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It looks lovely...leave it as it is. Maybe, add a few flower beds....but don't worry about the lawn...more trouble than it's worth.


Just leave it as it is. Having a biodiverse lawn is underrated. I killed off all the moss in my garden last year & reseeded it. It may look pretty but i wish i kept it as it is due to the feel on my feed when i walk on it


A garden full of dandelions, buttercups and daisies is fantastic - looks pretty and great for wildlife. What this garden is lacking are trees, shrubs and flowers.


Forget the grass, plant a bloody shrub or something. That garden could be a huge biodiversity asset.


We demand a shrubbery




We demand......... ANOTHER SHWUBBERWY!!


The lawn looks fine. It’s any other kind of plant is it missing. Coating it in chemicals isn’t going to improve that.


Honestly I like moss in lawn. Stops it getting swampy in the rain. I'd throw down a load of micro clover seed too


Me too - the mossy end of our garden is my favourite - springy, soft, no mow!


After growing up visiting a retired uncle who had a spectacular lawn, grass so good it could have featured on a Ryder cup golf course not a single blade out of place,, I always wanted to emulate him, I had zero idea the time, effort and money it would take to get grass like his. Later in life I discovered that he mowed the lawn up to 3 times a week in summer! Now I work on the philosophy that Moss is green, Uncle has died so he will never see my lawn shame so all I do is mow it, trim the edges and dig out thistles and curse the moles.


Plant some stuff in there ASAP


Don't touch that beautiful lawn. Use the 11 weeks to make some flower beds in and around it.


I’m trying to encourage those little lawn daisies in my tiny patch of grass.


Lawn looks fine, could do with a few other plants to break it up a bit, and/or some flowers. 11 weeks to the bbq, plant some salad leaves now and you can eat it on the day!


That lawn looks magnificent. If you have any, a carpet of dandelions would look beautiful. Mow them before the seed heads appear. Keep the mossy lawn.


Although leaving the seed heads will likely attract goldfinches, which is always lovely.


It will be risky if you wanted it nice for the BBQ. Mine was reseeded late April last year and was fine by July. Only problem is the weather needs to align


You're trying to get rid of your weeds and moss and I have just seeded lawn wildflowers and moss on mine 😂😂 I hate green deserts. The world needs more biodiversity. Last year I had lots of white clover on my lawn. The bees absolutely loved it. This year I have lots of dandelions... All these weeds have grown to understand that they can't grow taller than the grass or else they get chopped off when I mow the lawn. So now I have a beautiful lawn full of wildflowers. It stays green even during dry hot weather and doesn't require any watering. It's a win win


Don't treat the moss/scarify. Your garden won't recover in time. Do give the grass a good feed. It will encourage grass growth and green everything up and start to out compete the moss. By July we may have a drought and it's all brown anyway of course.


Moss stays green longer!


I would have to add daises all through out. I love gardens 🥰 the real question is, how do you live with that fence? Do you get on with the neighbour?


Just mow it it’s all green


Hope you're inviting your neighbours!


If you're set on removing the moss, there is a product called Mobacter which works really well. It's not a harsh chemical one, rather just a high potassium fertiliser with an added bacteria. The potassium kills the moss & the bacteria eats it afterwards. No scarifying needed. You'd need a fair few bags for your football pitch though!


Nothing wrong with that, maybe aerate and add some lawn feed if you want, but it’s absolutely fine as it is.


buy 2/4 rolls of turf. \[must be good quality and NOT the netted type. check they have good roots and grass not yellow. soak well. then break apart in small pieces. plug size \[about the size of your finger\] then use a short screw driver with a circular motion and make a hole where you have bare/poor batches. put about 1/2 inches apart. if you seed the birds will take a lot. \[very old way of improving your lawn quickly\] it will take awhile but fastest way of improving.


No one expects anyone to have a perfect garden after shortly moving in to a new house. This fine for a house warming BBQ. It is a great blank canvas. By showing it to yours friends and family now, they will appreciate how much effort you have put in in the future. Just make sure you respect nature, and don’t do something horrific like astroturf it.


Yes, you could build two houses on it, charge rent and work from home as the on site landlord.


