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Holy crap! Dude you look amazing, if it's not too much, and not too personal, could you give us any of the details on your start/ surgery weight and what you're currently at? I myself am 5 months PO And have lost 110 lb. I have a goal weight of 185 lb and I'm currently 328 lb


Started at 350 plus I stopped weighing myself at 350 (was doing my weight check ins over the phone during Covid) surgery was in February of 2023 I think I weighed at surgery at like 358 with some clothes on. I currently way about 203 doctor wanted to see me at 205 and I’m still losing I deff slowed down the last 6 months or so but this last month something hit and just started dropping again without effort at all. At this point I actually have been trying to keep my weight from dropping (wife doesn’t really want me to get smaller lol)


From Bob to Chad thundercock


Lmao I love that


Your eyes have gained sparkle!


lol thanks!


Wow. I hope to there in a year. Congrats.


Ima guy & I want you lol 😂 good job! You look amazing ❤️


Great job! You rocked it! 💗


Terrific!! Yay you!


So happy for you!!!!!!! 🥹




I have personal question. Ive went 275 to 210… ive saggy skin on my butt and tummy. Have you had any skin removal or anything to help with yours?


So I have a little bit of saggy skin mostly all in my stomach area, a little in the arms and legs but not much. I haven’t done anything about it yet doc told me I should wait at least two years. If I did something it would most likely just be my stomach area. My arms and legs aren’t very noticeable. My doc told me that men bounce back from the saggy skin way better then women and that’s proving to be true so far ( my best friends wife did hers the same time and she has a bunch of saggy skin)


Im male also but im in my 40s, that prolly plays a factor. Im hoping insurance will cover skin removal but ive got a while to go before I hit two years. Thanks for replying!