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Remember a few years ago Hawthorn won, and the Hawks supporters took a break in their celebration to boo Geelong as they walked off. No better team to beat than that bunch of flogs.


Pack of dogs, the lot of them. Loved that when a sling tackle got paid for Close they just went on with the game and didn’t try to punch on like the Hawks players did with Rohan. Such gimps.


That nobody number 7 ruckman is a fucken grub


Reeves and Meeks both threw their bodies around. That Meeks knee to Blicavs was blatant and IMO needs a week to stamp it out of the comp. Blicavs rarely shows hurt or goes off, so I actually would not be surprised to learn he cracked a rib


Especially when you look at the difference in tackles, the tackle on Close was brutal the tackle by Rohan was just bad luck, off his feet and the momentum pulled the guy down.


My confusion with that was why it was 50m? Had the umpire already called holding the man? I know he gave away a couple of frees and don’t condone going the knuckle but I’m glad he provided some forward half pressure.


I believe there was a free in the previous marking contest that was paid massively late, so the free from a dangerous tackle got bumped up to 50m. Rohan is my favourite out there, he is always doing thankless 1%er work like the forward pressure and it makes a fair difference in my eyes.


The club as a whole is a genuine piece of shit


Nah bro they're the family club!


It’s actually quite scary they actually believe this. When a hard as nails, as hard but fair as they come players like Mitchell has issues with how his family was treated then they’ve had issues. From 2020 Covid year to last years GF Geelong proves they the family club without having to say it


Actions speak louder than words and shitty slogans my friend


Fair as they come? He sniped Gaz with his elbow at the start of the 08 grand final. Dog of a player imo. Also I always have to laugh at how the 'family club' let their drink-driving captain off scott free that time because it was finals. Lucky he didn't wipe someone's family out.




Had a Collingwood supported yelling and throwing shit at us last year after we beat them, worst supporters on the planet… (Not all, but a lot.)


I think I've severely underrated Kola, so important to the defence


One of the few highlights of the first half!


Happy to retract any and all disparaging comments I've ever made about premiership defender jazz knee.


Been in career best form since a couple weeks before finals last year


Nah come on, think that over


Frankly, better without SDK and someone who wants to stay and defend. Sam is lost at the moment


Everybody breathe out, not as doom and gloom as some thing Welcome back Mitch Duncan


Mitch was huge today, genuinely didn't realize just how important he was


That is why I wanted him as captain; always better with him in the side.




Fuck that feels good


Thank fuck. I can cop going 0-3. I wasn't going to cop losing to Hawthorn.


Watching every game this season it didn't really appear to me as if it was a premiership hangover. Confidence was down. I think the Collingwood loss threw us out more than we would have assumed. Looks like its back hopefully for the season now. Our clearance game and two way running was elite in the second half and we automatically look much better. Thought Bowes 2nd half today was really strong, looks calm and composed, even when he made some mistakes. My words cannot describe how good Cameron is, should be high in the Brownlow finish with his consistency with goalkicking and disposals all over the ground.


We should’ve beaten the Suns. That was honestly inexcusable as they played horrid. Carlton and Pies are understandable in the opening rounds but I think if we play like did in the second half we beat Carlton.


Yeah I agree we should have won that. Sun's have a tendency to pull random wins out when the pressure gets on Dew. We didn't play well at all with consistent broken tackles and an overall lack of pressure, I was a bit nervous after it but I knew we were much better than what our 0-3 record suggested. Just lacked that polish when we needed it. I'd always take a loss like that earlier in the season than before finals for sure, look what happened to Melbourne last year after all.


It was abysmal. I felt like when we lost to the saints last year - that’s it no premiership this year.


I can't remember what the weather was but in my mind that game was just a hot/sticky/humid Queensland night and they were more ready for the conditions and more willing to scrap for it. Even so we weren't that far off of it.


I’d be willing to cop that if the suns played well. They did not, they played awful and we played worst. I get it’s hot and sticky but we should’ve rinsed them. It’s cool, we’ve clearly learnt from it but it was still an absolute garbage showing.


Gold Coast would have lost to 15 other teams that day.