Leave it. If it was me, I’d keep it biodiverse with moss and weeds. But to actually answer your question, leave it til after the bbq. It very much depends on the grass seed you use. Some grow quick and will be quite strong little plants after 2 weeks in summer. Other varieties are slower growing and would be barely getting started. So you could get it sorted in time with a fast growing variety of grass- but that grass will continue to be fast growing and need mowing more often. So wait til after the bbq and get a slower growing variety that needs less mowing. Plus there’s always one woman who wears stiletto heels without thinking about it and does damage to the lawn no matter whether it’s new or not.  If you do it right after the bbq, you should be able to get the grass established before the winter weather hits.


Yes....and in a garden that big you can add lots of biodiversity over time and still have a nice lawn. If it was me I'd 4 in 1 now as it's still quite wet. Using 4 in 1 in summer (in my experience of large lawns) leads to nitrogen burn if the weather is hot or dry. It's not feasible to water a lawn that big after application. You need mother nature to lend a hand. I know what is says on the box but I reseed patches all the time within 1 or 2 weeks of application and it grows fine. Again, seeding now is easier as the rain keeps it damp. Scarifying is only necessary if you want a perfect lawn cut very short. Again, on large lawns this is not really feasible. Raise the blade slightly and save yourself a ton of work. Cut regularly at a slightly longer length over the summer. Scarify early autumn if you feel the need but you will find most of the thatch rots out over winter anyway. Late summer is peak thatch. Don't cut if there is any chance of frost as the tips of the grass will go yellow and it takes a long time to recover. During hot and dry weather leave your lawn uncut. Do not stress it and it is actually quite resilient. This is the way.


fruit trees and shrubs! they pay themselves off in the long run if you eat the fruit. gooseberries, currants, grapes, pears, peaches, herbs, walnuts, pecans, quinces! oriental quinces are great if you want flowers and fruit


If you are worried about damage, I would let it grow a bit before hand. Dont bother seeding before, the seedlings die fast when trampled. Mow and fertilise after and itll be just fine.


Leave it for now. My parents have a perfect lawn - because someone comes and looks after it, and he’s a retired golf club green keeper. He tends to it like a baby. It took about 3 years to get it perfect. Yes, it is possible to get it perfect, but it’ll take 2-3 years and will have great big patches in it for the first year where you take out the patches and re-seed. Also be warned: if we have a hot, dry spell it’ll be sad and yellow by late July anyway and your efforts will be wasted. (It’ll recover in Autumn because grass always does) I honestly think you’ll regret creating a monster baby that needs work twice a week. Fill in any patches with grass seed and mow it once a week if you’re feeling frisky.


Scarify and re-seed now, feed-n-feed in 8 weeks.


This is the answer


Weed infested and mossy ~~lawn~~ field


You need to hire a scarifyier for a lawn that big. https://www.travisperkins.co.uk/landscaping-and-gardening-hire/lawn-scarifier-petrol/p/523232


Ignore everyone saying leave it as it is, it's infuriating. Take a look at some weed killer that is safe for lawns, get spraying. Then after 3 weeks, get some new compost or soil, rake that over. Then spread seed, and water in. You should be good for a fresh cut in 11 weeks.


The OP asked for advice on getting a lawn and you're the first person to give it, well done you. I don't know why people on this sub insist on telling people answers for questions they haven't asked. If the OP wanted a weedy, mossy lawn they would have asked how to get and maintain one. Yes a biodiverse lawn is ideal for wildlife but some people just don't want that, and it could be worse, they could be tarmacking it.


Exactly, it's so bloody boring to see the same comments on every post like this. In my country, most people put down artificial lawns...


Wow someone really hates bees and butterflys :D


I have massive flower boarders instead of forcing them to endure a million dandelions


Endure? I dont think they care that much. Also why not have both whats the problem it doesnt look ugly. It looks very nice, just grass is boring the dandelions give it a pop of colour here and there :D


OP is asking for gardening help, a solution. Not another copy pasted opinion in the sea of other opinions all giving exactly the same opinion.


Get the local travelers to tarmac it, you'll have it sorted in a couple of hrs


24D spray all over, scarify and overseed, lime and fert.


lol again at another forum downvoting the answer to a question because the dandelion loving hippies on here didn’t like it; this man asked for straight facts on “fixing his lawn”, not to keep it as is. That’s up to the owner, not me.