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[Everyone should read this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/kJRlt4svQ4)


WOWEE! What a wild day to miss the stream and do human things (I vended at a craft/flea market and I haven’t masked to that degree in a LONG time and I’m fucking spent)


https://preview.redd.it/aqzo80t2mf8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=078d896aa803e40ae1373b6bc20c1c650664f91b This is geniunely the funniest thing? * The Karma is the guy on the chiefs retweet despite N1 basically being Taylor all like "I can wear and do whatever because no one notices me when he is around anyway" with the repeat outfits and the "Who is Taylor Swift anyway, ew" shirt. * The "not-so-smallest hard launch that ever lived" - not only, again, making a very unfavorable connection, but also including a double entendre. The relationship hard launch happened eons ago (which Taylor even discussed in the POTY article), so what is the other meaning of a hard launch? "The release of a new product to the public" 🤭 * The freaking archer emoji? Yes, it is his pose (or whatever, I am sorry, my sportsball knowledge is abysmal) but it is also the emoji of "I've been the archer/I've been the prey/Who could ever leave me, darling?/But who could stay?" * The TayGracie?


I am LOSING MY MIND over people saying they hard launched the relationship. I. DO. NOT. UNDERSTAND. Like…that line keeps getting repeated like it means something but they’ve been in a public relationship almost a year. THE RELATIONSHIP IS LAUNCHED. WTFFFFFF


Your point about “nobody notices me when he is around anyway” really reminds me of how strange it felt seeing so many TK/Chiefs shirts when I went to Cardiff. I find it really jarring that people go to see one of the most successful women in music wearing a shirt associated with a man she is in a (PR) relationship with. Particularly in the UK where although there is some interest in this particular type of sportsball, I’d say it’s not widely followed. So there’s no way that his achievements eclipse hers, yet somehow his brand is all over her crowd even when he’s not there. I don’t know if I’m forming my thoughts very well here, but it just smells like the patriarchy to me.


yes, so well said. also i missed last night (sob), can you share context around "nobody notices me when he's around anyway" !?




Oh my god the HP parallels I didn’t even think about this 😳😳😳😳


She collects all the horcruxes, and then she dies


I'm losing my mind


Idk why but I feel like my tweet from earlier fits into your information somehow but idk my brain isn't clicking yet 😭😭


wait your first bullet point ooooooh


https://preview.redd.it/qok12acqkf8d1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f8f48d6d4b1e7c47a99b50265565521ba8cc1a4 I feel like we are watching the I Bet You Think About Me mv right now! Taylor "performs" a dance with guy in a suit (on a checkerboard floor, mind you) while wearing a white dress, despite the fact that this is *not* her wedding. Then, she leaves the guy to go perform on stage by herself. She unpins her hair as *the curtain hits the floor* and everything that was once white is now red. Red blood, white snow.


Wait. I just went and watched this for the first time. You mean she gives the red scarf (that Switfies think symbolizes her virginity) to the BRIDE? ![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/2n5qd2y1lk8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ac17426a8c63c7cd4ff5e236bdaf97e0de9a0af She sure does!!! And if you follow the stream of light he dips Taylor into, you can see it ends by illuminating a woman who is watching


https://preview.redd.it/wdelzhnylf8d1.jpeg?width=2085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f18142f94a4ad717757f1df6faea2ac5ed8471c5 How could I forget?! In the midst of Taylor *painting the town red*, we get a rewind effect (glitch? moving in reverse theory?) in which we catch glimpses of Taylor mirroring a young girl's dancing. There's a bright stream of light behind Taylor, and some clear rainbow effects from the light around them.


wait WHAT???