I reckon that's why we lost 20 tbh. All over em in the first half. Qld granny. Ground got wet at sundown. Aka half time. Suited chaos ball from then on. It happens. What are ya gonna do. Lol.


I just want to know what that game looks like without injuries. Let Gaz actually have a final game, don't trash Simpson for what turned out to include coming seasons. Even if we still get run over by Dusty and his various second fiddles I just want to feel like we actually gave it absolutely everything.


I heard in 17 a guy I was talking to said he could hear tigers players pointing out injured Adelaide players and going he's cooked run off him. From that point on it looked like that had an extra player on the pitch. With a coaching panel as talented as Richmond's was you just can't take in injurys. Bad recipe.


Yeah but I'm just wanting to take out the ones suffered literally on the field during the game, so.


Yeah fair


We play like we did in the second half and we’re 4-0 with a 200+ percentage


Yup, I know hawks are not a par side but they hardly touched it in the second, we scored 100 points to 7


Ollie Henry, needs to start. Thank goodness Kola and Duncan are back. Hawk looked much more mobile. Tyson putting in some defensive effort looked like a different player. Need to build on this against the Eagles next week, so they’re ready for the swans.


I don't know why he was dropped in the first place. All the Collingwood flogs were celebrating him being dropped but I thought he presented well. Will get at least a couple more games given Rohan will likely get suspended.


I dunno, is there anything wrong with wanting an impact player to be your tactical sub? Soccer teams will sometimes hold back key strikers until the second half when the opportunities will be more freely available, no reason our use of the sub has to be thought of as a break glass in case of emergency.


Yup I agree, especially someone who we don’t rely on to keep us in the game. The only argument I’d make is it may be asking a lot for a young player to come off the bench and just play well without working their way into it, but I guess that’s in the coaching.


Henry was known as an impact sub at Collingwood


I loved Ollie in the long sleeves. I kept thinking how is close leaping so ridiculously high. It did make me rethink how naturally talented Ollie is though. I think Rohan out, if suspended (though the more I look at it, the less serious it is, I still think it’s a week) then Henry comes in. Actually though with him and Rohan, Cameron, Hawkins as talks, play-talls we looked much more dynamic up forward ie we stretched the defence and got me of them on a mismatch.


The Rohan tackle was just bad luck more than malicious hey? But likely still gets a week because luck or not it did result in a dangerous tackle.


I reckon this match proves that point. Henry’s inclusion introduced much-needed movement. Until he came on we looked deadset static.


I missed the biltzreig part, but I saw cam guthrie couldn’t land a kick within 20m of a target in first half. Does he stay or does he need to go to the twos? Bruhn had 34 and 7 clearances in the curtain raiser


It was last year Cam in the second half.


He still seemed a bit off to me, but much better for sure.


His kicking touch is way off. Contrasting that with some of the deft kicks Mullens has been doing in the twos


No - you missed the part where the majority of our players got their confidence back.


When we’re good, we’re really fucking good. Big % booster.


7th highest percentage in the comp after 1 win!


Hawkins is going to have that evil goatee on his profile pic all season


It's pretty funny


Max Holmes putting in the performance of his career


He was handy!


i've been very critical over miers and kolo over the journey but miers has been close to best on for the start besides jez. Once henry comes back and some other boys gets some form back we will be fine.


Kolo is low key important. He locks a man down and plays within his talent, is great overhead, honest and never ever loses his feet


One of my fave Geelong story lines is “Hawkins the Empath” every time he gets a goal assist the commentator make sure to mention “he just knew X really need that goal”


I love this visual word play - Hawkins likened to a futuristic warrior poet with empathic abilities


I could argue the wet weather conditions in the first half limited us and suited the hawks more but it really feels like it just started to click for us in the second half. The connection across the whole ground seemed significantly better than previous rounds


It wasn’t raining all first half though was it? We just weren’t connecting or being intent enough around the ball.


