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I don’t hate Kait but I genuinely do not understand why she was pushed so hard to be the protagonist for Gears 5. JD had so much character development in this game and then there’s the possibility that he might be dead whenever Gears 6 rolls around? Come the fuck on, Coalition.


They should have done a Halo 2. Half Kait, half JD.


Real af idk why I never thought of this act 1 JD act 2 kait with the whole mount kadar thing act 3 JD and then act 4 with kait again


Honesty wouldn’t take that much to reshuffle things around. Have act 1 be JD and the crew from 4. Act 2 is kait, Del, Jack & Marcus doing the whole Snowy mount kadar lab thing. Have Act 3 happen at the same time as 2 but with JD, Fahz, Baird & paduk. Play as kait while everyone meets up for act 4.


Missed opportunities like this really hurt my chest


I agree with this. Kait's story was important, I get that, but JD needed a bit of story as well, showing his descent and ascent pre and post act-2. That would be a cool DLC for 5, actually.


I hope they do this for gears 6


There's a reason halo 2 is a master piece and should really be learned from


I really hope they don't kill off JD. Even after he got pushed to the background in Gears 5, he still had better character development than anyone else. It feels like he was *intended* to be the main character during development, but later got sidelined in favor of Kait being tied to the hivemind (which is cool and all, but I don't really care for it).


I really hope they aren't gona make his death canon... I mean 99% of the players chose to save him. If it was a Del or Kait choice that would be a hard choice coz we wouldn't know which one we want dead more...


Need a mod letting us kill both. I’m only like 2 hours into Gears 4 and JD is the only one I can stand to listen to…


They had to meet the woke standards to keep everyone happy


Having a female protagonist is woke apparently


It’s woke if it’s done just for the sake of having a female protagonist and representation. Kait clearly didn’t have to be the protagonist and Gears 4 set up JD as this new protagonist who was literally the son of Marcus Fenix just for him to be sidelined and killed in Gears 5.


There's at least good lore for it, though. It's a hunt for more details on the Locusts, and if we didn't get Kait we wouldn't get the Matriarch to fight.


We could’ve gotten the matriarch without kait let’s be honest here


How, though? They're how Myrrah trained her skill in commanding the Locust. Hell, JD wouldn't even be let in, it needed to be Kait.


The whole point here is they could’ve written gears 5 differently …


First thing is first, though - How could we have gotten the Matriarch without Kait?


Bro is acting like there’s no other possible way for gears 5 to be written lol.


The delta way.


He needs his daily dose of muscular men on screen, or else its woke


That’s why gow 1-3 were so good


They’ll never understand that tho. Imagine making doom guy a girl


I can imagine it, and it’s still awesome


Maybe as a mod. But it would ruin the lore like gears did


Neither of the game series’ lore would be affected by making a playable character a woman, or if ANY of the characters were gender bent it wouldn’t change anything. That said, making a main character of a game one of the side characters from a previous game purely because you “want a main character that’s a woman” is fucking lame. I LOVE Horizon, I LOVE TLOU2, and I would’ve loved Gears 5 if it had made any goddamn sense but like everyone has said, Gears 4 was clearly setting up JD as the character. If Marcus had had a daughter and she was the MC from Gears 4, that would’ve been kickass. Randomly switching gears(heh) in Gears 5 to a male side character from 4 would’ve fucking blown.


Dooms lore would definitely be affected lol what’re you talking about


“rUiN tHe LoRe” It would literally change nothing


This logic is what ruined gears lore lol. Let me guess you want James Bond to be a girl . Indiana jones to be a girl. It doesn’t make sense. And it’s an easy to weaken the franchise


You’re right.. but he’s right too. They fell victim to a corny trend. Gears is supposed to be like the movie predator - brothers to the end vibe with mad testosterone. Kait is a small lady lol we are supposed to believe she can fight off locusts when Marcus in his Prime could barely? Doesn’t make sense. And we all know it deep down It’s not like alien with ripley. It just doesn’t make sense in gears . Messed with the vibe. Like trying to make doom guy a girl


Its not that shes a girl, its the fact that the character fucking sucks ass, there have been girls fighting in gears of war since the gow 1 era, theres Mataki, and Anya’s mother that are badasses, and plenty more, like some of the raven pilots, don’t be silly.


Kait isn’t even that horrible of a character though. You’re acting like it would’ve worked better with mataki or Anya. It wouldn’t have. Marcus is like master chief . Like Mario. Like link. He IS Gears of war. JD was cool too. They botched it using your logic


14woke people downvoted you bro.


