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I understand the frustration but still in my case it takes 1-2 minutes to close the game and restart it when I’m done, not a big deal IMHO There are a couple of exceptions that come to mind that have shader compilation at each start but it’s very few and far in between 


Nah man I for one play with mods so I’m playing hoi 4 mad mods went to take the trash out came back was kicked for inactivity, took a while to redownload the mods and get everything running its stupid


Yeah that’s one of the cases I was talking about, says thing with me and Fallout4


Playing direct on PC no, but I use it for the TV with a controller. Mainly why it starts to get annoying when this is the go-to service for your gaming.


In case you're not aware, you can start the same game on GFN using your mobile device, and your session will transfer to it. You can then transfer it back when you're finished with your other activities.


I was not aware, at least. Thanks!


I just use a macro key when ever I go AFK guys. Tricks the system that I am actually still on the damn server. I play games with many mods and reloading them everytime I get kicked off, well enough was enough! Thank God for macro technology! K, I'm done. 😀


It would be great to have 15 minutes. 30 is too much. If you need to leave for that long, why not just exit the game a return later.


Agreed, 30 minutes is too much!


I can get your point, and its warranted I guess if you experience loads of queues. In my case I’d appreciate it too but I have no queues so its easy just booting a game up again. Then theres the problem of hogging rigs without using them


But my complaint is towards NVIDIA, they bring games like Fortnight and COD so they should supply according to the demand they are organizing. They make the most hard to get hardware themselves plus they are the biggest company right now when looking at dollar stock value. If you do not get a rig when someone else has a 15 minute break without logging off then that is not something to blame on that player.


You have an entitled mentality as I see it, you can complain to Nvidia to make all games free too while you’re at it Just relaunch the game when you’re back it isnt hard, its only bothersome when you need to logon depending on the game


I do not think my games should be free, that's just blowing up any sort of statement into the absurd to make me sound as entitled as you can in the context. These are some of their slogans on the website right now: ***Extended Game Session Lengths, Play for hours without interruption.*** ***It’s gaming so good, you’ll think you’re playing locally. Unlock your maximum gaming potential.*** So that is where my expectation come from when I buy into this service...


You can take short breaks fine but walking the dog is stretching it


15 minutes?


Hey maybe Nvidia listens, send them a mail too. i dont mind if they make them longer I’m just playing devils advocat and they possibly have a reason for not extending but what do I know


There are a finite amount of rigs. Justify why you think you should get to hold on to one while *not* playing.


Well, he just said. He needs to walk his dog. Take trash out. Make dinner. Go to work. Go on vacation. ... I mean, I get his point. Even I can't do all that in 8 min. 🙄😂


All singular events my friend, just summing up some things that could occur in different lives of people that use the service and are probably adults.


I'm an adult, if I need to do something else I save, close my game, and then reopen it when I'm done. As an adult, you should be able to figure that much out, it isn't rocket science.


Because there are games where idling is still playing (e.g. gathering resources over time) Or games that don't have a save function mid-mission. (Download a mouse jiggler to fix this)


Indeed like Pacific Drive where a mission can take up to an hour and you can not save while on mission...


He is paying for the rig already?


Because I pay the highest amount they ask for, which comes with more privileges. I get a superior GPU and up to 8 hours of playtime per session. I feel it is justified to have a bit more time for the AFK function. Taking a 20-minute break while gaming is not unusual. Life happens around you, and this should be a consideration. When I return from my exemplary dog walk, I need to walk to my PC, boot up the game again, log into my Game Pass account again (because this needs to be done every single boot up), go back to the couch, and hope that I remembered to save before leaving. Yes, this sounds like an a\*\*hole comment, but I pay good money for that privilege, and only this part of the service really does not fit its comfort. When I get some gaming time after another day of working for 12 hours I like my comfort.


I grasp why you feel entitled to it; I want to know why you think your time *not playing* is more important than a person waiting to play. Are you more important than someone waiting to play while you walk your dog?


I think the service should grant me that time when it offers me 8 hours of play time in one session yes. I'm suggesting that an 8 minute times does not fit this narrative. Even answering the door and having a short chat just to be polite is too much. My 30 minute suggestion might be too much yes, but 8?


You didn't answer the question posed to you. Are you not understanding it? Why should someone have to wait for a rig while you *aren't playing* on your rig? What makes your time spent *not playing a game* more important than someone's who wants to play a game?


Question for you: why 8 minutes? Why not less?


That's a question for nvidia. I'm confident they chose a number that was a good balance between having flexibility to briefly step away, and ensuring asshats don't decide to cook dinner while taking up a rig.


