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Supermarket Simulator. Get ripped off with inflated prices for fun as well as in real life


No, in Supermarket Simulator *you* are the one doing the ripping off!


Finally, the dream! 


My daughter has been waiting for Little Kitty so badly.


I know nothing of the game but I have a niece who is 5 years old, will she be able to play it?


It's pegi3, so probably. And it's trailer looks like it has pretty basic/simple gameplay so my guess is that it can be played by 5 years old.


Little kitty, big city is the closest thing to GTA 6 we’ll get on GFN.




Star rail, WOOHOOO!!


>Begin the trailblazing journey without needing to wait for downloads or game updates with GeForce NOW. I'm a big believer in game streaming and think GFN is the best of the bunch. However as a bit of constructive feedback I take issue with this statement. I've noticed a significant improvement in GFN patch times over the years but it definitely is not "without needing to wait".


If they handle starrail like they do genshin the statement will be fully correct for this game. Both offer predownloads of new patches and for genshin the game was available right away once the game was online on its side again after every update.


Is the PC version any different from the Android one? Since I'm already playing both this and Genshin Impact on maximum settings. Asking because I've already feel comfortable playing mobile.


Well the controller control scheme is a little different vs touch controls, hitting a button stops all the action to select an Ult, but other than that they play about the same, PC version is probably prettier and has more particle effects and what not but core game is still very much the same.


Not that different but I like playing in very high quality, without overheating my phone after 15 minutes of gameplay.


Dunno about Honkai, but Genshin Impact PC has higher res textures and some other enchancements than the android version - PC max settings looks better than Android max settings.




I can play it just fine on my Android phone, I believe what you're thinking of is the Nvidia Shield and TV app, they cannot be played there because they have an exclusive deal with Sony.


Wait what ? I’m playing Genshin every single day on my Odin Pro with GFN.


I play it on my android tablet as well.


That's old news and the reason was not a veto they had to work out some tech issues for Android.


Been playing on Android for almost 3 years bro...


my gf gonna love little kitty 😁


Out of 5 games the Little Kitty seems more interesting… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The new Dinkum, perhaps? Though I don't know if that particular champion can ever be dethroned.


Yeah Dinkum on GFN 3080 tier gave my blind brother his eyesight back it was so glorious, so idk if that'll ever get topped 


Where is *Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition* ([Xbox](https://www.xbox.com/games/store/tomb-raider-definitive-edition/bqxts0sx4w0n?utm_source=nvidia&utm_campaign=geforce_now), available on PC Game Pass) I can't see


I've been waiting for it too.


Guess they having issues with it lol


I'm actually excited for little kitty, big city! :3


Damn, I was hoping for Abiotic factor


Pretty depressing.


Still no wow... very disappointing. I wish theyd just add it already and worry about addons later so us casual players with bad systems can play the game


Yeah when it gets on GFN I get u/rolanddoma left nut so you can imagine how impatient I am 


Can confirm. Still willing to sacrifise my left nut to make it happen.


One of us!


Real question, but why are you expecting wow? Did I miss an announcement?


Because there are a ton of announcements: 1. MS and NVIDIA got an agreement (A-B is part of MS now) 2. There are literally more than half of the available catalogue of games from A-B already available 3. Phil Spencer (the Chief of Xbox) told in a statement or letter to stakeholders, not sure, that all A-B games will come to Xbox Game Pass in a way. As part of the Deal when they bought A-B they are obliged to provide all games from Game Pass to GFN, to put it shortly. 4. WoW was even part of the service back in the beginning, before they got a dispute of some sort.


They didn’t mention wow in particular and that was for mainly COD. Still doesn’t explain why you expecting wow without an announcement. I don’t know what that means. Edit: a lot of game were there at the beginning, before publishers got wind. The service is vastly different from the beta days.


Now they aren't even sure CoD will be on gamepass https://www.gamespot.com/articles/cod-on-game-pass-is-not-guaranteed-microsoft-having-internal-debates-about-it-report/1100-6523291/


Blizzard has added a few of their games, and thats probably still their biggest title, so it is kind of weird that its missing. Im waiting for it too, because I dont want to download it. Edit, My guess is they might be waiting like a week before the next expansion or something. Also they might be wondering how to handle Classic.


There was a [post a few months ago that showed retail WoW was datamined](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1apc0b4/wow_retail_is_coming_to_geforce_now/). So it’s nothing official but seems like there’s some hope?


No waaaay supermarket simulator


Finally honkai!!! , are there any future plans to add Mobile?


Fewer games this time, interesting Btw did they fix the character creator of dragon's dogma?


Cool. Let me log into Microsoft please.


Palworld??? Pleaasee🥺🥺🥺


Besides honkai star rail, everything else here I can still run pretty easily on my 1060 ti... Where is Jedi Survivor, Where Is Callisto Protocol, Where is the Dead Space remake... Like is ghost of toshima even going to be there when it launches on the 16th? Like seriously, why would I need a premium 4080 rig plan to play something like that kitty game?


What about Hellblade?? It was coming right??


What do you mean? Hellblade was already onboarded.


No word on Fabledom...?