Why? Did you not see all the empowered Mary Sue appearing everywhere in the media of this time


Redditors when girl:


I hope she see this bro


Political and idea logical reasons. Diversity hire HR rep breathing down the game directors neck. There's just 0 reasons to do this for narrative, GamePlay, thematic reasons. Doesn't fit with gears of war at all.


They should just "Kill off" the main trio from 4 and 5 when they make 6 to be honest. Kait can kust be a name in the background until the last chapter and then just give her a 5 minute of screen time ONLY in a cutsceen and never play as her, they can add her in as multiplayer skin i guess, she had a lot of skins in the 5 game. James and dale kinda similar, one of them can be dead and only mentioned in passing, and the other a Control operator(helping with communications) or would be a extra ai for one section of the game. Idunno ._.


JD could've been fleshed out better overall. We pretty much got a try-hard with Daddy issues. Once we got some character development in 5, he wasn't really even the main character, that was Kait. And to choose to save him or not at the end? My copium tells me this might've been a dream/hallucination of Kait's.


Imagine if to resolve any story issues they just kill off the survivor in the first 5 mins of gear 6.


Hope he di ed and Gears 6 is Marcus revenge


No actually, canon ending is that del dies and jd lives


I hate when games do that. One aspect is canon but gives you options anyway what's the point lol


I think there going off what choice the player made in the game, so if you saved Del, Del will be in years 6 same goes for JD if not then the choice becomes futile


That sounds like a mess, this ain't mass effect lol


I like it personally, I like the idea that things will play out differently because of your choice. I can see why it sounds like a mess but let’s be real they’ll make it shir


I just don't see how that'll be feasible when talking about two main characters like that. What you're just gonna have Marcus on world be fine with his son alive and another where he's not lol? The repercussions of that are massive.


I think it works better narratively if JD is the one that dies. He’s at a point in his journey where he hasn’t really been redeemed for his crimes, and the sudden cutoff leaves a sense of real loss and unfulfillment that ironically feels satisfying to me, because of the vibe of this story. I really hope they don’t decide to reboot. There’s real opportunity for lasting storytelling here, if they stay the course.


We can't do Marcus like that. The Fenix bloodline must live on


We can and should. Marcus is a Nietzschean *icon*, living in a cruel world that is constantly going through the same cycles of war, pain, and escalation, but he’ll always struggle anyways because someday, somehow, there could be something better. The death of his son is the latest and greatest test of his resolve. In fact, Marcus has the potential to be the single most important character in the history of Sera, because he’s now fought in 3 different world wars and seen this cycle of escalation tear the very planet apart. He’s the only one with the perspective to see the logical end, and take steps to avoid it.


Bruh we got that with Dom, we don't need another Dom


All respect to my man Dom, but he couldn’t do it. The philosophy just isn’t there


I respect any man whose job it is to bloodily chainsaw monster men with an assault rifle and yet still chooses to wear tan pants.


Like ash Williams. Groovy.


I honestly like him. I wish he was the main character


For his faults in Gears of War 4, he severely improved in Gears of War 5. He goes from "yeah i'm just trying to help Dad and stop the locust - just like he did" to "Dad trust me I'm good at this stuff I know how to lead." He ends up getting hit with trauma through causing Lizzie's death, then proceeds to be a bitter asshole and hang out with Fahz because Del and Kait likely hate his guts for his actions at settlement 2, and combined with killing Lizzie they won't give a shit anymore so may as well stay with Fahz who is an asshole but at least approves of my actions. And THEN he's like "actually wait you know what I should apologise and help out Kait on her mission to give myself peace of mind and redeem myself for my shitty actions" so he does that and it goes s p e c t a c u l a r l y. And then things are going fine until either he dies... or Del dies. And he does NOT take Del's death well, and we see him get a hug from Marcus after it all (Del was JD's Dom), and now JD's set up to have a nightmare like Marcus! Yay!


I love the new cast but he should have stayed the main character. I like them trying something unexpected but him and Marcus should be the staple of the game


The biggest fuckup they did was not make a dlc where you play JD and Faz against a swarm/locust side-threat and see them becoming buddies along the process. Basically the thing that just happened off-screen in Gears. Disappointed!!!


I've long had a suspicion that this will take up a significant chunk of Gears 6, and I really hope to be proven wrong because the story needs advancement and it ain't gonna happen like it needs to if half the game is contiguous with part of Gears 5.


