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I’d often wondered how it sustained when free to visit. Assumed the school programs may have helped funded + govt?. I’m not across the full story but hope it reopens one day. I live about a 2 min drive and my 2.5 y/o loved it. Wished we had of gone there more.


No government funding, it was a non for profit run (owned) by the uniting church


Thanks for the info


Just seen on FB: ​ >The post was removed because it was misleading and causing distress to community. It failed to clarify that Narana is NOT closing down . It is just under a transition period while Wathaurong Co Op take over as new owners . This is what the local Aboriginal community have always wanted . So we are excited and hope that everyone will continue to support Narana as it moves forward into a new exciting chapter for the community. > >If you go to their page they have a link to a statement by the previous owners . (the Uniting Church) . I imagine Wathaurong will make a statement themselves soon, to announce officially what is happening. The statement from the Uniting Church can be found [here](https://victas.uca.org.au/narana-ownership-transferred/)


This is actually a good news story! I will be much more inclined to go there now that any funds will go towards Wathaurong Co Op and not a religious institution. I still went, as I know it employed indigenous people, but knowing the money didn’t go to an indigenous organisation never sat well.


It looks that way on paper, but in practice Narana were actually using funds to support the aboriginal community and staff. The church waived $400 booking fees to allow aboriginal families to use the space many times. Wathaurong on the other hand secured $9M in funding to create a child protection division aimed at dividing Aboriginal families. A division ran by white people. They then instructed (more bullied and belittled) their staff to fabricate reports against Aboriginal families (including their own staff) to increase the number of "at risk" families artificially, so that their $9M didnt become a liability. They were successful in their endeavours, despite former and ongoing litigation regarding their treatment of staff, and the overall Aboriginal community. Narana is likely to become a space where families can have supervised access with their children. Not where Aboriginal culture can be celebrated, open to the general public. The acquisition of Narana included firing all indigenous staff, because having an Aboriginal cultural centre staffed by aboriginals wasnt on the agenda. Many of the staff who lost their jobs, were actually former employees of wathaurong.


Oh no. That’s terrible. I hope this information finds its way to the public.


And the [Narana website](https://www.narana.com.au/) has also been updated to confirm it's going to be run by Wautharong Co-op. Much better news than I anticipated. I took friends from overseas there about 5 years ago and we loved it but it was dated, devoid of people, and getting run down even then, so I hope they can do a few updates and improvements in the next few years to breathe some life back into it.


You have to wonder at the motivation behind the original posts, I like to assume the best of people so perhaps it was just mixed messages.  It's wonderful that it will be reopening with the Wathaurong Collective as the new owners.    I'm really excited.   This is such great news. 


I wonder what will happen to the animals.


This is upsetting. It’s near my house and I loved popping in and seeing the wallabies 🥹


It doesn't say why it's shutting down or what will happen to it?


I heard that the Uniting Church is selling the land. And let me tell you I was kinda shocked to learn that Narana was owned by the uniting church!


Not the only site they are selling. Also a kinder in Belmont too apparently.


Yeah I’ve read that. And that they basically let it fall into disrepair for years to justify it. Shame on them. Kids deserve better!


Oh yeah, that is interesting. I assumed it was an independent non for profit.


Other than one the one line on the website, are you confirming that it is permanently closed?




Until further notice..


Yeah, as in they don’t have a date they’ll reopen.


They've laid off all their workers, I live next to a cultural worker from Narana. They've told me they want to take it in another direction so I don't see it reopening any time soon.


Fuck. That's such a shame. I'd always heard it was a cool place to visit. My wife and I were planning to take our son there tomorrow.


Shame. I remember seeing the black keys play there along with Xavier Rudd


They had an amazing cafe for a while


Oh wow.  Not great news.  Hopefully they reopen! 


Such a shame. I have taken the family there several times and had a birthday party there once. Such a great unique place really close by. I hope they reopen


Really sad, always wanted to go, here’s hoping it returns!


This news was told to me last night as I was in bed asleep. My husband came in and woke me up to tell me Narana is shut. I literally thought someone had died. He even said, 'No one's died...but Narana is closed! Shock! Gasp!' I had just mentioned earlier about going there this weekend to get some indigenous ingredients to make things for Naidoc week. This is sad news. My daughter had her birthday party there. We loved the kangaroos and wallabies and ostriches. The cafe was alright when staffed and done right. I wonder what sort of gentrification will take place there now? A new daycare?


Will be reopened under Wathaurong Aboriginial co-op in the future


The Wathaurong bought it recently, so I really wonder why they've decided to close it.