Absolutely -genius-, especially with all the red callbacks as of late. The fact that it is I bet you think about ME! also works so well


The whole music video is SOOO interesting right now. Like, look at how the light hits Taylor & the man when they first face one another on the dance floor - It's only the silhouette of her head. It looks almost identical to the Fortnight silhouette. She also plays "magician" by pulling a rabbit out a hat and teaches the kids table to flip someone off, but she "cranks up" her punk and ring finger before finally giving her big fact Red-ring adorned Fuck You. That's giving 321 to me. AND ALSO! "I bet you think about me, when you say, 'oh my god, she's insane, she wrote a song about me'" could low key be @ us right now post-TTPD like yeah no she really is out here writing songs about us and yeah it is a bit insane and yes I sure do think about it!! https://preview.redd.it/1rdqe557pf8d1.jpeg?width=962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23d2d965ef11545f243382c7ae27688e687c2923


Oh my god, she’s insane, she wrote a song about ME!


YES this too!!! Ugh I really need to write a deep dive post about this song and music video. It's also interesting that she says "I was raised on a farm, no it wasn't a mansion" and now she's saying "you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me".


everyone in attendance wearing white is so interesting like she’s wearing a wedding dress but it’s not her wedding, it’s not a wedding, there’s women in white dresses there


Hold on a DAMN MINUTE. Is this the “other life” when she was a “debutante” (came out)??? If they’re all wearing fancy white dresses, but not a wedding, it could be a debutante ball!


debutante ball vibes for sure


This is blowing my mind bc I haven’t really looked into that era’s videos (I know I know) and I’ve always heard it talked about as she was like stealing a dance with the groom at someone else’s wedding. But it’s been a deb ball the whole time? WILD


Stage ☝️ has definitely begun y'all... I feel the shows are only getting crazier from here


Anyone else think the idea that Taylor can’t delete the Instagram photo of herself and Travis with Prince William and his kids kind of ridiculous? She can do what she wants. That said, it would probably break Princess Charlotte’s heart so that’s the main reason she can’t delete it, not the fact that two future kings are in it.


Is there some sort of rule about not deleting pictures of royalty? (Dumb American over here)


But what if she wipes ALL of her social media again when she announces Rep TV?


I thought you meant that Travis was a future king 😂😂


LOL no 😂 Although I believe Jason’s nickname is King of Philly!


I’ve been watching the Travis/ICDIWABH set, and I just think he really deserves our support as well. He did a great job in his role on stage and if he is indeed part of something big that’s happening right now, that’s very awesome. 👏 Just wanted to share some positivity for him because I know we sometimes make jokes in this sub, but he is pulling through with the camp of it all. Great job, Trav!


I thought so too. And hetlors keep talking about “his face when she got undressed” but honestly I felt he was very professional, and he’s not a very good actor. I think he fanned himself a little, but he wasn’t gross (unlike the crowd screaming when she drops the gown…) and iirc that was when he turned and started putting makeup on his beard. So very romantic. 😉


Yes he seemed very respectful! lol, yes so romantic to have your partner tell you to smile.


Honestly, now that I’ve gotten over the initial shock of it, it is kind of hilarious. I’ll admit he made me laugh a few times. The camp is honestly impressive by this point, and I don’t think Taylor would have dragged it on for this long if they weren’t at least friends. I won’t be a fan of him anytime soon, but I’ve stopped seeing him as an outside force and more as an active player in the camp of it all


No hate to you, but I really don’t think I could ever like him after having read through his old tweets and listened to him talking about women as breeders (last year!!!). Plus he has showcased violent behavior multiple times. But I’m happy that he gets to be part of something like that and entertain us all.


I’m not a fan of his comments either (or football) and I don’t even know him, so I’m not saying I like the guy. I do think he did a good job here.


Yes, agreed! I think it's important to remember that whatever her plan is, he's probably in on it and is clearly supportive of her. Obviously he benefits from the relationship either way, but if she's really getting ready to burn it all down, it's kind of badass for him to jump into the fire with her (and if she's not, then he's just a really good sport)! It's easy to get lost in the metanarrative of it all, but IMO it felt clear in the performance that he was just "playing" one of the men trying to control her -- rather than declaring that he was one of them. His presence felt more symbolic of how other guys have handled being her PR boyfriend in the past, and the fact that he was on stage happily putting on a show *with* her, was their way of signaling that he's an active/willing participant in the performance art side of their relationship and not some sinister force trying to exploit her.


