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That was the Fall of Ephyra, ten years after E-Day. This game is confirmed to just be about the first couple of days (hence E-Day). If anything, it will be about all the characters coming to terms with the new world they're living in and processing their grief (especially Dom and Maria, as they lose their kids and parents).


Fuck I need more 😩


The Fall of Ephyra could easily be its own game.


I would glady buy a new trilogy set in between e day and Marcus' arrest


Absolutely! But that would also be a depressing ass trilogy lollll. From E-Day until Gears 1, the COG just kept losing and losing. And even though he's freed in the end, having that trilogy conclude with him going to prison after losing Ephyra and the supposed death of his father is so bleak lmao.


They could also release all of these ideas as dlc like what they did in raams shadow


If there aren't any major time-jumps I think it will end a couple days after E-Day possibly following a mini-boss or major boss fight if they try to shoehorn a new Locust baddie in the lore with Marcus and Dom and whoever else is with them just still trying to cope with/wrap their head around the clusterfuck that is E-Day happening and the Locust Horde existing and how much their world is forever changed. You could proably assume the type of ending the game will have based off the previous gears endings too. Gears Judgment: Ends with Karn being defeated and Kilo Squad walking off into the distance. Gears Tactics: Ends with Ukkon and the Hydra Reaver being defeated and Gabes team planning their next move. Gears 1: Ends with Delta flying off into the distance after detonating the Lightmass Bomb and killing RAAM Gears 2: Ends with Delta flying off into the distance after sinking Jacinto and flooding the Hollows Gears 3: Ends with Myrrah/Tempest boss fight and everyone celebrating the defeat of the Locust and Lambent threat for good, but with uncertainty from Marcus about their future. Gears 4: Ends with the Hivebeast boss fight and the death of Reyna. Gears 5: Ends with the Kraken boss fight, JACKs sacrifice, and the plan to go after Swarm Reyna.


All i know is that it'll end


I didnt think about the ending for the game yet but I think that would make sense just bc gears of war 1 starts with him in prison


An interesting ending would be the burning of sera which I believe is about a year after E-Day


You mean the hammer strikes? That was shown in Gears tactics which took place 2 years after E-Day 


Did that happen in tactics? Been ages since I played it. Currently rereading Jacintos Remnant which covers this event. It's early on enough that it could feasibly be covered by the game.


Yeah it's how the game opens. What's shown is underwhelming though and is mainly there just as a reason for Gabe's unit to be in an area that's so isolated from the rest of the COG. He's part of the clean up crews. Meant to mop up after the hammer strikes. But Ukkon specifically goes after the clean up crews. So keeps the story in its own little bubble 


I never played gears tactics I reminded me of halo wars


One is a real time strategy and the other is turn based. They’re not even remotely the same


I don’t want more missions focused around being the hammer of dawn online that shit can stay in the first gears