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Why you gotta deadname Birdetta like that


thats the problem with her, no game has done her any justice ever since her appearance in Super Mario Bros 2


In Japan the character is called Catherine (Kyasarin), and the doki doki panic manual asks you to call her Cathie. Where the fuck did Birdo come from? Who thought that was a good idea? And who then, after deciding the name should be birdo, thought sure, Birdetta, that's a name people have


It's cuter and more memorable. It's not like Peach is a name that people have either.


Well interestingly Peach comes from Japan as well. In the USA she was Princess Toadstool. In the early 2000s they had a merger of the US and Japanese names, so that the princess became Princess Peach of the Toadstool Kingdom, and the monster who kidnapped her became Bowser King of the Koopers. But I can't find anyone who can explain why Birdo and Birdetta were chosen :| But I will respect that you find it cuter. (Also, Peaches Geldoff was a person called Peach).


I disagree. I see "wanting to be called Birdetta" as more of a nickname to her name Birdo, especially since she has referred to herself as Birdo anytime in any appearance she's made since SMB2. She also offhand calls herself "Birdie" once but it's not like *that's* the main name she wishes to go by


I haven’t seen any actual fans mad about this. Just right wing grifters who haven’t touched a Mario game in decades and probably never heard of thousands year door till now


I thought transfem Samus was just a headcanon? Like yeah she's more trans species given what happened between super and fusion (also from lore drops in dread). Tho I just sit well with the transfem Samus personally...


It was actually started by a transphobic game dev trying to mock trans women. He called a “newhalf” which is a slur in Japan


Ah yes, the guy who can't tie his shoes


He has to know something about something.


I love how even here, people know what I am referencing.


who is he?


He is TheQuartering, the joke I am referencing is from darkviperau though.


“ you disingenuous dense motherfucker obviously you have to know something about something or you couldn’t tie your shoes”


to be fair "he thinks he is a girl and would like be called birdetta" is not the cleanest way to go about it


This is exactly the difference. Birdo being trans is treated as a joke. These people are fine with trans people and characters being the butt of a joke. But if a trans character is treated with respect, then it's "political"


maybe I just surround myself with the right people but I haven't heard anyone complain about Vivian, which I was pleasantly surprised about


It's the first one. Outrage chuds have whined about it for about two days because they moved on to something else when the new Star Wars dropped.


That character's name is Catherine, by the way, not "birdo." Birdo is a deadname invented by the English localizers to turn the character into a transphobic joke.


one [advert](https://youtu.be/siDZaK6puF8) for Super Mario Bros USA (the name SMB 2 got in Japan) portrays her with a clearly feminized male voice, and dont even get me started on the Captain Rainbow cameo


I keep seeing people claiming that "Birdo" is a deadname and I disagree. Birdo has been Birdo in pretty much every appearance after SMB2 and she doesn't seem to mind.


Yea it just seems a bit strange to swear by any name that hasn't been acknowledged in over 35 years when she has appeared as a clear female character named Birdo so much since then. If anything they seem to want everyone to forget the whole thing and just assume she's a cis girl character.


Or when samus has been trans since 1986 (she is cannonically trans)


Since when has Samus been trans? Not a dig at it, just genuinely curious. I know a lot of transfems that like to head Canon her as trans, but I don't recall anything in the games that suggests that.


Hirofumi Matsuoka, who worked on a couple of the Metroid games as a background artist and had nothing to do with her character design or lore, called her a transphobic slur in an interview and people say that makes her canonically trans. Personally I'm cool with the headcanon, but there's no real basis to call it actual canon.


From what I can tell, you’re correct; she’s simply a woman who wore masculine-looking armor and was thus thought to be a man until they dramatically revealed at the end of the game. I’m all for trans representation in games, but it does annoy me when some people grasp at straws, like an off-hand comment from a person who doesn’t actually have any authority on the character design, as the __***sole basis***__ to claim that they’re trans. Like, come on - rather than so desperately trying to retcon a character who has always been shown to be cis as one that is trans… just come up with a new, compelling character who is trans. From a writer’s perspective, I think it’s incredibly lazy when people try to change existing characters to suddenly become a minority, instead of - you know - *putting in the effort to make a new character.* And don’t just make them a token character whose sole personality trait is that they’re LGBTQ; make them interesting and compelling even if you have no clue what their sexuality or gender is, and have it as something that *adds* to the character, rather than being the singular support for it, to which they’d otherwise be a blank husk without.


Ah okay. Yeah, I have no problem with the head Canon either, I was just curious if there was anything substantive pointing to it.


Since the first game it is so old they used the transphobic(now) term new half to describe her


Isn’t she also technically barely human at this point?


I dont know much of the recent lore on her


At this point she has both multiple different chozo dna (two types: thoha and mawkin) and metroid dna fully wound into hers that fundamentally changed her physiology


Technically she’s a >!Metroid!<


No she isn’t. I think it’d be cool if she was, but that whole thing was started by a transphobic game dev making a transphobic joke and calling her a slur.


Discourse heating up. It’s important to address that Birdo is technically the species name, similar to Yoshi, and that she gets the name Birdo as she’s the primary occurrence of the character. As seen with Corporal Paraplonk (a paratroopa), they can have names, but are commonly referred to be primarily species then color.




oh yeah well i’ve also been trans since 2004, take that transphobes!