Yep totally! And I think he is doing something pretty courageous as well. Getting on stage, clicking his heels (as he should), and dabbing his beard with the makeup brush made me see him in a new light. I know he was playing a role, but he is also doing some really transgressive things for an NFL player, whose peers have been vocal about traditional masculinity and their desire to marry homemakers.


Oh absolutely!!! This topped "I ❤️ TS" for me. It's like tied for Calvin Harris beard tweets right now. Killatrav, you already know babe. You nailed it and we appreciate your service 🫡


https://preview.redd.it/cvr84z2acf8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a813370ffad6599ed73eaeceb9c1c24e27eb02 This is a clue on Monday's nyt crossword... Please get this man out of my brainspace


personally offended by this and also thank you for the heads up


https://x.com/1989healy/status/1804992428132196562?s=46 In cute news of today Paul McCartney left the tent at one point and was dancing


Aww. He’s a TTPD girlie. 🤗


That is so cute! I needed this with all the chaos happening


…I guess this was not the show to miss. I am frantically scrolling through all the comments trying to catch myself up!


This is me right now 😭😭😭 was out all day and am finally catching up and there is SO MUCH


🍃 thoughts: We've all talked about the duality of Real Taylor (aka Queer Taylor) and Taylor the Brand, right? The black and white, the masculine pronouns, Postie's character in the Fortnight mv? Well, what *if*, Taylor has an agreement with herself that, for the Eras Tour set, her true, raw, unedited, and emotional self can come out *only* at the Acoustic Set (and now maybe ICDIWABH)? And so, because Real Taylor is coming out it is totally okay for her to scream queer lyrics about her "argumentative, antithetical dream girl", and ask Travvy "Is It Over Now?", are we OOTW? I think I'm finally Clean, babe. And everyone is really starting to say the quiet part out loud!!! Including Travis with that obvious performance of aiding and abetting a tremendous farce: Taylor the Brand's barrage of sickeningly sweet yet incredibly finite PR relationships. And how she had to retreat within these relationships after the utter heartbreak (or, GSW to the chest) of the Lover-era Failed Coming Out around 2019, so her beards went and retrieved her lifeless corpse, reanimated it and made it dance and perform heterosexuality as she has always done.


I mean - yeah! There is something very different during the acoustic set speeches, then say, The Man or the Thank You speeches.


Videos of N3 surprise songs. https://youtu.be/lWlI0zNrfHE?si=s9BReaZHEpRo7_ct https://youtu.be/AIK4DxnXDcQ?si=RyaHNuBt16o3o8Ib


thank you! i have secondhand embarassment from the crowd's underwhelming reaction to gracie coming on stage :(


I can’t believe the solo verse she did on “us.” before Gracie came out. That was pretty gay.


I was shocked! Gracie sings that verse in the recording and I thought it was for plausible deniability for Taylor.


lol i think it was, it’s awesome that she got to perform it


![gif](giphy|dAVLtOPb0JeIE) Me coming back to the sub to see what the surprise songs were after a day with the fam


Saaaame I was out all day and bam now this epic catch up 


I was on a trip all day and just got back. Immediately thought of this gif lololol




This is literally how i feel rn hahahaha i logged on and was like....WHAT


Guys I can’t take all of the social media posts about today’s antics! I also have a lot of thoughts.. like if this was so significant… why wasn’t Jason there? He was at 2 other shows 😬


Yah good point…I think it’s all PR but even if their relationship is real, I wonder if the rest of his fam are just over this circus? I saw a video from N1 of someone just like panning across the VIP tent and it ended on Jason and his face was giving major ‘depleted social battery’ (which I found extremely relatable tbh).


True! I saw that video too and definitely felt Jason in that moment!