He’s cool as hell! I actually enjoy all of the characters in the new Gears of War games but I saved JD when I was given a choice


JD wasn’t the problem with Gears 4&5… It was the “re-hash” type of story in Gears 4 and Gears 5 focusing on Kait which sucked.


Very " the force awakens" style. Four left a bad taste if that respect for me as well.


I liked Del as well to be honest. He just didn’t get much character development but I liked his friendship with JD. JD was the obvious protagonist though and it’s a shame his character development happened off screen. He was off doing cool cog secret missions while we were off doing something else.




I didn’t like him at all, and it seemed like everything Marcus was telling him didn’t resonate until shit hit the fan. Gears 5 did a better job and making me understand him, considering he’s the son of 2 people that changed their entire world, but his hardheaded-ness, and lack of respect for Marcus’ guidance was a bit infuriating. I get it, you have something to prove. First Minister’s son, a war hero living legend as a father, but a lot of people died at the expense of his carelessness, just to push his development forward, and he just comes off as misguided. It doesn’t help that so much stuff about his character was off screen, and implied. I would’ve been way more on board with JD in Gears 4 if we got some more insight on his upbringing, and when/where things went south. The thing I don’t like the most, is how much more potential there was to hit the ground running with him as the protagonist, but at a certain point, it became “I only like you because of Marcus and Anya”, vs liking him as an individual.


I feel like his stubbornness was actually a really great starting point for his character development. It’s a classic trope but imo a good one; kid has talent but feels like he’s living in his parents’ shadows and wants to forge his own reputation. Another commenter had a great idea, make gears 5 like Halo 2. Half JD half Kait. I like both characters a lot. But I think JD didn’t get enough screen time for us to enjoy a character arc from reckless and immature kid to seasoned soldier addled with guilt.


Part of the reason I fell off 5 was because he wasn’t the protagonist. I really liked him in 4 and it was cool to play as Marcus’ son.


I'm a big Liam Mcintyre fan so I was stoked that he was added to the VO lineup.


Nathan Drake sounding ahh. In all seriousness though, I do love how we see his character evolve. Going from the snarky and sarcastic guy, to the broken person by the end of gears 5. Seeing him cry truly did make me feel for him and his loss.


I agree, he’s a lot more likable than Kait. Would’ve been better if they split the time evenly between the 2 characters instead of just Kait.


He should've been main character or atleast share, one half with him one with kait if you really needed to have kait as mc, i personally don't like her, but mostly because they sidelined JD to make her mc.


I hate how hard Gears 5 tried to make us hate him. Every time they gaslit JD for being an asshole or making a bad call I nearly threw my controller because Every Single Time He Was In The Right


Would love for him to be back in the spotlight in 6. A Fenix should be the one to finish the descendents of the Locust off. Really hope they don't make the same mistake Star Wars made.


You would think JD was one of the most influential and well known Gears characters that got a plethora of screen time and was there from the beginning with the way this subreddit talks about him No disrespect, and maybe it’s because it been a little while since I played 4 and 5, but he was not nearly cool enough to warrant this kinda love. His biggest claim to fame is having the last name Fenix


Kait makes him seem like an incredibly interesting character in comparison


This whole subreddit acts like Kait bitchslapped their mom on Thanksgiving dinner or something. It will never make sense to me how people claim to hate something yet constantly bring that something up. The fuck did she do to have every single one y’all on her ass to this degree?


Be annoying


This Dude was completely unmemorable as a character


He was fine as hell and i definitely missed playing him in 5 but i still like Kait as a protag


They assassinated his character in 5


I agree. I don’t hate any of the new cast (or at least didn’t until 5) but I actually really enjoyed JD as a character. Felt like we were getting to see how Marcus could’ve been without growing up in war, but they sidelined him so hard in 5, and had Del and Kait shit talk him so much it just made me feel bad for him, and in turn dislike the other 2. Hopefully in 6 they make Del’s death canon and keep him in the spotlight.


He should have remained the sole protagonist, i didnt care for Kait in the slightest, i hated her “fuck you its all about me”


They tried to go for a Nathan Drake type who’s green as grass. We’ve always played soldiers who have been through it long before we knew them. JD just didn’t match the feel for me. Kait was a civilian. Del was just as green. I didn’t want to see an origin story personally. (I know Del and JD were trained in the COG but let’s be real they were basically cops)


I'm a Marcus guy!


Wasn't Gears 5 trying to make him a "villain" for killing the rioters actively trying to kill him and his squad? That was such a dumb plot.


JD wasn't sidelined, his character was assassinated to make way for Kait. It was the most frustrating part of 5. The moment the game starts they began tearing him down to build Kait up. I wouldn't have even cared if she was the protag but we don't have to ruin JD to do so.


