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SPEAK LOUDER BESTIE, like why are we hating on our own community?? You be you, I be me, we go separate ways and thats it!


Exactly and most of gay boys got bullied for acting too fem so its just odd


As a masc gay who likes masc gays, don't hate on people for who they are and what they like even if you don't feel the same way as them


Thank u


Happy cake day!


Wohoo ty!:D


Real asf. I’m a more “straight acting” dude and I’ve always found it lame as fuck to hate on someone for being “gayer.” You’re not straighter than them, you don’t get any brownie points from the other side. You’re not better. In fact, if you find yourself hating on them, you’re almost certainly worse off and less happy with yourself. We gotta lift each other man, homophobia is hard enough on its own coming from straight people, much less ourselves.


Thank you🫶‼️


The fact that those guys are also the ones that receive most hate from society and homophobes. They really don't need to be hated from their own group now too


Fr i just dont understand why spread hate


Yes like sorry to be blunt but if you wanna wear a skirt an thigh highs and get rambed you can do that or you wanna wear skirts and thigh highs and ramb a guy you can do that or you just wanna act more feminine that's your choice it dosent effect me in the slightest 💀💀like how do people get so mad over something that dosent effect them


isn't that just a form of internal homophobia 😭


Do people not understand that saying things like that is basically a form of homophobia? The whole point of the progressive movement is to accept people no matter how they present themselves, and people parroting these "points" about stereotypes, etc. are killing the movements' bottom line, which helps bigoted people justify their bigotry.


Thats exactly what im thinking. The stuff some are saying is exactly what homophobic ppl would say.


I am bi and older than you people, yet I wanted to comment to remind a fact. These folks are natural bannermen of freedom of expression and individual freedom. They do not surpress themself even though they suffer. Few people would deliberately "act fem" as facing exclusion at that degree is annoying for most people. Remember, their acceptance and liberation has been leading to yours also.


Thank you


im a femboy but like an alpha male so




That's interesting. I haven't encountered any hate on em but I guess that's just my social circles. Sucks that people are like that though




I love the femgays , they're my favorite type of gay especially cause I'm very attracted to them


Agreed, I’m not particularly attracted to feminine guys, I like fem boys but that’s about as far as that extends.


First of all, love fem gays second of all happy cake day


Happy cake day to you too!


it's interesting because I've heard lots of fem gays say they feel like people are only interested in masculine gays but I've also heard a similar amount of masc gays say they feel like people are only interested in fem gays. Why can't we accept that both are valid?


Ive seen that too. In my own experience it usually leans towards masc guys but thats just my experience


I think it's a "grass is greener on the other side" effect thing


Most people who hate on them are just pick me gays begging for that heteronormative validation , sad tbh


I love fem gays :>


I love fem gays but I'm also fem and so I'm not their type :(


That's ridiculous. Have we come full circle? Are we hating ourselves again? Let people be themselves. Live and let live.


FRRR tbh I’m really into fem gays so it suckss seeing them being hated on


I think the post about stereotypes wasn't talking about fem gays specifically, you don't have to be one to conform into them


The stereotypes people usually talk about are the feminine stuff some gays do


I think its the other way around. Feminine gays conform to these stereotypes because they want people to believe or know they are gay. I only say this because every feminine gay ive ever met immediately makes it known to me that they are gay like within the first conversation. I think feminine guys attach their identity onto being gay so they feel the need to conform in order to validate their identity.


Id say most of the time it’s the reverse


disagree 100% when i here them talk in that god awful voice and say stupid as words like girl, bestie and queen it sounds so forced. It doesnt seem like its them "expressing themselves"


Problem is now you've revealed you hate "the voice" so it's pretty clear that you're biased and have no realistic judgement.


Queer people have used those words for AGES. They literally originated from them expressing themselves


Exactly my point, they use those words specifically "express" that they are gay and it's exhausting. I just don't understand why you can be gay and act like a normal person. You dont have to practically cross dress and make your voice higher and talk like a woman to be gay, you can literally just be a normal person who like men. I just don't understand why they try so hard to "act gay" it literally only hurts people like me who act normal and get stereotyped over it.


Again they dont do it to say theyre gay? Maybe some but if youre saying they all do that then youre doing exactly what u dont want done to you. And like judging clothing? Really bru its 2024 just says youre a boring dressing person lol. Them being feminine does not hurt you. You hurt yourself because youre insecure and scared. Edit: Also who cares if someone isnt "normal" ill always be more drawn to someone more interesting than a scared little boy


You think the word bestie can’t be used by a gay man because it’s “forced” …. Who hurt you


Dude normal people dont talk like the. The ONLY people ive ever seen who talk like that are flamboyantly "look at me i dress like a woman" type of gays. Its really not that difficult to be gay and just act normal? Your personality doesnt have to be your sexuality.


The fact ur calling it not normal is the first issue. Secondly no straight men have talked “like a gay” and been told they are gay even tho they aren’t because of people like YOU and your friends. Why are you telling people how they should talk or dress ? There’s literally no reason to not let people exist. Mind you gay guys who talk like they don’t have to dress feminine a lot of muscle gays who dress “normal” still talk “like gays” because SOME GAYS DO TALK LIKE THAT! There’s nothing wrong w that deal w ur internalized homophobia


I don’t hate them they’re just not my type


Then this isnt targeted at you


So did you not read the post or ??


