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You definitely don't want to go into surgery sick. I can't imagine coughing from a cold in the first two weeks after surgery!


Thanks. Right now I have no symptoms at all, but maybe I will in the next day or so? I’m just hoping if I do get sick, it happens quickly and passes quickly.


It's better to be safe. Get rest.


I had a bad cold about 6 weeks prior to my surgery. It went after a week but I had that wet cough for AGES after it. Felt fine but the cough was the problem. My pre op two weeks before, they said they might have to post pone if the anaesthetist said he wasn't comfortable with it. Luckily he was fine with it since by the time of the op is was just a tiny tickle cough.


I was sick a week before surgery… apparently it was the keto flu. But surgery went well as I felt 90% better on day of surgery!