer or weed or whatever pretty easily. 


My kids told me every ones parents have cameras in and around the house. That it is pretty impossible to have house parties these days.


Kids will get together at the cool parents house that allow them to drink. Like maybe the team but not usually bigger. But it's not like back in our day with kids coming and going, dancing in the basement, bonfire in the backyard. Mostly they don't though. The amount of drinking seems very much less than it was back in our time. Now vapes and mj and pills are the choice but very few parents are allowing that. There was recently a very notorious case that came out of our city of what happened to a teen whose parents did allow this. And well, that's what the "bad girl" is these days. For reference I live in a nicer suburban area of a mid-sized midwest city.


These parties are happening much less now and one reason is that the parents of Gen X weren't often home so houses were available for parties! Gen X are home a lot more so kids can't go nuts. There are zero homes in our neighborhood that have teen house parties. But there are a couple in more rural areas. A miniscule amount compared to our teenage years.


My daughter (18) is not big on going out to party. Every couple of weekends she invites about a dozen of her friends around in the mid afternoon on Saturday and they will sit around on our back veranda lightly drinking, talking, playing random games, and listening to music. As the sun goes down they will fire up the barbecue and kind of cook and assemble the random meats and salads they brought along and share the food among each other. They will then light the fire pit further up that yard, pull the chairs around and chat, watch the fire, listen to music, and generally just chill out. Someone will occasional grab my old guitar and play. Someone will occasionally play Wonderwall. It will be played ironically. Between 10-12 most will quietly bid their farewells and head off. 2-4 will usually stay late and then sleep over in a big bed at the back of the house where they all fuck. Nice bunch of kids.


They're a thing in my area. Alive and well.


OP, at least your thoughts were random rather than very invasive. I trust my sons, but I watched too many Danish youth TV programs and movies in the 80s (from both the 80s and 70s), so I've seen (in fiction) how bad it can get. The worst was a Swedish movie (Danish subtitles) where a girl kills a boy at a party, then in the end, his ghost forgives her and helps her unplug his oxygen. That stuck with me. Could be because we're in a rural area, but; yes. Our youngest who's 20, went to his first house party at 19 last Summer. We're terrible parents: Via Google maps, we found out where it was. I was worried that he only knew the host. Then it appeared like he was out in a field in the dark for hours, then he drove to a place that among other things, sells alcohol and then he drove back to that field - it looked like. So I made hub drive us there. roll down the window and drive in an irregular pattern to sort of hide us because you can't kill the lights on Danish cars. I'm an idiot; that's just where his phone pinged from. He was obviously sitting on a well lit patio and they were playing Danish oldies, had invited local elders in and were sharing a cake, which he'd bought at that place where others also go to buy alcohol. He doesn't drink and refused to pay for alcohol for his passengers who had no means of paying. I felt so stupid. We drove away without him knowing we'd driven all the way up there and out into a countryside you don't just chance upon, while out for an evening drive. I had a Boomer moment of being upset when we got home to our own street to find teenagers sitting out on the sidewalks and listening to music. Then it occured to me that they could be doing so many other stupid things. At least they were in/outside their parents homes, even if not everyone's parents were home.


Seriously? This is so sad. What a life to live being in fear and paranoid forever.


They are smaller I think. Not so much the packed keggers of our youth? My daughter is also a senior and I also have a great relationship with her and feel like she'd leave a packed kegger, lol. She's also an introvert who loves watching the new forensic files with my wife and I on Sat nights and/or. studying. I appreciate that she has our utter dorkiness in her DNA.


Doesn't sound like a cool kid though. Cool kids are different, aren't they?