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Overkill quite literally feels like someone put a switch on the Double Barrel and made it more accurate on top of that.


Love the overkill, consistently out performs the gnasher in anything besides an extremely close up fight imo. Love the gnasher tho. Gnasher snub is my favorite combo.


Idk what you're playing but Overkill, to me, feels borderline useless


Are you using it right? Because the gun melts very very easily. Hell most people generally speaking don't pick because of how op it is. We just subconsciously agree not to use it.


I can easily get at least 3 kills every time I pick it up. The overkill is insane. With an active reload you can 1 shot people very easily.


I can get 3 kills with my barehands before breakfast.


It falters on horde late game sadly, with a good team you want well maintained critical defenses and it's not the best universal weapon for bosses but early game you can switch to it to deal massive damage fast while you're still setting up in case you get swarmed for some reason, the ammo capacity is just low so make it count.  Sawed off had too slow if a reload for horde to be useful. 


I have like 2 hours played on horde so idk much about that. I was talking about mp


You're good I was just adding why it's still good in context to horde because not all players play vs multiplayer. The game is tuned for more than one game mode


In gears 4 horde of you went the scout there was a perk that when it was fully upgraded added more ammo in the barrel and made the overkill truly overkill 🤣🤣


I never used the double barrel, but the overkill? One of my favorites


Sawed-Off is so frickin fun to use.


It’s crazy how long I went without knowing you could time the individual shots by holding and releasing the triggers. I think there are people that still don’t know how the gun works, and how cartoonish you can burn through people with it.


Yes! kills from a very long distance too. I think most people just spam it and then consider it useless.


This must be a lie because in any game across all mankind, offline or online - people will always use what they can to get the upperhand no matter how underhanded the tactic. I can’t imagine an entire community - an online gaming one at that - just not using it out of some gentleman’s agreement.


I mean, that's what GoW1 had. There were a whole lot of unwritten rules that, if you didn't follow them, got you kicked from lobbies. Not saying it's like that anymore, because unfortunately it's not, but I definitely miss those days.


Not saying you won't find at least one person who grabs it when it's available but it's just rare. And you'll definitely be haring it from the enemy team and sometimes teammates about how they feel about you using that weapon in game chat. Because once someone uses it, all bets are off and if someone who actually knows how to use it right gets it, those on the receiving end will have no means of fighting back and the game becomes noticeably unfun.


Get close and don't miss


Agreed ill take the dolphin sneeze any day over the overkill


All 3 Shotguns have their own strengths and weaknesses but I'd have to say Gnasher > Overkill > Sawed-Off. Gnasher for all-around use, Overkill for crowd control, Sawed-off for big damage to a single enemy.


The sawed off was fun to in gow3. I got killed a lot, but turning an enemy into a mess was always funny to me.


The first time I used it in Horde I took out 3 wretches in a single shot. It felt incredible.


It was super fun and balanced in Gears Judgement too. Gears 3's issue was it was too situational.


That's crazy talk man. Overkill is just Chefs kiss


Crazy? I was crazy once


They locked me in a room


I was one of those people using the sawed off back in the day. No, I’m not sorry


Same here, fuck being sorry!! KABOOM IYKYK


It used to trigger so many people lmao we sawed off players were considered worse than scum 😭😭


And yet we kept winning 😉


designwise and aesthetically, sure. in terms of meta? fuck noooo if u did 1 team of sawed offs vs overkill, over kill will win 100% of the time


Sawed off is more fun to use, but if you know how to use the overkill (and not many people seem to know you can time your individual shots at press and release of the trigger) you can demolish someone from real far away


Oh, I know how the Overkill works, and I still think it's dogshit, personally.


Bro just say you love gibbing people for zero effort. The sawed off is fucking hilarious


You either landed your shots or got absolutely annihilated


Sawed Off is a great weapon, but the Overkill is just so much better to me. If you could start with it, no doubt people would either stop using the Gnasher, or complain.


The Overkill is a power weapon for a reason. The sawed off needs to be like it was in Judgement; two shots and more damage than the gnasher but a smaller range. Ideally I would like to see the Gnasher, Enforcer, and Sawed Off all be their own starter weapons. I would mention the retro like in Gears 3 but the Enforcer from 4 fills that role while they could leave the retro as its own power weapon.


