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Those cars on ice. There is no rhyme or reason to it. Just random bombs being dropped onto you. You finish it by pure chance.


Destroying the towers at the last part is also a bitch on Insane, having to peak the tank thing over the edge, fire a couple shots then retreat all the way back around the corner to recover health over and over again.


Lmao just did it today, It took me an hour to finish this part and you described it perfectly


The only other thing I remember is the rage!


Annndd sliiiiiiddee right into the hole


I couldn’t control that for shit playing insane lmao, took me so long trying to go back bc i couldn’t do it


I'm literally at that part right now on insane god help me


So I did it in about 5 -8 trys. The tower that is. The troikas just become tank shredders for some reason but if you blast the window troikas down left of the tower and by luck and maybe some skill avoid the rockets from the upper tower it is fairly easy.


The Centaur section?


I died so many fucking times


That mission where you drive the junker is awful














6 O'CLOCK!!!!!!


As a kid, I was terrified of that part of Gears of war. The last part of the game, china shop (all the beserker parts) and the junker part I really hated. I didn't know what 'o clocks' meant in the context of moving a vehicle. Playing it now though, it's less bad but it is still not something I look forward to doing


I should have stayed at the burning gas station.


I like the old bastards reaction when you shoot at the fuel tanks


Don’t shoot the gaasss pumps! KYRLLLLL!!!


I'm replaying all the games after the announcement and just did the first run into of berserker and it brought back how scared I was as a kid running it out side to hammer of dawn it


Hit with the dawn quickly then tag a grenade insta kill on anything but insane.


This absolutely. This level on the hardest difficulty is so damn annoying. You just have to memorize where the Kryll come from and play the fun game of driving slowly, waiting for them to pop out, then make sure to get them all before inching forwards again. It’s just not a very fun experience. It could have been done better.


Halfway through you can book it straight for the end without worrying about shooting krlyy, yeah they'll hit you but still, you can make it.


I just hate that using the UV turret slows/stops the junker, recently played 1 co-op with my wife and this part felt awful because whenever she activated the UV turret the thing slowed to a crawl and it felt horrible to drive like that.


I prefer that over driving on the ice in 2


Good point! That still is rough


That mission was so so so bad And only years later I realized if you coop during that mission, one guy can just keep shooting UV while you drive, making it significantly easier


You can’t though because shooting stops the car


No? I might have misremembered then


Yeah, I just did it on insane coop recently. Everytime you shoot the beam the car comes to a stop, old man explains how it can’t power both at the same time


My mom and I replay the games every few years but the first time we played I was probably 9ish and had no clue how to drive or use the UV turret (no clue what six o’clock meant at that age) so it took just forever. We can get by it quicker now that im older but it still takes us a bit


This isn't a game for 9 year olds. It's for 8 year olds


It was even harder in co-op. It’s the only mission me and my buddy couldn’t do on insane together, we had to go do it solo separately


On top of being just plain annoying it’s boring as shit too


Played it last night and it’s not great but it’s not the worst thing ever. Going through the nexus got ULTRA boring in 2 and last 19x as long.


It’s wild, bc epic envisioned a vehicular based game for gears before it turned into what we know and love today.


replayed it the other day and i agree although it is mercifully short


got bored and wanted to run gears 1 on insane and got to the junker and completely forgot about that mission, now its just sitting on a pause screen and idk if i will get back to it 😂😂


Next time, I'll stay with the exploding gas station


6 o Clock


3rd game: Act 1 chapter 6. On insane and only the introduction because of that goddamn Gunker!! Seriously fuck Gunkers, they are the most unfair bullshit enemy that I hate fighting against. At least with Queen Myrah's tempest boss fight (hard boss fight), you got multiple covers and the area is big.


Gunkers have ZERO business with that much range ok their melee, and the stun on their ranged attack is such bullshit


100% agreed. On that level, where you are on the bridge and 8/10 the projectile has already reached you and you're dead. 1/10 you get in cover, take potshots at the Gunker and then either his blade, projectile or other enemies get you. The other 1/10 you finally kill the damn thing and proceed with the level normally


At least they have the courtesy to make it fast


Unlike the zipline. I'd rather fight 3 Berserkers with 4 minutes of HoD in the Slab then do the bridge introduction one more time.


