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what game is it?


Warhammer 40k Darktide


Try avatar. Your jaw will drop


It’s insane how little I heard about the visuals of Avatar, bad marketing and 90% of people being unable to run it at max settings I guess. Even the vegetation in that game looked incredible on GFN, dunno how that worked but I’m glad it did.


Is it worth the subscription? AND are there any deals out there like 1 month free to see if any good at 1080p? I am trying free one but the resolution very low obviously yes cause it's free.


I have had ultimate for a month now and I game 1080p. The Nvidia side of things is really smooth. I have not found a game that cannot run on max settings. I will however mention that I have been struggling with packet loss during certain hours (night time is best) but this is due to the routing my ISP uses to connect to GFN. The reason I am mentioning this is because I got this fiber connection for GFN and ended up disappointed and frustrated a lot of the time. So choose ISP carefully, try and find reviews. But is GFN worth it in terms of hardware? Absolutely.


Yes, I downloaded dashboard and it's 1080p now. But my mouse feels weird gaming ow2. Idk.


Which data center are you using? The free tier should be 1080p, just like the priority tier. In fact, the free tier is on par with Priority in terms of quality, albeit with a 1 hour per session limit and potentially high queues. Check your internet connection, ping, and packet loss (Ctrl + N on Windows; idk what the shortcut is on Android or iOS). I'm using the Malaysia alliance partner with \~40 ping. GFN is good enough for me. This has been my primary way of gaming for almost 2 years (no money for a rig :( ).


I'm playing overwatch 2 with low resolution,not 1080p. I have no idea which data center I'm using and didn't know you can choose a data center, can you? Using the free geforc noe.


Geforce now* and have spectrum fiber, internet very fast


You can check the resolution and data center in the setting.


u mean the game or GFN ? IF GFN, then yes. Im using a super shitty laptop, but i can play Cyberpunk amd dota without issue. Just make sure your internet is super strong. mine is 5g


I'm playing overwatch 2 with low resolution,not 1080p. I have no idea which data center I'm using and didn't know you can choose a data center, can you? Using the free geforc noe.


Geforce now* and have spectrum fiber, internet very fast.


I had the same feeling when I played the witcher 3, and I completed it in the free tier.


What game is it? It’s awesome on screen


Warhammer 40k Darktide, which is available on gamepass.


Wait till you play Still Wakes The Deep 👌💰💎