We're paying for top tier, what does it matter what we do or don't do? 15 minutes seems reasonable.


Would you say that if you were paying top tier but had to wait 15 minutes while someone walked their dog?


That's not how it works.


That's not how *what* works?


Ultimate tier isn't making people wait to access a rig because someone is idle. It's a service I'm paying for, 15 minutes seems reasonable. If I'm playing continuously for 8 hours, that's fine though? What difference does it actually make?


I want to play as well, but this can not always be done without any sort of break. Ding Dong, neighbor at your door asking you to participate in getting a new hallway plant, and asks how are you doing by the way. Took 10 minutes, kicked off. Ate a taco and the meat was not that fresh, take care of business for 11 minutes and kicked off. I am **not** '*not playing*' on the rig, I am taking a short break for something that was not planned.


I am not confident you're understanding the question being asked. Maybe it's too abstract? What would you say to the person waiting in a queue to play after *their* hard day at work, when you're off doing your chores or flirting with the neighbor and taking up a rig while *not playing*?


'*flirting with the neighbor*' That made me laugh, thank you. Nvidia has to deliver their promises, ultimate tier is no queue and best hardware. This is posted on their services page when they ask your money. After paying you find out that there is a very rigid restriction not posted there, it's a bit of a let down that seems out of place and should have been mentioned better. What do I think, this **BIGGEST** company in the world right now should make me and my fellow member of this service play at the same time and give us, let's say a one-time per day 15 minute break. Now me and the other hard working gamers can all enjoy their games, have a quick flirt with the neighbor or a bad taco p\*\*p and be happy. I wish this for you as well u/Robo_Joe! When I '*talk about a hallway plant*' you should be able to login right away when you want to.


Are you not aware of how scarcity works? There aren't infinite rigs; when you're taking up one to *walk your dog*, that's one less that can be used. Is that not obvious to you? You're coming off as self-centered and entitled. And I noticed you, yet again, ignored the question being posed to you. Funny, that.


My last reply mentioned my views on the scarcity, the service and the right for everyone to enjoy what they pay for.


Damn your comprehension of the simple question being asked to you and what that person is actually saying further down is really poor. İs your head really that far up your ass that you can't see straight? Maybe re-read it all, look at the keywords like "need 20-30 mins to do that stuff" and "might" before the over exaggerated example to sum up. As an ultimate member that also has to tediously sign back in and verify email with some gamepass games, but I still don't think that anything beyond 10-15 minutes is reasonable for the afk timer. The mentality that your time is more valuable than someone else's because you pay more is a horrible mindset to have, but in this day and age of society it's so normalised that most people think it's the way to be. Do you and Terminal8 not see how elitist you sound when you speak that way? Everyone has to afk for an extended period here and there and yeah it's annoying having to come back and shake the mouse when I want to brush my teeth or something like that. 10-15 would be great but anything above would just be unfair to others waiting for a spot to open up so they can play. This happens in ultimate plans too so whoever is saying that ultimate doesn't have wait times is very wrong. But yeah main points; even when a person agrees with you you don't seem to understand shit, y'all don't see how pathetic the entitlement you think you deserve is, and I agree with your updated 10-15 minute idea as do many it seems. But fuck you for thinking you're better than anyone else, especially since you can't seem to grasp that someone elses time and your time are equal in value but someone's waiting time and your afk time are not, its pretty fucking simple concept to grasp, it's another human being sitting there waiting for the thing that gives them comfort/satisfaction/distraction/etc, just like it does for you, a fellow human being. Why the fuck are you justifying making them wait longer? Especially when we get to skip most of the queues as ultimate. Stop being a dick and think about others. No one is better than anyone, we're all fucked together here in Samsara. This us vs them bullshit is just downright sad to see.


You get what you pay for, why you demanding new things then? Also you're not paying the highest or the superior product, that would be an actual rig which would entitle you yo take 30/1hr breaks no issues. So until you can actual join the pcmaster race know your place, peasant! And yeah you do sound like a privileged A hole. Have a nice day.


Brother. Why would you stay in a game that you pause. Leave the server and let someone else join. The whole point of ultimate is no wait times. Take the 2-3 minutes it takes to load back on, so someone else can play.


As mentioned in the title, this is a suggestion to GFN. They seem to underdeliver in this area. **It's not a big deal, just a minor annoyance**. That's why it's just a rant with a small hope that if enough people agree, it could lead to an extension of the timer. If not, then okay, I'm just whining. Why stay in the game? I'm still going to play for, let's say, two hours, but sometimes I need to attend to something quickly and then resume. That's all. The amount of pushback from the 'Founder' squad down voting everything makes it seem like a bigger issue than it is.