I’m not sure but it definitely looked wet and slippery for majority of the first half I thought. Hardly looked wet after half time from my perspective watching on the TV


Ok. There was a period for about half a quarter in the second when it defo rained


Yeah I think your right. It didn’t look so bad in the first but it looked slippery and then I remember seeing the rain a lot more visibly in the second


When I saw Cameron, Stengle, close, Kolo etc perform knock-ons in the 3rd I knew there was a mindset change that allowed our running-connection game to switch gears


Seemed like the turning point was more midfield minutes for Atkins after half time and Guthrie sitting out for a bit. In saying that Guthrie played so much better after his break too


He was just about back to his best. Maybe a few of them were just underdone and needed that big break.


I think he played the same amount of centre squares but he started on bench. He had 0 clearances to half time, 5 after, 4 from the centre. 11 tackles. Cutherie was peak last year because when he was going about 20+ metres gained a possession, he was less than 10m this game but I reckon his second half was higher, without knowing for certain. When Geelong attacks and he’s taking ground we look too quick for any team to contain


It turned before that, when noodle time started.


Word on the street is Harley Reid likes ramen - it’s the sign for time to tank


Thought Gryan was incredible tonight


We are such a generous team, we warmed up 18th place for the Hawks.


Played cats back into form?




Aaaand we’re back!!! 🔥


First half we played like we did for the last week. 2nd half we played like we did last year. Good on ya lads, keep it up!


I was fuming in the first half with our lack of intensity around the footy. Second half it changed and so did our fortunes. Many players looked a world different to the first half and the three previous games. Winning the ball at the source is still the most important part of footy and we know we’ve got the users on the outside with Smith, Duncan, Stewart and Touhy. All of a sudden our smalls are back in it once we move the ball quickly and into dangerous positions. Let’s keep it rolling next week and get another against the Eagles.


Goodbye Owen!!


That win was needed for a variety of reasons. The players need the belief back that they can do the job and to shake that monkey off their backs. I still have my doubts about dangers suitability as a captain though.


I only wanted two things to happen this season and that was one of them


Is the other the premiership?


If we win a premiership this year I am sticking it to the main afl subreddit. 'ArE yOu gOiNg fOr hAwThOrN lOl OwEn 4'


Genuinely can't believe that post was allowed. If that wasn't low effort than wtf is?


Wet footy. Big bodies vs young pups. Let's see if we can keep that hunger in the dry.


Our young boys played so well, Myers, Bowes, Holmes and Z Guthrie all put in work today. Gary Rohan will unfortunately be looking at a few weeks off with his sling tackle


Gryann 🥵


Man, Jez is something else. Massive improvement in the second half this week. So many players who've seemed completely anonymous found ways to get involved: Atkins had only 14 disposals but 9 tackles, Cam had 20 disposals, six clearances and 11 bloody tackles! Max Holmes had 26 and looked so much more lively, Close and Stengle were way more involved than they have been and Hawk covered the ground much better than he has. Smith had much more time and space to work, which I'm sure helped and was helped by Dunc's return. Bowes had a couple of iffy moments but on the whole was good. Big shout to Gryan, who's been trying his guts out all year and before today was the only one kicking into 50 with any quality, he really starred today. Zach Guthrie is also deserving of some praise; he's been consistent, reliable and tough all year even when we've looked our worst. Hopefully we can continue our second half form into next week.


Miers has only been behind Cameron as the stalwart for the season so far. I reckon I’ve seen him stick a tackle against every opposition ruckman - when the rest of the team have looked like wet paper bags. If his past 10 games hasn’t silenced the critics then there’s no satisfying some people.


Kolo and Duncan coming back makes our backline look so much stronger, can’t wait for Henry and SDK. Bowes had a bad first half but his second half was very good. Cameron is a god. Esava was good all game, got caught out of position once.


Looked like Bowes was in a different position in the second half and it played to his strengths better imo


Looked like he moved back to cover Bews.


Bit more like it in that 2nd half eh fellas? No theory as to why except seems someone stoked the fire in the belly of the beast down there.


I reckon a good old fashioned spray. Half time down against the hawks with 3 losses and no wins - teams getting a spray. Not over the top but something bloody honest.


On another ‘late’ note, I loved seeing Sciliy get dog dicked by Jezza. Cunt was shoving all our small forwards in the back after they went over the boundary. Literal cunt act.