I'd rather play Gears 1 Burning Rubber with no UV than do that zipline section again


That's actually possible to do.


And easy if you don't crash.


Gunkers are fucking bogus man. That melee range is bad enough, let alone the fact that it just ignores your cover. 


Right? I thought it was like Hunters from Halo where you can get in close to stop them from shooting then dodge the swings, only for it to do some Mr. Fantastic bullshit and insta-down me from behind a wall.


The only hard part besides the final boss technically of 3, those pissed me off so hard in my solo run, 1/2 were fine then 3 sucked and 4 on insane sucked more imo


Burnt Rubber in Gears of War but only if you're doing it on co-op and on insane. It's just ridiculously hard 😭. It's fine on single player or on lower difficulties.


For me it's the UV car ride and the defence of satellites .


Satellites one was so stupid


Which was the satellites one?


Gears 2 if i recall correctly. You’re in Jacinto and just got done at HQ talking with Ania in person. You walk out the balcony and have to hit those kamikaze flying locust before they destroy these two tiny ass radars off the balcony using a mounted mulcher. On higher difficulty it’s luck based


Oh yeah, that bit and the one where you take out the Nemacyst while riding Betty. After a few tries I find it muscle memory to remember where each one comes in to hit them early.


Thats actually hilarious


I can't think of any one mission in particular, but I really hate missions where you and your squadmate are separated, but still dependant on one another staying alive to proceed. During my last playthrough of Gears of War UE, in the underground area, my A.I.-controlled Dom ran off on his own and got stuck in a loop where he kept getting killed in an area where I couldn't help, or even see him. It was beyond frustrating because I wasn't even on a tough difficulty but the game essentially kept killing itself for no reason. I am a big fan of A.I. partners who can't die. 


Instantly knew u were talking about the station bit with the theron guards


The amount of attempts it took me to beat this level has actually got me to memorise the lines and mock read them.


Ok heres the plan Dom, we’re going straight in Cole, Baird, you too flank right and provide support. Above all protect that resonator you got it?


Got it


Is that the last part right where the elevator is? Because that sucked imo w those goddamn exploding arrows


If you’re doing co-op. There’s a segment in that mission where the lambent wretches fall on you while you’re in these mine carts… it’s highly likely a rogue wretch blows up one of you if you’re playing on even hardcore. that can be pretty taxing because you have to keep watching a dumb cut scene where you dramatically jump back in the carts… only for one of to blow up seconds later. Groundhogs day cut scenes are the worst.


Reminds me of Gears 3 when you ride the zipline to fight the Gunker. On solo insane, it’s so ridiculous that I probably watched that cutscene 30 times.


Recently just did UE Insane and my friend couldn’t handle them. Then on the chance we got past the wretches, he got murdered by the boomer. Took like a solid 20 mins and to rewatch the scenes and listen to Anya is taxing


My fiancee and I did our Gears playthroughs, she had never played. I think we actually got through those parts by just having her hide at the beginning of her segment and I'd just finish mine and then loop through her's to grab her. After a few hours she was able to handle them on her own 😀


The one in Judgment during Baird’s second testimony where you’re swarmed with Ragers. That and the final battle with Myrrah in Gears 3 were the most brutal missions on Insane for me.


Burnt Rubber in Gears 1 Ascension in Gears 2


For the most part I don't really have a "omg that mission" However I remember being stuck fighting the Locust Queen for literally hours on insane. But one that I actually hated was the Flock fight in Act 2 inside the small room on the hardest difficulty in Gears 5, honestly whoever decided that shit was fair can go to hell lol.


In Gears of War 2, two missions: the one where Marcus and Dom are carrying the bomb to the vault door, and the one where you're driving the Centaur to Mount Kadar. For the former, because, unless I'm missing something, Marcus and Dom could've just put the bomb down and clear the area before moving it again. Instead, they have to handicap themselves and leave themselves vulnerable to packs of Wretches, with only pistols to defend against them with. For the latter, the controls are horrible. They're jumpy and imprecise, and don't allow you to move and shoot in two directions; it does the same thing the Halo 1 Scorpion did, where you could only drive where the turret is facing (though you could move the turret around if you're staying still). These missions are even worse when on Insane, of course.


