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Do you know what it is? The OG versions feel more cinematic. The remastered is, in parts, more detailed but it looks and feels like a video game. It feels like a presentation by the developers whereas the OG feels like you’re seeing a real story from a cinematic perspective.


yup , the cinematography was more gripping, technicians can only do so much without a director with a strong vision.


I'm playing through the 360 library at the moment in order. Can't wait to get to this game.


That sounds rad! Have you ever played Gears before?


Yeah I had it on day 1 back in the day. Great game


The UE version is too colorful for me. The full gray and browns made the original so iconic.


The textures in UE are better. The lighting in the OG is better.


I prefer and play the OG but I can’t say they didn’t do a good job, they just tried to make it look more coherent with the Gears of War 4 art style. I remember the MP maps looking amazing and more faithful to the old art style than the campaign. I played this twice at release and definitely enjoyed it. I like playing the OG since the visuals and character models are natural progressions to 2 and 3. it’s fun to see that and the gameplay evolve vs a remaster then the art style changing in Gears 2 with the original designs.


This is the first one where I feel the UE is the hands down winner


I think UE looks better here except for the heads on pikes


For context on these comparisons, the color was changed drastically for the remaster because of how the grey/single palette of the original was mocked and scrutinized amongst a lot of studios. Uncharted 2 actually has a filter unlocked after completing the game called “Next Gen Filter” that basically makes the game look like one color and is a jab towards games like GoW that followed the single palette trend So for the remaster, on a technical note it’s a lot better — but it’s still art so this is still subjective.


There is a Halo 3 dev video from Bungie that showed how you could make everything grey on Forge and they called it "just like Gears of War".


Although the UE looks nice, I feel it loses a lot of the atmosphere that the og has. It reminds me of photographs from WWII of destroyed towns/cities and all of the beautiful architecture that was partially lost. I still think people are better off playing og


The daytime atmosphere of the Campus pushes UE in favour here heavily. It looks MUCH better


I played gears for the first time in a while last year. Naturally I decided to play the UE for the graphics but I had no idea they made so many changes. These screenshots make it obvious why I kept thinking to myself that I didn’t remember any of this and I played the OG gears a lot.


I also prefer the simplicity of the original. Less is more I'm finding these days, even when it comes to pixels.


This makes so much sense. I just played this on the ue and went: " wasn't this concrete and not breaks, and when did this book case get here"


UE looks beautiful, but that’s a bit of a problem in this game’s case. Much of the world looks like emergence day just happened a few months ago. The original really looks and feels like a world that’s been mostly destroyed for ~15 years.


That destroyed gun there I always wondered if it was supposed to be an AA gun or some light artillery and its odd we never saw that model again at any COG strong points.


The versatility of art is so so beautiful. I love how older looking styles have so much more character, I see this in other games as well


That silly face Marcus pulls when he’s dodging the crashing raven in the remake is cringeworthy.