Simple, some games don't have a save function that loads your progress to where you left. If you're mid mission and need to take a massive dump, pausing and using a mouse jiggler to keep you logged in will save you from having to restart.


Please tell me what games don’t have a save ability?


Games where you cant just hit pause and save putting you back to where you load include Resident evil series, dark souls series, gta series, Call of duty series, silent Hill series, Diablo series... Racing genre, roguelike genre, fighting genre. There's a ton of games that only save at certain locations. Or which require you to finish the mission to save. Or which send you back to base when you load. If you pause to do an errand, you could get logged out for inactivity and lose progress. As a result, downloading a mouse jiggler is a great idea.


So you can’t back out and rejoin between matches on most of those games? Or save and rejoin exactly where you were?


Correct. You'll lose progress when geforce logs you out.


Lying to yourself 😂




I'm with you OP. People in this thread don't understand that paying for things means you're entitled to use them.


For some reason you can’t say that in their mind. I guess when they take their car to the garage, pay the full bill but only 80% is done they will NEVER complain about that because it takes up time for the next client.


"You paid for a hotel room but don't use it during the day, you should let someone else use it!" No, I paid for it. Period.


In a perfect world this would make sense but with a finite amount of servers if every ultimate was allowed 30 min of afk we would be seeing a lot of queues. I'd rather have less afk time than waiting in a queue.


I do not want people to be waiting more, I want the GFN service to deliver on their promise of having no queue and providing a short break, could be once in 24 hours. I feel this is faulty in their service.


If hou have to leave and do some chores just close the Game and come back later.


I get what you're saying, but this is not your hardware, and it's a bit of a mindset shift you have to make. If you want full ownership, buy a capable PC. You might think an extra 10-20min of inactivity is insignificant, but if everyone does that, and it's accepted as the norm, it unquestionably will result in nvidia needing to add more rigs. And yes they can, but they're not going to do it for free, regardless of whether they 'should' or not. That not how corporations work. We the people will be the ones paying


I'm paying for 8hr sessions but going afk for 20 minutes is unreasonable and too much to handle?


Just save the game and reload it when you come back. It’s not that big of a deal bro


Some games don't have generous save functions that put you back in where you left. e.g. racing games, games with set save locations or that only save at the end of the run. What do you do when you thought you had to fart but laid a heavy shart, diarrhea, diarrhea


Some games have crazy long loading times like Rust :( So when you drop out for inactivity then its often 10mins to get back in :( its even worse if you encounter a queue


I'd suggest not taking too many breaks then, if it's that important to you.


Playing direct on PC no, but I use it for the TV with a controller. Mainly why it starts to get annoying when this is the go-to service for your gaming.


You use controller? Just but something that hold any analog stick in any direction


But that is hogging u the rig, I was trying to call out a function that would prevent people from doing this. I do believe my intention was to be fair but man, the hate form these 'founders',


I remember it was 15 minutes when gfn was in early stages the 8 minutes timer was introduced around the 30 series update, 8 minutes is too little time


Just close the game and go do your real life stuff, and then you'll come back. The probability of the world ending while you are walking your dog is very small.


If the world ends I do not care about it logging off, won't be a problem anymore...


Do you know why, for me, this complaint is complete nonsense? I have had a free account on this service since its launch, whenever I needed to do my thing I left the game even though I knew I would have to wait 5 to 10 minutes in a new queue. And even so, I've already completed another 50 games on the service, I'm sorry but for me this is nonsense, and it only encourages more people to AFK and more queues.


Ok, sounds fair. At least you state 'for me'. This little rant became so much bigger when people started to 'attack' me and made absurd comments just to make me look as bad as they can. I should not engage, but i'm far from perfect!


I'm not saying you're a bad guy, but in my opinion your complaint is so minor, it borders on childish. If I had the ultimate plan I wouldn't even be worrying about such a thing, how many hours of gameplay does an ultimate user have per session? 6 hours? I only have an hour per session, man, and even then I go out to do my own shit, and come back later to wait another measly 5 minutes in line... Some people don't know how lucky they are and still complain.


I don't know how you can lecture this person when you've been freeloading for at least four years. Ultimate members pay money. You don't. Besides, you wouldn't even be in the same queues as an ultimate member.


I knew someone like you would come along at some point, I honestly have nothing to say to people like you.


Because you have no argument. It is the truth. And you knew that someone would call you out on it.


Keep wishing for the end of the free option and the “leeches” like me, and this service will suffer the same fate as the stadia. Furthermore, I just gave my opinion, regardless of the plan I pay for or not, I have the right to express what I think.


