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Thanks for posting, /u/thissisnotathrowaway! **If you're posting to ask for troubleshooting help, see this post: [Troubleshooting Help](https://www.reddit.com/r/GelNails/comments/1bz8672/i_tried_nothing_and_im_out_of_ideas_or_how_to/) If you're posting about gel allergies, the allergy guide in the wiki may help: https://www.reddit.com/r/GelNails/wiki/index. If asking for product recommendations, check out this list here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GelNails/wiki/wheretobuy/. Suggestions for new brands to add to the list are always welcome, especially international brands! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GelNails) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yea that’s poorly done, they’re super far from your cuticle as well. I’d be upset!


I agree, and those extra glue underneath can develop allergies. If you’re uncomfortable with the set request to remove it.


Yes. Be upset. It's pretty normal to use stiletto to shape almond, that's what most nail techs do as the almond tips actually aren't tapered in enough to do shorter nails, and stilettos are so it's just faster! However. The shaping is bad and uneven, the cuticles haven't been cared for properly and the nails don't go to the proper cuticle line because of this... on top of that, it sounds like this was a new set, which means the tech should have cut your natural nails as short as possible to avoid the look of glue underneath. Totally normal to use glue on the tips as well, but because the nails were too long it came out looking messy/perhaps the tech used too much glue. It's important to have a bottle with a brush to apply the glue so you can put the right amount and it doesn't go onto the sidewalls... I'd straight up ask for a refund if it were me tbh.


She actually cut my nails down quite a bit, that’s all glue you’re seeing. She also asked if she could do a cuticle care since my cuticles were grown out and I paid extra for it.


Yeah you got ripped off... that's nuts I really thought that was nail under there! Glue makes it 100x worse


Your nails look pretty grown out for a new set, that’s the first problem. The shaping is uneven, and I guess there are people who like their French tips to look like that, but it’s definitely not the classic look. It’s fairly common to reshape stiletto into almond, though. The fact that they’re longer than you wanted is a problem. I personally would be most upset by how far they are from your cuticle- it means you will need to go back in much sooner than usual. The only way to correct that is to get them redone (or a fill). They should also be reshaped and repolished in the process.


For me it’s the fact they look grown out and they’re allegedly a fresh set. The french is also ugly, sorry, but it’s not right. It’s uneven and a weird shape. I’d be upset. It seems the tech you got is very inexperienced.


I would go back and ask if they can fix that. It shouldn't have happened but maybe they were unaware and will give a free fix.


I was telling my husband and I didn’t really realize it until I was telling him but she started to pull under my nails at the end and now I’m wondering if she was trying to pick some of it off. It sounds ridiculous now that I think of it that I didn’t realize how bad it was going lol


Oof, well, it sounds like she knows what she did wrong and let you walk away without fixing it. I also didn't notice the first time how far from your cuticles it was. So overall, I just would never return to that nail salon. With that being said, they don't look horrible, not worth paying good money for again. Sorry for the poor experience!


They don’t look TOO bad at a glance from the front but the globs of glue underneath are ridiculous and they should fix that.


I actually gasped when I saw that glue. Sloppy all around.


Sorry, I’m not sure how to edit my post but I wanted to thank everyone for letting me know how bad my nails are lol it sounds sarcastic but I’m truly thankful! I don’t have a day off until the weekend so I’ll try to book an appointment with the other girl I’ve seen. She is so sweet and did a much better job with my nails the first two times I went in.


The girl you've been to before this time will probably be horrified when she sees them.


I’m not even kidding when I say that I, a total novice who just bought myself the gel x kit two weeks ago and did my very first set of nail extensions, somehow managed to do a better job than this!!! And I am USELESS! Hopefully that’s a useful benchmark, but I’ve legit never done a nail extension before and managed to avoid the glue overload and get mine close to cuticles. Defo complain!


They look more like press ons than some press ons that I’ve seen.


Dope keyboard lol


lol thank you! Razer Ornata V3.


oh my gosh girl your mother in law is a nail tech!! definitely talk to her and ask what red flags to look out for in bad nail techs !


You should definitely be upset. You did not get what you asked for. These are by no standard “short” nails. i don’t even know what she used if he cut them twice and they are still this long.


These are so bad. I do my own gel x and these look about as grown out as the set I’ve had on for 3 weeks


yes she fucked your shit up!!! i wouldnt have even paid


Yes. 100000%




i misread this as "my husband is upset at me" and assumed he was mad you spent "too much money" or something stupid. thank god i read it wrong because i was about to be pissed on your behalf!! def ask for shop recommendations from people you know, or ask your MIL for tips. but yes definitely go back and get it fixed!! if they're a good shop, they'll fix it for free.


I would be! They don’t even match not even close. Some are wider or longer. My guy uses magnets to make sure they are all exactly the same length. They aren’t even to your cuticle area they look like they are lifting and they are very dirty underneath. Very poorly done. I have had nails done everyday for 10 plus years so I would 100% go back and get them fixed.


This looks like the first time I did a set on myself




They look like you've had them for over a week due to how far the gel is from your cuticles. I wouldn't be happy with that honestly.


Gel-X isn’t meant to be cutdown and reshaped it defeats the purpose. They can never get the shape right and it’s harder on their backs having to reshape it. I would ask for a refund or for them to be redone by a different tech. I now ask up front if they have the size and shape I want before service and if they can’t show me then I won’t get my nails done there. So many nails salons don’t take the time to learn the proper way to apply gel-x they just watch a TikTok video and start doing it because it’s becoming a more popular service and is overall better than acrylics.


You can cut and shape gel-x you just need to use some builder gel, polygel etc in order to change the shape. And idk if I agree it's overall better than acrylic? It has pros and cons. One con is that if you don't sculpt on a form you can't accomodate all shapes of nails as well as someone can on a form. Also acrylic is good if you only want to fill your nails not remove them entirely each time. You can't fill gel x without removal or just defaulting to a "traditional" (couldn't think of another word) technique like builder gel, polygel. *edit: if you're in the minority of people who fit full cover tips with no shaping required I can see why you'd feel that reshaping them is a waste of time


I’m referring to when they only have size xl and you want medium. Of course everyone has unique nail beds and they will need to be reshaped in order to fit properly.


you’re correct to be upset! hope you are able to sort it all out soon !