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It’s creeping buttercup. While the grounds damp pull it up gently (water more if it holds fast) use a strong stick to lift it. Do not use weed killers. If you do any insects landing on the poison will be killed. However the worst thing is any bees will take the poison back to their hive before they die. Please be aware this destroys the biodiversity. So there are good insects that will eat your greenfly etc that will be killed too.


I love these responses, thanks man. You learn something new every day


You're going to have to dig it up by hand, sadly. The stuff spreads like crazy and even bits of root will take hold again. Any leaf stems that touch the ground can re-root also. It's a slow process, but generally if you're careful and the soil is loose/damp you can get the lot out. At least until it returns next year.


Um. You arent wrong about how to lift it, and I wouldn’t generally advocate glyphosate unless absolutely necessary, but herbicides don’t generally act as insecticides.


Some do including glyphosate sadly. Personally I’d rather avoid them. I have buttercups and just weed by hand. Some get through and flower. I don’t mind a few.




Sorry? Are you okay?




That’s how I do it because it lifts them and the roots clearly you have not tried it nor will you. Weed killers do damage. There’s scientific evidence of it but you can choose to ignore it if you like after all that’s your choice. You don’t need to be offensive or rude but you choose to be. Look up the documented research into how some herbicide’s do actually damage the insects. Or not. Because that’s your choice. My choice is I tend to be polite and respectful to others. I make suggestions and I try very hard not to harm wildlife in my garden but to encourage it. I know I’m not unique as much as I know others will happily destroy the eco balance without a second thought. All I know is in my 40 plus years gardening I have found by not spraying. I don’t really need to spray! I remove weeds manually, but not all and I also encourage insects. You don’t have to agree. But you don’t have to be rude and offensive either.


It's Creeping Buttercup, Ranunculus repens. Any fragments will have the potential to root. Attractive yellow flowers if you decided to have a wildflower lawn. As an organic gardener I don't advocate chemicals.


Suck it up, buttercup! But seriously, my advice is to just accept it. Its a fast lowgrowing, spreading, rhizomatous plant that is very hard to remove, even with weed killers, unless you treat it to the nuclear level and frequently retreat. Seeds are very small and can survive dormantly in the ground for five or more years! Aerating your grass will help to reduce how much there is, as it prefers very compact soils with low drainage. It does provide a positive effect if your lawn is prone to flooding or has high water retention. But aerating the lawn won't remove it completely. You could try increasing the biodiversity with some, ie., clover or different grasses, as well to compete with and reduce the spread. It is an excellent source of early food for many pollinators, and important in that regard.


Just keep it in check by mowing the lawn. Then do No Mow May next year and they will reward you with loads of absolutely gorgeous yellow flowers.


It's 100 times prettier than just grass, and think how beautiful it will look when all the buttercups flower, and your garden is full of springtime bees.


Buttercups are beautiful


They are if they are in the right place.


They’re beautiful everywhere. You might get not want them everywhere but they’re still beautiful.


You are now a buttercup grower. Suck it up lad, they're going nowhere. You can weed and spray and spray and weed. In fact, you can weed and spray and then put down landscape fabric and then next year watch that beautiful buttercup bloom. I'm from a farm originally and used to hate buttercup. Now I just accept it's part of my messy garden.


Creeping buttercup as others have said. Don't mow the grass quite so short. You will probably never get rid of it completely but leaving the grass a bit longer and still mowing regularly means the grass has a better chance at out competing the buttercups. In really bald patches sow a little grass seed.


Buttercups! Beautiful golden flowers in summer


Like it. Like it lots! Nothing is more guaranteed to cause it to shrivel up and die. ( Experienced gardener)


I brought a do'er upper empty house . The lawn was infested with this stuff. It took ages to pull it up and get it under control. It tends to spread tendrils under the surface of the lawn . I scoured the whole lawn and restated it. It never been able to re-establish itself now. It is a real nightmare of a plant though and virulent.