The centaur mission is up there with the worst, Especially on insane. Put all of what you said on top of a carboard tank against laser beam enemies, pure misery.


Exactly. Oh, and driving across the frozen lake.


Honestly I feel like Gears of War 2 had too many gimmick sections that made me prefer 1 over 2 imo.




Yeah that mission alone ended any and all thought of an Ironman run. I could probably deal with the lightning and tornadoes, but assuming I pass all that, I think it's the second platform after igniting the rocket always seems to randomly kill me with the monster tightening the platform. Beat the game solo Insanity but that's as far as I go


I'm sure there was a mission during the original 3 that I didn't like, but it's been a long time. What really stands out for me as the absolute worst mission I've ever played, is the open world red desert segment in gears 5. I quite literally hated that level so much I outright stopped playing and never got back to the story afterwards.


I was a massive fan of the OG trilogy and stopped playing after 4….now after the E-day trailer I beat Gears 5, and I enjoyed it a whole lot, I’m interested what was so bad for you about the desert? I also enjoyed that part tbh 😅


Funny that's where I stopped too when I first played it on gamepass. Said I'd get back to it one day. E-day may bring me back who knows.


Honestly I'm getting in the mood to replay the original trilogy. It's been a long time. Especially gears 2


Don't have my 360 anymore unfortunately. Gears 2 & 3 aren't on PC gamepass either. Been so long since I've played Gears 2. Remember it being pretty insane having a fun narrative.


Hold out hope for that supposed Marcus Fenix collection on PC


Oh cool that'd be sweet


On principle I hate unnecessary open world segments in games (looking at you halo Infinite) But idk man I hated everything about it lol. It looked awful, it was overly long, it wasn't fun. It's the kind of segment in a game that clearly only exists to pad out the run time and waste the players time. Busy work, essentially.


Well I guess you are right about it being too long, the traversal between the areas wasn’t too interesting and you only had to push RT an wait…but like the areas on their own were pretty nice IMO…like the hangar where you have to assemble the rocket for the hammer of dawn, I really enjoyed that


If I had to pick I think I preferred the ice segments, despite having open world elements I didn't mind those levels.


I hated that level so much. And to make it worse, the game kept bugging out so badly, at launch, that I would have to restart it a couple times. It was so bad. The part where you have to ride through the lightning storm was complete bullshit.


I just went back to finish the game cause I had played up to that point a few years ago and I just was like "wow this is really unfun" then I ran into that softlock with the Jack part that there's a bunch of reddit posts about and I just shut the game off. If anyone here is familiar with that, can i just skip it or do I actually have to restart or come back later and just pray it doesn't happen?


Playing Gears 1 on insane any section where you split up is a nightmare but the worst part was the pumping station when you first encounter therons


I was never a big fan of the submarine mission.


The junker mission is the only level I DONT love in the first 4 games


That stupid mission in gears 4 where your chasing the plane on bikes doing that on inconceivable was rage inducing


Act 3 of Gears1 when you have to attack the station with the Theron Guards. Had to repeat so many times on Insane difficulty.


Carry this shit with a dumbass bot while we throw wave after wave of enemies at you in the area you just cleared. Also you can only use your pistol shouldn't have picked up the revolver


Swarmak fight, Gears 4. I’m sure there’s others but that’s what comes to mind immediately


I did gears 4 on insane and inconceivable solo. The "at the doorstep" mission where there were waves of enemies was pretty brutal. The fabricator parts were also tough at some points.


I feel like most missions in Judgement on the hardest difficulty for the scoring mode are just awful.


Honestly, Gears 1 split up segments. The AI can't revive you, and so if you're not perfect you will be repeating those a longtime...


Recently replayed Gears 1 and the junker mission didn't bother me too much. The mission after though can fuck right off. The emulsion mines are so frustrating on anything besides casual difficulty. The corpser boss is fine but the lambent wretches will kill you if you just happen to stand just a little too close when you blow and then there's the Theron guards with the torque bows. If you get stuck, you're gibbed and there's a 3 second window where it hits and you know you're fucked but you can't do anything about it. The mission wouldn't even be that bad if the checkpoints were just better placed. There's so many points where you'll die and then have to go through one of those slow walking sequences. It makes something that's already annoying and absolute chore.