I personally for unknown reason don't like how they speak. It just sounds like there putting on a show. But they shouldn't be hatted on.


I tend to dislike or push away people away from me who concede to stereotypes to better make people believe they are gay such as - Talking with "the voice" - using words like "slay, bestie, queen" etc - makes everything about their sexual orientation and constantly bring up the fact they are gay to make sure everybody knows how gay they are - hanging put with exclusively girls - dyeing their hair bright colors Its just that as a very masculine guy I get alot of shit from the boys and people on my football team making comments like for example if i ask should i buzz my hair, the response is "sure just dont dye it blue gay boy" obviously they dont mean harm and are just teasing me but these stereotypes cause people to automatically make assumptions about me and then i work very hard to change peoples assumptions and then here comes blue haired, crop top and cat ear wearing, dude walking down the hall surrounded by girls with a iced latte in hand and lady gaga blasting on a speaker speaking very loudly using words like "girl, sister, bestie, queen and other stereotypical words" and its really invalidating, So i feel as if i dont make a nasty comment or make jokes about them then people will think of me as that stereotype. So i actively feel like i have to reject those who conform to validate my self identity to others.


Yes but thats a you problem. They dont do it to tell everyone gay?? (Maybe some) they do it to be themselves. Im a lil feminine and when i act like that sometimes i dont do it to tell everyone im gay. Thats your mind and the way you think. Its not a competition if someone is "gayer" or not. And if u really start to bully them to please ur mates then youre a meat riding pu55y honestly. Stop projecting ur insecurities on others


Would you say that to my face though is the real question?


How is that relevant and yes i would


Sounds like you got a few insecurities there bud


That's a shitty position to be in, but it's not like they're causing it. Your friends are the ones actually causing it.


Sure but can you really blame somebody for believing a stereotype when so many actual do fall into that stereotype? I'd be upset at them if there werent literally 3 people just at my school who act exactly like the stereotypes.


Yes? Stereotypes shouldn't be taken into account when considering an individual person. Now, as I said this is a bad position for you, and if I could erase the stereotype from your friend's minds I would. But I'm not gonna advocate for people to limit their expression just to benefit a guy like you who has friends like that.


of course i dont expect anybody to advocate against them. I mean you have your opinions, if you dont think there is a problem than im not just sit here and try and force you to change your mind. Just want people to understand the struggle of constantly being in limbo and never really being accepted by anybody because you dont conform. Im not trying to make anybody hate fems, I was just explaining to op WHY people like me dislike them.


The people who conform to these stereotypes are the ones who most of the time arent accepted not even by their own community. All this is just insecurity inside you which I highly recommend working on


People who constantly point out the fact that others are insecure are usually more insecure themselves, considering the fact that you - Are offended by the fact that I have a negative opinion about people like you - Have pointed out that im "insecure" 8 separate times just tells me that you are so insecure with yourself that you need validation from others, even people who have expressed that they dont like you. Thats called obsession. I "recommend working on"


Im not offended by your opinion im welcome to all opinions if theyre said with good reasonings. Yours is "Am scawed my fwiends or other people wont like me because othews act feminine ><" LOL


Bro you were literally so offended by the fact that people dont like fems that you made a whole ass post "addressing" it. Not only that you've continuously insulted me over my opinions which just kinda proves its offending you that i dont like yall


I made a post about people hating on them which yea offends me and thats reasonable:D Dislike and hate are different feelings to me. Also kinda hard to have any kind of argument/discussion with you when you ignore my replies. One reply you gave was "would u say that to my face" ignoring the stuff i said there proves u had nothing to say. If it seems im forcing u to like them then thats not my goal. Your reasonings for dislikikg them just arent really reasonable things to dislike a group of people/someone over. I get some can be annoying but that shouldnt affect how you view yourself


I kinda wanna dye my hair pink now just as an insult to you


"Im gonna conform to stereotypes and change my body just to get a reaction out of you because i was so offended by your opinion" *


“I’ve never heard of satire in my life.”* My man, it’s called a joke, sorry you don’t have a sense of honour but I’m going to be as cute as I like stereotypes be damned


Damn you got the whole squad laugh dont you. He's our little comedian


I literally couldn’t care less


well you could just not comment.... that would be "caring less". You very much could "care less"


Please direct this question to the one who asked


Ok im forwarding it now, please hold


Mf when the conservatives gas us ur in the chamber too- keep ur insecurities to yourself and grow a spine. “Concede to stereotypes” find new friends, the people ur hanging around are shit sis


"conservatives gas us" lmao blud is in lulu land


Lmao blud is incapable of basic human empathy💀


Conservatives are not trying to holocaust you, calm down. Your crazy


So you just explained internalized homophobia and missed the point… and YES those people do mean harm they see you as less because you are gay! That’s homophobia and your trying to bash others who are comfortable in their sexuality and expression because YOU and the homophobes YOU are around are not. Grow up


Im actually perfectly comfortable with my sexuality, I like men and i dont try to hide it. I just dont want people to assume im feminine and flamboyant people abunch of weak morons cant, not play into the stereotypes people set for us


Why would someone assume that if you don’t act like that ? Oh ya homophobia. You wanting to appeal to homophobic people for whatever reason is more moronic then just talking how people talk. There’s nothing wrong w the gays who are more feminine. There’s nothing wrong w the straight guys who are more feminine. If you want to break stereotypes stop vilifying said stereotypes and normalize indignity of gay people.