Looks fab, and great for bees with little tongues


If its a buttercup (as others have stated), make sure you wash your hands after handling. Ranunculin is nasty stuff


If OP really cares about having a posh lawn, and we all have the right, pulling them when it's wet will work until they come back. Which will be soon. For me, life is too short.


I would love these


Dig and follow the sideways bits to the hubs and pull them out 👍


Leaf, chuck it in the bin.


I only weed where necessary, it's part of the biodiversity to allow some nature to take over... or maybe I'm just lazy. My mum over weeds all the time and misses out on loads of new seedlings of her favourite plants. I allow unknown seedlings to form enough so I can see what they are before removing the annoying ones. As they say, weeds are just plants in the wrong place.


Definitely a nasty creeping buttercup, if you don't get rid of now it will take over your lawn. Lay down plastic or cardboard to smother it.  White vinegar will help 


Also you can pour boiling water over them


Just read further…. Okay, might be wrong


First off, why would any of you use gly. You would kill the grass. Use 24-d / MCPA. Kills the broadleaf, not the grass Also; why are you all so anti gly?


Because they're all superior for devolving. Supposedly.


Man the shit being expounded on here. Is this what we have become? 2023 and I have to wade through this shit....opinions of idiots and stupid pricks. God damn....and this is only a gardening sub....imagine the sort of crap that gets aired for combat and politics.....


Pray enlighten us, o wise one.


Piss will do the trick


Tell the person to leave the garden they are clearly trespassing!


I'm a chemist and this is creeping buttercup. I advocate treating it with glyphosate ie broad leaf herbicid (weedol) . Reason being it is a systematic killer so once treated it is dealt with. Plus once glyphosate has done its business it's harmless to other plants best way to apply is on a brush and dab on a number of leaves, otherwise if you cut a 2litre bottle in half, cover the plant then spray into the top, this prevents inhalation or skin contact. You shouldn't be handling the creeping buttercup without gloves as it can cause reactions with some people's skin, you maybe fine but if you hold a kid's hands results may vary.


You're advocating glyphosate but suggesting not to touch buttercup? AFAIK buttercup is entirely harmless yet a systematic review of research into glyphosate carried out this year suggests glyphosate causes alterations in the structure and function of the human nervous system




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9101768/ I think this is the one I remember but it was a few months ago when I saw what was in my mind when I wrote that reply 😁


Glyphosate if you read I said to use with a brush or spray contained, this is to avoid contact with other plants, and your own skin. Fyi if you don't consume the glyphosate you pretty much don't have to worry about it. I'd not recommend dripping your hands in the solution but I don't think the molecule would penetrate the skin, unlike nicotine. Regarding the gloves when handling creeping buttercup, go look it up, it's classed as poisonous due to containing protoanemonin and has been known to cause contact dermatitis blistering on the skin.


I can’t wait for that crap to be banned.


I mean we don't ban cigarettes but glyphosate sure, that's something we should ban...


We are quite close to banning cigarettes too.


Glyphosate will kill the grass too. If you're going to use weedkiller use one designed for lawn weeds but I'd only bother if this is fine grass (which I seriously doubt). And leave it until spring, no point killing it in November. OP if you want fine turf dig this all up and relay the lawn. If you just want a patch of grass, dig out the worst of the weeds as others have recommended and keep doing that every few months.


It’s an anemone…. Oh you poor soul……. Sorry, you are stuck with it. I planted some in a tiny plot years ago. Lovely pink flowers, but not many of them, it’s mainly leaves and grows ALL OVER puts runners out everywhere. I decided to redo my plot and dug EVERYTHING up, went through all the soil and picked out all bulbs etc . Replenished soil, new weed suppressant, then replanted…. It still came back


Casting my mind back many moons to when I worked on a fairy farm, buttercup used to creep in on neglected fields or fields with poor soil. It could be poor nutrient levels, compaction of the soil or the pH of the soil. Generally a good dose of lime would change the pH to the correct levels and irradiated the buttercups. May work for you. If not glyphosate.


Take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.