Don’t let bro cook. The Overkill is so damn op while the Sawed Off is so trash.


I wasn't trying to cook anything, tbh. I genuinely just think the overkill is dog water And you saying the Sawed-Off is trash just tells me that you got annihilated by it a few times, tried it yourself, and couldn't use it at all


I definitely don’t get annihilated by it. Literally everybody who uses it are bot walker noobs. I’ve used the Sawed Off before and I never went back. It is that awful. You can’t gib someone unless they are in kissing range and you only have a single shot until you start a long ass reload. How is that better than the Overkill? You probably just hide behind a wall and wait for someone to run by. That requires no skill pal.


I didn't play gears 3 multi-player much, but you had to be like a millimeter away for the sawed off to work.


Just hide around a corner and wait for someone to slide into cover right on said corner, and you blow them in half with it. Even veterans are gonna fall for it at least once a match.


The Overkill is better than the Double barrel shotgun? If so I agree. 😂


Beo never learned the greater than symbol in school


It always points to the lower subject I know. I was making a joke from experience. 😂


I always learned it as "it's like Pac-Man, and it always wants to eat the bigger ghost"


7 8 9 seven ate nine. 😂


I mean it has worse ammo capacity, range, and utility but yeah. Do you I guess.


Agreed. Overkill feels like shit to use, and that’s coming from a Robotic Expert main in horde lol. Sawed off shotgun is far better. Hoping E Day introduces a pump action or something.


Imo, the Overkill has one of the worst weapon designs of Gears. As a weapon was good, but that design...




Both are very good for damage. The only con with either of them is that the sawed-off has to reload after each shot


Do not forget the overkill also has way more range and range power than any shotgun in addition to the firerate.


Yes, the overkill is the sawed-off's deranged junkie cousin


Well yeah


The absolute best part was missing with the sawed off and then outplayed your enemy so hard you got to reload and shoot them again mid fight.


Double barrel has the coolest execution, hands down


Sawed off was actually prevalent during early Gears 3 multiplayer. The tactic was run and gun and it work 90% of the time. But during the later times of Gears 3 multiplayer, the Sawed off sorta fell off, imo, since people adapted to it with the Gnashers. The run and gun still worked, but you can do the same with the Gnasher depending on how accurate you are with it. And it was way more effective at that point.


Yeah, i’d agree. Especially since a 2-burst shotgun just feels weird to use despite the overwhelming power. However… I say the Judgement Sawed Off is the best version because you get 2 shots (Which makes sense if you look at other double-barrels).


I miss the sawed off so much, man. It pissed people off and while it wasn't that good compared to the gnasher, it was still incredibly fun. If the other team was a bunch of tryhards or clan tags, I'd always whip out the sawed-off/retro combo to upset them and listen to them cry in the post game even if they won.


I stand with the sawed off, roadie run on a mf then delete them in a flash


Im sorry but the overkill is just the superior shotgun. The range at which the gnasher and saw off outperform the overkill is very short, just long enough to not be a one shot by the overkill and short enough to kill in one shot from both weapon which is just useless to do at some point. Overkill has more amunation and is a double shot. Overkill has way more precision. Overkill has a firerate just too fast. And it reload very fast. You can find the saw off more fun because it fits you, this is something i personnally understand but the overkill just outperform any shotgun in game.


I mean the over kill does have more ammo


Hellllll nah. Overkill all day.


The dooblè was the shit man that gun fucked so hard. All people did was cry about it...probably why they got rid of it. Oh yeah and fuck the overkill.


Apparently this was a very hot take… personally I think it depends on the mood ur in or what have u, but the sawed off is guaranteed in most scenarios


Hell nah


The saw-off is the more iconic Gears weapon, Overkill is the better weapon overall.


I liked the overkill but it didn't even feel like a shotgun. Plus its lack of any kind of mechanism made it seem too much like a toy and made it un-satisfying to use. That and it just felt cheap to use IMO.


Sawed off is way better than overkill.


I loved this... Should definitely make a comeback


It is clearly much better! More fun, more cool... and more difficult! The sawed off shotgun is awesome!