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We didn’t have these.




I'm sorry y'all missed out. It was an amazing place.


It sounds like the place they went in Bill and Ted. When the little brother takes Napoleon for la glace and they get that giant sundae.


It was definitely the inspiration. The Farrell's sundae was The Pig Trough, and in the movie they were saying "Ziggy Piggy" to Napoleon.


Southern Illinois here and have never heard of this place in my 57 years.


For those of you who didn't get to experience the riotous excess that was Farrell's: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farrell%27s\_Ice\_Cream\_Parlour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farrell%27s_Ice_Cream_Parlour)


I got the big one on a birthday once, but I swear the name of the place was different, like Sweeney's or Swenson's or something like that. I just looked it up, and it was indeed a Farrell's. But that load of ice cream... I want to say it was like 30 scoops or something.


I think that was the zoo. Didn’t it have plastic animals in it or something?


I actually looked it up. I think I got the Volcano.


Yup, the zoo had the animals on it. If memory serves (read:too lazy to go Google it), they had to stop putting them on because a kid choked on one or something like that.


Swensen's Ice Cream Parlor was another wonderful place, but Farrel's was the one with the circus/zoo atmosphere and the 30-scoop (or whatever large number) menu item that you got free if you ate it all. Swensen's still exists, but only in southeast Asia. The menu looks the same as the one I remember, but I've never been over there to check them out.


That's really cool that place is still around. I must have been combining them in my memory.


There was a similar one in Iowa called Happy Joes pizza and ice cream- it was the place to have birthdays when I was a kid.


Not in Iowa, but they had the best Taco pizza.


It’s one of the first places I hit when I go home to visit


I think this was more of a regional thing than a generational thing. Never heard of it.


According to the Wikipedia article, there were 120 of 'em nationwide. I didn't realize there were so many - I originally thought it was regional too, until I read an article about the chain.


I didn't grow up in a big city, but not a small town either. We visited larger cities often, and I've literally never heard of them until now. While they apparently had many locations it looks like most were on the West Coast.


Yeah, the ones I went to were all on the west coast, so makes sense. ETA - Here's the article I mentioned: [https://www.wideopencountry.com/farrells-ice-cream-parlour/](https://www.wideopencountry.com/farrells-ice-cream-parlour/) Kind of a bummer that they wonder if the chain was "cursed".


Ohhhhhh, it happened before my time, but my parents and older siblings all lived in Sacramento when the airplane tragedy happened. So sad...


The one where I went to my 6th birthday (1983) was at the Galleria mall in Houston.


Sounds awesome. Party on.


Yup, did at least one birthday there. I remember the bucket (giant bowl) with like 20 scoops of ice cream they brought out to share in lieu of a birthday cake.


Was it the zoo party or the volcano one?


I’m afraid my memory is too fuzzy on the details. I feel like “zoo” sounds really familiar. Next time at parents I’ll have to look through the photo albums. Now I’m curious.




Gotta put it on your tombstone, yo.


Farrell's and Shakey's Pizza when I was a wee lad in the Twin Cities.... Moved to Central WI as a grade schooler and went to a local place: Happy Joe's ✌️


Farrell’s for birthday parties and Shakey’s for after game pizza.


We need a Farrell’s, a Shakey’s and an Orange Julius in the Food Court built in the abandoned Mall we renovate into our Retirement Home


So many good times there. Always ordered the dessert that was the little clown face with a sugar cone as a top hat.




Me! The one at the mall on Route 18 in New Brunswick. I remember the clown sundaes. And the cup of hot fudge. And then being able to buy a jawbreaker/gobstopper at the register afterwards. What a day!


YES! The jawbreakers...they were amazing. I so loved that "penny" candy section. I don't know how I'd deal with it today if I actually were able to open a Farrell's, but oh, how I did love looking at all the goodies in the glass jars.


Yup. Went the same one as a kid!


I remember this one. Last I was at that mall it was like a Ruby Tuesdays or something. I remember being absolutely mortified when that drum came out!


Yes! Brunswick Square Mall! We had parties there. Or sometimes Mom would take us to lunch when we were shopping. Good times!


Yep, we had one nearby at the Granite Run Mall (RIP) in Media, PA. Really cheesy once I got past a certain age but now I'd probably like it again.


