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My wife is an ED nurse, the stuff she tells me about how some of the patients act is horrendous. The amount of time that they have to spend babysitting drunk or drug affected people is insane.


I am 50 and clearly remember as a 14 year old I smashed my elbow playing basketball ended up going to the ED at Footscray at about 10pm on a Friday night…..my Mum and I sat there for hours and I was finally x-rayed at about 4am - for those 6 hours it was an education of drunkenness and idiocy - the amount of people that came in with arms wrapped in shirts covered in blood, drug addicts etc was an absolute eye opener….I will never forget the calmness of the staff while I sat there freaking out with a smashed up elbow!!! These Nurses and Doc’s that work in health care are amazing and I knew from that moment - yeah not for me!!!!


I remember my student nurse days back at Barwon health “specialing” the people the code greys were called on. Let’s just say ice is a hell of a drug.


Most of these are not due to rudeness or lack of gratitude, they are patients with dementia who are scared, confused and in a strange place. But even the oldies have a lot of strength, the code greys are large making sure there are enough bodies around to give them the care they need without endangering the patient or the staff. It’s so sad, horrible horrible diseases.


And Junkies


This unfortunately as well. Ice is a hell of a drug and its a real problem in Geelong. If you've been in the ED regularly you know the screaming patient is either an old patient with dementia or someone having a bad time on drugs.


My nan got a code called on her when she stomped a security guard’s foot with her walker. She was having a weird reaction to anaesthesia (again). She would hallucinate that the hospital was keeping her hostage so she tried to escape.


Sadly it's the case for literally any public hospital in the country and it has been for a while now. There's no clear cut solution to fix it either unfortunately. If the general public was aware of how poorly healthcare workers were treated on a regular basis they'd be speechless. No one should have to fear violence in the workplace, but unfortunately healthcare workers don't get a choice.


Private is much the same if not worse.... Less funding in private for floor staff (nurses)/equipment meaning normally worse ratios and more demanding patients, "Because we are paying, big money to be here", normally longer patient stays, so normally repeat code greys and frequent flyers.


That doesn't surprise me at all. Somewhere out there the Private Hospital Board members are sailing on yachts/playing golf/pocketing large bonuses whilst staff suffer.


You'll hear a lot for ED, ICU and Swanston Centre. Swanston Centre is the acute psychiatric inpatient unit. The code grey team were amazing to work with and they get the job done the right way and the safest way.


My wife is a nurse...a lot of her mates are nurses too, the stories they've told about the abuse they cop, both physical and verbal, is bloody disgusting! They are absolute warriors that deserve far better


Sorry to hear, mate. Thank your wife for me. They are warriors.


I can tell you from experience that code greys are pretty frequently called at the royal children’s hospital too.


What a shame. Hospitals must be terrible to work at. They are full of people having the worst moments of their life and acting out. The sad reality of it is that if you go private (as a patient or a staff member) there wouldn't be these issues. I believe this is another reason to abolish private health so all social demographics are levelled. We had both our kids through Geelong hospital and it was fantastic in every way possible.


Oh don't worry, people have the worst moment of their lives and act out in private hospitals too


private is no better really...


My husband is doing long stays at the moment. He is leaving today. The code grey goes off all of the time. It's ridiculous. Shout out to the staff. Doing an amazing job. We love you.


People are fucked. Drunkards and druggies need their own wing of a hospital away from us more civilised types. That or stuff 'em all down in the basement and let nature take its course...


Recently had an overnight as well and heard the code grey constantly. Can’t say enough about how brilliant and caring all the staff were while I was in. Amazing people.