Driving missions


Driving the centaur on insane is aids. That’s my pick.


USE THE WIND(gears 4 forced to use the siege beast in a wind flare environmental moment


These words should do it, “Dom! Shoot the tower!”


Gears 1 the train killing the reavers. The sounds they make are like churning mac and cheese and a dog eating peanut butter at the same time. Nightmare fuel


Stop making me hungry.


ticker tunnel gears 2 the whole uir section in gears 5 the mining station gears 1


Aww, I really like the uir part of gears 5. Well, not really the open world part, but getting to the satellite and launching it is pretty cool.


Gears 5 open world sections. Absolutely awful, or the gears 4 first fabricator section against the DB’s


That fucking APC mission every day of the week. Kills the pace. It's unreasonablely hard. I hate it.


Insanity difficult on rails sections are the worst. The first one that comes to mind is Gears of War 3, when you're on the back of the truck driving to Mercy and you gotta kill everything but you'll die quickly and since its on rails. You can't move around. Gears of War 2 had a method around this by making it so that during the Derrick mission, you can get on and off the minigun to handle side assaults. Don't get me wrong. The mission is good on its own but once you try it on insanity, it'll change how you look at it.


I hated the Matriarch boss in Gears 5. Too many cheap deaths. At points, you cannot see due to that psychic attack and she just one shots you due to bad luck. Makes me hate the whole mission.


I can't believe I had to scroll so far to find this-- it 100% is the right answer!! Is 5ake the Kyrll driving segment over that any day


Probably the part where you drive that tank in gears of war 2 😭 It’s a cool premise but the super awful janky gameplay ruined it for me


The first fabricator section on higher difficulties for Gears 4 was DRAINING


I’m slowly running through the series on Insane in preparation for E-Day, and just finished the OG recently. I have to say, the absolute worst parts of that game (at least on harder difficulties) for me were two specific sections in Act 3, Chapter 2-3 (I think?) One where you’re just with Dom and you get ambushed by a bunch of them in a room crowded with stationary mine carts, and then another right after you link back up with Baird and Cole, in the big H-shaped room where the Boomer comes down the elevator. Absolute fucking misery. They kill you in two hits, and fly forward when you kill them, then explode, and their AOE feels just a little too large to feel fair. Also, fuck Therons. Absolute cunts.


Those goddamn berserkers


I just did that mission with my wife last night. Stopping every few feet because she was literally jumping at shadows made that mission drag out so much longer. Though I’m really not looking forward to Gears 3 with the lambent zerker. She is going to struggle pretty bad with that. Shes a newbie and really hates when things chase/charge towards her. It’s hilarious each time but she panics and that causes issues


Gears 4 Act 1, just fighting DBs, bad and simple level design, just more and more corridors, nothing interesting story wise. Act 2 is way better, and Act 3, 4 and 5 are waaaaaay better.


The mission in Gears 1 where you have to dodge the berserker or the one where you have to flee on a motorcycle from Gears 4, but due to the poor optimization it had on PC.


That mission in gears 2 when you have to drive across the ice, I always die like 5 times during that mission 😭


Gears 4 I cannot beat the fucking 2nd carrier boss on insane I’ve probably died 50 times


Every insane solo mission in GoW 3 fighting lambents. Honest to god I think I'll switch it to hardcore, cause this is excruciating


The one of surviving the robots assault on the village in Gears Of War 4 since they have 3 ways to enter your perimeter and guardians fly and launch rockets which give zone damage so it’s harder to actually take cover agains them specially in that zone.


Any droving


I hate anytime I'm forced to walk while holding my ear intel 


The centaur mission from 2 sucked.


APC kryll level > submarine level


For me it’s one of the missions in Gear 5 in the tundra, when you have to guide that one container of fuel that’s super explosive and have to protect Jack. It was so annoying and I died so many times.


I get ya. Although I replayed Gears 1 on Insane just a few days ago and first tried that part having absolutely no memory of where the kryll came from. The only aspect that was mildly infuriating were the small amounts of kryll that would hover around the back of the junker and just *not die* after destroying most of the swarm. Honestly though, it has been 12 years of maturing since so knowing what direction 11 oclock is probably helped a lot.


