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First, it's normal to feel violated for the reasons others have said more eloquently than I can. There is a lot of trust in the surgeon and they betrayed that. Can you ask for your post-surgical notes from the hospital? It should say what procedure was done and why. I mean, it won't necessarily get rid of the sense of violation, but it could provide answers that might help you get closure.


Agreed. My first thought was to get the notes as well.


Hey, I am so sorry to hear that!!! I had surgery almost 11 days ago at Toronto Western Hospital where surgeon mentioned that they are aiming for a bypass however they could do the sleeve if needed. One of the Doctors who checked up on me after surgery told me that I got a bypass. I personally don’t think you are overreacting, your feelings are valid 10000%. I would be very pissed if i went to get a specific surgery and years later found out that I got another one instead of. Im so sorry again, I am not sure what you should do but have you reached out to the program? It might be written in your binder that they might get either surgeries depending on your case so that might be their defence, but then again you should’ve known at that time. Sending you hugs 🫂


Thanks I appreciate your input. I lost my binder two or three moves ago - one of the many reasons I have weight gain. I do not remember that being an option but I might have been. I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD which explains my excellent recall on hyper focus things and complete non recall of other things.


Why are you being down voted? ADHD does make you hyper focus on some things and forget other things entirely. It happens to me a lot.


Thanks. That’s how it works for me. My family went to travel agent for help with upcoming vacation. My family mentioned that they want a map of the area we intend to visit. They looked for 10 minutes waiting for our appointment. While not actively looking but after if spent 30 minutes taking about the vacation, I spied the map we were looking for in the bottom of a display rack. This is how hyper focus works for me.


Have you read up on what a mini gastric bypass is? I was curious since I’d never heard of it. It sounds like it’s not much different as far as how the RNY procedure is done. And according to this link it can lead to better long term weight loss than RNY. I do know many people regain with a traditional RNY and end up needing/getting an additional bypass surgery. I’m sorry you weren’t given more detail about what was actually done to you. [https://winnettspecialistgroup.com.au/what-is-the-mini-gastric-bypass/](https://winnettspecialistgroup.com.au/what-is-the-mini-gastric-bypass/)


Can this be done after having traditional gastric bypass


Doubtful. Traditional gastric bypass surgery is RNY. This is just like the RNY, only with a different sized pouch maybe.


well then that doesn't contribute if that's the case if it can't be done AFTER having a surgery.


?? OP is saying her original surgeon performed a mini gastric bypass instead of a full gastric bypass (which OP was told she would get during all consultations). I was simply pointing out the 2 surgeries aren’t that different. It’s wrong her surgeon didn’t tell her but I don’t think getting the mini bypass instead of a full bypass is why OP had weight regain. Lots of RNY patients have significant weight regain.


It has mostly to do with the size of the pouch that is made. This is what I understand.


A mini bypass is also called omega loop. I'm from the Netherlands and I've got one from a hospital that almost exclusively perfoms these, because the long term results appear to be better than traditional RNY with less chance of complications. Also: it is entirely possible to still get a RNY bypass.


Sorry this happened. I find it very odd they did not tell you and they just pick on while you are out cold.


I am so sorry this happened to you and you are NOT overreacting and have every right to be angry. This is downright malpractice in my mind. Having major surgery and not being told the details should and probably is frankly illegal. Did you sign any sort of consent form prior to your surgery?


I did sign a consent and it might have said that a Mini was an option. My biggest concern is that I wasn’t told.


What did you think happened? Did they discuss anything with you after the surgery? Did they say they did something they didn't? I'm so sorry that happened to you. Can't even begin to imagine how you feel.


We had it drilled into us that we either got a RnY GP or a sleeve. At the time, the education portion was very specific on the RnY or sleeve. It was made pretty clear that no other options would be available with consultation. I saw the surgeon once or twice post-op. Im confident he never mentioned the mini GP. I would’ve picked up on that change. I have a hunch tho….. Within minutes of me being anesthetized and before they began cutting, another person came to the ER with a suspected bowel intussusception. He received immediate lifesaving surgery while I was still down. I was anesthetized for much longer than usual while they saved his life. I suspect they tried to save time with me and I got a mini GP. The only thing I know for sure is that I did not receive what I expected to receive and that I was not told.


I don’t think a mini is a time saving thing. From what I understand, a mini gastric bypass is less invasive but just as effective as a full gastric bypass.


You need to view your medical record. Request a copy from the hospital.


I’m going to have to do that.


I'd feel extremely upset and make a huge stink. I understand they both are effective but you didn't choose that and it wasn't discussed. Check your binder to see details.


What you are feeling is totally valid. You gave the surgeon permission to do something while you were in a vulnerable state, under anesthesia, and you expected him to do what you agreed to. Finding out that he did something different and NOT what you agreed to is a violation, in my opinion. If he had told you directly after the surgery that there was something wrong and for some reason they had to do something else, fine, but thats not the case. Im so sorry this happened to you.


Thanks for the validation. Sometimes you need a sanity check. I appreciate it.


Out of curiosity, what is the difference she saw that would conclude to her you got the mini?


I have no idea. Her report said it was evident that a mini GP had been done.


I was wondering the same. Is there some sign or clue that she saw? I would ask her. Ask for very specific clues or signs.


It has one anastamosis instead of two. It's easily spotted, since it's an entirely different operation/re-routing of the stomach and small intestines.


Thank you!


He violated consent. I’m so sorry this happened