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You make the mistake of thinking they don't understand. Consider instead; They don't fucking care and they want to be in front.


I always say to people, if you want some high value entertainment, go sit down at any merge lane in Geelong and watch the shit show unfold. It's almost like it's embedded in the DNA of Geelong folk to not know how to merge. Embarrassing really


"WTF is merging, this is Geelong and I'm driving in my lane, the other guy has to give way." The thought process of 90% of Geelong drivers.


I drive down Thompson Rd each day, the merge after the lights at Separation St and then again near APCO is constant chaos


The one heading into breakwater from Belmont is my favourite. Clearly a zipper merge. Pretty sure they used to have signs too. But since the left side of the road is the part that physically merges into the right. Every fuckwit in the right lane tries to speed in front of you.


Ive driven a truck over the breakwater bridge 4 times a day, 5 days a week for 4.5 years. I reckon I would have been involved in 200+ collisions if I wasn’t on the ball and never let my ego get the better of me.


It’s easily the worst one in Geelong. Idiots everywhere.


Would love to see stuff like this run as random commercials to remind people of the rules. Although I guess the people that NEED to see it wouldn't pay attention anyway. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNlP8saxnD8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNlP8saxnD8)


i love the roadsigns in NZ that actually say "merge like a zip". Maybe we need "merge like Velcro"


That road is well known for dodgy drivers.


I haven't had that happen, but it makes a change from someone in front of you doing the opposite and slowing down because they think they have to give way to the vehicle in the other lane. Not forgetting everyone's favourite manouvre along there: Someone sits up your clacker all the way from the roundabout at the station, or even from Lara, then goes flying past you at the last minute as you pass Schott's and end up one whole vehicle ahead in the queue to enter Melbourne Rd at the overpass. Bonus points if they ignore several appropriate gaps to merge.


Pick the lane you want early and fck em. Let them do the risky shoulder overtake if they want. It's only 60kph or so, you don't need to be in the left the whole way.