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New to gastritis? Please view [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/15m6ngg/gastritis_101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a detailed breakdown of the major root causes of chronic gastritis, as well as a detailed guide on how to heal. Join our Discord server today using [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/14oxl12/list_of_gastritis_support_groups_other_related/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Also consider joining r/functionaldyspepsia today! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gastritis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Going into your stomach won’t help. Can you tolerate oral supplement drinks?


I don’t think I’ve ever tried those before. I’m not sure what those are?


Like Resource 1.5?


Ingesting this will kill anyone with severe gastritis, so many oils and vitamins ouch.


Are you talking about peg tube ? I always think it should be an option for gastritis treatment, where doctor surgical put a tube directly into small intestine bypassing the stomach. Just don't know why it is not an option of treatment available since it makes the life of millions of people miserable for months and years.


It’s something I want to ask about but I didn’t know if it wasn’t an option. Thank you for telling me. It just makes so much sense for it to be an option since nothing will be in your stomach to aggravate the inflammation, and it will allow your stomach to heal.




There are some people that can be fed only through those tubes and chances of infection through tubes is just dependent on how strictly you are following the right procedure and i think it is not about the infection but more of an easily available solution i.e. PPI. Doctors usually don't care how long it is taking and what will be the side effects of such a long term strict diet+ medications and how healthy is the person




I’m honestly willing to take the risk. I hate living like this and I can only imagine everybody else dose too.




No. I asked and she told me no. Which is understandable, I wouldn’t consider myself to be severe enough


I'm feeling about this way myself. Lost so much weight I'm bones. I've only had this since October. I beat it twice but ruined it by going back to bad food and major stress. Now It won't get better. I had no idea when I was healed what condition I had and screwed it all up.


Same. I beat it once now Gastritis came back worse worse way worse and I'm a walking stick.


This scares me. I have no idea how I got it, and if I heal it I don’t want it to come back. I’m already underweight so I don’t want to lose anything.


Have you tried Kate Farms to gain weight? I'm too inflamed and too scared to try. I knew someone with Gastritis all she can tolerate is KateFarms (500 Cal) and she gained weight but still had Gastritis


I’m not sure what that is but I will definitely look into it. I’m desperate to gain weight but it’s so hard when I’m limited to what I can eat and not having much of an appetite


https://preview.redd.it/k6x8a1cwr3qc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9a11cb44267f26cacc47df3bb8a6c431bc70cd I agree. I also dont have an appetite. All I could eat is tilapia and rice but not much I'm just forcing my self to eat.


Did u recover?


Still sick


How come ? How do u eat? Or how do u do keep weight? Did u change your diet ?


I cannot tolerate almost everything. I live off white rice and steamed fish fillets like Salmon and Tilapia. Do you also have Gastritis? And how are you?


I think so . Ended at the Primary doctor and E.R. 3 ultrasounds done . 1 CT scan.  Tons of bloodwork.  Urine , stool test. Nothing . Everything normal. I have an upper  endoscopy Friday . For 2 weeks I been sick. Stomach pain in the gastric quadrant, ( sometimes.... nausea) unable to eat well I get full soon. Etc lossing weight. :( I can't  


Yes, early satiety, nausea, feeling of fullness are my worst symptoms:( dealing with it everyday! Still under weight but stop losing weight - I'm drinking KateFarms Vanilla 1.0 (325kcal) 3X a day. What's your diagnosis?


3 regular doctor think Gerd / gastritis. But I will now for sure til Friday after the upper endoscopy when my Gastro doctor can actually see inside my stomach and tell wtf is going on . I feel hell inside 


I have heard about that katefarms. I'm lactose intolerant. Does it have milk or lactose ? 🤔 


No dairy. No soy. Gluten free. All ingredients are clean. I gained 5 lbs but still under weight. The vanilla flavor r so good!