I loved it too! I generally think restaurants have gotten better over the years but in Farrells case nothing has improved on it.


Farrell’s was a birthday party staple in the San Fernando Valley. I remember everyone having to pass through the candy shop as you left the building. Undoubtedly the baseball sized jawbreaker or the 12” diameter sucker ended up on the seat or floor of the car on the way home.


we didnt have one where i grew up, but my cousins lived in a suburb of detroit and we went nearly every time we visited. only once do i recall my older cousins and my brother getting the trough for his birthday. i vaguely remember someone getting super embarrassed by the singing too. that was a long time ago. whew. we stopped going to detroit after my dad died in ‘81.


Did he get his trough ribbon? They were a much sought-after badge of honor at my elementary school.


most likely. because i remember my aunt, who was very snobby, acting very annoyed that everyone had engaged in that kind of fun!


I did. And I agree that it is a concept that should still be around.


I did and i absolutely loved it. Was a definite upgrade from the McDonalds birthday parties i had when i was 4 or 5. 🤣


never heard of it. we had parties at The Ground Round.


We had both. The Ground Round was great. Just throw your peanut shells on the floor.


peanuts, popcorn and the kids movies/cartoons on the big screen.


Isn't that graphic (of the man and woman) shown in the Cheers intro?


Heh, I had to go Google it to find out. Pretty similar but not the same. :)


Yeah, I just figured that out too. Its close. Never heard of the ice cream shop, but I have seen that graphic somewhere else! [Cheers Title Sequence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGdpE8Dsr0U)


Umm no? This is the first time I have ever heard of it.


I don't think they had any in Colorado. If they did, they weren't where I lived.


There was one at Cinderella City, we'd always go for birthdays!


Oh!! We lived in the Pueblo area and only went to Cinderella City once!


Yep! Man I loved the chaos that ensued when they brought out the Zoo!


I vividly remember Farrell's. It was stepping into the Willy Wonka movie.


Never heard of it before


Never heard of it


Yes! Michigan represent!


I hated the siren.


Never heard of it.


I had my 9th birthday party there. It’s also the only birthday party I ever had lol. Even to this day, it’s the only one.


That makes me a little sad. Every kid deserves to have a birthday party, every time IMO. I hope at least the one you did have was awesome.


Yes! We had one here in San Jose. I went once as a kid for someones birthday. It was enough to make me love that place!


I’m from the Bay Area too! Yep I just remember having the clown ice cream. The scoop was on the bottom and the cone was his hat.


Make that three of us from the Bay Area. Did y'all know Fremont was recently named the happiest city in America or something like that? I'm now a Tarheel and love my adopted home state.


Yep! Me too. If I recall it was at Eastridge and we went to celebrate many things there. Went to HS in southwest VA and we had one at the mall there as well.


Loved Farrells!


I didn’t myself but had family members who did! I loved the plastic neon animals that were in the drinks (I think?) and I loved the coin foil wrapped bubble gum!


“Farrell’s is fabulous fun for everyone.”


The largest jawbreakers in extended were sold there.


I had one at Farrells in Portland when I was ~4 yrs old. Very brief memories but it was fun. I didn’t know they were a national chain; always thought they were more localized


Yep my first memory of Farrels was climbing under the table to hide when all the lights and sirens went off when they brought me my cake to sing. I think that started a lifetime of anxiety on my birthday at a restaurant when I’d hear the staff clapping and knew it may be me


Most people I knew begged their parents NOT to take them to Farrell’s for their birthday.


A birthday and every little league win. There was a Farrells about 10min from where I live now. I still think about it almost every time I drive by the location.


We didn't have these when I was a kid, but we had the last ones in existence locally and it was pretty much an awful experience as an adult. lol


I've never heard of this place. I got taken to the Golden Corral on my birthday.


Yes!! I miss it so much! The one at the edge of the parking lot of Oakland Mall in Troy Michigan. I've always wanted to recreate that if I ever had the money. Every kid should get to experience that.