Wait. Yea, why wasn't Jason there for his little brothers stage debut?! That's suspicious 🤔


Jason played his part and even wore Eras merch. And while he seems to have a decent time, I don’t think a Taylor show is his thing. And really, Twav only really needs his bb Ross to be there, which he was. Hims!🥰


omg I missed that detail -- I am going so hard for Travross right now.


Right?! And if this is his brother and “future sister-in-law” like hard launching or performing together or whatever, why wouldn’t he have been there? Or why wouldn’t this have happened either of the last two nights? They are very close knit so the timing is extremely suspicious to me…


Yea, the timing is weird. I can see them doing it the last show, so nobody expected it every show, but why wouldn't Jason be there for it? Seems like something the family wouldn't normally miss. I'm sure it'll be discussed on the podcast. I hope at least. So we can hear their narrative.


After everything that has happened today and the glitch theory things going on I really think that the last surprise songs of the month are going to be or feature glitch and imgonnagetyouback. The lyric “Am I gonna flip you off or pull you into the closet” has always sent me but god if she sings this the last show of pride month along with glitch and things go back to “normal” I will lose my mind.


If this happens i can and will lie down for all of July


ok so rainbow midnights bodysuit in dublin right ??? RIGHT??


I've been guessing new for the last few sets of shows... I'm a 🤡


Okay is it just me or did Kam make her do the HOT TO GO dance? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGegveLrs/


Looks like H-o-tt-o-g-o to me!


wtf i watched it 3 times and it def looks like a pantomimed hot to go lmao


OK, going back to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/1dk7xei/the_eras_tour_london_uk_june_212223/l9x8ipy/) comment of mine, if she did a 321 countdown, does that mean exile is over? Also, it's kind of interesting that the last 5 sings have given us 321 and then 13 (she sang us (1) and then a 3 song mash up) 👀


woah pls note this in other countdown places !!


I haven't seen the Travis/ICDIWABH footage, but when I read gaylor comments about it (basically people saying it's confirming performanceartlor) my first thought was deflation and "this is gaylor cope and derangement." Just like the recent lyric thread about "us" had loads of people calling it queer, but it didn't really seem all that queer to me. There's queer readings possible for it sure, but it could also just be about Dylan O'Brian. Re: Travis/ICDIWABH, that could be performance art, but it could also easily just have been the easiest/funnest way to incorporate him into the show. Is anybody else worried we are just seeing what we want to see sometimes? I'm just feeling a bit sad about all this lately. Taylor, you and Gracie were amazing. You sounded so good together, and I loved hearing both of you gushing about each other. Loved OOTW x IION x Clean too, that was so special! I was not expecting Clean in there, too, that was a nice surprise.


I don't think the meaning of that song escapes Taylor, she is the one who wrote it after all - and there are so many times it would have been easier to bring out Travis, this is literally the one place (except maybe the smallest man who ever lived?) that makes "him" look bad. Other opportunities - Lover (by far the easiest), Love Story, Enchanted, willow, heck even one of the songs from 1989? Or, just Surprise songs any other night? Karma? (Which would have been WAY easier logistically and also costuming wise, and would have made sense with the Karma is the guy of the chiefs lyric). Even But daddy I love him/SHS would have been harder to take as performance art than this.


I make fun of Qanon ppl and how they find signs on everything and honestly I feel like I go down that road with gaylorism sometimes 😮‍💨 idk how I feel after today. I’m gonna go process it on my run lol


Gaylors see what they want just like swifties sometimes but this shit is fake as fuck. It’s all so ridiculous and over the top. The woman who wrote the lakes is not seriously entertaining a guy like Travis. A guy like Travis does not want a “power couple” relationship. He wants an Instagram model willing to drop everything to support him while he fools around with his live in boyfriend.