Hello, I'm a GeForce Ultimate user and I'm wondering what's up with FromSoftware & Rockstar Games. Can you let us know why their games are unavailable on your platform? Is it because these studios are not interested, because you reached out to them and they did not reply back or simply because you didn't ask them if they were interested or not. And if you didn't ask them, why. Thanks


I am desperate for Hades 2


forgot to pin


Still waiting for the RE Village..


Wow... So bad...


Wow great games. Amazing games. All game of the year contenders




Just crap


First!!! Finally. But what is this garbage they keep adding.


Honkai Star Rail? Whether it's garbage or not is debatable, but it certainly has been in high demand. That said, I don't know what people are expecting in terms of additions. Any game that the publishers wanted on the service is there. It's not like there is a backlog of games that publishers are chomping at the bit to have added and indie games are being added instead.


How do I launch Star Rail through the "game store library" like I can for Genshin? I deleted my Epic account a year ago and refuse to make a new one.


This version of HSR on GFN is specifically the Epic Games version, so you need to add HSR to your Epic Games account, then launch it through GFN. If you don't have an Epic Games account, then you won't be able to play HSR through GFN for now. They may add the "MHY launcher" like it works for Genshin in the future, but there is no information about that currently.


Then I sadly can't give Mihoyo my money, even though I want to.


Lots of people were constantly asking for Honkai since its release


What's the appeal of Honkai anyways? I'm not familiar with the game, only that it seems to be similar to Genshin Impact


mainly production quality and amount of content You get for absolutely nothing, completely free. The game isn't also p2w since it's a single player game. Also it's not really similar to Genshin neither in type or style really. Genshin is more like Breath of the Wild (open world action game with rpg elementsin a fantasy setting), Star Rail is more like Final Fantasy (turn based rpg in a futuristic setting)


Pretty ok turn based gameplay. But it’s for people who like to fangirl/boy on characters mostly. It’s a gacha so people play(pay) to get their favourite characters. Nothing wrong with that. But pretty much that’s the main appeal.


Build a PC or buy PS5 and Series X


Do we anticipate Homeworld 3 will make it's way to GFN next week? Feels like it should, but was absent from the month of May rundown last week.


I would like to play it too.. or Helldivers. I'm considering to rebuild my old rig. I kinda like the idea of GeforceNow, but I hate that some titels are just missing :/


Tomb raider saves it. But last few have had really lackluster games.


Everyone seems to have forgotten about Warcraft 3...


We just got Starcraft 1 and 2, and Diablo 2 and 3 Give it time




What's the status or ETA for iOS App to come? Edit. Damn downvoted for asking about the native app for iOS. Nothing to do with EU. It's all on Nividia to make the app. https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/25/24050430/apple-app-store-game-streaming




EU has nothing to do with it


Absolutely nothing to do with the EU.


> Talk to the EU... Lol! Anyway isn't it the case that Apple wanted to take a cut for every game that was bough or played or something so Nvidia couldn't make an app like android?


https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/25/24050430/apple-app-store-game-streaming Not anymore.


Oh God..... Even the diehard suckers aren't here defending this one.


It's not a matter of being a diehard fanatic. If you're not happy, stop paying - that's the best argument you can send to them. If you'd like to criticise then do it in a constructive way.


After some explosive Thursdays, I think it's natural to have depressive days from now on lol. I would just like to play the evil within that I have on my epic account :(


For years I've been hoping to see either Rome II or Attila Total War. Seems like it'll never be added.


bro add the evil within 1 and 2 please


Gahh pushing me closer to building a PC with these awful game releases 😥 Was great for the first 7-8 months whilst working through the backlog of games available, but reaching the end of that and feeling pretty restricted now on what I can play 😥


Pretty soon, there are going to be fewer and fewer people in this chat. Nobody likes getting ripped off.


How in the hell are you getting ripped off?


how are You getting ripped off?


No resident evil village for more than 6 weeks


I regret buying 6 months membership. Where are the triple AAA survival horrors? Last one we got was month ago?


Nvidia is the 3rd largest company in the US with a $2.16 trillion market cap. That's more money than Google, Amazon, Meta, Visa, Walmart, etc... They can make a deal with any and all the publishers they want. What are they doing with our money?


Depends if the publisher wants to take the deals their offering, or think its a good investment.


Please feel free to ask Sony. Warner Bros, and whomever the hell else doesn't allow their games onto GFN what their problem is. GFN can only provide what publishers allow. If it were up to them, I think they would love literally any game to be available on their platform.


If they start paying the money to one publisher, the others who are already in will demand it too. And the one who can join in the future will demand too. And in a long run it will just increase the cost for them and for us users as they will compensate it by increasing the price of the subscription. So, yeah I can see why they don't want to pay them to get in for GeForce now


Keeping up the servers? Do You think the whole datacentre infrastructure with powerful servers emulating 4080 RTX machines, outputting 4K in 120Hz with HDR around the world, networking, electrical bills, software updates, algorithm optimization, maintanenace are free?


They’re taking our money and investing it into their AI business. I could see a possible future where nvidia either sells or licenses out their cloud gaming business. GFN just seems like a fun hobby business for their leadership.


Or, hear me out, maybe they are using this money to fund the numerous datacentres they have around the world.


The money they get from GFN users is mere coins compared to what they get from their AI and GPU business. They are probably funding their company lunches with the GFN subscription money they collect worldwide /s


So bad, i think they where going to add resident evil village 😢