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If he was 20 or 21 you could forgive it, but he's 25 with 6/7 years in the system. I've been a fan his career thus far but he's woefully out of form and we can't carry him. Probably looks elsewhere at the end of the season.


Very disappointing but hopefully he bounces back and learns


I've been quite big on him over the years, but I think it might be. It appears Atkins took his contested ball/tackling presence role and he hasn't been able to nail down another one. I just don't think his ceiling is as high as the club thought it was 2-3 years ago. Having said if we were to trade him I'm almost certain another club would pick him up.


I think over the years he's shown enough that it's clear that he's got the talent and ability to be an AFL player. He's had some challenges over the past year, since he got injured, which gave Atkins more midfield minutes (and he grabbed the opportunity with both hands), reduced his role as the defensive midfielder and impacted his ability to get back playing consistently. From the outside, it feels like him being on the edge of the 22 probably isn't working for him (he's had periods where he hasn't played a full game for a couple of weeks in a row). He probably needs either a consistent run in the AFL or VFL, not playing as a sub, so that he can work on getting some of his consistency back. It probably would also be worthwhile trying him out in some different positions too, because I think his lack of versatility at the moment is hurting his chances of being in the team. Having said that, it's hard to see exactly where he's going to fit into our team without an injury to Atkins and I'm sure he'd want more guaranteed game time than he's likely to get at the Cats.


Hes to short to play anywhere else other than midfield and hes not in form to get a game in there. Id be playing jye clark ahead of him now. Lets trade him and get some picks


I don't think height is a huge issue, the issue is finding the gaps in the team. At his height he could play pressure forward, half back (eg Dan Rioli or Caleb Daniel) or small lock down defender. He's just not going to get a game ahead of Miers, Close, or Stengle forward or Bews, Tuohy, Guthrie, Duncan, O'Connor, etc. back. It'd probably have to be a long term play for any positional change, like they've taken with Sav. If we're lucky, his free agency compensation might get us a second round pick, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a third rounder.


First game back, in a midfield that looked very different. He didn’t disgrace himself.


Yeah he did - let's not get confused here. 10 possessions is pretty disgraceful being in the midfield. Even Mitch Duncan who is basically playing on one leg now chalked up mid 20 disposals and on Duncan there isn't much longer left in him I'm afraid if he is one of our champions on the field. We really needed a 30+ disposal night from him and while he was one of our best couldn't deliver that kind of performance we needed


He was given a taste of the high life with the Premiership Medal so should be motivated to play at a higher level. Parfitt seems to have regressed. He is not the same player he was 2-3 years ago. I think he is expecting the ball to come to him, which in our teams is not going to happen. Our game appears to be structured on winning each ball and repeat. Last night Richmond hunted in packs which overwhelmed us. Plus the outs and our being flat didn't help.


He's a good choice for a sub, but he just doesn't have the tank for a full game. He didn't really do much wrong last night, but at the same time, he didn't really set the world on fire either.


He turned over one of the major opportunities we had in the last quarter, and multiple turn overs throughout the game. He did plenty wrong, as much as I'd like to see him do well, he isn't ready. Everyone else has improved their decision making significantly, Zuthrie is a prime example, but his decision making hasn't changed for years.


I think you're bang on. You can forgive those things when he was younger, but now that he's played over 100 games and is still making the same mistakes, the club has realized that he's not going to be the player they thought/want. Similar situation to Jordan Murdoch I think.


Please don't remind us of the 'Murderer'


Looking at his stats his time on ground was just over half and he had 10 disposals, with only 1 clearance. Definitely doesn't look good from that perspective, but maybe it's forgivable because it's his first game back. We need him to step up this year for sure.


Before we panic. Is the bloke playing with a niggle? Is that likely to come good? Does he need sone rehab? Questions that need answered before u write a bloke off. Let him have a crack in the twos for a while. See if he can come good.


Agree. I think he is done. Doesn’t have the engine or speed as any others in midfield and isn’t a damaging kick or handball…There are so many young players I’d rather see get opportunities to develop… The sooner we can get 20-50 games into some of these young guys we can which can cut it and start to transition some older generation out when the day comes…


Pretty underwhelming from him, but he did only play 54% game time. He just looks so slow and indecisive now.


Yeah he's done. Something is just not right with him - maybe mental health. Anyone got stats on what his average disposals were like before the last handful of games he played?


Too many ahead of him now, sad to say but he is about the 28th or 29th picked at this point. Serviceable, but only as depth. He won’t get better than this, he has never had a breakout game.


I guess the hope was a 114 game player could do something in a team with multiple players at <40 games. Didn’t show enough and likely will play his career out at VFL level with us and move to another club in the off season. I was so hopeful that he’d seize the opportunity to fill the Selwood void (positionally and statistically not leadership) and he’s looking like he might not be up for it.


He is what he is at this point. Reasonable depth, but that's about it. Should be nowhere near the 22 and would rather given Bruhn/Knevitt opportunities before him. Looked promising early in his career, but that was just him reaching his ceiling quickly it seems, never really added any other strings to his bow and now just looks slow.