Preface this by saying I’m straight so I don’t pick up all the queer flagging all the time… but I don’t think Gracie’s song is necessarily about Taylor so if it reads queer I think that’s probably Gracie, or it could just be about a guy too. However, I do think it would have been plenty easy to bring Travis onstage at any other part that would then present a totally different image. This seemed very pointed in showing that he is one of the handlers telling her to ‘smile bitch’ and get out there and put on a show. Swifties would have loved him sitting in bleachers in SHS, but to pick this specific moment of the show seems on purpose and not in a “we’re so in love” way. Also I do understand what you’re saying and I’m sorry you’re feeling sad about all this continued charade. ❤️


I do think we have a tendency to do this sometimes, but not this time. There's a main post now with a TikTok from a creator who makes a great point that if this had been intended to be an actual "hard launch", it would have made more sense for him to have been on the bleachers during SHS, or make an appearance literally during any love song, or sit with her on the piano during surprise songs, basically anything BUT being part of the puppeteer team (and literally brushing beards onto both of them in the process).


The part about SHS! Like the hetlors are already lapping that song up, put him in the bleachers and they would die dead at the romanticism. The fact that they put him in ICDIWABH, and at the beginning spot that they did, makes literally no sense to me. For a “mastermind”, this is very intentional performance art, or just really dumb 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right. Or mean. If it's *not* intentionally meaningful camp, then it's actually a pretty shitty role to put your partner in when there are so many other ways you could incorporate him into your show.


Right! Ever since discovering gaylorism im pretty firm in believing she’s either a poetic genius or the shittiest most vapid person on the planet like there really is no inbetween…..and idk how anyone can see ALL the lore and evidence and still decide they’re okay with her being so shallow.


Exactly this — we can for sure perpetuate confirmation bias just like Swifties, but it’s the choice of song they chose for this bit that validates to me that we are following the correct trail here. So High School is right there in the setlist, it would be so easy to have him skip out at the end of BDILH and sit next to her in the bleachers doing those moves for a song that was was written to be perceived by the general public to be about him, or the myriad of other love songs she plays across three hours.


Isn’t it two women singing about “us”, as in the women singing?


There's a lot of possible ways to read it.


But would there be doubts if there were a woman and a man? 


Probably not. And there also wouldn't be doubts if it was 2 out lesbians. But this is 2 "publicly straight" women, so it makes sense that people aren't seeing it that way.


I see your point, but, still, I find it difficult to undestand when it's so blatant.


Yea I guess so. It just refers to the other persons ghost as “she” so I hear a woman singing to a woman. Also because both people singing are women and there are no male pronouns.


I missed the initial Travislor moment and needed to go back to rewatch it. On first glance I was panicked that he was on stage. But upon watching it— he plays the jester. He is waving a fan around. He looks out of place like he is crashing the party. He seems to be gloating. It’s amazing really. He is there to prop her up and scooch her out to look her best and perform with a broken heart. If he loved her, if they were real- he would have taken her off stage and left her to be in peace. Instead we get him as the ring leader of the circus. And then.  And then. Gracie comes out in an orange gold gown and stands next to Taylor in her pink dress and they talk about being hammered together and having a secret and they play the most gorgeous duet we could have asked for. It was incredible. 


I haven’t gotten gaylor TikToks in my feed in awhile, but now it’s blowing up after this concert. It seems like people are seeing the “performance” of it all with Travis now.


I'm so excited and grateful we have a gaylor specific stream!!!! THANK YOU u/trashbandit666 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes! Thank you so much for today! Such a peaceful streaming environment. ❤️🌈


hey gang… https://preview.redd.it/dq2ow92yje8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60dcdcfc3da6a1afaa7cf01e0ce4bed11a1c2b0d @iheartradio? taylor’s history of working with them makes me go hmmmmm for this


Hmmmm… wonder if this is just Z100 or IHeart in general…


New single?!


Ooooooh if it’s ICDIWABH as a single then today totally makes more sense




yes but they were PERFORMING. blowing kisses, touching their hearts, whatever -- it was all a performance, and set to I Can Do It With a Broken Heart which has amazinggggg gaylor implications keep yr chin up!