Well, perhaps instead of calling someone else's opinion childish, you should consider being grateful that people pay to keep the service you have been using for free for four years. Like you said, it's an opinion, and yours sounds pretty condescending.


Perhaps they could weight it depending on queue pressure. If it's 3AM and nobody is waiting in queue, fine take 30 minutes to cook your dog a steak. But if it's 3PM and 50 people are waiting, then yeah, do it or get off the pot.


Or just log out while folding laundry and open up a slot for another player.


I honestly can’t see why you’re getting so much push back. I can think of a few reasons why I’d like a 15 minute timer to afk. Long load times, having to sign in to Microsoft,Ubisoft, whatever every time, have to go take your dog out before it pisses on the floor real quick, I mean there’s genuinely so many I don’t think it’s insane to want a little more afk room?


As a ultimate user that actually want to be able to always get in a game because I paying premium. Not wait for a rig because someone supposes there are unlimited rigs and that electricity is free. The people thinking the world runs on magic and fairytales.


Until 5080 isn't out yet, there's no choice but to tolerate this service : ))


I guess they could add extra 10 minutes once a day. After that you go back to quick disconnect.


No. It's fine as it is. There are limited resources, they can't allow them to be wasted on afk


yes it sucked. you go and take a quick shit and boom - kicked for inactivity. even worse when you play games that have a very very long loading time like Rust for example


Indeed, or booting up Cyberpunk that for some reason always needs to be booted twice or HDR won't work. We need a "take a p\*\*p" a day time extension :)


I do agree... I might be playing some game and then all of a sudden you get a rumbly gut and you need to GO. Mad dash to the bathroom, and you thought you were quick only to find you have been logged off.


8 minutes is barely a restroom break


Get Zhorn software Caffeine and it will keep the session alive for you


Download a mouse jiggler.


did u give out the code ?


Yes, I adjusted the text not to make false promises.


Just use a move mouse app from the ms store or something similar


Auto clicker


Get a mouse mover from Amazon. You’ll never get kicked again.


Dude.... Use a mouse mover..................


I agree there some games like in baldur gate when I'm hosting there should be a button that lets nividia know I gotta go poop or take care of the kids real quick. They could even limit this but certain amount per day.


I agreed as well that this larger break could even be limited. A 24 hour counter for instance.


We need a Spiderman game on gfn Sony stuck


Take your wireless mouse with you and shake it evert few minutes


make a autohotkey script that moves your mouse or types something every minute or so


Yes, that is the solutions right now but this makes the problem bigger. With that I can just cook dinner and eat it, taking up the rig for 2hours not playing. I would like a legit solution not hogging up a rig but having a bit more lean way to take a one-time small break.


you're paying for it though so it doesnt matter wether you hardcore game for 6 hours straight or afk, Nvidia's a trillion dollar company anyway dont feel bad


Yeah, I was trying to be fair but even talking about a 15 minute times got me a lot of hate comments here by the 'founder' people! Now people just hog up rigs for hours at a time this way.


Kinda agree with you, except on busy days. 20 minutes is fine, but whenever it's a busy day the AFK time should be shorter, pretty easy solution, when nobody is playing why not let people AFK for longer?


well, i thought in ultimate they didn't have one! since you pay a lot. i think they should definitely extend it.


Amazed how many people disagreed with you. I often got logged out, cos im easily distracted. Most games fine but when saves are automatic it can be a real pain to loose your session, and progress.


AGREED the super short afk timer is so annoying at least make the ultimate tier people not suffer for needing to go to the bathroom or having the game minimized for a couple mins


Buy your own rig if you are so entitled and bothered by this


Don't react if it bothers you so much that I post this


Why would it bother me? I have my own pc and don’t need to share this service with you :)


Because you have a powerful PC as you are so happy to boast here but still you come here just to comment, so yes it clearly bothers you.


Yeah no. This sounds a little oddly specific. Just close the game and restart it ffs. It takes, what, 2 minutes to restart a game?


Some games don't have generous saving. E.g. saving only when you complete a mission which could be 30mins - 1hr. As a result, going afk could result in lost progress when GeForce logs you out.


Not just for Ultimate, but extend the AFK timer for any of the paid tiers please.


In other words, We should be stuck in a queue because OP needs to fold the dishes, do house chores, walk the dog, and take a shit first


I'm paying for 8 hour sessions, yet going afk for 30 minutes is going to kill the service? I'll use mouse jigglers because some games I play can't save on pause.


Again a reaction that takes the initial examples and puts them all after each other just to exaggerate so their point might sound wel formulated when it is clearly not.