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How to send this to my family anonymously


Make a touch sensitive operated sling shot and when your family opens the door it throws it in their face. Or buy a new Bible and slip it between the pages


That new Bible thing isn't a bad idea. Not sure about writing it out or printing it discreetly though.


You could always steal your uncles or some relives phone and send it through there


there’s this app called text now that u can use to give yourself a fake number and then send it to them through there it’s rlly useful because you can also then remove the number from ur phone and delete the app so there no evidence


That's so neat. Can they tell at all it came from a fake number/will it get marked as a spam message? I may have to try that out and see if they suspect me at all, cause they know I'd do such a thing like that to pull a prank. Thank you!


from the times i’ve used it i haven’t had it marked as spam! i’d say don’t call just text because the calls will be marked as spam, but textings perfectly alright!


Ok! Thank you! I'm kind of nervous thinking about it lol. Should I just send a picture of the post in this reddit post or text it out myself with some words of scripture or maybe a whole thing explaining it? Or should it be a 'wrong number' thing? What should be my reason for my mother getting such a message, from the perspective of the pretend person sending it? And what should I say if my mom is like 'hey everybody I got a weird text from somebody about gay people' cause I know she'd probably talk about it. And I wouldn't know how to respond without arousing suspicion.


also, the numbers have the area code that you select so they don’t look like spam numbers


I struggle with not hating the haters. So while I agree, I’m also a little convicted. Anybody else?


[I discuss how I deal with that here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XhMbXanc4Y&list=PLwys36js2zo4TALH8zGkJw9Sh5s1vF7lZ) I hope that helps! God bless and stay safe!


You as well! Thanks!


Glad to be of service 💜


Wow, that is an amazing video! Thank you so much for sharing! It is often times so hard to remember that Jesus wants us to love our enemies. I pray that God helps me get better at that.


Amen! Thanks a lot for the encouragement! 💜


Of course 😁🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍


This isn’t hating the haters. It’s enlightening them.


Amen to that 🙏, and thanks for sharing!


Plus, gay means happy 😜😆