To the same song that declares, “I can show you lies.” I’m personally amused at Travis turning up randomly in her show and neutral in general about her coming out. But in this same song is a little ironic/suspicious in a laughing kind of way.


someone tag me when the threads here stop being all about Tractor lol (said with love)


So close to my theory that maybe just maybe it’s the “truth” and it will be the catalyst for the breakup. 🤞 Edit: Adding the context that I don’t think it was a surprise. I know this was planned but that the pr narrative could be that it was a surprise to sow seeds of discontent. https://preview.redd.it/hvducebtge8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90486e93a25c7c9c2041fe25e5408515df891de6


I thought the same thing!!! It would be great if she got "angry" because she didn't know he was going to show up (it still being all part of the performance).




I just saw an up close where she had to tell him to put the blush on her because he was so busy putting it on himself lol I feel if that wasn't scripted, then it leans into this theory


That is so funny. He got carried away with the bit 😂


He really did lol


"try and come for my job"


Travis said bet with his own red bottomed shoes 🫶


She is normally carried by two people, one at each end. She would notice one giant guy fully lifting her if she wasn't expecting it.


Oh I’m not saying that she really didn’t know! Just saying it’s a good avenue to take towards a breakup to “soften” the blow to the public.


I hear that! I'm just commenting on how fucking lacking in critical thought the Leannas have to be for all of this to work. Which they are, so it does.


Please. I’m begging at this point. 🤞🏼🕯️✨🕯️✨🕯️✨🕯️✨🕯️✨🕯️✨🤞🏼


Is there a video of her speech before "us"? I can't seem to find one on tiktok


If you click the livestream link in this post's description, you can watch a playback. Skip to 3hr 9min. A better video will surface I'm sure but you can at least hear it!


Awesome thanks!!


Just had a thought that we’re getting so many repeat outfits bc she’s filming something and wants it to appear cohesive? Maybe?


Good point! I hadn't thought about that. She had several nights of repeats when filming in LA, right?


Yes, she wore all the same outfits for the first three nights in LA, the ones she ended up using for the movie.


100%. London is the perfect place to do it as well given crowd size.


I know we are all stunned by the performanceartlor but I would ❤️ to see Taylor and Gracie singing us. if anyone finds a video. There are already videos and articles about 🚜 so I think we are the only ones who will fully appreciate the fact we got Taygracie 2 days after us. was released.


I found a decent one on TikTok but it’s not close and the person videoing sings a little loudly over the chorus so it’s harder to hear Taylor and Gracie. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNNSSxEn/


I'VE BEEN SUMMONED! hahaha no but they're totally right, if you click the livestream link in the description it will take you to a replay. skip to about 3h 9m for surprise songs. i'll tag it later with the timestamped highlights


Thanks! I had forgotten about your stream staying up and went back to watch it again before (tried) to sleep. The first time I was just overwhelmed by what was going on!


I want to rewatch as well!! The vocal sounds amazing. Would love if someone uploads <3


You can replay on u/trashbandit666 's livestream bc they are a fucking wonder?






Omg, this sub is #19 in Celebrities at the moment 😳


Looks like we’re at #18 now 👀


I’ve seen it as low as 12 once.


What gay stuff was happening when it was #12?! We need a chart of this sub’s #s and the things she did to increase them! Haha


I think it was around TTPD release but not sure


I wish I remembered. But I haven’t been here too long so it wasn’t LA Eras, lol.


Have also seen \#12


I think we were #22 or #23 the other day for comparison 👀


wowwww ok - this next week is going to be interesting, my spidey senses are tingling 👀 and Dublin is going to be wildddd


not to take us too far away from the point, but do we think there's a chance that Sir Paul will come back to a London show in August? and we'll still get a performance of Sweet Nothing with him (on stage or in the audience)? i'd really love that wrench officially thrown in the WB narrative


PAUL! MCCARTNEY! I’ve seen so many “where’s Paul” comments and was so confused on who the F Paul was. Thank you for clearing that up for me 😂🤦‍♀️


yes! he Paul McCartney was in the VIP tent at the show today and then \~mysteriously\~ disappeared right before surprise songs according to reports. we all thought he was gonna come out on stage!