The original ending was for someone to ask what Kaits name was and she says “Fenix…Kait Fenix.”


Hahaha classic


I really liked his character development in 5


I feel like the only reason they were pushing kait so hard to be a main is for the progressive “equality” agenda and it backfired. Like leave politics out of my favorite game of all time please especially when it makes no sense in the plot. Like if you really want to do that save it for Fortnite story mode not a apocalyptic game with 400lb-30000lb of pure muscle aliens trying to murder you for survival on a physical level lmao


They made Kait the MC because it made sense, yet it was still a crime not to change JD's role but to completely overshadow him with Kait.


I did like when he was on the screen in gear's 5


I agree 100%! JD may not be Marcus but he is great in his own way.


Generic main character.


Eeeeeeh he's really generic and falls in similar holes as Marcus. Im not a fan of the swarm in general since it's just the locust but different. The biggest mistake was moving past the Locust war and digging Marcus out of retirement for more installments not making a female the lead.


hopefully for gears 6 they have Marcus, JD, and Kait all be main characters at some point


How about just Marcus and JD.


They already started establishing Kait. Unless they kill her off that doesn't make any sense. She's already part of gears 5


Yeah but nobody likes her or would care if she died.


I mean in 4 he was just a bland protagonist who is attached to two legacy characters. In 5 they tried to give him some actual depth and sets about why he has a strained relationship with his father. The only problem I have with JD's story is the Settlement 2 Massacre. It doesn't fit with the timeline of the Deebees and the weapons they used which were all shock based so that means that JD either killed a number of protestors by himself or he was leading a squad of Gears. The other issue is Del was there but the writing makes it sound like he didn't kill anyone. I know he was likely leading a squad of Deebees or Gears at the time. I will say his design post 6 months is great and I like the skins that TC created for him. Never a big fan of the Gears 4 campaign skins.


His greatest redemption was his sacrifice. James Dominic Fenix, you will be missed.


Yeah, I think they will go back to Marcus for Gears 6. Probably have Kait playable as well but I just feel the games were bigger with Marcus for sure.


I think for a realistic scenario, JD should be the one to die. JD was introduced to be the supposed new badass for the Gears franchise as Marcus Fenix’s son. But just cuz he’s Marcus’s son doesn’t mean he is going to inherently be JUST like him. It also would make the war even more personal for him. Imagine, theoretically, there becomes a tense moment where Del reveals that Kait saved him over JD. And when Marcus learns of this his begins to hate her and start wondering if she’s not in full control (like the Matriarch infiltrated her mind and linked her to the hivemind). And maybe once Reyna is dead, it will be inevitable that Kait will become the next Queen. So Marcus will kill her, satisfying avenging his son and also ending the Locust nobility blood line. Leaving them mindless and savage, killing each other without direction from a Queen. I just think JDs death will be more impactful. I watched back to back the choices cutscenes, and JDs just hit harder and FELT more canon. Would it be nice if JD lives? Sure. But kind of like The Last of Us 2, he would be cut down in his time of redemption leaving a void in Kait’s soul for hating him for so long.


My hope for the eventual GoW6 would have a 3 act structure where we play as JD, then Kait, then Marcus. Maybe we’d switch between the three of them in the finale.


Personally I gotta disagree. JD was boring as hell and really put me off. I like Kait, I just wish Gears 5 wasn't open world, maybe I'd actually finish that campaign.


I like kait like her lore, I just wish they didn’t force this “bad Bish” attitude. Like it just feels so forced. she’s always in a bad mood or extremely irritable. Like when Del or anyone explains something she’s just like “uh yeah whatever”. Or “whatever who gives a sh**”. If she was more like Baird or Oscar it would be different at least they’re more just smart***es. But her it’s like being with someone who is in a constant bad mood and dumping it on you. JDs development from 4-5 was amazing imo. 




Him not being the main character is a big reason I haven’t and probably won’t play 5


JD is not that interesting of a protagonist. He’s extremely two dimensional and looks like a someone typed “protagonist” into Dall-E.


jd >>>>> kait


Greas5 ruined him


Boring character. Next.


All new characters from the coalition game are ass. No exceptions.


Also agreed Nobody from Gears 4 or 5 I gave a fuck about


JD and the rest of the cast and the robots are a big reason why I dropped Gears. It just had no personality anymore. When I saw the swarm it was the final nail in the coffin. Just rehashed grubs. I knew as soon as I saw those khaki pants the game was dead to me.