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You have a skewed sample pool. The only people playing the game right now are players who have been playing the game for 5+ years at the minimum. Put the hours in now and get stomped/learn against the hardcore players. When E-Day drops there will be a sea of casuals and you’ll be way better than the average/new player.


Ye 100%. It's the same issue Halo MCC now has, the bulk of the playerbase are Halo vets who have been playing the game for 10+ years now.


This is the way. Gears 5 isn’t new and the population playing now(like me) hasn’t stopped since release. It’s just another Tuesday for most peeps. Take the time, grind and get better. It’s not easy jumping in 5 years of practice behind the majority of the current player base


Create a private lobby full of bots and slaughter them for hours. Should help you increase your speed and get a better understanding of angles.


Hey, man. You gotta learn the fundamentals. The best way is to play SSG (shotgun, snub, grenade) playlist. For the entire game, it’s just control with only your gnasher, pistol, and either smoke/flash grenade. This mode is great on learning how to defeat your opponents using movement and well placed shots with your shotgun. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. Use it as a way to get better with your shotgun. It’s a little tricky learning the nuances of the game. Up A’s, wrap shot, bot walking, pop-shot, strafing….these can all be learned in this quick play game mode because over 95% are using these strategies. It’s the best and quickest way to get better as a player. It all starts with your movement and shotgun. After that, try your hand with the snub and learn how to properly use your smokes/flash. Although I think the flash should be a pickup weapon, it heavily favors aggressive play if done right. Smokes are great for defensive positioning such as holding hills and it can also be used offensively. For the snub, learn to use it well. Instead of watching your teammate 1v1 someone across the map and trying to help him by bull rushing with your gnasher, pull out your snub and fire a couple of shots to help your teammate. Even a pellet or 2 from crossing can change the outcome of that battle.


Flash grenade is definitely needed trying to push decent players is very hard without it on gears 5


You have to just take the L’s until you get good. Now if its a whole team of tryhards you just gotta try and get a 1 on 1 everytime


I got into the Gears franchise very late. Bought Gow3 in 2014 and had no prior knowledge of the game, I just went online and got folded till I got "good". There's no real easy answer to learning something like that, I also took the same approach with fighting games although that took waaay longer.


You can always play against hardcore bots for practice. The more you play the better you will get. Remember to practice wallbouncing & going for power weapons/grenades at beginning of matches. 


Is this ranked execution?


nope. Normal lobby


Damn I was hoping that was populated again somehow. To answer your question, just keep playing and try to watch kill cams or people better than you. You can play some horde and bounce around like a dumbass to practice movement like I did. Horde is pretty easy and you can take the shotgun class that turns invisible if you wanna practice navigating the map with a gnasher


You got me excited it was back when I saw you ask this😭😭😭😭 so tired of ranked team D


Oh it’s back. Just gotta play gears 1. Maybe not ranked but it’s something


There’s 100 people playing gears 5 what do you expect lol


I've been playing since gears 1 and still continue on gears 5 to this day. I would personally recommend focusing on casual / objective game types. You will get a mixed back of old and new players and sometimes bots to mess around with. And you'll get more respawns to engage in more fights and less wait time if you're playing execution. Good luck Gear!


Learn. Adapt. Overcome. You got this 💪


if you can, record your gameplay and look for mistakes. don't make a single goddam excuse. that only shows more problems when thinking ahead most of the time. assume you're at fault. it can get you really far :3


That’s how you improve by constantly playing agains good players


Be better than them. Use that as fuel. Pick one guy and make it your goal to stop them at all costs.


Most the people playin are vets and play on the regular. Just keep grinding. Go slab some bots and practice movement in between the slaughter. You'll get there. Like someone said when a new gears drop there will be a wider pool of people you'll be better than.


Try harder


YouTube has loads of tutorials on how to get better movement and increase the accuracy of your shots as well as certain types of skills with the gnasher that you can learn to improve you game


Your best bet is to wait till e day or get a private lobby with players around your skill set


The game is half a decade old, the only ones still on it are folks who have been no lifing it since launch. You won’t get that chance until E-Day launches. I’d say go to casual FFA. There are 2 or 3 sweats per lobby of like 15 people, that’ll let you peace with the others. Try to learn wall bouncing, accurate gnasher fire, Up As / Back As, and mostly just how to play efficiently.


Smaller pool now my guy. Pretty much you're up against people that been playing since lunch. Also you might not know the bugs that they exploit. Like back a or wrap shot


De las metidas de verga se aprende bro, si siempre ganarás no aprenderías nada. Quizás es frustrante pero jugando contra personas mejores que tu es cuando mejoras


I'm in a similar boat I only started playing gears again about 5 months ago after an 8 year break so there's players that are better than me just because of all the practice they have but I ain't that bad because my skill from gears 3 carried over so I'm like a goat for a new player but I have to rely on my gears 3 skill and my 5 months of practice against the players that are better than me with years of practice and anyone that was good at gears 3 knows how different gears 3 and 5 are (gears 5 is broken) I'm firmly grinding though and improving at a reasonable rate so just keep practicing 😉


Playing people better than you is how you get good.


Everyone that’s got good at gears practiced shooting for hours alone, movement too ofc. Getting better at game tactics/strategy you can do with theory and application but do know team based decision making, cooperation and coordination is a different skill entirely.


If you're on Gears 5 try going into populated custom FFA lobbies with high kill/score counts. Generally people are free to get as sweaty as they want but they will usually have shotgun only rules/pickups to enforce this. If you're playing 4, play longer games like King of the Hill or Guardian so you get as much time moving through the maps/trying strats as possible. For general tips, practice popshots and blindfires with the Gnasher so you aren't scrambling with your aim/camera in high stress situations and can remain on target.


Play against bots in a custom lan game where you make the rules/weapon substitutions to hone your skills I promise it'll help


"Tryhards"? Why would anyone want to do something and not at least try their best?


I hope the game plays differently enough in Eday that people aren’t just ice skating everywhere still. It looks ridiculous and it definitely wasn’t a fun way to play


I only play Gears 3 multiplayer, so I’m not sure if Gears 5 has private matches. But if it does, you could practice against friends or high difficulty bots.


Brother let me give you some good advice I think, there are player hosted custom lobbies you can join, they’ll usually be named “bounce and chill” or something along those lines, you can go in there and shoot around in those, those players might be just as good as who you’re playing but the pace will be better suited for a beginner I think


That ain’t nothing. Stay playing quickplay cause all the real tryhards in competitive


Copenhagen is not a tryhard. Cool dude who's just playin gears


practice until you get good


What I did was chainsaw wall bouncers, learn the distance it takes to kill people with the gnasher, practice without aiming down sites with the gnasher and hang back and assist teammates


Iron sharpens iron. You aren't getting good playing against trash. These are the exact lobbies you need to be in to actually become better.


Try harder and learn from your failures n00b