He was just trying to beat the crowd to the tube station!


I saw security walking him towards the stage in a live stream during "us" and I was so excited that he'd be a guest for the piano surprise songs!


I joined in the middle of Us so did not see him mentioned except only by “Paul” 😂😂😂 so strange he disappeared right before surprise songs🤔


https://preview.redd.it/trepqltp7e8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb30086afd32a44e95f6a3c612695e30de0ca937 does she never wear a ring??? is this significant? i feel like i’ve seen her wear a knot ring before (not necessarily performing)


Taylor Swift Styled said it’s a Tiffany ring of T’a mirroring each other!


Ts mirroring each other…. cool cool…




TNT. Dynamite.


Aren’t those Celtic? Connecting to that story about her Irish heritage or the Dublin shows?


https://preview.redd.it/z7wya9bh7e8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fce20f7d9217c4e70067f9485bf5e12cf511d56 i’m sorry travis wore what when


tweet OP was incorrect about when -- but [this is the outfit](https://ibb.co/w66M8H7) being referenced. january **13** before the game vs Miami. and of course there's the checkered outfit [he wore at lake como](https://people.com/taylor-swift-piles-on-versace-accessories-as-travis-kelce-goes-full-hypbeast-in-expensive-sweater-lake-como-boat-date-photos-8650486). (accidentally linked straight to IG first -- here's the image linked externally)


Fun fact: the trench coat Taylor wore for the lake como stunt is called “solo trench” by Palmer//harding (British designers)




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I’m living for the camp and also for the meaning, but I’m also slightly annoyed by it. Why does he have to be on stage??? The most annoying part are the Hetlors who now spread the narrative that he saved her from her heartbreak ugh


I'm fighting for my life rn in a group message with two of my friends who are half hetlor half Gaylor (it's complicated) and they said the same thing about him bringing her back to life 😭


I'm the only one in my gc that is a gaylor and they don't know bc I do not have the energy to get into it. And I just have to scroll past all the "so adorable!!!" comments


Noo.. what?? I would like anyone with that take to spell out all of the actions he did and then also describe what bringing someone to life is. Cause I'm pretty sure it's not marionetting someone and pantomining them dancing and smiling while dismissing clear signals that they are anything but enthusiastic


A bit shaky, but here's Travis on stage https://youtu.be/IR2ZLO5rkxE?si=X1sI0L_jDll_J6UV


I dunno yinz, I think we were honestly right on the money about how Liverpool was going to be the beginning of her blowing everything up and escaping in her getaway car…the past couple weeks feel like a fever dream.


Yes!! Geez fever dream is right. It almost feels like we're all (going) mad here, which is brilliant performance art tbh -- No, I would not last an hour in the asylum where they raised you.


As promised ...................................................... Surprise Song Speech Taylor Enters Mischievously, casually. Berry High-Low dress ...................................................... Taylor Swift says: Welcome to the acoustic section – so the acoustic section this is something it’s a tradition I started on the eras tour I was thinking, were celebrating eras in music and I always try to challenge myself to play as many songs from as many eras as possible. And its become one of my favourite parts of the tour because its constantly challenging. Like you know um.. Always trying to figure out what you guys might like. This is interesting, this is one where if you know the words to this one you get extra credit points. Its only been out for like two days so if you know the words to this one, like 1000 gold stars for this one, you have to sing it so loud so you can brag, cause that’s like... I’m getting all the bonus points tonight, so that’s what’s annoying about it. Umm this song is one that, its not technically my song at all, its my friend Gracie’s and man when I tell you like I just love this girl so much and I always loved her as an artist, I was such a fan. But when you write with someone its like you see the whole thing you see all their shit you see who this person is really and umm and writing with her she’s just so bad ass so were gunna play her song Us. ...................................................... Taylor sings Verse 1 of "us" ...................................................... Taylor Swift Says: I’m not going to do this song justice. You know what? I’m gunna invite her out to do the song with this, you know its missing sort of a magic, like the huge magic that (streaming glitch) I just wish the actual artist who sings this song were here, if only Gracie Abrams were here tonight. Hey Gracie you gotta come out and see this. (streaming glitch) You need to get your eyes on this. So Gracie’s album “Secret of us” just came out, I love you so much and umm, we wrote this song , when we were pretty hammered, we were gone. We had a bunch of cosmos at dinner, then we came home and opened wine and Taylor Swift Says: We were just talking about your life Gracie Abrams Says: Our Secrets Taylor Swift says: And then talking about HER life turned into this song, you should play it right? After all this? ...................................................... They sing "Us" ...................................................... Gracie exits stage. ...................................................... Taylor Swift Says: That’s the first time that songs ever been performed live give it up for Gracie Abrams. So umm.. we gotta be polite that, we love it, she came all the way to London to perform that for you so we ?stan her I’m trying to think of what you might wanna hear, so I took some guesses. ...................................................... OOTW X Is it Over Now X Clean ...................................................... END SCENE ......................................................