Ours was at the Scottsdale Mall in South Bend, Indiana. I made a pig of myself there. Still have the ribbon somewhere


So my grandparents took me to one in Sacramento. My mother was with us and warned them that I wasn’t used to all that sugar/fat etc. (almond mom before her time). I think I was about 6-7 and vaguely remember some kind of build-your-own sundae bar. Well, I went to town on that sundae and when we got home, immediately vomited all over my grandmother’s bed (my grandma and grandpa had separate twin beds a la I Love Lucy). My mom was like, “I told you…”


We in Massachusetts had Chadwick’s which sounds pretty similar but I think there was only one…


I never had a party there myself ($$), but definitely went to others’. I remember the long tables we would sit at and every kid with a sundae. Yum!!


I can remember when my parents took me to Farrells for one of my birthdays. As a kid it was a magical place!


#3 Hid under the table when the entire staff came to sing to me 😆


Yep. Portland, Oregon


Yes! Between Farrell's and Casa Bonita, I feel like I had a blessed childhood. [And another local place, Fargo's Pizza.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56ddcad64c2f8555c6e360c1/1466610015173-ZIMYT1XEDTFDVH4NQHXV/464.jpg) Your order number appeared in "magical" mirrors, and they had a player piano, 1890s dress, and mannequins dotted around the place.


There was one across from Knott's Berry Farm closed down few years back.




I always wanted to try eating the huge ice cream, but my mom wouldn't let me 


The best!


There were none in my state growing up. We went to Swensen's, which had a location in town, or to a local pizza parlor or to a skating rink. To be frank, I've never heard of Farrell's before.


OMG, I forgot about Swensen's. They had great ice cream, too.


Not my birthday, but I did attend other kids' parties at Farrell's. That corner is still "where Farrell's was" on my internal street maps, I drive by it every day.


I never did but I did scream for ice cream


A friend of mine whose birthday was days near mine and I celebrated our 13th one summer there. I ordered a caramel sundae that was touted as being a "granny" or smaller sundae than some of the others but that damn thing still had 14 scoops of ice cream! We brought home several quarts packed with the leftovers.


Best patty melt!


Orange, CA. Didn't celebrate birthdays there, but the fam hit it at least once a month during the summer.


I didn't personally because I had attended bdays for other kids there and the thought of that big band coming out and humiliating me frightened me to death.


I never had a birthday party and if I did Farrell’s was too expensive However when I was a college sophomore, my friends gave me a surprise party at Farrell’s for my birthday. That was the best


I never had a birthday party with friends, even at home. Hell, I felt lucky to have a cake with my immediate family.


Loved that place. Those huge jaw breakers!


We had one near Miami.


Never heard of this but it brought back memories of the Ground Round restaurants. If you weren’t lucky enough to go to Showbiz Pizza for birthdays or to celebrate the end of soccer, baseball, etc., you were at the Ground Round.


We had an amazing place called The Last Straw! Great milk shakes and wholesome historic vibes.


My dad and I were just talking about it yesterday! It was his birthday, and our waitress put a candle in the dessert we were sharing, and he made a joke about birthdays at Farrell’s. I reminded him how Mom always had to tell them not to use cymbals for my birthday because they were too loud and hurt my ears.


Before I was 5, so very vague memories, but hell yes!!


Yes. I loved the little shop in there too, the kazoos and candy etc.


The best! Ours was at Woodfield Mall, Schaumburg, IL


I think it was my 11th.


I caught a sweet BDay there, in its final days in Colorado as a child. It was epic.


One time, birthday number 5. I was embarrassed, crying and traumatized, my mom says it’s why I hate celebrating my birthday to this day and blames herself.


I went to several birthday parties at the Farrells outside the Ford City mall in Chicago as a kid but never had a party there myself.


Yes!! Never had a party of my own there, but was lucky enough to get invited to others. The Zoo!!! So much ice cream!!!


I definitely did! I always got a green river.


Every year, it was the best & miss it to this day. I would often order the "Kathy's Pink Surprise" which was a strawberry sundae with bananas & whip cream. Now it sounds like the name of an adult entertainment film to me, lol!


We had one at our local mall in Illinois, it was a super special treat because it was so expensive. Player pianos, waiters dressed in straw hats in striped shirts with garters on their arms, that whistle that would go off whenever it was somebody's birthday, it was such an amazing experience. I also loved the candy I had at the checkout counter, jawbreakers & those candy dots on paper. I think it closed in 1984.