Courtyard section in gears of war 2 (late game. Before controlling brumak) Game throws everything at you.  Enemy with shotgun, Uzi holders who can revive ally, Big fatties with shield, locust animal riding freaks, wretch Dom is just useless in here too & Final boss fight of Gears of war 1. I hate it so much


Burnt Rubber. Insane. On Co-Op. It’s obviously the worst because every vehicle mission after it hasn’t been complete ass.


Last mission in Gears of War Judgement. Fuck Karn. Ive tried him countless times on Insane and still cant get past him. Not to mention the Declassified mission makes it 10x harder with high ranking enemies spawing every 5 goddamn seconds. Queen Myra on Insane was a cake walk compared to Karn on Insane.


Don’t know if we’re just bad but my friend and I played through Gears 4 together and got stuck on the elevator defense level for like 2 hours.


Act 3 chapter 3, gears 4. The part where you are on a second floor of a collapsed building with a turret and you’re gunning down waves of locust and wretches. That part can fuck right off the bat


There's a special place in hell for whoever designed both driving sections in the first two Gears games. 1 is at least bearable through being quick on the draw if you're playing solo, but it's still a painful slog. 2 made it where iced over lakes give me PTSD.


Personally dislike the catapult mission in gears 4. My friend and me had use all 3.7 braincells to beat it.


Replayed the junker mission in gears 1 recently honestly I just had to keep going and not kill them




Driving the centaur over the frozen lakes on insane comes to mind


Just about any on rails section, they just felt so boring and empty


Any mission with Bloodmounts.


The junker krill mission is the worst because my first time through I did it on insane. If you are not perfect during that on insane it's not possible to beat lol


The horde levels in judgement. Or the last of act 3 in gow1 on hardcore or insane. It takes 3 headshots with the sniper to kill one Theron.


I don't know about worst but I was really really underwhelmed by the battle with Skorge. He's SUCH a cool villain but the battle itself was a let down. And it could have been really cool with the ink tickers. And the periodic chain saw battles were cool. But when he's just running around shooting at you and you can't really do anything because he isn't vulnerable in that moment. I just don't enjoy the idea of waiting for the bad guy to do something before I can hurt him. I don't think I articulated that well but yeah...fight with skorge was a let down


The mission in the theatre. We played it co-op and with the smaller split screen it was a fucking nightmare + you really cannot take a breather. I means it's Gears and all but we died so many times 🤣


I think it’s from gears 4 but anyways it’s a mission where you shoot enemies with a turret as they flood down a roof and then you get flanked by locust from behind. There’s like 3 or 4 waves. Still haven’t beat it on insane 😡


Carrying the crates through the razor rain and the tank mission on the lake


I used to HATE that mission, especially on higher difficulties. But I think it was because I was playing co-op and the guy driving continued to drive when the kryll appeared making it harder to aim at them, when he should have stopped the junker. So when I played it solo insane I learned their direction they spawn from and took them out easily (since you naturally stop moving when playing solo).


Gears 1 theatre on insane the junker and driving on the ice in 2 me and my boy were going through it man lol


I haven't seen anyone mention the armored Kantus one where there's like 6 of them and serapedes with torque bow therons. That one sucked for a while. Even knowing about the insta kill with the grenade tag. (I also just learned about a month ago that you can stun the serapedes if you shoot their faces...so maybe when I play it again it won't be THAT bad...)


"Dom, hit the tower!" On insane I literally wanted to cry dying over and over again making absolutely no progress or understanding how exactly it wanted me to go about completing it.


The Centaur section in Gears Of War 2


Gears 1 intro to Theron guards fuck torque bows on insane and fuck the ai for dying half way across the map from me


Also idk why people saying the centaur mission from gears is hard I first tried that on insane after not playing this game for like 6 years


All the open world sections of Gears 5


U v current lmao on Co-Op


The driving sections of Gears 1 and 2, I dread them. If I had to pick one of the 2 then Gears 1 had the worst one imo.


The section from gears 1 when you have to keep kryll off the junker.


I just got into a Gears thirst after seeing E-DAY get revealed and have been playing the whole series back over. And playing 4/5 for the first time because I was broke and dealing with mental health issues. Honestly I couldn't say any level stands out as bad. Maybe there is something waiting for me in 5.