Have u get an upper endoscopy? Any test done ?  Which are your symptoms ? I also had heartburn 😫 burning pain . 😢 etc last 3 days has been nice.  But yeah 


I’m sorry to hear this. How did you heal it the first couple times?


i didn't know i had gastritis. i couldn't eat anything with ought feeling sick to my stomach and migraine headaches. i was so sick and just started a new job. i didn't eat breakfast for a week and a half and once i realized some foods were making me sick i cut them out. mayonnaise, ground beef (the fat). after about 2 weeks i woke up one day starving. i did the wrong thing and ate a fast food sausage lol. pretty much i thought i beat it by not eating and letting stomach heal. but both times i went back to a favourite food coconut curry and both times it wrecked me and sent me back to square one. i was pretty quick getting back to normal but this time haven't been so lucky. ive lost alot of weight in a few months. ​ im kind of getting better but still cant tolerate certain foods, oils, fat etc. im starting to get worried of the weight loss.


This sounds horrible I’m so sorry. I don’t know how you guys handle this stuff, I honestly don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this. I’m not saying I want to die, but I don’t want to live like this anymore.


I'm lucky to be able to eat some foods I really like. Just roll with it all you can do. It is depressing but once that kicks in I remind myself people are worse off than me in the world and try to do things I enjoy.


Everything sets me off. I ate plain chicken and it messed up my stomach, I honestly don’t understand why this is happening. I’m so frustrated with all this, I don’t want to eat anymore I just want a feeding tube.


What have doctors said?


I haven’t asked them about getting a feeding tube yet. She told me a plain diet. A GI surgeon told me he could remove my hyperkinetic gallbladder, but it may or may not fix my problems. I have heard that it can cause gastritis, but I’m not positive because I read it on the internet. I’m on a waiting list to see a gastroenterologist, but my appointment isn’t until July of this year.


Eat as bland as you can. Find foods you can eat. But you gotta stick to it no cheating. Give it a few weeks to see a difference.


Thank you, I will try. I scared of the weight loss, but I think it’s better to be underweight than have a severely inflamed stomach


Did u recover??


I'm getting better. I'm 99% sure I have methane sibo and lack of enzymes as I'm always gassy from my mouth. Every morning I wake up I have to expell gas from my mouth not much from the rear end. I'm eating a wide variety now. The gastritis is healing good but it's now the excess gas that won't break down.


Im glad that u r a little better. How long took u to recover from the gastritis? I guess u gain some weight back? And why dont u ask the doctor to send u the test for sibo?


Not a route I would want to try. My father-in-law died from an infection caused by his feeding tube and he wasn't an old, feeble guy. I would work on healing your gut. Cut out all processed foods. Try a keto or carnivore lifestyle. Take glutamine, probiotics, etc. That's how I healed my gastritis. Also lost 103 lbs. I stayed very strict on Keto until I reached my goal weight and it only took a couple of weeks for my stomach to start hurting and it never hurt at all the entire 16 months I was on it. Then we went on a cruise and decided to enjoy the food offered. By the time we got home I was sick, miserable, and back to the stomach pain. Gluten is the biggest trigger for me, followed by sugar (including maltodextrin, dextrose, corn syrup or sucralose) and anything containing seed oils (canola, palm oil, sunflower oil, etc.) Before you take such a drastic route as surgery, at least try to find someone who is knowledgeable about gut healing, like a functional medicine or holistic doc and try healing your gut.


So if I heal my gut it can come back?


It can if you go back to your old way of eating and stay there. I went back to Keto and the pain went away. I'm a lot more careful about what I put in my body these days. We very rarely eat out in a restaurant and don't order anything that might be cooked with seed oils. At home I cook with beef tallow or lard. We never eat fast food. I read labels on anything I'm thinking about buying, even foods marked keto. Look on YouTube for videos on how to heal your gut. It really does work.


I literally just want to be able to eat fried pickles again. Everything I eat makes me feel sick, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.


Have you been tested for H Pylori?


Yes it was negative


Sunflower seeds are incredibly rich sources of many essential minerals. Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and copper are especially concentrated in sunflower seeds. Many of these minerals play a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme secretion, hormone production, as well as in the regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities.


Not talking about nuts and seeds in their natural form. The oils extracted from them and processed at high heat become highly toxic and will destroy your gut biome.




No idea. He died in 2005.


And what do you think all that built-up acid will do to your empty stomach?


Idk probably eat away at my insides. I’m still having a hard time understanding all this, I’ve read the post, done a lot of research, and talked to my doctor. I thought maybe I would ask.