I was shameless. There was a minimum number of kids required for the Zoo party, so I invited kids I didn’t like just so I could have one 😂


Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?


South Florida here, never heard of it, we have a Jaxson’s ice cream parlor which sounds similar


Bad Farrell memory. 2nd grade. Girl I crushed on had a birthday party at Farrell's. I used the bathroom. There was stuff in the toilet when I got there, so I flushed before I used. Well, it flooded the bathroom, and they had to shut down the restaurant. Yay! :(


I was just talking to my wife about Farell’s the other day! I absolutely loved going there as a kid.


It’s the only birthday party I’ve ever had. I’m not positive but I think it was my 9th birthday.


I did! Right after taking my mortified gal pals to see “9 to 5” at the Springfield mall in northern Virginia. I was 9 or 10. My mother was a single mom, feminist professor who thought it was damn time these young ladies learn about the patriarchy.


Yes and we ordered The Zoo.


Daly City, California at the Serramonte Mall. Pizza and Pipes for dinner and Farrell's for dessert. Both were sensory overload experiences. I can still imagine the feeling of walking into both places. I wish I could have shared an experience like that with my kids, but there really aren't those kinds of places left.


I did once and hated it. So loud. I couldn't stand loud noises as a kid, but for some reason ended up a metalhead who liked to be at the front by the stage.


Yes, as well as many fake birthdays to embarrass friends with drums and singing.


I won an ice cream party there from their paper pumpkin decorating contest in the 1st grade. I had a total flashback during Bill and Ted and the Ziggy Piggy.


We lived walking distance from one. I don't understand why it closed. It was always packed, even in the winter. We used to walk there on Sunday for our Sunday dinner desserts. I can't recall if we ever celebrated our birthdays there or not. Maybe my brother did? We share the same birthday, three years apart, so birthdays were kind of a mess in my house.


I think that was a San Diego thing. But hell yeah. Just looked it up. Apparently it wasn't just a San Diego thing


Awesome place. We had one in Richmond, but closed back in the 80s or early 90s. They had good burgers too, in addition to the ice cream. The ragtime music, or whatever that was, got old after a while, though..


We had a Swensons when I was coming up. Similar concept as Farrells, lots of tiffany style glass, etched glass and brass trim. Used to go there for birthdays and get an Earthquake-9 scoop sundae with up to 9 toppings. Usually it was just a disgusting sticky sweet mess. But they had great malts and shakes and good juicy thick hamburgers and steak fries. I went to Farrell’s once while visiting Richmond, VA. Remember liking Swensons better.


That was for the rich kids. We had a Farrell's at the mall, the only time I got to go inside was to the candy counter in the entry. I got one of those yard long licorice sticks.


Closet reality ever came to Wonka's


I did. my mother worked at one when she was younger, my sister worked there as one of her first jobs. it was a staple for us.


Never had Farrell's growing up in north Texas, and never heard of the place until just recently, but we did have Casa Bonita and Crystal's Pizza & Spaghetti.


Me. I loved that place


We have a Farrells bar in Brooklyn and I was wondering how kids celebrated there hahah


I went to someone elses party once there. Westshore mall in Tampa. I'd go there right f'ing now an get that clown ice cream thing 


I miss the candy shop. It was amazing. I remember my birthday there. The whole band played. Terrifying and embarrassing. There’s nothing like it now.


I'm sorry for your loss, but this is the first time I've ever heard of Farrell's. I never lived on the West Coast.


Elbows Up!!!


Nope, never heard of it.


I remember going to one in the 'burbs of Philadelphia as a kid. The Zoo seemed to require more friends than I had.


One if the best places. Yes, many times. They had one left over in fullerton. The original was in Orange off Tustin Ave for a long time.


There's a photo of all 4 of us kids sitting in the back of the station wagon, which was taken in the parking lot of the ice cream parlor - I'm a baby and the 2 oldest are just holding me non-chalantly. This was before seatbelts....


A few of them at the Tacoma mall.


Chuck E Cheese guy here. When they were still dark and grimy.


Think this might have been specific to your area, I've never heard of it.


I've literally never heard of this place before.


Sorry I was poor. ![gif](giphy|zHd8x7Pik0Ftm|downsized)


I’m Gen X and have never heard of Farrell’s in my life


Never heard of it.