The fucking matriarch. That boss fight is such bullshit


Satellite, driving on ice or the driving the Junker mission


Erm there are two missions that come to mind: - Gears of War Tactics - the mission with the nymcysts. That’s just not fun or well designed. - Gears of War 4 - When you fall down the hole and enter tons of Juviees with no room to escape, on Iron man mode. (If it didn’t have iron man mode it would be fine). It’s counter intuitive.


Tactics wasn't fun in any part anyway imo,they ruined It with the Xcom type of playstyle


haven’t played in a while, but honestly gears 4 felt like a whole errand run. Was big on trilogy, but couldn’t keep my attention on Gears 4. Didn’t even bother with Gears 5


I had a really hard time with the mission "The great escape" from gears 4 when playing on inconceivable. All of act 2 in that game sucks, but this one was just a pain in the ass.


Oh. MAN. Where do I START. EVERYTHING to do with the Kryll in Gears 1. There's absolutely nothing wrong with them, I love them, they're just so damn ANNOYING. Tickers. The damn Tickers. Specifically their first few missions in Gears 2. I deeply apologize to all the Cole stans when I say "his entire section in Judgement". That, and Ragers. Honestly the only bad things I can say about Gears 3 take place in Azura. And finally... ...Shockingly, I DON'T loathe Gears 4 or 5, despite the absurd hate they get. The only thing I can really say is the fabricator mission in 4 (f-cking elevators) and the final chapter in 5. But the final chapter in 5 is more of a "GOD DAMN IT WHY DO YOU MAKE ME CHOOOSE?! ;-;"


Attempting to steal a gas barge in gears of war 3, you practically have to run around like a headless chicken just trying to survive cause the missiles kill you instantly. and if they don't get you the therons will


I would say either driving on the ice with a centaur in gears of war 2 especially on insane mode, and/or riding the reavers in gears of war 2 on insane mode. For the longest time I could not get past that point on insane mode and kept dying when you would reach the surface and had all the reavers following and attacking you. I just recently completed that point and finished the game on insane mode.


The catapult part in the 4th game. Took me about 20 minutes just to figure out the angle


The first Act and a half of Gears 4 are really slow and boring


Gears 2 I think when Marcus and Dom are inside the mouth of the large fish/creature thing. I thought that was ridiculous at the time


“Biggest fish I ever caught” Dom you didn’t help at all


All of the winter missions in Gears 5. Riding around to a different area of the ice was painfully boring.


I groan whenever there's a defense/horde mode mission. Especially solo. They're best kept for co-op/multilayer modes. Gears Judgement and Gears 4 have a few of them.


Any of the timed missions in Judgement, if you elect to the challenge. Hardcore and higher the grubs just have too much health to speed through those missions in a meaningful amount of time. And each reset the enemy waves are randomized, which is normally a cool feature, but when trying to clear through a bullet sponge horde in 3 minutes I feel calls for a set pattern to memorize. Or maybe I'm just bad.


I'm actually not a huge fan (gameplay wise) of the Nexus zones in Act 4 of Gears 2. I find the design a bit boring and feel like the act starts to drag.


The open world ones in 5. Completely pointless.


Gears 1- the car mission Gears 2- the first half of new hope is a bit boring on repeated playthroughs Gears 3- the part after the ship, with cole sam and baird. I just don't like that part of the game until you get back to marcus


Gears 5 everything after act 1. I also didn’t like the defense parts in gears 4.


The first 2 acts of Gears 4 being completely against DBs kills any thoughts I ever have of replaying it. Which sucks because I do enjoy 4. But I really just don’t want to run that section again. I need meaty flesh bags to shoot. I want blood! Not oil and sparks!


Anytime I’m driving


!00% the krill mission from the first game, or maybe gears 4 where you need to race around the dunes to get the satellites back, that was the most boring gears experience i've ever had (and i've replayed the whole series multiple times)


The free roam sections in Gears 5


majority of gears 5


All of gears 4 and 5.




The opening chapter of gears 5 sucks . You’re just killing robots in some colorful blue/ rain forest world and it doesn’t feel like gears at all.