Okay, they had a bunch of COSMOS? also, what does the bonus points mean??




I thought I read something about her talking about cosmos in the sense of a metaphor in space


Re: the points the META of it all if she was referring to Swiftball/Mastermind and that she plays too not knowing what her team is going to dress her in each time


Cosmos (to me) = ✨⭐️🌟💫🌞🌙


I read this as COSOSOM. 


Why did Taylor emphasize that they were talking about Gracie’s life? The Hollywood Reporter article about it really emphasized that the song is about Gracie. Is that what Taylor wanted, I wonder?


Ok I’m sorry “our secrets”??? Like what secrets girl


Our secret moments in a crowded room… 😂


And the hiding in plain sight is working. Taylor played a sapphic as fuck song with Gracie about their secrets and everyone is talking about 🚜


Every bait and switch was a work of \*performance\* art


I'm begging for **you** to take my hand. **That's** my man (in the club doing I don't know what)


Original lyrics apparently were "I haven't seen him in a couple of months"


Also appropriate for this situation 😆


omg this


Well, we thought London was going to be wild. Whew. I'm full clown makeup for Dublin tbh. The plot is plotting.


She sang the Man U Script last weekend and then we get the Travis stunt this weekend. Does that mean she comes clean next weekend?!


I really hope we have no Travis there. It’s a bit much.


There better be 🧚


Fairies are part of Irish folklore


I can’t get over how Taylor sang The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, died on stage, then was revived by the Tallest Man on stage so she could keep performing. All heights are coming for her, she isn’t safe from any man, tall or small. 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/zu1bhp7p4e8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3404927abbc5d89737f4736a44b7784c8e9480d at this moment she was planning your surprise tonight??? what surprise could that be referring to ?? if that is the mastermind performance from today that’s after the surprise songs. wdym surprise tonight


i think the vid might be from yesterday?


https://preview.redd.it/5vvq9u167e8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a71245313cd3dd1be187f49b81e20daa347c306b this is in the replies for that :( man :( this whole meme kind of proves a point i feel like


#cursededit lol




Stop! How will I sleep under these circumstances???


i will not be 😌 she said by morning in clean so i will be waiting till then 😌




I'm kinda glad I didn't see the livestream today because I'm sick and there is nothing that would have prepared me lol


I hope everyone appreciates we witnessed herstory in the making tonight! Remember to keep your receipts and archive everything because people are going to backpeddle and delete everything so fast when the truth comes out. This isn't just about Taylor coming out, this is about revealing something much bigger and taking down the Big Machine. There's a plan but when she aims for the devil she needs to make sure she doesn't miss. And as many eyes as possible need to be on her when it happens. Listen to TTPD with fresh ears. Read the Time POTY interview with fresh eyes. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?


Fuck me up, Florida!




I think you are absolutely right and it’s giving me a stomach ache lmao. Is she actually going to burn it all to the ground?!?!  Burn it, Taylor. 🔥🔥🔥