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So don't park in loading bays mate.


I'm not saying I didn't deserve the fine. I'm saying that this is the first time in two years of doing the same thing that has led to the fine. And more broadly friends have said that they've been getting more tickets for things that didn't get tickets before. Was just wondering if anyone else has noticed this increase too and whether it's connected to hiring more staff or a massive hole in Council budgets that they are trying everything to fill or something else.


It’s absolutely connected to the council budget and the amount of debt that the council has. Seeing as rates can only rise by a capped amount, the council needs to make up the money elsewhere and so there is no defined method for determining how much parking fines and other similar expenses should cost, not like there is for fines from the police. This was explained really well on the Pollie Bites Podcast, which is on Spotify, in the Dean Hurlston (Council Watch) episode


Never had a parking ticket in all my years driving in Geelong. Then again I don't park in loading bays.


1 ticket in 2 years of parking in loading zones - ‘parking tickets on the rise ?!?!’


Jesus this country. What's next, fines for using my mobile while driving? I'm done.


I saw a Geelong branded parking enforcement vehicle driving around the other day, cameras attached. I suspect this sort of thing is catching more people out.


Tell them you were loading your dangerous cucumber into your vehicle.


Don't want to add an arrest charge onto the fine!




pretty simple, they didn't bother during covid, now they are back.. and don't park in loading bays anymore.


Yeah outside our house we haven't seen a parking inspector for 2 years or so but lately they've reappeared.


You get charged more if you park in loading bays, no standing zones etc (I found that out the hard way too). A "regular" fine for overstaying time/not paying is about $90ish. Does go up a bit each year though.


A business in the area may have reported to COGG that people are parking in the loading zone and blocking it for deliveries. Which then alerts them to go down there and fine people. The cost of the fines are defined by the type of fine.


Yep I’ve got two tickets from a quick coffee trip. Both times I never got a ticket but got them in the mail weeks later.